Changelog {#changelog}
## Fixed
- View Gizmo Drawer specifies type of View, no longer tries to run for every object in scene.
- TMProLinkAnim dictionary errors caused by duplicate entries when Domain Reload is disabled, Thanks to yano.
- Divide Equal now uses Unicode characters in place of ASCII slash in menus, so it shows correctly.
## Fixed
- Restore string VariableSubstitution in use of AnyVariableDataPair, found in SetVariable and VariableCondition (#841)
- Float variable comparison, typo causing comparison to self instead of rhs(#836)
## Fixed
- Build error in JsonChecker caused by missing asmdef in newer Unity versions. (#833)
## Added
- Conditional Commands now support multiple comparisons as a chain of && or ||. Thanks to preda2or, and AcademyOfF
- IWriterListener OnAllWorldsWritten fires when there are no words left to be written but writer may still have pending waits
- Entry based NarrativeLog alternate. Thanks to cg-tespy
- Option to grid snap blocks in the FlowchartWindow.
- TMPro Text animation via link text.
- Fungus Collection, varaibles, default types, and commands.
- Github Issue and PR templates.
## Fixed
- Portrait image shown as white when cycled through rapidly.
- Flowchart Window Search box steals focus
- Mushroom icon placement incorrect on some versions of Unity. Thanks to TonyJeffree
- Text and Background colour readability across Unity Versions and Pro skin. Thanks to DesperateHouseDev
- VariableData indents incorrect.
- Fix reshow of hidden portrait in Conversation. Thanks to jusw85
- FlowchartWindow search pop not showing on newer Unity versions.
- VS Solution file fix for Unity 2019.3.12
- Inspector DeleteSave button now deletes now more aware of target platform.
- Fungus VariableData single and mutliline variable drawing in more recent Unity versions.
- Possible null ref in Conversation editor during variable match check
- Block connections not drawing if origin block is not drawn.
## Changed
- Portraits are now all cached when requested under their own gameobjects and toggle active.
- Fungus Docs moved to github wiki
- JSONObject lib updated to newer version. Thanks to qrostar.
- CameraManager and View now use Tween types.
- Dragable EventHandlers now support an array of target dragables. Thanks to SarveshBajaj
- Flowchart GetVariables by type. Thanks to cg-tespy
- A null FungusVariables will now report their string value as Null instead of an empty string.
- Develop updated to Unity 2019.3.13
- Demo scenes rebuilt in minimum supported Unity version.
- Block selector now orders blocks by name.
- Block search now supports partial matches.
- Update to c#4
- Updates to Contributing, Code of Conduct.
- Menu command has a button to add a block for it to target.
- Character selector now sorts names.
- Portrait selector now sorts names.
- Update header license
- Writer uses InvariantCulture when parsing floats to avoid unexpected behaviour under changing system cultures.
## Added
- Search should search commands, not just block names (#775). Thanks to AcademyOfF
- Debug additions (#777) righclicking context menus additions and improvements on commands, blocks, and variables
- BlockCallers can be seen within the block inspector
- Variable referencers can be seen logged to the console
- Added a custom script importer for lua files. Thanks to Matthew Barnes
- Added Asmdefs
- Fungus Editor Prefs button to locate FungusEditorResources and changelog
## Fixed
- Defines and fallbacks for 2017 and 2018 (#781)
- CommandListAdapter sync command selection bidirectionally with selection in underlying reorderablelist
- Command text with 'Error:' shows red
- HighSpeedWriterFix; corrected rate of characters and more than 1 character per frame issue.
- FilterBlocks during SceneChange, now refresh as expected
- Command and Variables outside of Fungus assembly now locate
- Character selection preventing edits bug
- Restore Edit Mode Tests
## Changed
- FungusManager.cs Use "double checked locking" algorithm to implement the singleton for "FungusManager" class, which can improve performance. Thanks to AndyHan1001
- CommandSearchHeightFallback on some versions of Unity editor inspector height is not returning correctly so we make an educated guess if it seems unreliable
- More elaborated use of text in TMPro demo
- Block Inspector forces type at creation. Thanks to Michaelwolf95
- Warning when requesting menu elements that are not avaialble, such as more menu items that you have created.
- Fungus Docs can now generate in github markdown format
v3.11.5 {#v3.11.5}
## Fixed
- Mushroom icon for the inspector moved in 2019 as to not overlap the new visibility toggle Unity has added. #745
- FlowchartWindow MutliSelect now more strictly manages selectedness #744
- Portrait sprite issue in Unity 2019 #743
## Changed
- Experimental Searchable menus are now enabled by default #746
v3.11.4 {#v3.11.4}
## Changed
- Updated project to Unity 2019.1.0f2
- Updated to .NET 4.x
- Updated reference docs
v3.11.3 {#v3.11.3}
## Fixed
- Additional null checks around Flowchart.selectedBlocks and Flowchart.selectedCommands.
v3.11.2 {#v3.11.2}
## Fixed
- Static list caching in editor.
