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Input Nodes


Boolean Color
Defines a constant Boolean value in the shader. Defines a constant Vector 4 value in the shader using a Color field.
Constant Integer
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Defines a Float of a mathematical constant value in the shader. Defines a constant Float value in the shader using an Integer field.
Slider Time
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Defines a constant Float value in the shader using a Slider field. Provides access to various Time parameters in the shader.
Float Vector 2
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Defines a Float value in the shader. Defines a Vector 2 value in the shader.
Vector 3 Vector 4
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Defines a Vector 3 value in the shader. Defines a Vector 4 value in the shader.


Bitangent Vector Normal Vector
Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's Bitangent Vector. Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's Normal Vector.
Position Screen Position
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Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's Position. Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's Screen Position.
Tangent Vector UV
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Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's Tangent Vector. Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's UV coordinates.
Vertex Color View Direction
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Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's Vertex Color value. Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's View Direction vector.
Vertex ID
Provides access to the mesh vertex or fragment's Vertex ID value.


Blackbody Gradient
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Samples a radiation based gradient from temperature input (in Kelvin). Defines a constant Gradient in the shader.
Sample Gradient
Samples a Gradient given the input of Time.


Matrix 2x2 Matrix 3x3
Defines a constant Matrix 2x2 value in the shader. Defines a constant Matrix 3x3 value in the shader.
Matrix 4x4 Transformation Matrix
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Defines a constant Matrix 4x4 value in the shader. Defines a constant Matrix 4x4 value for a default Unity Transformation Matrix in the shader.

Mesh Deformation

Compute Deformation Node Linear Blend Skinning Node
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Passes compute deformed vertex data to a vertex shader. Only works with the DOTS Hybrid Renderer. Applies Linear Blend Vertex Skinning. Only works with the DOTS Hybrid Renderer.


Dielectric Specular Metal Reflectance
Returns a Dielectric Specular F0 value for a physically based material. Returns a Metal Reflectance value for a physically based material.


Ambient Camera
Provides access to the Scene's Ambient color values. Provides access to various parameters of the current Camera.
Fog Baked GI
Provides access to the Scene's Fog parameters. Provides access to the Baked GI values at the vertex or fragment's position.
Object Reflection Probe
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Provides access to various parameters of the Object. Provides access to the nearest Reflection Probe to the object.
Scene Color Scene Depth
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Provides access to the current Camera's color buffer. Provides access to the current Camera's depth buffer.
Screen Eye Index
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Provides access to parameters of the screen. Provides access to the Eye Index when stereo rendering.


Cubemap Asset Sample Cubemap
Defines a constant Cubemap Asset for use in the shader. Samples a Cubemap and returns a Vector 4 color value for use in the shader.
Sample Reflected Cubemap Node Sample Texture 2D
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Samples a Cubemap with reflected vector and returns a Vector 4 color value for use in the shader. Samples a Texture 2D and returns a color value for use in the shader.
Sample Texture 2D Array Sample Texture 2D LOD
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Samples a Texture 2D Array at an Index and returns a color value for use in the shader. Samples a Texture 2D at a specific LOD and returns a color value for use in the shader.
Sample Texture 3D Sample Virtual Texture
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Samples a Texture 3D and returns a color value for use in the shader. Samples a Virtual Texture and returns color values for use in the shader.
Sampler State Texel Size
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Defines a Sampler State for sampling textures. Returns the Width and Height of the texel size of Texture 2D input.
Texture 2D Array Asset Texture 2D Asset
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Defines a constant Texture 2D Array Asset for use in the shader. Defines a constant Texture 2D Asset for use in the shader.
Texture 3D Asset
Defines a constant Texture 3D Asset for use in the shader.