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-Now Fungus 3.6.1 Updated Docs for Commands and Event Handlers -Added Monobeh events -Added Math commands -Added LeanTween commands -Moved to separate top level side bar menus Refactor Trig.cs to use common base class Moved all MonoBeh Event Handlers to appropriate foldermaster
38 changed files with 434 additions and 23 deletions
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# LeanTween commands # {#leanTween_commands} |
Fungus Commands that apply [LeanTweens]( to a GameObject. |
[TOC] |
# Move # {#Move} |
Moves a game object to a specified position over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive. |
Defined in Fungus.MoveLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_targetObject | Fungus.GameObjectData | GameObject to tween |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Time in seconds for the tween to complete |
_toFrom | System.Enum | 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current. |
_absAdd | System.Enum | 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination. |
easeType | LeanTweenType | Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad |
loopType | LeanTweenType | If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc. |
repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
stopPreviousTweens | System.Boolean | If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
waitUntilFinished | System.Boolean | If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished. |
_toTransform | Fungus.TransformData | Target transform that the GameObject will move to. Often easier to configure tweens with the use of a target gameobject than a hard coded world position. (if this is not set then the _toPosition vector3 will be used) |
_toPosition | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target world position that the GameObject will move to, if no From Transform is set. This is only used if the _toTransform is null |
isLocal | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default. |
# Scale # {#Scale} |
Scales a game object to a specified scale over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive. |
Defined in Fungus.ScaleLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_targetObject | Fungus.GameObjectData | GameObject to tween |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Time in seconds for the tween to complete |
_toFrom | System.Enum | 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current. |
_absAdd | System.Enum | 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination. |
easeType | LeanTweenType | Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad |
loopType | LeanTweenType | If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc. |
repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
stopPreviousTweens | System.Boolean | If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
waitUntilFinished | System.Boolean | If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished. |
_toTransform | Fungus.TransformData | Target scale for the tween to use. If null then the _toScale vector3 is used instead. |
_toScale | Fungus.Vector3Data | Target scale that the GameObject will scale to. Only used if _toTransform is null. Default is 1,1,1 |
# Rotate # {#Rotate} |
Rotate a game object to a specified rotation (matching another transform or eulerAngle) over time. Can be either to or from a given target. Can be absolute or additive. |
Defined in Fungus.RotateLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_targetObject | Fungus.GameObjectData | GameObject to tween |
_duration | Fungus.FloatData | Time in seconds for the tween to complete |
_toFrom | System.Enum | 'To' or 'From'. To means it tweens from its current to the target. From, will jump to the final and tween back towards the current. |
_absAdd | System.Enum | 'Absolute' or 'Additive'. Absolute treats the destination as a final. Additive calculates the final as the current plus the value within the destination. |
easeType | LeanTweenType | Forumla used to animate from start to end value. E.g. easeInOutQuad |
loopType | LeanTweenType | If the tween is to loop (play it's duration more than once) how should it do that, clamp or pingping etc. |
repeats | System.Int32 | Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite. |
stopPreviousTweens | System.Boolean | If true stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive. |
waitUntilFinished | System.Boolean | If true, this command will halt the block until the tween is finished. |
_toTransform | Fungus.TransformData | Rotation for the tween to match. If not set _toRotation will be used. |
_ToRotation | Fungus.FloatData | Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate to, if no To Transform is set |
isLocal | System.Boolean | Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default. |
rotateMode | System.Enum | 'PureRotate', 'LookAt2D' or 'LookAt3D'. Determines how to use the supplied rotation information. PureRotate is a simply euler/quaternion match. LookAt2D matches the euler z only. LookAt3D rotations the objects forward to point at the given direction/target. |
# Stop Tweens # {#StopTweens} |
Stops the all active LeanTweens, made by fungus or otherwise, on the target GameObject |
Defined in Fungus.StopTweensLean |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
_target Object | Fungus.GameObjectData | Target game object stop LeanTweens on |
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# Math commands # {#math_commands} |
Provides a way for Fungus.FloatData to be used in conjunction with most of [Mathf]( and more. |
[TOC] |