## Changed
- Spacing in debug output related to Block find and execute warnings and failures.
v3.11.1 {#v3.11.1}
## Fixed
- Compile error in Unity 2018.3.6f1
v3.11.0 {#v3.11.0}
## Added
- SetSprite: changes the image on the SpriteRenderer of one or more GameObjects
- SetUIImage: changes the image on the Image of one or more GameObjects (Joerg Burbach)
- Commands to store FungusVariable.ToString into a StringVariable and to parse a string into an Int or Float FungusVariable
## Fixed
- #729 VariableEditor popup name and key concat no longer has spaces, allows the PopUp to correctly nest items with the same parent
- #732 BlockInspector correct top panel height in 2018_3 BlockEditor only force unique name if it has changed
- BlockInspector and BlockEditor changes to display correctly in 2019.1.0a13
## Changed
- #728 FlowchartWindow performance for 100s of blocks
- #727 Support use of TMPro in Set Text, Get Text and Narrative Log Menu commands
- #733 Command can now cache a list of referenced variables that are checked by the variablelistadapter for highlighting
- Flowchart can identify add variables found via the substitute regex
- Commands that use SubstituteVariables on their string data use the new caching method so they can highlight variables that will be used during substitution
- #733 HasReference added to many commands that lacked them or had only partially checked vars
v3.10.0 {#v3_10_0}
## Added
- #725 Added Stop Then Call mode in Call command. Stops the calling Block immediately, instead of waiting a frame.
- #718 Say and Menu dialogs now support TextMeshPro directly
- TextMeshPro demo scene - A default say dialog but with TextMeshPro Text UI elements in place of uGUI Text
- A default menu dialog but with TextMeshPro Text UI elements in place of uGUI Text
- TextAdapter can be asked to include children in text output search MenuDialogue now uses TextAdapter rather than assuming UI.Text
- #720 Variable reference allows for selecting a flowchart a targeting a specific fungus variable for use from c#
- #705 Added FirstPersonDemo examples
- New audio commands: Play Ambience Sound, Stop Ambience Sound, Play Random sound.
## Fixed
- #717 Control Audio > Play Loop volume is always 1
- #723 Unity 2018.3 Warnings
- #711 Beeps in WriterAudio ignores last sound in array
- PLay Sound Effect volume is now independent of Set Music Volume setting
- Correct width calc on smaller width inspectors
- #708 Specifically identify choice blocks as hexagons in documentation
## Changed
- #721 Conversation text can now contain colons within the text body itself
- #719 Change FlowchartMenuItem.SpawnPrefab to GameObject.Inst rather than PrefabUtil to avoid exception modifications.empty
- #709 Command searchable pop up
- Added Fungus Preferences setting to enable Searchable PopupMenus
- #694 Adding Random Sound Command and Ambiance Sounds - thanks to Hector Castelli
- #704 Replaced Rotorz Reorderable List with Unity's InternalReorderable list
- ExceuteOnEvent dropdown is searchable -can double click to circumvent the search drop down -can remove event by setting None -use search similar to add command method
Changelog {#changelog}
v3.9.1 {#v3_9_1}
## Added
- Text Variation Handler: Adds Ink-style text variation in Say, Menu and Conversation commands. #695
## Fixed
- Fixed Reorderable List control errors in 2018.2. Compatible with 2017.4, 2018.1 2018.2 #697
v3.9.0 {#v3_9_0}
## Added
- Conversation command supports setting default clear, wait for input and fade options #673
- Added Fungus Priority Signals #671 #670
- allows fungus to notify the outside world that it is doing something of priority so the outside world can pause
- Added GetKey fungus command. #683
- Supports positive and negative keybindings output to a bool, float or int variable
- Supports checking for pressed, release and current state
- Uses keycode with optional fallback to key name
- Disabled Flowcharts and EventHandlers. #682
- Added Dialog history on Save Menu UI #675
- Added BlockReference, a simple data type with a property drawer that makes it easier to select a target fungus block from external c# scripts. #669
- Added comparison (equals and not equals) as well as assign functionality to most variable types. #668
## Changed
- Updated to Unity 2018.1 #681
- Conversation Manager Regex now allows - and _ within say params group. #692
- Conversation example scene makes some basic use of new Conversation features
- Update LeanTween to 2.46 #689
- PortraitController forces alpha and color tweens to be non recursive.
- Updated playground demos
- Football uses GetKey instead of GetAxis (get axis was failing in some packages as inputmanager axis were not imported)
- Defender had a bug due to a change in how unity syncs 'up' between transform and rb2d
## Fixed
- ElseIfs now confirm that the previous condition was at the same indent as themselves. #693
- NarrativeLog is tolerant of null Name or Story fields #690
- Force the hierarchy icon list to refresh when a script a is loaded/changed #672
- Eventhandlers no longer fire when the flowchart is disabled #682
- StopFlowchart can continue now #685
- Fixed stray \\ that were not being stripped on Mac OS, when importing editor resources. #686
v3.8.0 {#v3_8_0}
Many thanks to contributors stevehalliwell, FrederickKDP, MeMark2, KVinS, charblar, FatPuzo for their work on this release!
## Added
- Added Flowchart.HasBlock() and ExecuteIfHasBlock() methods
- Added Global Variable support. Variables have new 'Global' variable scope.
