@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
newSerializedObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
internal Block PasteBlock ( Flowchart flowchart )
internal Block PasteBlock ( FlowchartWindow flowWind , Flowchart flowchart )
var newBlock = FlowchartWindow . CreateBlock ( flowchart , Vector2 . zero ) ;
var newBlock = flowWind . CreateBlock ( flowchart , Vector2 . zero ) ;
// Copy all command serialized properties
// Copy references to match duplication behavior
@ -127,16 +127,17 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
private string searchString = string . Empty ;
protected Rect searchRect ;
protected Rect popupRect ;
protected Block [ ] filteredBlocks ;
protected Block [ ] filteredBlocks = new Block [ 0 ] ;
protected int blockPopupSelection = - 1 ;
protected Vector2 popupScroll ;
protected Flowchart flowchart , prevFlowchart ;
protected Block [ ] blocks ;
protected Block [ ] blocks = new Block [ 0 ] ;
protected Block dragBlock ;
protected static FungusState fungusState ;
static protected VariableListAdaptor variableListAdaptor ;
private bool filterStale = true ;
[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Flowchart Window")]
static void Init ( )
@ -146,7 +147,6 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
protected virtual void OnEnable ( )
// All block nodes use the same GUIStyle, but with a different background
nodeStyle . border = new RectOffset ( 2 0 , 2 0 , 5 , 5 ) ;
nodeStyle . padding = nodeStyle . border ;
@ -161,6 +161,16 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
copyList . Clear ( ) ;
wantsMouseMove = true ; // For hover selection in block search popup
UpdateBlockCollection ( ) ;
protected void UpdateBlockCollection ( )
flowchart = GetFlowchart ( ) ;
blocks = flowchart . GetComponents < Block > ( ) ;
filterStale = true ;
UpdateFilteredBlocks ( ) ;
protected virtual void OnInspectorUpdate ( )
@ -185,7 +195,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
forceRepaintCount - - ;
forceRepaintCount = Math . Max ( 0 , forceRepaintCount ) ;
Repaint ( ) ;
//Repaint() ;
protected virtual void OnBecameVisible ( )
@ -245,8 +255,26 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
protected void UpdateFilteredBlocks ( )
filteredBlocks = blocks . Where ( block = > block . BlockName . ToLower ( ) . Contains ( searchString . ToLower ( ) ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
blockPopupSelection = Mathf . Clamp ( blockPopupSelection , 0 , filteredBlocks . Length - 1 ) ;
if ( filterStale )
filterStale = false ;
//reset all
foreach ( var item in filteredBlocks )
item . IsFiltered = false ;
//gather new
filteredBlocks = blocks . Where ( block = > block . BlockName . ToLower ( ) . Contains ( searchString . ToLower ( ) ) ) . ToArray ( ) ;
//update filteredness
foreach ( var item in filteredBlocks )
item . IsFiltered = true ;
blockPopupSelection = Mathf . Clamp ( blockPopupSelection , 0 , filteredBlocks . Length - 1 ) ;
protected virtual void HandleEarlyEvents ( Event e )
@ -358,7 +386,12 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
DeleteBlocks ( ) ;
blocks = flowchart . GetComponents < Block > ( ) ;
////blocks = flowchart.GetComponents<Block>();
//if (prevBlockCount != blocks.Length)
// filterStale = true;
//prevBlockCount = blocks.Length;
UpdateFilteredBlocks ( ) ;
BringSelectedBlockToFront ( ) ;
@ -422,6 +455,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
5 0 / flowchart . Zoom - flowchart . ScrollPos . x , 5 0 / flowchart . Zoom - flowchart . ScrollPos . y
) ;
CreateBlock ( flowchart , newNodePosition ) ;
UpdateBlockCollection ( ) ;
GUILayout . Label ( "" , EditorStyles . toolbarButton , GUILayout . Width ( 8 ) ) ; // Separator
@ -452,6 +486,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
if ( newString ! = searchString )
searchString = newString ;
filterStale = true ;
if ( e . type = = EventType . Repaint )
@ -684,11 +719,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
if ( GetAppendModifierDown ( ) )
if ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( hitBlock ) )
flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Remove ( hitBlock ) ;
if ( ! flowchart . DeselectBlock ( hitBlock ) )
flowchart . AddSelectedBlock ( hitBlock ) ;
@ -778,7 +809,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
if ( mouseDownSelectionState . Contains ( block ) )
flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Remove ( block ) ;
