11 changed files with 1119 additions and 23 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
using UnityEngine; |
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
namespace Fungus |
{ |
[CommandInfo("Animation", |
"Play Anim State", |
"Plays a state of an animator according to the state name")] |
[AddComponentMenu("")] |
public class PlayAnimState : Command |
{ |
[Tooltip("Reference to an Animator component in a game object")] |
public AnimatorData animator = new AnimatorData(); |
[Tooltip("Name of the state you want to play")] |
public StringData stateName = new StringData(); |
[Tooltip("Layer to play animation on")] |
public IntegerData layer = new IntegerData(-1); |
[Tooltip("Start time of animation")] |
public FloatData time = new FloatData(0f); |
public override void OnEnter() |
{ |
if (animator.Value != null) |
{ |
animator.Value.Play(stateName.Value, layer.Value, time.Value); |
} |
Continue(); |
} |
public override string GetSummary() |
{ |
if (animator.Value == null) |
{ |
return "Error: No animator selected"; |
} |
return animator.Value.name + " (" + stateName.Value + ")"; |
} |
public override Color GetButtonColor() |
{ |
return new Color32(170, 204, 169, 255); |
} |
} |
} |
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description: 'Tests is the PlayAnimState command |
starts playing a spite animation.' |
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--- !u!114 &939358110 |
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Reference in new issue