@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ namespace Fungus
public class FungusScriptWindow : EditorWindow
static bool locked = false ;
static GUIStyle lockButtonStyle ;
static FungusScript activeFungusScript ;
public static List < Sequence > deleteList = new List < Sequence > ( ) ;
@ -22,12 +20,11 @@ namespace Fungus
protected Vector2 startDragPosition ;
protected Sequence selectedSequence ;
protected const float minZoomValue = 0.5f ;
protected const float minZoomValue = 0.2 5f ;
protected const float maxZoomValue = 1f ;
// Set this flag to tell the context menu to appear.
// The context menu is modal, so we need to defer displaying it if the background needs to be repainted
public static bool showContextMenu ;
protected static SequenceInspector sequenceInspector ;
protected bool followExecution = true ;
[MenuItem("Window/Fungus Script")]
static void Init ( )
@ -35,37 +32,33 @@ namespace Fungus
GetWindow ( typeof ( FungusScriptWindow ) , false , "Fungus Script" ) ;
// Implementing this method causes the padlock image to display on the window
// https://leahayes.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/adding-the-little-padlock-button-to-your-editorwindow/#more-455
protected virtual void ShowButton ( Rect position ) {
if ( lockButtonStyle = = null )
lockButtonStyle = "IN LockButton" ;
locked = GUI . Toggle ( position , locked , GUIContent . none , lockButtonStyle ) ;
public virtual void OnInspectorUpdate ( )
public virtual void OnEnable ( )
Repaint ( ) ;
followExecution = true ;
static public FungusScript GetFungusScript ( )
if ( locked & & activeFungusScript ! = null )
// Using a temp hidden object to track the active Fungus Script across
// serialization / deserialization when playing the game in the editor.
FungusState fungusState = GameObject . FindObjectOfType < FungusState > ( ) ;
if ( fungusState = = null )
return activeFungusScript ;
GameObject go = new GameObject ( "_FungusState" ) ;
go . hideFlags = HideFlags . HideInHierarchy ;
fungusState = go . AddComponent < FungusState > ( ) ;
locked = false ;
if ( Selection . activeGameObject ! = null )
activeFungusScript = Selection . activeGameObject . GetComponent < FungusScript > ( ) ;
return activeFungusScript ;
FungusScript fs = Selection . activeGameObject . GetComponent < FungusScript > ( ) ;
if ( fs ! = null )
fungusState . selectedFungusScript = fs ;
return null ;
return fungusState . selectedFungusScript ;
protected virtual void OnGUI ( )
@ -86,7 +79,7 @@ namespace Fungus
Undo . DestroyObjectImmediate ( deleteSequence ) ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence = null ;
SetSelectedSequence ( fungusScript , null ) ;
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
deleteList . Clear ( ) ;
@ -94,12 +87,26 @@ namespace Fungus
DrawScriptView ( fungusScript ) ;
DrawOverlay ( fungusScript ) ;
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . Repaint & &
showContextMenu )
if ( Application . isPlaying & &
fungusScript . executingSequence ! = null & &
followExecution )
ShowContextMenu ( ) ;
showContextMenu = false ;
// Set SequenceInspector object as the selected object
if ( Selection . activeGameObject = = fungusScript . gameObject | |
Selection . activeGameObject = = sequenceInspector )
SetSelectedSequence ( fungusScript , fungusScript . executingSequence ) ;
// Make sure SequenceInspector is using the currently executing sequence
if ( sequenceInspector ! = null )
sequenceInspector . sequence = fungusScript . executingSequence ;
// Redraw on next frame to get crisp refresh rate
Repaint ( ) ;
protected virtual void DrawOverlay ( FungusScript fungusScript )
@ -177,11 +184,13 @@ namespace Fungus
Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDown )
selectedSequence = fungusScript . selectedSequence ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence = null ;
SetSelectedSequence ( fungusScript , null ) ;
if ( ! EditorGUI . actionKey )
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
Selection . activeGameObject = fungusScript . gameObject ;
followExecution = false ;
// Draw connections
@ -199,6 +208,8 @@ namespace Fungus
BeginWindows ( ) ;
GUIStyle nodeStyle = new GUIStyle ( "flow node 3" ) ;
windowSequenceMap . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sequences . Length ; + + i )
@ -207,10 +218,12 @@ namespace Fungus
// Hack to support legacy design where sequences were child gameobjects (will be removed soon)
sequence . UpdateSequenceName ( ) ;
sequence . nodeRect . height = CalcRectHeight ( sequence . commandList . Count ) ;
float nodeWidth = nodeStyle . CalcSize ( new GUIContent ( sequence . sequenceName ) ) . x ;
sequence . nodeRect . width = Mathf . Max ( 1 2 0 , nodeWidth ) ;
