Wasn’t able to replicate this, but I think it was an issue around
caching SubstitutionHandlers. I’ve changed this system to use a static
list that each substituter registers / unregisters with on OnEnable /
OnDisable. Should be more robust now.
So I've managed to write a script that allows you to write Fungus variable values into Playmaker global variables, but here's the catch. The script doesn't read in variables from a flowchart to copy over, it just reads them in from the inspector. I've managed to find a way to read in Strings from the flowchart, but not ints, floats or booleans. I checked the tutorial video[1] for reading variable values from the flowchart, but the tutorial only deals with hard coding the name of the variable you want to read in. Any advice that could help me fix this would be greatly appreciated.
Fixed ReadMe file. (Added install instructions and playmaker explanation)
Package and readme are now inside folder.
Unable to set Playmaker variables to [SerializeField] protected, they must be public
Methods now have same capitalization style
Added Playmaker Integration:
-Organised the files in the extension by type. i.e. Scripts, Scenes, etc. subfolders.
-Provided a readme text file which explains how to use the extension
-Provided an example scene which demonstrate some common usage scenarios
-The code follows the Fungus coding standard and commented out code was removed.
-The .unitypackage is be in the fungus/Assets/Fungus/Integrations folder
- Changed the name of the HistoryManager to NarrativeLog
- Created the SaveReset SaveManagerSignal but it needs to be tied in
- Made the PrettyPrint only show previous logs, not the current dialog.