- Added GlobalVar demo scene
## Changed
- Updated project version to Unity 2017.4.0f1
- Refactored the set variable system to make it easier to add variable comparison options
- Added comparison and setting of GameObjects variables
- Updated Batch for newer versions of Unity3D web player #650
## Fixed
- Fixed compile errors in Unity 2018.1 beta
- Fixed compiler warnings in Untity2017.3
- Fixed repeat play of music #659
- Fixed conflicting EditorResource folder issue #664
- Fixed SaveMenu DontDestroyOnLoad problems #661
- Fixed docs: the block name in 6 of "Connections between Blocks" section from "Block2" to "Start" #663
- Fixed lua say() function to match new say method parameters
v3.7.0 {#v3_7_0}
Many thanks to maintainer Steve Halliwell for all the amazing new functionality in this release!
## Added
- Added Playground examples showing 3 simple arcade games made using Fungus
- Added Rigidbody2D variable type
- Added Vector3 FungusCommands - Fields, Normalise, Convert to Vector2, Arithetic
- Added TransformProperty FungusCommand. Get and Set a transform's fields and properties. Does not currently support rotation, localRotation nor the Mat4x4 commands as we do not have the appropriate FungusVariables to store them in
- Added FungusCommand to Reload Current Scene
- Added Rigidbody2D FungusCommands - AddForce, AddTorque, StopMotion
- Added Input GetAxis fungusCommand, fetch Input.GetAxis and store in a FloatData
- SpawnObject FungusCommand can now store the gameobject it instantiates and can spawn at itself
- Destroy FungusCommand can now be told to pass down a delay to Destroy
- Added Fungus Commands for most of MathF
- Added Math demo scene
- Added Mouse fungus event demo scene
- Added Monobehaviour fungus event handlers and physics demo scene
- Added LeanTween commands and demo scene that approximates the old iTween demo
- Added SpeakingCharacter property to SayDialog
- Added Fungus panel in editor preferences
- Added option to toggle off the fungus icon in the hierarchy in case it conflicts with other tools or is just undesired
- Added TextTag WVO WaitForVoiceOver #572
- Added ability to show variable list in the Flowchart Inspector #643
- OpenURL FungusCommand renamed, fixes #554 #642
## Changed
- SaveManager now uses json files in a FungusSaves sub directory for all platforms but webplayer & webgl which still use playerprefs
- GetCommandInfo returns the highest priority CommandInfo to better support multiple names while maintaining what is shown in the inspector
- Allow multiple CommandInfos to be added to a class SpawnObject can now also be found under GameObject/Instantiate
- Changed Fungus icon loading to use FungusEditorResources
## Fixed
- Fixed typo in BlockEditor.BlockField() #633
- Fixed custom editor for ElseIf command #630
- Fixed Prefab Variable Dereferencing #618
- Fixed typo in Set Interactable description #647
- Fixed choice dialogues were not set to stay during the MenuDialogue #640
- Fixed camera fading and panning at the same time (thanks to iBicha!) #624
- Fixed warnings on Unity 2017.2
v3.6.0 {#v3_6_0}
## Added
- Support use of \n newline character in Say and Conversation text
- Added Fungus-Playmaker integration package in Fungus/Integrations/PlayMaker #602 - thanks Nilihum
- Added Delete Save Data button to Save Menu inspector.
- Variable substitution works in Set Variable (String) command
- New "BlockNameAndCustom" Keymode for Save Point command, use both block name and custom key together. #597 - thanks Trieger
- Added portrait DimColor #601 - thanks MorningFunGame
- Lua If and Lua Else If commands #609 - thanks PillowFightIo
- Stop a named Block in a Flowchart
- Added utility to convert all files to Mac line endings
## Changed
- Made all methods virtual in SayDialog.cs #607 thanks PillowFightIo
- Updated project to Unity 5.6.1, fixed some warnings.
- Use transform.Find instead of deprecated transform.FindChild
- Replaced some uses of slow GameObject.FindObjectOfType() and FindDerivedTypes()
## Fixed
- Fixed Write command "Clear Text" option not working #594
- Fixed portrait hide bug in conversation #590 - thanks to lealeelu
- Fixed stopping audio in conversation #592 - thanks to lealeelu
- Fixed can't use FungusLua separately to rest of Fungus #596
- Fixed can't inspect disabled Flowchart #598
- Fixed Cmd+Left Click doesn't register as right click on OSX #595
- Fixed luautils won't work on FungusLua standalone #604
- Fixed Save Menu: clicking to left of collapsed menu clicks hidden buttons #615
- Fixed Localization only localizes character name, not story text #611, #614
v3.5.1 {#v3_5_1}
## Changed
- Added Save Data Key property to Save Menu to support multiple games in the same Unity project.
v3.5.0 {#v3_5_0}
## Added
- Save game system. Use Save Point command and Save Menu prefab to easily add saving support with rewind / fast forward support.
- Added new menu options for spawning SaveMenu and SavedObjects prefabs
- New Save Game example scene
- Added documentation for Save System.
- Option to Close Other Say Dialogs when one Say Dialog becomes active.
- Select a start Label in Call command properties
Thanks to contributor [zvinless](
- Custom block tints can now be toggled per block in the block inspector.
