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Added Doxygen documentation support.

Fully documented all methods on GameController.cs
Documented all classes and most public functions.
chrisgregan 11 years ago
  1. 24
  2. 12
  3. 19
  4. 37
  5. 100
  6. 6
  7. 48
  8. 392
  9. 6
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  11. 17
  12. 19
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  14. 32
  15. 20
  16. 8
  17. BIN
  18. 45
  19. 2387


@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Fungus;
// Listens for animation events
// Usage:
// 1. Attach this script to the animated sprite that you want to listen to for events.
// 2. Add an event on the animation timeline
// 3. Edit the event and choose the 'CallRoomMethod' function
// 4. In the string parameters box, enter the name of the method to call in the active Room's script.
namespace Fungus
* Listener component to handle animation events.
* Usage:
* 1. Attach this script to the animated sprite that you want to listen to for events.
* 2. Add an event on the animation timeline
* 3. Edit the event and choose the 'CallRoomMethod' function
* 4. In the string parameters box, enter the name of the method to call in the active Room's script.
public class AnimationListener : MonoBehaviour
// Handler method for animation events
// The string event parameter is used to call a named method on the active room class
* Handler method for animation events.
* The string event parameter is used to call a named method on the active room class
void CallRoomMethod(string methodName)
Room room = Game.GetInstance().activeRoom;
@ -24,3 +29,4 @@ public class AnimationListener : MonoBehaviour
commandQueue.CallCommandMethod(room.gameObject, methodName);


@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ using Fungus;
namespace Fungus
// Simple button handler class.
// When the user taps on the button, the named method is called on ancestor game objects (if it exists).
* Button click handler class for making sprites clickable.
* When the user taps on the sprite, an Action delegate method is called
[RequireComponent (typeof (SpriteRenderer))]
[RequireComponent (typeof (Collider2D))]
public class Button : MonoBehaviour
@ -14,7 +16,11 @@ namespace Fungus
public Action buttonAction;
public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
// Makes a sprite clickable by attaching a Button component (and BoxCollider2D if required)
* Makes a sprite clickable by attaching a Button component (and BoxCollider2D if required).
* @param _spriteRenderer The sprite to be made clickable
* @param _buttonAction An Action delegate method to call when the player clicks on the sprite
public static void MakeButton(SpriteRenderer _spriteRenderer, Action _buttonAction)
if (_spriteRenderer == null)


@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ using Fungus;
namespace Fungus
// Controller for main camera.
// Supports several types of camera transition including snap, pan & fade.
* Controller for main camera.
* Supports several types of camera transition including snap, pan & fade.
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
Game game;
@ -94,7 +96,10 @@ namespace Fungus
// Position camera so sprite is centered and fills the screen
* Positions camera so sprite is centered and fills the screen.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to center the camera on
public void CenterOnSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
Sprite sprite = spriteRenderer.sprite;
@ -112,7 +117,9 @@ namespace Fungus
PanToView(view, 0, null);
// Moves camera from current position to a target View over a period of time
* Moves camera from current position to a target View over a period of time.
public void PanToView(View view, float duration, Action arriveAction)
if (duration == 0f)
@ -166,7 +173,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Moves camera smoothly through a sequence of Views over a period of time
* Moves camera smoothly through a sequence of Views over a period of time
public void PanToPath(View[] viewList, float duration, Action arriveAction)
List<Vector3> pathList = new List<Vector3>();


