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Camera Node


Provides access to various parameters of the Camera currently being used for rendering. This is comprised of values the Camera's GameObject, such as Position and Direction, as well as various projection parameters.

Unity Render Pipelines Support

  • Universal Render Pipeline

The High Definition Render Pipeline does not support this Node.


Name Direction Type Binding Description
Position Output Vector 3 None Position of the Camera's GameObject in world space
Direction Output Vector 3 None The Camera's forward vector direction
Orthographic Output Float None Returns 1 if the Camera is orthographic, otherwise 0
Near Plane Output Float None The Camera's near plane distance
Far Plane Output Float None The Camera's far plane distance
Z Buffer Sign Output Float None Returns -1 when using a reversed Z Buffer, otherwise 1
Width Output Float None The Camera's width if orthographic
Height Output Float None The Camera's height if orthographic

Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

float3 _Camera_Position = _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
float3 _Camera_Direction = -1 * mul(UNITY_MATRIX_M, transpose(mul(UNITY_MATRIX_I_M, UNITY_MATRIX_I_V)) [2].xyz);
float _Camera_Orthographic = unity_OrthoParams.w;
float _Camera_NearPlane = _ProjectionParams.y;
float _Camera_FarPlane = _ProjectionParams.z;
float _Camera_ZBufferSign = _ProjectionParams.x;
float _Camera_Width = unity_OrthoParams.x;
float _Camera_Height = unity_OrthoParams.y;