- Added multi-select feature for blocks via action key/shift+click and click+drag
- Block movement and context menu options now affect all selected blocks
- Added Flowchart window toolbar in place of floating UI
- Flowchart window search filter to quickly find Blocks
- Added keyboard shortcuts and more context menu options for Blocks (copy, cut, duplicate, delete, select all)
Thanks to contributor [sp-francisco-ruiz](
- Add a new Event Dispatcher to the FungusManager singleton
- Change Draggable2D and Clickable2D to use the new EventDispatcher for efficient calls for events.
## Changed
- Moved Center button from Flowchart properties to new Flowchart window toolbar
- Flowchart’s SelectedBlock property now refers to the active selected block rather than the sole selected block.
- Updated coding standard with backwards compatibility & contributing notes
- Flowchart window now zoom in/out by mouse cursor or center rather than upper left corner
- All editor textures are now be accessible as properties in FungusEditorResources.
- Use Tools -> Fungus -> Utilities -> UpdateEditorResourcesScript to automatically update these editor textures
- Increased height of multi-line text box for StringDataMulti
- Updated curves, connection points, and grid background rendering with better approach
- Refactored Flowchart window to simplify event handling
- Bumped flowchart version to 2 to upgrade previously serialized selected blocks
- Flowchart context menu now appears on mouse up to better support panning
## Fixed
- Fixed nested while loops don't loop correctly #562
- Fixed Sprite Object click skips writing Say Text #576
- Fixed setmenudialog() lua function does not set main active menu dialog #578
- Fixed Unity Test Tools compatibility issue with Unity 5.5.0f
- Fixed spine integration to work with latest version of Spine runtime
- Fixed Block connections not highlighting when command selected
- Fixed centered text shifts position when written by Say command #569
- Fixed Say text appears for single frame when using Say command #575
- Fixed MenuDialog Lua Bug #565
- Fixed using say in lua doesn't automatically spawn an EventSystem #571
- Fixed cannot divide an integer by an integer using Set Variable #579
- Fixed tabs in conversation text from Lua #574
- Fixed Flowchart prefab's block show as empty on the Inspector #583
- Fixed typo in Game Started Wait Frames property name
- Fixed Fungus ignores existing “SayDialog” and creates another one #555
- Change CSVParser to use Regex.Split (way faster for large CSV files)
- Fixed missing sprite assets in Asset Store version.
- Fixed onComplete callback in MusicManager.SetAudioVolume when duration is 0
- Removed TestRunner game objects from DragAndDrop examples.
v3.4.0 {#v3_4_0}
## Known Issues
- FungusLua generates runtime errors running Lua when using .NET scripting backend. The IL2CPP backend works fine.
## Added
- Added accessors for GameObject and Transform variables in Flowchart.cs
- Added Flowchart.HasVariable() and GetVariableNames() - thanks murnyipl!
- Added WaitForFrames property to GameStarted event handler. Default is wait for 1 frame (should reduce startup order issues).
## Changed
- Upgraded to Moonsharp 2.0. Moonsharp source code is now included in Fungus/Thirdparty/MoonSharp
- Removed MoonSharp assembly from link.xml
- Converted MoonSharp line endings to OSX for consistency with rest of project.
- Updated documentation for Lua debugger (using VS Code)
- Removed LuaEnvironment Remote Debugger option. A VS Code debug server always starts when running in the editor.
- SayDialog now supports full variable substitution when setting character names.
## Fixed
- Fixed Command properties not copied when copying commands #546
- Fixed PODTypeFactory and FungusPrefs classes are not registered #549
- Fixed for compile errors on .NET Core scripting backend
- Fixed LuaBindings registered types in example scenes
- Fixed MoonSharp warning when not building for an AOT platform
- Fixed minor issues in some example scenes (e.g. missing sprite refs)
v3.3.0 {#v3_3_0}
## Known Issues
- FungusLua does not work in WebGL builds due to issues in MoonSharp
- Forum thread:!/general:fungus-lua-and-web-gl-uni
- FungusLua does not compile for Windows Store platform using .net scripting backend. Use the IL2CPP backend instead.
## Added
- Added test for StopTweens does not stop a Tween with loop enabled #529
- Added signals (pub-sub system) for Writer and Block events #539
- All interfaces now have their own source files.
- Added monodevelop project for editing docs files.
- Added Flip option (<<< and >>>) to conversation system #527
- Added WaitFrames command to wait for a number of frames
- Added GetToggleState, SetToggleState commands and ToggleChanged event handler
- Added Writer.Paused property to pause a writer from code.
## Changed
- Tidied up Fungus folder structure to organize scripts more logically
- Migrated documentation to use Doxygen for help and API docs
- Lots of misc improvements to documentation
- Updated to MoonSharp
- Documented using string facing parameter in Lua function.
- Documented <<< and >>> tags for conversation system.
- Documented all public members for API docs.
- All serialized fields are now protected, exposed via public properties as needed.
- Moved all enums to namespace scope.
- Moved global constants to FungusConstants static class.