@ -5,11 +5,15 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus
// Manages a sequential list of commands.
// When a command completes, the next command is popped from the queue and exectuted.
* Manages a sequential list of commands.
* When a command completes, the next command is popped from the queue and exectuted.
public class CommandQueue : MonoBehaviour
// Base class for commands used with the CommandQueue
* Base class for commands used with the CommandQueue.
public abstract class Command
public abstract void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete);
@ -17,20 +21,27 @@ namespace Fungus
List<Command> commandList = new List<Command>();
// Adds a command to the queue for later execution
* Adds a command to the queue for later execution
* @param command A command object to add to the queue
public virtual void AddCommand(Command command)
// Clears all queued commands from the list
* Clears all queued commands from the list
public virtual void Reset()
// Executes the first command in the queue.
// When this command completes, the next command in the queue is executed.
* Executes the first command in the queue.
* When this command completes, the next command in the queue is executed.
public virtual void Execute()
if (commandList.Count == 0)
@ -46,8 +57,10 @@ namespace Fungus
// Calls a named method on a game object to populate the command queue.
// The command queue is then executed.
* Calls a named method on a game object to populate the command queue.
* The command queue is then executed.
public void CallCommandMethod(GameObject target, string methodName)
@ -55,8 +68,10 @@ namespace Fungus
// Calls an Action delegate method to populate the command queue.
// The command queue is then executed.
* Calls an Action delegate method to populate the command queue.
* The command queue is then executed.
public void CallCommandMethod(Action method)


@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus
// Call a delegate method on execution.
// This command can be used to schedule arbitrary script code.
* Call a delegate method on execution.
* This command can be used to schedule arbitrary script code.
public class CallCommand : CommandQueue.Command
Action callAction;
@ -34,7 +36,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Wait for a period of time
* Wait for a period of time.
public class WaitCommand : CommandQueue.Command
float duration;
@ -59,8 +63,10 @@ namespace Fungus
// Sets the currently active view immediately.
// The main camera snaps to the active view.
* Sets the currently active view immediately.
* The main camera snaps to the active view.
public class SetViewCommand : CommandQueue.Command
View view;
@ -96,7 +102,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Sets the currently active page for text rendering
* Sets the currently active page for text rendering.
public class SetPageCommand : CommandQueue.Command
Page page;
@ -116,7 +124,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Sets the title text displayed at the top of the active page
* Sets the title text displayed at the top of the active page.
public class TitleCommand : CommandQueue.Command
string titleText;
@ -144,8 +154,10 @@ namespace Fungus
// Writes story text to the currently active page.
// A 'continue' button is displayed when the text has fully appeared.
* Writes story text to the currently active page.
* A 'continue' button is displayed when the text has fully appeared.
public class SayCommand : CommandQueue.Command
string storyText;
@ -169,8 +181,10 @@ namespace Fungus
// Adds an option button to the current list of options.
// Use the Choose command to display added options.
* Adds an option button to the current list of options.
* Use the Choose command to display added options.
public class AddOptionCommand : CommandQueue.Command
string optionText;
@ -200,7 +214,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Displays all previously added options.
* Displays all previously added options.
public class ChooseCommand : CommandQueue.Command
string chooseText;
@ -225,7 +241,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Changes the active room to a different room
* Changes the active room to a different room
public class MoveToRoomCommand : CommandQueue.Command
Room room;
@ -249,7 +267,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Sets a global boolean flag value
* Sets a global boolean flag value
public class SetFlagCommand : CommandQueue.Command
string key;
@ -271,7 +291,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Sets a global integer counter value
* Sets a global integer counter value
public class SetCounterCommand : CommandQueue.Command
string key;
@ -293,7 +315,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Sets a global inventory count value
* Sets a global inventory count value
public class SetInventoryCommand : CommandQueue.Command
string key;
@ -315,7 +339,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Fades a sprite to a given alpha value over a period of time
* Fades a sprite to a given alpha value over a period of time
public class FadeSpriteCommand : CommandQueue.Command
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
@ -353,7 +379,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Sets an animator trigger to change the animator state for an animated sprite
* Sets an animator trigger to change the animator state for an animated sprite
public class SetAnimatorTriggerCommand : CommandQueue.Command
Animator animator;
@ -383,7 +411,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Makes a sprite behave as a clickable button
* Makes a sprite behave as a clickable button
public class AddButtonCommand : CommandQueue.Command
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
@ -413,7 +443,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Makes a sprite stop behaving as a clickable button
* Makes a sprite stop behaving as a clickable button
public class RemoveButtonCommand : CommandQueue.Command
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
@ -441,7 +473,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Pans the camera to a view over a period of time.
* Pans the camera to a view over a period of time.
public class PanToViewCommand : CommandQueue.Command
View view;
@ -485,7 +519,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Pans the camera through a sequence of views over a period of time.
* Pans the camera through a sequence of views over a period of time.
public class PanToPathCommand : CommandQueue.Command
View[] views;
@ -532,7 +568,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Fades the camera to a view over a period of time.
* Fades the camera to a view over a period of time.
public class FadeToViewCommand : CommandQueue.Command
View view;
@ -576,7 +614,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Plays a music clip
* Plays a music clip
public class PlayMusicCommand : CommandQueue.Command
AudioClip audioClip;
@ -606,7 +646,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Stops a music clip
* Stops a music clip
public class StopMusicCommand : CommandQueue.Command
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
@ -621,7 +663,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Fades music volume to required level over a period of time
* Fades music volume to required level over a period of time
public class SetMusicVolumeCommand : CommandQueue.Command
float musicVolume;
@ -645,7 +689,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Plays a sound effect once
* Plays a sound effect once
public class PlaySoundCommand : CommandQueue.Command
AudioClip audioClip;