sequence . nodeRect . height = 3 0 ;
if ( ! Application . isPlaying & &
Event . current . button = = 0 )
if ( Event . current . button = = 0 )
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDrag & & dragWindowId = = i )
@ -303,7 +316,7 @@ namespace Fungus
Sequence newSequence = fungusScript . CreateSequence ( position ) ;
Undo . RegisterCreatedObjectUndo ( newSequence , "New Sequence" ) ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence = newSequence ;
SetSelectedSequence ( fungusScript , newSequence ) ;
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
return newSequence ;
@ -317,7 +330,7 @@ namespace Fungus
Undo . DestroyObjectImmediate ( sequence ) ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence = null ;
SetSelectedSequence ( fungusScript , null ) ;
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
@ -327,9 +340,8 @@ namespace Fungus
FungusScript fungusScript = sequence . GetFungusScript ( ) ;
// Select sequence when node is clicked
if ( ! Application . isPlaying & &
( Event . current . button = = 0 | | Event . current . button = = 1 ) & &
( Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDown ) )
if ( Event . current . button = = 0 & &
Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDown )
// Check if might be start of a window drag
if ( Event . current . button = = 0 & &
@ -343,54 +355,42 @@ namespace Fungus
if ( windowId < windowSequenceMap . Count )
Undo . RecordObject ( fungusScript , "Select" ) ;
if ( sequence ! = selectedSequence | | ! EditorGUI . actionKey )
int commandIndex = CalcCommandIndex ( Event . current . mousePosition . y ) ;
if ( commandIndex < sequence . commandList . Count & &
fungusScript . selectedCommands . Contains ( sequence . commandList [ commandIndex ] ) )
// Right clicking on an already selected command does not clear the selected list
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
if ( selectedSequence ! = sequence & &
Event . current . mousePosition . x > sequence . nodeRect . width - 3 0f )
SetSelectedSequence ( fungusScript , sequence ) ;
GUIUtility . keyboardControl = 0 ; // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus)
if ( Application . isPlaying )
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
// If user selected a non-executing sequence then stop following execution
followExecution = ( fungusScript . selectedSequence = = fungusScript . executingSequence ) ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence = sequence ;
GUIUtility . keyboardControl = 0 ; // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus)
GUIStyle nodeStyle = null ;
if ( fungusScript . selectedSequence = = sequence | |
fungusScript . executingSequence = = sequence )
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . green ;
Rect highlightRect = new Rect ( 0 , 0 , sequence . nodeRect . width , 2 4 ) ;
GUIStyle highlightStyle = new GUIStyle ( ) ;
highlightStyle . normal . background = FungusEditorResources . texCommandBackground ;
highlightStyle . border . top = 1 ;
highlightStyle . border . bottom = 1 ;
highlightStyle . border . left = 1 ;
highlightStyle . border . right = 1 ;
GUI . Box ( highlightRect , "" , highlightStyle ) ;
GUI . backgroundColor = Color . white ;
// Green node
nodeStyle = new GUIStyle ( "flow node 3" ) ;
// Yellow node
nodeStyle = new GUIStyle ( "flow node 4" ) ;
GUILayout . BeginVertical ( ) ;
GUILayout . Box ( sequence . sequenceName , nodeStyle , GUILayout . Width ( sequence . nodeRect . width ) , GUILayout . Height ( sequence . nodeRect . height ) ) ;
SequenceEditor sequenceEditor = Editor . CreateEditor ( sequence ) as SequenceEditor ;
sequenceEditor . DrawCommandListGUI ( sequence . GetFungusScript ( ) ) ;
DestroyImmediate ( sequenceEditor ) ;
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . ContextClick )
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndVertical ( ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Duplicate" ) , false , DuplicateSequence , sequence ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Delete" ) , false , DeleteSequence , sequence ) ;
menu . ShowAsContext ( ) ;
protected virtual void DrawConnections ( FungusScript fungusScript , Sequence sequence , bool highlightedOnly )
@ -441,13 +441,10 @@ namespace Fungus
Rect startRect = new Rect ( sequence . nodeRect ) ;
startRect . y + = CalcRectHeight ( sequence . commandList . Count ) ;
startRect . height = 0 ;
startRect . x + = fungusScript . scrollPos . x ;
startRect . y + = fungusScript . scrollPos . y ;
Rect endRect = new Rect ( sequenceB . nodeRect ) ;
endRect . height = 2 2 ;
endRect . x + = fungusScript . scrollPos . x ;
endRect . y + = fungusScript . scrollPos . y ;
