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Updated changelog for v2.3.0 release

chrisgregan 9 years ago
  1. 50


@ -1,3 +1,53 @@
Fungus v2.3.0
# Added
- SetDraggable2D command #191
- WaitInput command #276
- Fade UI command to fade UI objects #349
- Read Text File command to read a text file into a string variable #344
- Added Set Audio Pitch command #340
- 'Center View' button to center Flowchart window on all Blocks #302
- Added Clear Menu command #300
- Set Slider Value command #297
- Stop Flowchart command #289
# Changed
- Added null checks in Flowchart variable accessors
- Set Say Dialog property for characters
- Can now specify the gameobject to shake for punch tag in Writer component
- PlayMusic command has a loop property
- Updated reorderable list control to v0.4.3
- Updated to LeanTween 2.30
- Added HasExecutingBlocks() and GetExecutingBlocks() to Flowchart class
- Remove unused Text Width Scale property on Say Dialog
- Can now specify a camera to use with Camera command (not just main) #319 #307
- Can now disable Camera Z being forced by View commands #319
- Text tags now support multiple parameters.
- Write command now works with Text Mesh Pro text objects.
- Writer.InstantComplete property controls click-to-complete writing.
- Shake tag shakes camera instead of Writer game object.
# Fixed
- Ensure parentBlock is set when block executes #320
- While loop with following If doesn't loop correctly #354
- Auto cross fade music in Play Music command #199
- Play Music call doesn't restart if same music already playing
- Play Music call doesn't restart if same music already playing
- Concurrent Say commands on same Say Dialog should interrupt #356
- CustomGUI class not in Fungus namespace #353
- Whitespace trimming after {wc} & {c} tags #346
- iTween commands on the same gameobject can conflict #342 #303
- Show Sprite should affect child sprites #338
- Null reference if command classes have same name #312
- End command indents when not matched with an If #308
- Draggable objects behaving incorrectly #310
- Inactive localizeable game objects are now also cached #322
- SceneManager warnings in Unity 5.3
- Fixed Windows store build 268
- Fixed Writer beep timing issues in WebGL #295
- Removed say command from Flowchart prefab
Fungus v2.2.2