flowchart . DeselectBlock ( block ) ;
@ -791,7 +822,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Remove ( block ) ;
flowchart . DeselectBlock ( block ) ;
e . Use ( ) ;
@ -865,6 +896,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
SetBlockForInspector ( flowchart , flowchart . SelectedBlock ) ;
Repaint ( ) ;
break ;
@ -950,96 +982,96 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
DrawConnections ( block , true ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < blocks . Length ; + + i )
var block = blocks [ i ] ;
float nodeWidthA = nodeStyle . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( block . BlockName ) ) . x + 1 0 ;
float nodeWidthB = 0f ;
if ( block . _ EventHandler ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < blocks . Length ; + + i )
nodeWidthB = nodeStyle . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( block . _ EventHandler . GetSummary ( ) ) ) . x + 1 0 ;
var block = blocks [ i ] ;
Rect tempRect = block . _ NodeRect ;
tempRect . width = Mathf . Max ( Mathf . Max ( nodeWidthA , nodeWidthB ) , 1 2 0 ) ;
tempRect . height = 4 0 ;
block . _ NodeRect = tempRect ;
float nodeWidthA = nodeStyle . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( block . BlockName ) ) . x + 1 0 ;
float nodeWidthB = 0f ;
if ( block . _ EventHandler ! = null )
nodeWidthB = nodeStyle . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( block . _ EventHandler . GetSummary ( ) ) ) . x + 1 0 ;
Rect windowRect = new Rect ( block . _ NodeRect ) ;
windowRect . position + = flowchart . ScrollPos ;
Rect tempRect = block . _ NodeRect ;
tempRect . width = Mathf . Max ( Mathf . Max ( nodeWidthA , nodeWidthB ) , 1 2 0 ) ;
tempRect . height = 4 0 ;
block . _ NodeRect = tempRect ;
// Draw blocks
bool selected = flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( block ) ;
Rect windowRect = new Rect ( block . _ NodeRect ) ;
windowRect . position + = flowchart . ScrollPos ;
GUIStyle nodeStyleCopy = new GUIStyle ( nodeStyle ) ;
var graphics = GetBlockGraphics ( block ) ;
// Draw blocks
bool selected = block . IsSelected ;
// Make sure node is wide enough to fit the node name text
float width = nodeStyleCopy . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( block . BlockName ) ) . x ;
tempRect = block . _ NodeRect ;
tempRect . width = Mathf . Max ( block . _ NodeRect . width , width ) ;
block . _ NodeRect = tempRect ;
GUIStyle nodeStyleCopy = new GUIStyle ( nodeStyle ) ;
var graphics = GetBlockGraphics ( block ) ;
// Draw untinted highlight
if ( selected )
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . white ;
nodeStyleCopy . normal . background = graphics . onTexture ;
GUI . Box ( windowRect , "" , nodeStyleCopy ) ;
// Make sure node is wide enough to fit the node name text
float width = nodeStyleCopy . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( block . BlockName ) ) . x ;
tempRect = block . _ NodeRect ;
tempRect . width = Mathf . Max ( block . _ NodeRect . width , width ) ;
block . _ NodeRect = tempRect ;
// Draw tinted block; ensure text is readable
var brightness = graphics . tint . r * 0.3 + graphics . tint . g * 0.59 + graphics . tint . b * 0.11 ;
nodeStyleCopy . normal . textColor = brightness > = 0.5 ? Color . black : Color . white ;
// Draw untinted highlight
if ( selected )
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . white ;
nodeStyleCopy . normal . background = graphics . onTexture ;
GUI . Box ( windowRect , "" , nodeStyleCopy ) ;
if ( GUI . GetNameOfFocusedControl ( ) = = searchFieldName & & ! filteredBlocks . Contains ( block ) )
graphics . tint . a * = 0.2f ;
// Draw tinted block; ensure text is readable
var brightness = graphics . tint . r * 0.3 + graphics . tint . g * 0.59 + graphics . tint . b * 0.11 ;
nodeStyleCopy . normal . textColor = brightness > = 0.5 ? Color . black : Color . white ;
nodeStyleCopy . normal . background = graphics . offTexture ;
GUI . backgroundColor = graphics . tint ;
GUI . Box ( windowRect , block . BlockName , nodeStyleCopy ) ;
if ( GUI . GetNameOfFocusedControl ( ) = = searchFieldName & & ! block . IsFiltered )
graphics . tint . a * = 0.2f ;
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . white ;
nodeStyleCopy . normal . background = graphics . offTexture ;
GUI . backgroundColor = graphics . tint ;
GUI . Box ( windowRect , block . BlockName , nodeStyleCopy ) ;
if ( block . Description . Length > 0 )
