InvokeMethod now explicitily searches all assemblies to find matching fully qualified name.
InvokeMethodEditor now logs error if targeted type cannot be found, rather than null ref error
In Unity 2020.1 TMpro is auto updated to 3.0.x and there is a slight behaviour change from TMPro 2.x that requires us to be more thorough is our use of maxVisibleCharacters.
Add TheExperiement_TMPro
Previously was forcing use of white labels, with changes to unity theme in 2019.4.8 using default editorstyle label instead yields more readable results
Variable Property Commands use of local target was not writing changes back to underlying variables for structs, target is now written back to source in all struct property commands and template text updated to include the write back line before the continue.
Previous method used exclusively StartsWith to find matching character, change to using an exact match with fallback to partial, warning user if partial is used.
Restore single and multiline logic, needed for StringMultilineData
Pass GUIContent down through call back look for multiline draw to function as expected
Add Mat4x4 custom drawer callback to use draw Children
Portraits now are on stage at all times once asked for to prevent running into issues with unity ui. This caused massive overdraw of MANY portraits that are all invisible. Now we toggle active inactive based before and after tweens.
Previously had a single and multi line variant, with multiline never being actually used. Changes in 2019.3 mean that its trying to use multiline and we don't actually want to, it makes many properties that are presently single line comfortable draw incorrectly.
Previously many of the locations where a string is requested to show in the inspector or log for the value of a FungusVariable that could be null would be string.Empty., now returns "Null"
Now cancels any existing tweens on the central holder when a new move is issued. Now exhibits clear snapping rather than occasional jerking back n forth
Character PortraitState now contains all the all character portraits underneath a single container object, at all times. The holder moves and the individual portraits fade in and out. Previous method created and destroyed as needed and was susceptible to the 'white square' UI Image bug.
In flowchart window the search now makes a distinction between a full match, name of block to search string and a partial match, command contents matching the search string.
SearchBox popup is also not more conservative in show itself, close#786
Use of EditorGUI to draw multiple items in 1 line that are all trying to honor indenting causing error. Now we cache first indent and temp set it to 0 for the remaining items.