@ -460,14 +457,16 @@ namespace Fungus
Vector2 [ ] pointsA = new Vector2 [ ] {
new Vector2 ( rectA . xMin , rectA . center . y ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectA . xMin + rectA . width / 2 , rectA . yMax + 1 5 ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectA . xMin + rectA . width / 2 , rectA . yMin ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectA . xMin + rectA . width / 2 , rectA . yMax ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectA . xMax , rectA . center . y )
} ;
Vector2 [ ] pointsB = new Vector2 [ ] {
new Vector2 ( rectB . xMin , rectB . center . y + 4 ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectB . xMin , rectB . center . y ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectB . xMin + rectB . width / 2 , rectB . yMin ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectB . xMax , rectB . center . y + 4 )
new Vector2 ( rectB . xMin + rectB . width / 2 , rectB . yMax ) ,
new Vector2 ( rectB . xMax , rectB . center . y )
} ;
Vector2 pointA = Vector2 . zero ;
@ -503,270 +502,59 @@ namespace Fungus
GUI . Label ( dotBRect , "" , new GUIStyle ( "U2D.dragDotActive" ) ) ;
protected virtual float CalcRectHeight ( int numCommands )
return ( numCommands * 2 0 ) + 3 4 ;
protected virtual int CalcCommandIndex ( float mouseY )
public static void DeleteSequence ( object obj )
return Math . Max ( 0 , ( int ) ( mouseY - 3 4 + 7 ) / 2 0 ) ;
Sequence sequence = obj as Sequence ;
FungusScriptWindow . deleteList . Add ( sequence ) ;
public static void ShowContextMenu ( )
protected static void DuplicateSequence ( object obj )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null )
return ;
Sequence sequence = obj as Sequence ;
bool showCut = false ;
bool showCopy = false ;
bool showDelete = false ;
bool showPaste = false ;
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2 ( sequence . nodeRect . position . x +
sequence . nodeRect . width + 2 0 ,
sequence . nodeRect . y ) ;
if ( fungusScript . selectedCommands . Count > 0 )
showCut = true ;
showCopy = true ;
showDelete = true ;
CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer . GetInstance ( ) ;
if ( commandCopyBuffer . HasCommands ( ) )
showPaste = true ;
Sequence oldSequence = sequence ;
GenericMenu commandMenu = new GenericMenu ( ) ;
if ( showCut )
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Cut" ) , false , Cut ) ;
commandMenu . AddDisabledItem ( new GUIContent ( "Cut" ) ) ;
if ( showCopy )
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Copy" ) , false , Copy ) ;
commandMenu . AddDisabledItem ( new GUIContent ( "Copy" ) ) ;
if ( showPaste )
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Paste" ) , false , Paste ) ;
commandMenu . AddDisabledItem ( new GUIContent ( "Paste" ) ) ;
if ( showDelete )
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Delete" ) , false , Delete ) ;
commandMenu . AddDisabledItem ( new GUIContent ( "Delete" ) ) ;
commandMenu . AddSeparator ( "" ) ;
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Select All" ) , false , SelectAll ) ;
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Select None" ) , false , SelectNone ) ;
commandMenu . AddSeparator ( "" ) ;
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Delete Sequence" ) , false , DeleteSequence ) ;
commandMenu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Duplicate Sequence" ) , false , DuplicateSequence ) ;
commandMenu . ShowAsContext ( ) ;
protected static void SelectAll ( )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null | |
fungusScript . selectedSequence = = null )
return ;
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( fungusScript , "Select All" ) ;
foreach ( Command command in fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList )
fungusScript . AddSelectedCommand ( command ) ;
protected static void SelectNone ( )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null | |
fungusScript . selectedSequence = = null )
return ;
Undo . RecordObject ( fungusScript , "Select None" ) ;
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
protected static void Cut ( )
Copy ( ) ;
Delete ( ) ;
protected static void Copy ( )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null | |
fungusScript . selectedSequence = = null )
return ;
CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer . GetInstance ( ) ;
commandCopyBuffer . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Command command in fungusScript . selectedCommands )
System . Type type = command . GetType ( ) ;
Command newCommand = Undo . AddComponent ( commandCopyBuffer . gameObject , type ) as Command ;
System . Reflection . FieldInfo [ ] fields = type . GetFields ( ) ;