# Abs # {#Abs} |
Sets the outValue to the be Absolute value of the inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Abs |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
# Clamp # {#Clamp} |
Sets the outValue to the result of a clamp of value, between lower and upper. |
Defined in Fungus.Clamp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
mode | System.Enum | Clamp or Repeat or Pingpong. See [Repeat and Pingpong]( for more details. |
lower | Fungus.FloatData | The lower bound of the clamp |
upper | Fungus.FloatData | The upper bound of the clamp |
value | Fungus.FloatData | The value to be clamped |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
# Curve # {#Curve} |
Sets the outValue to the evaluation at inValue of the supplied animation curve. Useful for non linearly remapping values. |
Defined in Fungus.Curve |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
curve | Unity.AnimationCurve | See [AnimationCurve]( for more info. Defaults to a Linear 0,0, to 1,1 AnimationCurve. |
# Exp # {#Exp} |
Sets the outValue to the be Exp (e^) value of the inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Exp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
# Inv # {#Inv} |
Sets the outValue to the be mutliplicative inverse of the inValue, 1 / inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Inv |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
# InvLerp # {#InvLerp} |
Sets the outValue to the Calculates the inverse lerp, the percentage a value is between two others. |
Defined in Fungus.InvLerp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
clampResult | System.Boolean | Clamp percentage to 0-1? |
a | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the range |
b | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the range |
value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to determine precentage between a and b. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
# Lerp # {#Lerp} |
Sets the outValue to the linear interpolation of a percentage between two other values. |
Defined in Fungus.Lerp |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
mode | System.Enum | Lerp or LerpUnclamped or LerpAngle. See [Lerp functions in Mathf]( for more details. |
a | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the range, default 0. |
b | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the range, default 1. |
percentage | Fungus.FloatData | percentage between a and b. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
# Log # {#Log} |
Sets the outValue to the be Log or Ln of the inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Log |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | Base10 or Natural. Base10 is the standard Log, Natural log is often seen as Ln. |
# Map # {#Map} |
Sets the outValue mapping of a value that currently exists between a set of numbers to another set of numbers. |
E.g. a value of 5 between 0 and 10, mapped to 0-20 would result in 10. |
Does not clamp between ranges, use a Fungus.Clamp before or after this command for that if is desired. |
Defined in Fungus.Map |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
initialRangeLower | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the initial range, default 0. |
initialRangeupper | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the initial range, default 1. |
value | Fungus.FloatData | Value to be mapped from initial to new range. |
newRangeLower | Fungus.FloatData | Min of the new target range, default 0. |
newRangeUpper | Fungus.FloatData | Max of the new target range, default 1. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). |
# MinMax # {#MinMax} |
Sets the outValue to minimum or the maximum of 2 given values. |
Defined in Fungus.MinMax |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
function | System.Enum | Min or Max. |
inLHSValue | Fungus.FloatData | lhs given to min or max function. |
inRHSValue | Fungus.FloatData | rhs given to min or max function. |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function min or max. |
# Neg # {#Neg} |
Sets the outValue to the be addative inverse of the inValue, becomes -inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Neg |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
# Pow # {#Pow} |
Sets the outValue to result of a base value rasied to an exponent. |
E.g. 2^5 |
2 is the base |
5 is the exponent. |
Defined in Fungus.Pow |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
baseValue | Fungus.FloatData | Base value. |
exponentValue | Fungus.FloatData | Exponent value |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the pow function. |
# Round # {#Round} |
Sets the outValue to the Rounded result of inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Round |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | Round or Floor or Ceil. Round is closest whole number, Floor is the smaller whole number, Ceil is the larger whole number. |
# Sign # {#Sign} |
Sets the outValue to the be mutliplicative sign of the inValue. -1 for negative number otherwise it is 1. |
Defined in Fungus.Sign |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
# Sqrt # {#Sqrt} |
Sets the outValue to the be square root of the inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Sqrt |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
# ToInt # {#ToInt} |
Sets the outValue to the Rounded to Int result of inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.ToInt |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.IntData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
mode | System.Enum | RoundToInt or FloorToInt or CeilToInt. Round is closest integer, Floor is the smaller integer, Ceil is the larger integer. |