- Moved editor resources to the main resources folder
- Fungus editor code moved to Fungus.EditorUtils namespace
- Convert singletons to use a single FungusManager singleton #540
- Renamed CameraController to CameraManager and MusicController to MusicManager
- Changed float constant comparisons to use Mathf.Approximately
- Added #region Public members to all non-editor classes
- StringFormatter, TextTagParser and FungusPrefs classes are now static
- Merged MenuDialog extension methods (used for Lua) with main MenuDialog class.
- Change all public methods to use virtual
- Removed all unnecessary using statements.
- All class and member comments use standard c# xml comment style
- Replaced foreach loops with for loops (avoids allocation for iterator)
- Added changelog to Doxygen documentation
## Fixed
- Fixed Setting facing in lua only works if portraits are set to “FRONT” #528
- Fixed Say command completes instantly after menu choice #533
- Fixed broken mouse pointer in WebGL build of Drag and Drop
- Fixed ObjectField nulls reference if object is disabled #536
- Updated Unity Test Tools to v1.5.9
- Fixed missing Process class error in Unity5.5b3
- Fixed Spine.Unity namespace problem in integration scripts
- Fix Regex for character names with "." & "'" #531 (thanks to Sercan Altun)
Old Regex expression did not capture Character names with "." and "'". As a result characters with names like "Mr. Jones" or "Ab'ar" were not registering correctly.
- Fixed Lua setlanguage() function
- Fixed namespace issue in Spine integration.
- Fixes all integration tests to pass when run on Windows Standalone.
- Fixed Block inspector displayed for inactive flowchart #544
v3.2.0 {#v3_2_0}
## Known Issues
- FungusLua does not work in WebGL builds due to issues in MoonSharp
Forum thread:!/general:fungus-lua-and-web-gl-uni
## Added
- Added choose() and choosetimer() Lua functions for displaying list of menu options.
- Added Conversation command and Lua function to perform long dialogue exchanges in a single command.
- Added new Conversation examples
## Changed
- Clickable2D and Dragable2D components can now use legacy input or EventSystem events / raycasts.
- Added DragAndDrop(EventSystem) example scene to show how to use the EventSystem option.
- Made it easier to resize the default SayDialog
- Updated Narrative examples to use the easier choose() function instead of menu()
- Force MenuDialog to become active when using AddOption from Lua.
- Converted tabs to spaces in all source files
- Ensure the character cache is populated before accessing it
- Added Serializable attribute to all variable classes.
## Fixed
- Added link.xml file to fix FungusLua not running on iOS builds
- Portrait hide bug in Conversation Function #526
- Unresponsive SayDialog after ClearMenu or *.StopAllBlocks(); #518
- Can't select a Public variable from another flowchart #522
- NullReferenceException with nameText in SayDialog #517
- StackOverflowException in Writer with customized text object #516
- stage.Show() not fading in a previously faded out character if portrait hasn't changed.
- Missing .Value on _parameterName property.
- Fixed missing component warnings
- Updated MoonSharp to v1.6.0.0 (this time without changing the meta files).
v3.1.0 {#v3_1_0}
## Added
- Flowchart automatically registers with LuaEnvironment for ExecuteLua commands #485
- Clickable2D and Draggable2D can now use EventSystem events to block clicks on UI elements. Added new drag and drop demo scene to illustrate.
## Changed
- Default dialog image is now sliced, so can be resized to any width / height required.
- Upgraded MoonSharp to v1.6.0.0
- Added [System.Serializable] attribute to all Variable classes.
## Fixed
- Default dialog box now fits in a 5:4 ratio display #515
- Dialog input causing an exception if no Event System is present in scene.
- Missing module variable on round() function
- Menu() Lua function only works once #511
- Compile error for folks upgrading using the Fungus 3 unitypackage
v3.0.0 {#v3_0_0}
Major release with powerful new Lua scripting support and many small improvements and fixes.
This release should be backwards compatible with projects created using Fungus 2. If you have any upgrading issues let us know on the forum.
Many thanks to the amazing Fungus community for all the suggestions, bug reports and encouragement!
Awesome github contributors:
- Leah Lee:
- Gerardo Marset:
- Konrad Gadzina:
- Kal O' Brien:
- Hawmalt:
## Added
- FungusLua: Lua scripting support for Fungus via wrapper components for using MoonSharp in Unity. #281, #317, #334, #237, #235, #232, #224
- LuaEnvironment component: Execution environment for running Lua scripts.
- LuaUtils component: Extends LuaEnvironment with lots of useful features.
- LuaBindings: Maps Unity objects & components to Lua variables for use in Lua scripts.
- LuaScript: Runs Lua code from a text file or from a string property.
- LuaStore: Stores variables in a global table which persists across scene loads.
- FungusModule: A set of utility functions for scripting Unity and Fungus from Lua.
- FungusPrefs: An improved version of PlayerPrefs that can be easily used from Lua.
- ExecuteHandler: Listens for any standard Unity event and calls a method on a component in the gameobject. #247
- ExecuteLua command: Run some Lua script in a Fungus command. Return values can be stored in Fungus variables.
- PODTypeFactory: Utility factory class for instantiating Plain-Old-Data (POD) types like Color, Vector3, etc.
- Lots of FungusLua example scenes
- Fungus documentation now has an extensive section on LuaScripting.
- StringDataMulti: Like StringData, but uses a multi-line textbox in the inspector.