@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
// Adjusts the scale of a sprite to fit into a fixed number of vertical world units
// This helps to keep room sprites neatly organised in the editor.
* Adjusts the scale of a sprite to fit into a fixed number of vertical world units.
* This helps to keep room sprites neatly organised in the editor.
public class FixedHeightSprite : MonoBehaviour


@ -2,24 +2,59 @@ using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
* @mainpage notitle
* This is the code documentation for Fungus, a Unity 3D plugin created by Chris Gregan of Snozbot.
* @note For a list of all supported scripting commands, please see the Fungus.GameController class documentation.
* Refer to for more information about Fungus.
* @package Fungus An open source library for Unity 3D for creating graphic interactive fiction games.
namespace Fungus
// Manages global game state and movement between rooms
* Manages global game state and movement between rooms.
public class Game : MonoBehaviour
* The currently active Room.
* Only one Room may be active at a time.
public Room activeRoom;
* Automatically display links between connected Rooms.
public bool showLinks = true;
* Text to use on 'Continue' buttons
public string continueText = "Continue";
* Writing speed for page text.
public int charactersPerSecond = 60;
// Fixed Z coordinate of camera
* Fixed Z coordinate of main camera.
public float cameraZ = - 10f;
public float fadeDuration = 1f;
* Time for transition to complete when moving to a different Room.
public float roomFadeDuration = 1f;
* Full screen texture used for screen fade effect
public Texture2D fadeTexture;
@ -73,6 +108,9 @@ namespace Fungus
* Moves player to a different room.
public void MoveToRoom(Room room)
if (room == null)
@ -82,7 +120,7 @@ namespace Fungus
// Fade out screen
cameraController.Fade(0f, fadeDuration / 2f, delegate {
cameraController.Fade(0f, roomFadeDuration / 2f, delegate {
activeRoom = room;
@ -91,7 +129,7 @@ namespace Fungus
// Fade in screen
cameraController.Fade(1f, fadeDuration / 2f, null);
cameraController.Fade(1f, roomFadeDuration / 2f, null);