GUIStyle descriptionStyle = new GUIStyle ( EditorStyles . helpBox ) ;
descriptionStyle . wordWrap = true ;
var content = new GUIContent ( block . Description ) ;
windowRect . y + = windowRect . height ;
windowRect . height = descriptionStyle . CalcHeight ( content , windowRect . width ) ;
GUI . Label ( windowRect , content , descriptionStyle ) ;
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . white ;
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . white ;
// Draw Event Handler labels
if ( block . _ EventHandler ! = null )
string handlerLabel = "" ;
EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor . GetEventHandlerInfo ( block . _ EventHandler . GetType ( ) ) ;
if ( info ! = null )
if ( block . Description . Length > 0 )
handlerLabel = "<" + info . EventHandlerName + "> " ;
GUIStyle descriptionStyle = new GUIStyle ( EditorStyles . helpBox ) ;
descriptionStyle . wordWrap = true ;
var content = new GUIContent ( block . Description ) ;
windowRect . y + = windowRect . height ;
windowRect . height = descriptionStyle . CalcHeight ( content , windowRect . width ) ;
GUI . Label ( windowRect , content , descriptionStyle ) ;
GUIStyle handlerStyle = new GUIStyle ( EditorStyles . whiteLabel ) ;
handlerStyle . wordWrap = true ;
handlerStyle . margin . top = 0 ;
handlerStyle . margin . bottom = 0 ;
handlerStyle . alignment = TextAnchor . MiddleCenter ;
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . white ;
Rect rect = new Rect ( block . _ NodeRect ) ;
rect . height = handlerStyle . CalcHeight ( new GUIContent ( handlerLabel ) , block . _ NodeRect . width ) ;
rect . x + = flowchart . ScrollPos . x ;
rect . y + = flowchart . ScrollPos . y - rect . height ;
// Draw Event Handler labels
if ( block . _ EventHandler ! = null )
string handlerLabel = "" ;
EventHandlerInfoAttribute info = EventHandlerEditor . GetEventHandlerInfo ( block . _ EventHandler . GetType ( ) ) ;
if ( info ! = null )
handlerLabel = "<" + info . EventHandlerName + "> " ;
GUI . Label ( rect , handlerLabel , handlerStyle ) ;
GUIStyle handlerStyle = new GUIStyle ( EditorStyles . whiteLabel ) ;
handlerStyle . wordWrap = true ;
handlerStyle . margin . top = 0 ;
handlerStyle . margin . bottom = 0 ;
handlerStyle . alignment = TextAnchor . MiddleCenter ;
Rect rect = new Rect ( block . _ NodeRect ) ;
rect . height = handlerStyle . CalcHeight ( new GUIContent ( handlerLabel ) , block . _ NodeRect . width ) ;
rect . x + = flowchart . ScrollPos . x ;
rect . y + = flowchart . ScrollPos . y - rect . height ;
GUI . Label ( rect , handlerLabel , handlerStyle ) ;
@ -1175,9 +1207,10 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
Selection . activeGameObject = flowchart . gameObject ;
public static Block CreateBlock ( Flowchart flowchart , Vector2 position )
public Block CreateBlock ( Flowchart flowchart , Vector2 position )
Block newBlock = flowchart . CreateBlock ( position ) ;
UpdateBlockCollection ( ) ;
Undo . RegisterCreatedObjectUndo ( newBlock , "New Block" ) ;
// Use AddSelected instead of Select for when multiple blocks are duplicated
@ -1348,7 +1381,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
for ( int i = 0 ; i < deleteList . Count ; + + i )
var deleteBlock = deleteList [ i ] ;
bool isSelected = ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( deleteBlock ) ) ;
bool isSelected = deleteBlock . IsSelected ;
var commandList = deleteBlock . CommandList ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < commandList . Count ; + + j )
@ -1367,13 +1400,18 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
if ( isSelected )
// Deselect
flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Remove ( deleteBlock ) ;
flowchart . DeselectBlock ( deleteBlock ) ;
// Revert to showing properties for the Flowchart
Selection . activeGameObject = flowchart . gameObject ;
if ( deleteList . Count > 0 )
UpdateBlockCollection ( ) ;
deleteList . Clear ( ) ;
@ -1446,7 +1484,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
foreach ( var copy in copyList )
pasteList . Add ( copy . PasteBlock ( flowchart ) ) ;
pasteList . Add ( copy . PasteBlock ( this , flowchart ) ) ;
var copiedCenter = GetBlockCenter ( pasteList . ToArray ( ) ) + flowchart . ScrollPos ;
@ -1458,6 +1496,8 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
tempRect . position + = delta ;
block . _ NodeRect = tempRect ;
UpdateBlockCollection ( ) ;
protected virtual void Duplicate ( )