- StopBlock command: Stop executing the named block.
- Improved string substitution system. Now works with Lua global variables and Lua string table, as well as Flowchart variables.
- Extend the string substitution system yourself using the new ISubstitutionHandler interface.
- Added TaskManager library to Thirdparty folder. Allows better control over coroutine execution.
- Show Line Numbers option in Flowchart. Shows the command index in the inspector (off by default). #231
- Play Animation State command. Plays an animation state directly without a transition. #378
- Open URL command #382
- Links to community articles in the help docs #385
- InfoText.cs component for displaying help information in the top-left of screen
- "Play from Selected" and "Stop All and Play" context menu options in Block command list
- Added Command Index property to Call command
- LuaStore example scene to demonstrate persisting Lua variables between scene loads
- Use, stage.showPortrait & stage.hide() to control stage & portraits from Lua #490
See FungusExamples/FungusLua/Narrative/PortraitController.unity example scene
- Portrait functionality moved to new PortraitController utility class for easier scripting.
- Say and Menu Dialogs now support standard input manager (joystick / controller support) #507 #210
- Menu options can now be picked with keyboard only
- Fast forward using Shift in Say Dialogs is now done using the Cancel input (Escape key by default).
## Changed
- Draggable sprite anchors at exact point user clicked.
- Replaced string with StringData, int with IntegerData, etc. in many command properties. Use variables or constants.
- Block.Execute renamed to Block.StartExecute, can now specify a command index to start at.
- Say command: Set the Character using an object field or the dropdown menu. Can now select Character prefabs.
- Improved Flowchart UpdateVersion system
- Portrait image is now hidden at startup in SayDialog
- Use DialogAudio volume property for starting volume on voiceover audio
- WriterAudio now respects the volume property in all cases
- Added short open source license info header to all source files
- SetAudioVolume.waitUntilFinished property #495
- String substitution uses StringBuilder to avoid string allocations (reduce garbage collection) #490
- Embed string substitution keys in substitution text (recursive substitution up to 5 levels) #488
## Fixed
- SetDraggable2D filename now matches class name.
- Unity 5.4 beta errors & warnings
- CsvParser.cs and InvokeMethod lineendings should be consistent with rest of project.
- Faulty indent levels when inspector is not displayed #380
- Hide Portrait before Show Portrait breaks portrait system #384
- Private variable values being reset with multiple flowcharts #389
- Stage objects blocking raycasts #391
- Writer voiceover clip always stops when text stops #393
- Size tag in UI text is not supported #400
- Clickable sprites can be clicked through UI objects #377
- Don't destroy sprite objects in Scene Loader #386
- Add links to community articles in the help docs #385
- Control volume bug #464
- Unity Test Tools compile errors in Unity 5.0
- Edge of inspector window clipped incorreclty in Unity 5.4 beta #425
- Child Object gets deleted when having a flowchart on parent and child. #475
- Fixed command summary incorrect for Fade UI command #486
- No Music clip selected error summary in Play Sound command
- Jump command properties incorrect when block duplicated #504
- menu() Lua command interactable param has no effect #493
- Set Anim Integer/Float/Bool lose property settings #492
- Can't select ExecuteBlock from Unity Event #496
- Fixed aliased commandIndex property in Call command.
## Other closed issues
- GameObjects get duplicated when flowchart is on a different scene #373
- TextMesh Pro integration #214
- Clickable3D component #195
v2.4.0 {#v2_4_0}
## Added
- FungusLua: Lua scripting support for Fungus via wrapper components for using MoonSharp in Unity. #281, #317, #334, #237, #235, #232, #224
- LuaEnvironment component: Execution environment for running Lua scripts.
- LuaUtils component: Extends LuaEnvironment with lots of useful features.
- LuaBindings: Maps Unity objects & components to Lua variables for use in Lua scripts.
- LuaScript: Runs Lua code from a text file or from a string property.
- LuaStore: Stores variables in a global table which persists across scene loads.
- FungusModule: A set of utility functions for scripting Unity and Fungus from Lua.
- FungusPrefs: An improved version of PlayerPrefs that can be easily used from Lua.
- ExecuteHandler: Listens for any standard Unity event and calls a method on a component in the gameobject. #247
- ExecuteLua command: Run some Lua script in a Fungus command. Return values can be stored in Fungus variables.
- PODTypeFactory: Utility factory class for instantiating Plain-Old-Data (POD) types like Color, Vector3, etc.
- Lots of FungusLua example scenes
- Fungus documentation now has an extensive section on LuaScripting.
- StringDataMulti: Like StringData, but uses a multi-line textbox in the inspector.
- StopBlock command: Stop executing the named block.
- Improved string substitution system. Now works with Lua global variables and Lua string table.
- Extend the string substitution system yourself using the new ISubstitutionHandler interface.
- Added TaskManager library to Thirdparty folder. Allows better control over coroutine execution.
- Show Line Numbers option in Flowchart. Shows the command index in the inspector (off by default). #231
- Play Animation State command. Plays an animation state directly without a transition. #378
- Open URL command #382
- Links to community articles in the help docs #385
- InfoText.cs component for displaying help information in the top-left of screen
- "Play from Selected" and "Stop All and Play" context menu options in Block command list
## Changed
- Draggable sprite anchors at exact point user clicked.