@ -1,173 +1,330 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Fungus;
// This facade class gives easy access to all game control
// functionality available in Fungus
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
namespace Fungus
// Synchronous methods
// The following methods all execute immediately
// Return true if the boolean flag for the key has been set to true
public bool GetFlag(string key)
* This class gives easy access to every scripting command available in Fungus.
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return state.GetFlag(key);
#region General Methods
// Returns the count value for the key
// Returns zero if no value has been set.
public int GetCounter(string key)
* Transitions from the current Room to another Room.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param room The Room to transition to.
public void MoveToRoom(Room room)
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return state.GetCounter(key);
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new MoveToRoomCommand(room));
// Returns the inventory count value for the key
// Returns zero if no inventory count has been set.
public int GetInventory(string key)
* Wait for a period of time before executing the next command.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param duration The wait duration in seconds
public void Wait(float duration)
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return state.GetInventory(key);
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new WaitCommand(duration));
// Returns true if the inventory count for the key is greater than zero
public bool HasInventory(string key)
* Call a delegate method provided by the client.
* Used to queue the execution of arbitrary code as part of a command sequeunce.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param callAction The Action delegate method to be called when the command executes.
public void Call(Action callAction)
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return (state.GetInventory(key) > 0);
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new CallCommand(callAction));
// Asynchronous methods
// The following methods all queue commands for later execution in strict serial order
#region View Methods
// Wait for a period of time before executing the next command
public void Wait(float duration)
* Sets the currently active View immediately.
* The main camera snaps to the new active View. If the View contains a Page object, this Page becomes the active Page.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param view The View object to make active
public void SetView(View view)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new WaitCommand(duration));
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetViewCommand(view));
// Call a delegate method provided by the client
// Used to queue the execution of arbitrary code.
public void Call(Action callAction)
* Pans the camera to the target View over a period of time.
* The pan starts at the current camera position and performs a smoothed linear pan to the target View.
* Command execution blocks until the pan completes. When the camera arrives at the target View, this View becomes the active View.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetView The View to pan the camera to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
public void PanToView(View targetView, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new CallCommand(callAction));
commandQueue.AddCommand(new PanToViewCommand(targetView, duration));
// Sets the currently active view immediately.
// The main camera snaps to the active view.
public void SetView(View view)
* Pans the camera through a sequence of target Views over a period of time.
* The pan starts at the current camera position and performs a smooth pan through all Views in the list.
* Command execution blocks until the pan completes. When the camera arrives at the last View in the list, this View becomes the active View.
* If more control is required over the camera path then you should instead use an Animator component to precisely control the Camera path.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
* @param targetViews A parameter list of views to visit during the pan.
public void PanToPath(float duration, params View[] targetViews)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetViewCommand(view));
commandQueue.AddCommand(new PanToPathCommand(targetViews, duration));
// Sets the currently active page for text rendering
public void SetPage(Page page)
* Fades out the current camera View, and fades in again using the target View.
* If the target View contains a Page object, this Page becomes the active Page.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetView The View object to fade to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
public void FadeToView(View targetView, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetPageCommand(page));
commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeToViewCommand(targetView, duration));
// Sets the title text displayed at the top of the active page
#region Page Methods
* Sets the title text displayed at the top of the active Page.
* The title text is only displayed when there is some story text or options to be shown.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param titleText The text to display as the title of the Page.
public void Title(string titleText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new TitleCommand(titleText));
// Writes story text to the currently active page.
// A 'continue' button is displayed when the text has fully appeared.
* Sets the currently active Page for story text display.
* Once this command executes, all story text added using Say(), AddOption(), Choose(), etc. will be displayed on this Page.
* When a Room contains multiple Page objects, this method can be used to control which Page object is active at a given time.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param page The Page object to make active
public void SetPage(Page page)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetPageCommand(page));
* Writes story text to the currently active Page.
* A 'continue' button is displayed when the text has fully appeared.
* Command execution halts until the user chooses to continue.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param storyText The text to be written to the currently active Page.
public void Say(string storyText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SayCommand(storyText));
// Adds an option button to the current list of options.
// Use the Choose command to display added options.
* Adds an option to the current list of player options.
* Use the Choose() method to display previously added options.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param optionText The text to be displayed for this option
* @param optionAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player selects the option
public void AddOption(string optionText, Action optionAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new AddOptionCommand(optionText, optionAction));
// Display all previously added options as buttons, with no text prompt
* Display all previously added options as buttons, with no text prompt.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public void Choose()
// Displays a text prompt, followed by all previously added options as buttons.
* Displays a story text prompt, followed by all previously added options.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param chooseText The story text to be written above the list of options
public void Choose(string chooseText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new ChooseCommand(chooseText));
// Changes the active room to a different room
public void MoveToRoom(Room room)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new MoveToRoomCommand(room));
#region State Methods
// Sets a global boolean flag value
* Sets a boolean flag value.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the flag
* @param value The boolean value to set the flag to
public void SetFlag(string key, bool value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetFlagCommand(key, value));
// Sets a global integer counter value
* Gets the current state of a flag.
* Flag values are set using SetFlag().
* Returns false if the flag has previously been set to false, or has not yet been set.
* @param key The name of the flag
* @return The boolean state of the flag.
public bool GetFlag(string key)
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return state.GetFlag(key);