foreach ( System . Reflection . FieldInfo field in fields )
field . SetValue ( newCommand , field . GetValue ( command ) ) ;
protected static void Paste ( )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null | |
fungusScript . selectedSequence = = null )
return ;
CommandCopyBuffer commandCopyBuffer = CommandCopyBuffer . GetInstance ( ) ;
// Find where to paste commands in sequence (either at end or after last selected command)
int pasteIndex = fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList . Count ;
if ( fungusScript . selectedCommands . Count > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList . Count ; + + i )
Command command = fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList [ i ] ;
foreach ( Command selectedCommand in fungusScript . selectedCommands )
if ( command = = selectedCommand )
pasteIndex = i + 1 ;
Sequence newSequence = FungusScriptWindow . CreateSequence ( fungusScript , newPosition ) ;
newSequence . sequenceName = oldSequence . sequenceName + " (Copy)" ;
foreach ( Command command in commandCopyBuffer . GetCommands ( ) )
foreach ( Command command in oldSequence . commandList )
System . Type type = command . GetType ( ) ;
Command newCommand = Undo . AddComponent ( fungusScript . selectedSequence . gameObject , type ) as Command ;
Command newCommand = Undo . AddComponent ( fungusScript . gameObject , type ) as Command ;
System . Reflection . FieldInfo [ ] fields = type . GetFields ( ) ;
foreach ( System . Reflection . FieldInfo field in fields )
field . SetValue ( newCommand , field . GetValue ( command ) ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( fungusScript . selectedSequence , "Paste" ) ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList . Insert ( pasteIndex + + , newCommand ) ;
newSequence . commandList . Add ( newCommand ) ;
protected static void Delete ( )
protected static void SetSelectedSequence ( FungusScript fungusScript , Sequence sequence )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null | |
fungusScript . selectedSequence = = null )
return ;
for ( int i = fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList . Count - 1 ; i > = 0 ; - - i )
Command command = fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList [ i ] ;
foreach ( Command selectedCommand in fungusScript . selectedCommands )
if ( command = = selectedCommand )
Undo . RecordObject ( fungusScript . selectedSequence , "Delete" ) ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence . commandList . RemoveAt ( i ) ;
Undo . DestroyObjectImmediate ( command ) ;
break ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence = sequence ;
Undo . RecordObject ( fungusScript , "Delete" ) ;
fungusScript . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
fungusScript . selectedSequence = null ;
public static void DeleteSequence ( )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null | |
fungusScript . selectedSequence = = null )
if ( sequenceInspector = = null )
return ;
// Create a Scriptable Object with a custom editor which we can use to inspect the selected sequence.
// Editors for Scriptable Objects display using the full height of the inspector window.
sequenceInspector = ScriptableObject . CreateInstance < SequenceInspector > ( ) as SequenceInspector ;
sequenceInspector . hideFlags = HideFlags . DontSave ;
FungusScriptWindow . deleteList . Add ( fungusScript . selectedSequence ) ;
sequenceInspector . sequence = sequence ;
protected static void DuplicateSequence ( )
FungusScript fungusScript = GetFungusScript ( ) ;
if ( fungusScript = = null | |
fungusScript . selectedSequence = = null )
if ( sequence ! = null )
return ;
Selection . activeObject = sequenceInspector ;
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2 ( fungusScript . selectedSequence . nodeRect . position . x +
fungusScript . selectedSequence . nodeRect . width + 2 0 ,
fungusScript . selectedSequence . nodeRect . y ) ;
Sequence oldSequence = fungusScript . selectedSequence ;
Sequence newSequence = FungusScriptWindow . CreateSequence ( fungusScript , newPosition ) ;
newSequence . sequenceName = oldSequence . sequenceName + " (Copy)" ;
foreach ( Command command in oldSequence . commandList )
System . Type type = command . GetType ( ) ;
Command newCommand = Undo . AddComponent ( fungusScript . gameObject , type ) as Command ;
System . Reflection . FieldInfo [ ] fields = type . GetFields ( ) ;
foreach ( System . Reflection . FieldInfo field in fields )
field . SetValue ( newCommand , field . GetValue ( command ) ) ;
newSequence . commandList . Add ( newCommand ) ;
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( sequenceInspector ) ;