- Replaced string with StringData, int with IntegerData, etc. in many command properties.
- Bock.Execute renamed to Block.StartExecute, can now specify a command index to start at.
- Say command: Set the Character using an object field or the dropdown menu. Can now select Character prefabs.
- Improved Flowchart UpdateVersion system
- Portrait image is now hidden at startup in SayDialog
- Use DialogAudio volume property for starting volume on voiceover audio
- WriterAudio now respects the volume property in all cases
## Fixed
- SetDraggable2D filename now matches class name.
- Unity 5.4 beta errors & warnings
- CsvParser.cs and InvokeMethod lineendings should be consistent with rest of project.
- Faulty indent levels when inspector is not displayed #380
- Hide Portrait before Show Portrait breaks portrait system #384
- Private variable values being reset with multiple flowcharts #389
- Stage objects blocking raycasts #391
- Writer voiceover clip always stops when text stops #393
- Size tag in UI text is not supported #400
- Clickable sprites can be clicked through UI objects #377
- Don't destroy sprite objects in Scene Loader #386
- Add links to community articles in the help docs #385
- Control volume bug #464
- Unity Test Tools compile errors in Unity 5.0
- Edge of inspector window clipped incorreclty in Unity 5.4 beta #425
## Other closed issues
- GameObjects get duplicated when flowchart is on a different scene #373
- TextMesh Pro integration #214
- Clickable3D component #195
v2.3.1 {#v2_3_1}
## Fixed
- Can't click on Say Dialog when a Menu Dialog is active #374
- Set Audio Pitch: OnComplete not called when duration = 0 #369
- Fade To View can sometimes not work in Unity 5.3 #370
v2.3.0 {#v2_3_0}
## Added
- SetDraggable2D command #191
- WaitInput command #276
- Fade UI command to fade UI objects #349
- Read Text File command to read a text file into a string variable #344
- Added Set Audio Pitch command #340
- 'Center View' button to center Flowchart window on all Blocks #302
- Added Clear Menu command #300
- Set Slider Value command #297
- Stop Flowchart command #289
- Integration with Esoteric Spine animation system (available in Fungus/Integrations/Spine folder)
## Changed
- Added null checks in Flowchart variable accessors
- Set Say Dialog property for characters
- Can now specify the gameobject to shake for punch tag in Writer component
- PlayMusic command has a loop property
- Updated reorderable list control to v0.4.3
- Updated to LeanTween 2.30
- Added HasExecutingBlocks() and GetExecutingBlocks() to Flowchart class
- Remove unused Text Width Scale property on Say Dialog
- Can now specify a camera to use with Camera command (not just main) #319 #307
- Can now disable Camera Z being forced by View commands #319
- Text tags now support multiple parameters.
- Write command now works with Text Mesh Pro text objects.
- Writer.InstantComplete property controls click-to-complete writing.
- Shake tag shakes camera instead of Writer game object.
## Fixed
- Ensure parentBlock is set when block executes #320
- While loop with following If doesn't loop correctly #354
- Auto cross fade music in Play Music command #199
- Play Music call doesn't restart if same music already playing
- Play Music call doesn't restart if same music already playing
- Concurrent Say commands on same Say Dialog should interrupt #356
- CustomGUI class not in Fungus namespace #353
- Whitespace trimming after {wc} & {c} tags #346
- iTween commands on the same gameobject can conflict #342 #303
- Show Sprite should affect child sprites #338
- Null reference if command classes have same name #312
- End command indents when not matched with an If #308
- Draggable objects behaving incorrectly #310
- Inactive localizeable game objects are now also cached #322
- SceneManager warnings in Unity 5.3
- Fixed Windows store build 268
- Fixed Writer beep timing issues in WebGL #295
- Removed say command from Flowchart prefab
v2.2.2 {#v2_2_2}
## Added
- Stop Flowchart command and Flowchart.StopAllBlocks() method #288
## Changed
- Only the first Flowchart added to a scene will have a default GameStarted event handler.
- Null items in variable list are cleaned up on enable.
## Fixed
- Flowchart objects break when made into a prefab #275
- Localization language does not persist between scenes #271
- Voiceover clips not playing correctly in Say command #273
- Changing portrait facing flips incorrectly #190
- Variable substitution in Menu command #263
- Null variable reference when substituting variables #278
- Removed empty gameobject in sherlock demo
- Removed unused GameStarted component from built-in Flowchart prefab
v2.2.1 {#v2_2_1}
## Added
- Set Interactable command to control UI button, input field, etc. interactivity #178
- Button Clicked event handler to execute a block when a UI button is clicked
- End Edit event handler to execute a block when user presses enter in an input field
- Hide specific commands & categories in the Add Command menu by setting the Hide Commands property on Flowchart
## Changed
- Improved Enter Name example to demonstrate the new Write, Get Text, Set Text, Set Interactable, etc. commands.