* Sets an integer counter value.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the counter
* @param value The value to set the counter to
public void SetCounter(string key, int value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetCounterCommand(key, value));
// Sets a global inventory count value
// Assumes that the count value is 1 (common case)
* Gets the current value of a counter.
* Counter values are set using SetCounter().
* Returns zero if the counter has not previously been set to a value.
* @param key The name of the counter
* @return The current value of the counter
public int GetCounter(string key)
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return state.GetCounter(key);
* Sets an inventory item count to 1.
* This supports the common case where the player can only collect 1 instance of an inventory item.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the inventory item
public void SetInventory(string key)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetInventoryCommand(key, 1));
// Sets a global inventory count value
* Sets the inventory count for an item.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the inventory item
* @param value The inventory count for the item
public void SetInventory(string key, int value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetInventoryCommand(key, value));
// Sets sprite alpha to 0 immediately
* Gets the current inventory count for an item.
* Inventory counts are set using SetInventory().
* Returns zero if the inventory count has not previously been set to a value.
* @param key The name of the inventory item
* @return The current inventory count of the item
public int GetInventory(string key)
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return state.GetInventory(key);
* Check if player has an inventory item.
* @param key The name of the inventory item
* @return Returns true if the inventory count for an item is greater than zero
public bool HasInventory(string key)
GameState state = Game.GetInstance().state;
return (state.GetInventory(key) > 0);
#region Sprite Methods
* Makes a sprite completely transparent immediately.
* This changes the alpha component of the sprite renderer color to 0.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
public void HideSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, 0, 0,;
// Sets sprite alpha to 1 immediately
* Makes a sprite completely opaque immediately.
* This changes the alpha component of the sprite renderer color to 1.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
public void ShowSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, 1, 0,;
// Fades a sprite to a given alpha value over a period of time
* Fades the transparency of a sprite over a period of time.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param targetAlpha The final required transparency value [0..1]
* @param duration The duration of the fade transition in seconds
public void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, targetAlpha, duration,;
// Fades a sprite to a given alpha value over a period of time, and applies a sliding motion to the sprite transform
* Fades the transparency of a sprite over a period of time, and applies a sliding motion to the sprite's position.
* The sprite starts at a position calculated by adding the current sprite position + the slide offset.
* The sprite then smoothly moves from this starting position to the original position of the sprite.
* Automatically adds a SpriteFader component to the sprite object to perform the transition.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param targetAlpha The final required transparency value [0..1]
* @param duration The duration of the fade transition in seconds
* @param slideOffset Offset to the starting position for the slide effect.
public void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration, Vector2 slideOffset)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
@ -176,92 +333,111 @@ public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeSpriteCommand(spriteRenderer, color, duration, slideOffset));
// Makes a sprite behave as a clickable button
public void AddButton(SpriteRenderer buttonSprite, Action buttonAction)
* Makes a sprite behave as a clickable button.
* Automatically adds a Button component to the object to respond to player input.
* If no Collider2D already exists on the object, then a BoxCollider2D is automatically added.
* Use RemoveButton() to make a sprite non-clickable again.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be made clickable
* @param buttonAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player clicks on the button
public void AddButton(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, Action buttonAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new AddButtonCommand(buttonSprite, buttonAction));
commandQueue.AddCommand(new AddButtonCommand(spriteRenderer, buttonAction));
// Makes a sprite stop behaving as a clickable button
public void RemoveButton(SpriteRenderer buttonSprite)
* Makes a sprite stop behaving as a clickable button.
* Removes the Button component from the sprite object.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be made non-clickable
public void RemoveButton(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new RemoveButtonCommand(buttonSprite));
commandQueue.AddCommand(new RemoveButtonCommand(spriteRenderer));
// Sets an animator trigger to change the animation state for an animated sprite
* Sets an animator trigger to change the animation state for an animated sprite.
* This is the primary method of controlling Unity animations from a Fungus command sequence.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param animator The sprite to be made non-clickable
* @param triggerName Name of a trigger parameter in the animator controller
public void SetAnimatorTrigger(Animator animator, string triggerName)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetAnimatorTriggerCommand(animator, triggerName));
// Pans the camera to the target view over a period of time
public void PanToView(View targetView, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new PanToViewCommand(targetView, duration));
// Pans the camera through a sequence of target views over a period of time
public void PanToPath(float duration, params View[] targetViews)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new PanToPathCommand(targetViews, duration));
#region Audio Methods
// Snaps the camera to the target view immediately
public void SnapToView(View targetView)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new PanToViewCommand(targetView, 0f));
// Fades out the current camera view, and fades in again using the target view.
public void FadeToView(View targetView, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new FadeToViewCommand(targetView, duration));
// Plays game music using an audio clip
* Plays game music using an audio clip.
* One music clip may be played at a time.
* @param audioClip The music clip to play
public void PlayMusic(AudioClip audioClip)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new PlayMusicCommand(audioClip));
// Stops playing game music
* Stops playing game music.
public void StopMusic()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new StopMusicCommand());
// Sets music volume immediately
* Sets the game music volume immediately.
* @param musicVolume The new music volume value [0..1]
public void SetMusicVolume(float musicVolume)
SetMusicVolume(musicVolume, 0f);
// Fades music volume to required level over a period of time
* Fades the game music volume to required level over a period of time.
* @param musicVolume The new music volume value [0..1]
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the volume change.
public void SetMusicVolume(float musicVolume, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new SetMusicVolumeCommand(musicVolume, duration));
// Plays a sound effect once
* Plays a sound effect once.
* Multiple sound effects can be played at the same time.
* @param audioClip The sound effect clip to play
public void PlaySound(AudioClip audioClip)
PlaySound(audioClip, 1f);
// Plays a sound effect once, at the specified volume
* Plays a sound effect once, at the specified volume.
* Multiple sound effects can be played at the same time.
* @param audioClip The sound effect clip to play
* @param volume The volume level of the sound effect
public void PlaySound(AudioClip audioClip, float volume)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new PlaySoundCommand(audioClip, volume));


@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus
// Manages the global state information for the game
// This is implemented as a separate class to support saving and loading game state easily.
* Manages the global state information for the game.
* Implemented as a separate class from Game to facilitate storing & restoring of game state.
public class GameState
protected Dictionary<string, bool> flags = new Dictionary<string, bool>();


@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Fungus
// A rectangular screen area for rendering story text.
// Rooms may contain any number of Pages.
// If a Page is a child of a View, then transitiong to that View will automatically activate the Page.
* A rectangular screen area for rendering story text.
* Rooms may contain any number of Pages.
* If a Page is a child of a View, then transitioning to that View will automatically activate the Page.
public class Page : MonoBehaviour


@ -7,15 +7,22 @@ using Fungus;
namespace Fungus
// This is the main scripting interface for Fungus games.
// Each room in your game should have a script which inherits from Room.
// The OnEnter() method is called when the player enters the room.
// The GameController base class provides easy access to all story control commands
* This is the primary base class for scripting Fungus games.
* Each Room in your game should have a script component which inherits from Room.
* The OnEnter() method is called when the player enters the room.
* The GameController base class provides easy access to all Fungus functionality.
public abstract class Room : GameController
* Number of times player has entered the room
public int visitCount;
// Returns true if this is the first time the player has visited this room
* Returns true if this is the first time the player has visited this room.
public bool IsFirstVisit()
return (visitCount == 0);


@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
using System.Collections;
using Fungus;
// Use this class as a starting point for your own room scripts.
// 1. Select this script in the Project window in Unity3D/
// 2. Choose Edit > Duplicate from the menu. A copy of the file will be created.
// 3. Rename the file to match the name of your room (e.g. DungeonRoom)
// 4. Edit the script and rename the class to match the file name (e.g. public class RoomTemplate => public class DungeonRoom)
// 5. Save the script and add it as a component to your Room game object in Unity 3D.
* This class is a template to use as a starting point for your own Room scripts.
* 1. Select this script in the Project window in Unity3D
* 2. Choose Edit > Duplicate from the menu. A copy of the file will be created.
* 3. Rename the file to match the name of your room (e.g. DungeonRoom)
* 4. Edit the script and rename the class to match the file name (e.g. public class RoomTemplate => public class DungeonRoom)
* 5. Save the script and add it as a component to your Room game object in Unity 3D.
public class RoomTemplate : Room
// Add public properties here.
@ -22,7 +23,9 @@ public class RoomTemplate : Room
// public Animator characterAnim;
// public AudioClip musicClip;
// OnEnter() is always called when the player enters the room
* OnEnter() is always called when the player enters the room
void OnEnter()
// Add any sequence of Fungus commands you want here.


@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
// Transitions a sprite from its current color to a target color.
// An offset can be applied to slide the sprite in while changing color.
* Transitions a sprite from its current color to a target color.
* An offset can be applied to slide the sprite in while changing color.
[RequireComponent (typeof (SpriteRenderer))]
public class SpriteFader : MonoBehaviour
@ -17,7 +19,9 @@ namespace Fungus
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
// Attaches a SpriteFader component to a sprite object to transition its color over time
* Attaches a SpriteFader component to a sprite object to transition its color over time.
public static void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, Color targetColor, float duration, Vector2 slideOffset)
if (spriteRenderer == null)


@ -3,18 +3,27 @@ using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
// Stores long or frequently repeated strings in a dictionary.
// Strings can then be retrieved using a short key string.
namespace Fungus
* Stores long or frequently repeated strings in a dictionary.
* Strings can then be retrieved using a short key string.
public class StringTable
Dictionary<string, string> stringTable = new Dictionary<string, string>();
* Removes all strings from the string table.
public void ClearStringTable()
// Retrieves a string from the table
* Retrieves a string from the table by key.
public string GetString(string key)
if (stringTable.ContainsKey(key))
@ -24,14 +33,18 @@ public class StringTable
return "";
// Adds or updates a string in the table
* Adds or updates a string in the table.
public void SetString(string key, string value)
stringTable[key] = value;
// Replace keys in the input string with the string table entry
// Example format: "This {string_key} string"
* Replace keys in the input string with the string table entry.
* Example format: "This {string_key} string"
public string SubstituteStrings(string text)
string subbedText = text;
@ -52,8 +65,10 @@ public class StringTable
return subbedText;
// Chops a string at the first new line character
// Useful for link / button strings that must fit on a single line
* Chops a string at the first new line character encountered.
* This is useful for link / button strings that must fit on a single line.
public string FormatLinkText(string text)
string trimmed;
@ -69,3 +84,4 @@ public class StringTable
return trimmed;


@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Fungus
// Parses a text file in a simple format and adds string values to the global string table.
// The format is:
// $FirstString
// The first string text goes here
// $SecondString
// The second string text goes here
// # This is a comment line and will be ignored by the parser
* Parses a text file using a simple format and adds string values to the global string table.
* The format is:
* $FirstString
* The first string text goes here
* $SecondString
* The second string text goes here
* # This is a comment line and will be ignored by the parser
public class StringsParser : MonoBehaviour
public TextAsset stringsFile;
@ -24,10 +26,10 @@ namespace Fungus
void Start()
static public void ProcessText(string text)
void ProcessText(string text)
StringTable stringTable = Game.GetInstance().stringTable;


@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
// Defines a camera view point.
// The position and rotation are specified using the game object's transform, so this class
// only specifies the ortographic view size.
* Defines a camera view point.
* The position and rotation are specified using the game object's transform, so this class
* only needs to specify the ortographic view size.
public class View : MonoBehaviour


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