# Trig # {#Trig} |
Sets the outValue to the of a trigonmetric function performed on inValue. |
Defined in Fungus.Trig |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
inValue | Fungus.FloatData | Value passed into the function (the right hand side). |
outValue | Fungus.IntData | Value the result of the function is saved to (the left hand side). This can be the same Fungus.FloatData as the inValue. |
function | System.Enum | Rad2Deg, Deg2Rad, ACos, ASin, ATan, Cos, Sin, Tan. Default is Sin. |
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# MonoBehaviour Events # {#monobeh_events} |
See [Unity MonoBehaviour Messages]( for more context. |
[TOC] |
# Animator # {#Animator} |
The block will execute on the selected OnAnimator messages from Unity. |
Defined in Fungus.AnimatorState |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnAnimatorIK, OnAnimatorMove. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
IKLayer | System.Int32 | IK layer to trigger on. Negative is all. |
# Application # {#Application} |
The block will execute on the selected OnApplication messages from Unity. |
Defined in Fungus.ApplicationState |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnApplicationGetFocus, OnApplicationLoseFocus, OnApplicationPause, OnApplicationResume, OnApplicationQuit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# CharacterCollider # {#CharacterCollider} |
The block will execute on the OnControllerColliderHit messages from Unity & tags pass tests. |
Defined in Fungus.CharacterControllerCollide |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
tagFilter | System.String\[\] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
# Collision # {#Collision} |
The block will execute on the OnCollision related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 3D physics system, see the [collision detection occurs ]( section for more info. |
Defined in Fungus.Collision |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
tagFilter | System.String\[\] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# Collision2D # {#Collision2D} |
The block will execute on the OnCollision related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 2D physics system, see the [collision detection occurs ]( section for more info. |
Defined in Fungus.Collision2D |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
tagFilter | System.String\[\] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# Mouse # {#Mouse} |
The block will execute on the selected OnMouse messages from Unity. |
Defined in Fungus.Mouse |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnMouseDown, OnMouseDrag, OnMouseEnter, OnMouseExit, OnMouseOver, OnMouseUp, OnMouseUpAsButton. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# Particle # {#Particle} |
The block will execute on the OnParticle related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. |
Defined in Fungus.Particle |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
tagFilter | System.String\[\] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnParticleCollision, OnParticleTrigger. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. OnParticleCollision uses the tag filter, OnParticleTrigger has no parameters provided by Unity. |
# Render # {#Render} |
The block will execute on the selected On*Render messages from Unity. |
Defined in Fungus.Render |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnPostRender, OnPreCull, OnPreRender, OnRenderObject, OnWillRenderObject, OnBecameInvisible, OnBecameVisible. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# Transform # {#Transform} |
The block will execute on the selected transform changed messages from Unity. |
Defined in Fungus.TransformChanged |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
FireOn | System.Enum | OnTransformChildrenChanged, OnTransformParentChanged. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# Trigger # {#Trigger} |
The block will execute on the OnTrigger related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 3D physics system, see the [trigger messages sent upon]( section for more info. |
Defined in Fungus.Trigger |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
tagFilter | System.String\[\] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# Trigger2D # {#Trigger2D} |
The block will execute on the OnTrigger*2D related messages from Unity & tags pass tests. Used for the 2D physics system, see the [trigger messages sent upon]( section for more info. |
Defined in Fungus.Trigger2D |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
tagFilter | System.String\[\] | Array of strings, if this is empty then tag comparing is ignored. Otherwise as long as 1 of the tags within matches the incoming tag to test it will pass. Think of it like a big chain of 'or's. |
FireOn | System.Enum | Enter, Stay, Exit. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
# Update # {#Update} |
The block will execute on the selected update messages from Unity. |
Defined in Fungus.UpdateTick |
Property | Type | Description |
--- | --- | --- |
FireOn | System.Enum | Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate. Flags to determine which of the Unity messages causes this event to fire. |
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# Event Handler Reference {#eventhandler_reference} |
This is the reference documentation for all %Fungus event handlers. |
* @subpage core_events |
* @subpage input_events |
* @subpage monobeh_events |
* @subpage sprite_events |
* @subpage scene_events |
* @subpage ui_events |
See @ref command_reference for the commands that can be run within the blocks executed by these events. |
Reference in new issue