@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ namespace Fungus
public Rect nodeRect = new Rect ( ) ;
public static bool pinShiftToTop ;
public static int firstSelectedIndex = 0 ;
public static int lastSelectedIndex = 0 ;
public SerializedProperty this [ int index ] {
get { return _ arrayProperty . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( index ) ; }
@ -248,10 +244,19 @@ namespace Fungus
commandLabelRect . width - = ( indentSize * command . indentLevel - 2 2 ) ;
commandLabelRect . height + = 5 ;
// There's a weird incompatibility between the Reorderable list control used for the command list and
// the UnityEvent list control used in some commands. In play mode, if you click on the reordering grabber
// for a command in the list it causes the UnityEvent list to spew null exception errors.
// The workaround for now is to hide the reordering grabber from mouse clicks by extending the command
// selection rectangle to cover it. We are planning to totally replace the command list display system.
Rect clickRect = position ;
clickRect . x - = 2 0 ;
clickRect . width + = 2 0 ;
// Select command via left click
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDown & &
Event . current . button = = 0 & &
position . Contains ( Event . current . mousePosition ) )
clickRect . Contains ( Event . current . mousePosition ) )
if ( flowchart . selectedCommands . Contains ( command ) & & Event . current . button = = 0 )
@ -259,45 +264,41 @@ namespace Fungus
// Command key and shift key is not pressed
if ( ! EditorGUI . actionKey & & ! Event . current . shift )
flowchart . selectedCommands . Remove ( command ) ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
BlockEditor . actionList . Add ( delegate {
flowchart . selectedCommands . Remove ( command ) ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Command key pressed
if ( EditorGUI . actionKey )
flowchart . selectedCommands . Remove ( command ) ;
// Shift key pressed
if ( Event . current . shift )
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
if ( pinShiftToTop )
for ( int i = firstSelectedIndex ; i < index + 1 ; + + i )
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList [ i ] ) ;
for ( int i = index ; i < lastSelectedIndex + 1 ; + + i )
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList [ i ] ) ;
BlockEditor . actionList . Add ( delegate {
flowchart . selectedCommands . Remove ( command ) ;
} ) ;
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
bool shift = Event . current . shift ;
// Left click and no command key
if ( ! Event . current . shift & & ! EditorGUI . actionKey & & Event . current . button = = 0 )
if ( ! shift & & ! EditorGUI . actionKey & & Event . current . button = = 0 )
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
BlockEditor . actionList . Add ( delegate {
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
} ) ;
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( command ) ;
bool firstSelectedCommandFound = false ;
BlockEditor . actionList . Add ( delegate {
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( command ) ;
} ) ;
// Find first and last selected commands
int firstSelectedIndex = - 1 ;
int lastSelectedIndex = - 1 ;
if ( flowchart . selectedCommands . Count > 0 )
if ( flowchart . selectedBlock ! = null )
@ -305,38 +306,62 @@ namespace Fungus
for ( int i = 0 ; i < flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList . Count ; i + + )
Command commandInBlock = flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList [ i ] ;
foreach ( Command selectedCommand in flowchart . selectedCommands )
if ( commandInBlock = = selectedCommand )
if ( ! firstSelectedCommandFound )
firstSelectedIndex = i ;
firstSelectedCommandFound = true ;
firstSelectedIndex = i ;
break ;
for ( int i = flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList . Count - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
Command commandInBlock = flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList [ i ] ;
foreach ( Command selectedCommand in flowchart . selectedCommands )
if ( commandInBlock = = selectedCommand )
lastSelectedIndex = i ;
break ;
if ( Event . current . shift )
if ( shift )
for ( int i = firstSelectedIndex ; i < lastSelectedIndex ; + + i )
int currentIndex = command . commandIndex ;
if ( firstSelectedIndex = = - 1 | |
lastSelectedIndex = = - 1 )
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList [ i ] ) ;
// No selected command found - select entire list
firstSelectedIndex = 0 ;
lastSelectedIndex = currentIndex ;
if ( currentIndex < firstSelectedIndex )
firstSelectedIndex = currentIndex ;
if ( currentIndex > lastSelectedIndex )
lastSelectedIndex = currentIndex ;
for ( int i = Math . Min ( firstSelectedIndex , lastSelectedIndex ) ; i < Math . Max ( firstSelectedIndex , lastSelectedIndex ) ; + + i )
Command selectedCommand = flowchart . selectedBlock . commandList [ i ] ;
BlockEditor . actionList . Add ( delegate {
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( selectedCommand ) ;
} ) ;
if ( index = = firstSelectedIndex )
pinShiftToTop = false ;
else if ( index = = lastSelectedIndex )
pinShiftToTop = true ;
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
GUIUtility . keyboardControl = 0 ; // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus)