using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEngine ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using Rotorz.ReorderableList ;
using System.Linq ;
namespace Fungus
[CustomEditor (typeof(FungusScript))]
public class FungusScriptEditor : Editor
SerializedProperty stepTimeProp ;
SerializedProperty startSequenceProp ;
SerializedProperty startAutomaticallyProp ;
SerializedProperty colorCommandsProp ;
SerializedProperty showSequenceObjectsProp ;
SerializedProperty variablesProp ;
void OnEnable ( )
stepTimeProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "stepTime" ) ;
startSequenceProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "startSequence" ) ;
startAutomaticallyProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "startAutomatically" ) ;
colorCommandsProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "colorCommands" ) ;
showSequenceObjectsProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "showSequenceObjects" ) ;
variablesProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "variables" ) ;
public void OnInspectorUpdate ( )
Repaint ( ) ;
public override void OnInspectorGUI ( )
serializedObject . Update ( ) ;
FungusScript t = target as FungusScript ;
t . UpdateHideFlags ( ) ;
if ( Application . isPlaying )
if ( t . executingSequence = = null )
t . selectedCommand = null ;
t . selectedCommand = t . executingSequence . activeCommand ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( stepTimeProp , new GUIContent ( "Step Time" , "Minimum time to execute each step" ) ) ;
SequenceEditor . SequenceField ( startSequenceProp ,
new GUIContent ( "Start Sequence" , "Sequence to be executed when controller starts." ) ,
new GUIContent ( "<None>" ) ,
t ) ;
if ( t . startSequence = = null )
GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle ( GUI . skin . label ) ;
style . normal . textColor = new Color ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
EditorGUILayout . LabelField ( new GUIContent ( "Error: Please select a Start Sequence" ) , style ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( startAutomaticallyProp , new GUIContent ( "Start Automatically" , "Start this Fungus Script when the scene starts." ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( colorCommandsProp , new GUIContent ( "Color Commands" , "Display commands using colors in editor window." ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( showSequenceObjectsProp , new GUIContent ( "Show Sequence Objects" , "Display the child Sequence game objects in the hierarchy view." ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . Separator ( ) ;
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Open Editor" ) )
EditorWindow . GetWindow ( typeof ( FungusScriptWindow ) , false , "Fungus Script" ) ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . Separator ( ) ;
if ( t . selectedCommand ! = null )
CommandEditor commandEditor = Editor . CreateEditor ( t . selectedCommand ) as CommandEditor ;
commandEditor . DrawCommandInspectorGUI ( ) ;
DestroyImmediate ( commandEditor ) ;
EditorGUILayout . Separator ( ) ;
DrawVariablesGUI ( ) ;
serializedObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
public void DrawVariablesGUI ( )
FungusScript t = target as FungusScript ;
ReorderableListGUI . Title ( "Variables" ) ;
VariableListAdaptor adaptor = new VariableListAdaptor ( variablesProp , 0 ) ;
ReorderableListControl . DrawControlFromState ( adaptor , null , ReorderableListFlags . DisableContextMenu | ReorderableListFlags . HideAddButton ) ;
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
if ( ! Application . isPlaying & & GUILayout . Button ( "Add Variable" ) )
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu ( ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Boolean" ) , false , AddVariable < BooleanVariable > , t ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Integer" ) , false , AddVariable < IntegerVariable > , t ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Float" ) , false , AddVariable < FloatVariable > , t ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "String" ) , false , AddVariable < StringVariable > , t ) ;
menu . ShowAsContext ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
void AddVariable < T > ( object obj ) where T : Variable
FungusScript fungusScript = obj as FungusScript ;
if ( fungusScript = = null )
return ;
Undo . RecordObject ( fungusScript , "Add Variable" ) ;
T newVariable = fungusScript . gameObject . AddComponent < T > ( ) ;
newVariable . key = fungusScript . GetUniqueVariableKey ( "" ) ;
fungusScript . variables . Add ( newVariable ) ;