- SetSprite: changes the image on the SpriteRenderer of one or more GameObjects
- SetUIImage: changes the image on the Image of one or more GameObjects (Joerg Burbach)
- Commands to store FungusVariable.ToString into a StringVariable and to parse a string into an Int or Float FungusVariable
## Fixed
- #729 VariableEditor popup name and key concat no longer has spaces, allows the PopUp to correctly nest items with the same parent
- #732 BlockInspector correct top panel height in 2018_3 BlockEditor only force unique name if it has changed
- BlockInspector and BlockEditor changes to display correctly in 2019.1.0a13
## Changed
- #728 FlowchartWindow performance for 100s of blocks
- #727 Support use of TMPro in Set Text, Get Text and Narrative Log Menu commands
- #733 Command can now cache a list of referenced variables that are checked by the variablelistadapter for highlighting
- Flowchart can identify add variables found via the substitute regex
- Commands that use SubstituteVariables on their string data use the new caching method so they can highlight variables that will be used during substitution
- #733 HasReference added to many commands that lacked them or had only partially checked vars