Assets inside Resources folders are always copied when making a
platform build, even if they’re not actually used. This can bloat build
sizes considerably.
Replaced Choose, Option commands with new Menu command
- Menu command displays Menu dialog immediately and then continues
- Menu dialog is a simple list of buttons
Say dialog can now display and continue (via Wait For Input property)
- This allows you to display Say text and show a multiple choice menu
at the same time
There is now only one type of standard Say dialog
- Text box automatically adjusts if no character image is displayed
Added SetSayDialog and SetMenuDialog commands to explicitly switch
between custom dialog objects.
Added a MenuTimer command to display the timeout slider
- Calls a target sequence if the timer expires
- Buttons now have a Button component at design time
- The Button.autoHide property controls automatic hiding when
displaying page text / waiting
- The Button.hideOnFlag property controls hiding when a named flag
value is set to true
- Added Button prefab asset
- Added default Button sprite texture