- Removed punctuation pause for last character in a sentence #168
- Removed unsupported 'shiver' item from tag help description in Say and Write commands
- Moved LICENSE and README inside the Fungus folder #185
## Fixed
- Concurrent Say calls cause Say Dialog to freeze up #156
- Null reference error after editing Flowchart code #181
- Markup text visible if rich text not enabled when using Write command #176
- ControlAudio waitUntilFinished property doesn't wait for correct time #174
- Removed legacy hidden objects in example scenes #159
- Undo for delete command doesn't work #161
- Flowchart in The Hunter example has Hide Components set to false #150
v2.2.0 {#v2_2_0}
## Added
- Write command for writing text to any text object
- Writer, Writer Audio components for writing text to any text object with lots of new configuration options.
- Say Dialog class has been split into Say Dialog, Dialog Input components
- Dialog Input supports multiple input types; clicks & key presses
- Can hold down shift while pressing a key to fast forward through dialog text
- Say Dialog now adjusts Story Text rect when character image is visible.
- Added Stop() method to Say Dialog and Writer to cancel writing immediately
- Fullscreen command.
- InputText example in FungusExamples
- Localization support for the Set Text and Write commands.
- Custom commands can integrate with the localisation system by implementing the ILocalizable interface.
- Invoke Event command for calling script methods with a parameter using Unity's EventSystem.
- Invoke Method command for calling script methods with multiple parameters using reflection.
- Can now use UnityEvent variables in custom commands
- Flowchart versioning and initialization
- Menu command now has an Interactable property to add disabled menu options.
- Set Sprite Order command.
- Added Set Sorting Layer command to set renderer sorting layer
- Set Mouse Cursor command and drag and drop support
- Constructors and implicit operators for all Fungus variable types
- Quit command to quit application -
- New Fungus/UI command category
- Added ComboBox to Thirdparty folder
- Added Tools > Fungus > Create > Fungus Logo menu option
## Changed
- Simplifed Say Dialog hierarchy structure to be easier to customise
- Say Dialog continue image is now a UI button
- Say Dialog automatically fades in / out when writing
- Updated The Facility example to work with new Say Dialog design
- Updated Drag And Drop example to use new Set Mouse Cursor command
- Improved rendering efficiency of Block inspector window.
- Improved shift-selecting commands in Block inspector.
- Portrait command now moves portraits using world position instead of anchored position
- Portrait cross fading is now done using image alpha instead of a custom shader
- Stage Show / Hide is now done by tweening the CanvasGroup alpha.
- Portrait MoveSpeed is now MoveDuration
- Portrait WaitUntilFinished option now works robustly
- Additional flowcharts added to the scene no longer have their initial block start with the default 'Game Started' event.
- Command array properties can now be flagged to use the reorderable list control
- Custom commands can override IsPropertyVisible() to hide specific properties as needed.
- SetActive command shows state in summary
- Block Event Handler for additional Flowcharts now defaults to none.
- Can assign default values to public Fungus variable properties
- Can access Fungus variable values directly without using .Value accessor.
- Say Command fade in / out replaced with automatic fading and Fade When Done property
- Get Text and Set Text command now work on any text object (UI text, UI input fields & 3D text mesh)
## Fixed
- Shake Camera command timing issue #137
- CSV parser doesn't handle Windows-style line endings #131
- Intermittent init order issue with caching localizeable objects
- Control Audio stopping all untagged audiosources #132
- Intermittent null reference error from command editors
- Draggable objects don't return to start pos if drag completes #130
- Moving and fading portraits at the same time
- Character portrait images have display artefacts #92
- Duplicate Block option does not do a deep copy #129
- Event System not created after Load Scene #121
- Voice over audio only works every second time #126
- Editing multiline command properties in block inspector.
- Compile error when Fungus is used with "Draw On Screen" asset #120
- Null reference exception when spawning Fungus objects in Unity 5.1
- Story text box width is restored when using a character with no portrait #141
- Block inspector window resizes when using cut, copy, paste shortcuts #145
- Objects spawned from Tools > Fungus > Create menu center correctly in Unity 5.1.3f
## Process Changes
We are now using the Unity Test Tools framework for unit and integration testing.
All new features and bug fixes now have automated tests where possible.
## Upgrade Notes
We made a LOT of improvements to the Say Dialogs in this release. Unfortunately these changes are likely to break existing customised Say Dialogs. If you upgrade an existing Fungus project and find the Say Dialog are no longer working you will need to delete your Say Dialogs and create new ones.
v2.1.0 {#v2_1_0}
First release on Unity Asset Store!
## Added
- Added Flowchart.FindBlock so you can check if a Block is executing before you try to execute it.
- Cleanup any unreferenced components in Flowchart when scene loads
## Changed
- Call Method can now execute after a delay
- Can now control swipe pan speed in Start Swipe command
- Improved layout of Flowchart name and description
## Removed
- Removed obsolete commands and other dead code
## Fixed
- Fixed using iTween and Portrait commands in same Flowchart causes null exception #116
- Fixed whitespace and newlines not being trimmed after {wc} & {c} tags in story text #115
- Fixed Standard Text import strips out newline characters #114
- Fixed {x} text tag causing a null reference error #113
- Fixed Flowchart.ExecuteBlock() not being usable with UI events (e.g. a UI button event) #112
- Fixed Set Draggable command causing null exception error #111
- Fixed conflicting Block & command item ids (was breaking localization text export) #110