@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace Fungus
* Flowchart objects may be edited visually using the Flowchart editor window .
* /
public class Flowchart : MonoBehaviour
public class Flowchart : MonoBehaviour , StringSubstituter . ISubstitutionHandler
/ * *
* The current version of the Flowchart . Used for updating components .
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ namespace Fungus
protected static bool eventSystemPresent ;
protected StringSubstituter stringSubstituer ;
/ * *
* Returns the next id to assign to a new flowchart item .
* Item ids increase monotically so they are guaranteed to
@ -946,64 +948,84 @@ namespace Fungus
return executingBlocks ;
public virtual string SubstituteVariables ( string text )
/ * *
* Implementation of StringSubstituter . ISubstitutionHandler which matches any public variable in the Flowchart .
* To perform full variable substitution with all substitution handlers in the scene , you should
* use the SubstituteVariables ( ) method instead .
* /
public virtual string SubstituteStrings ( string input )
string subbedText = text ;
string subbedText = inpu t;
// Instantiate the regular expression object.
Regex r = new Regex ( "{\\$.*?}" ) ;
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
var results = r . Matches ( tex t) ;
var results = r . Matches ( inpu t) ;
foreach ( Match match in results )
string key = match . Value . Substring ( 2 , match . Value . Length - 3 ) ;
// Look for any matching variables in this Flowchart first (public or private)
// Look for any matching public variables in this Flowchart
foreach ( Variable variable in variables )
if ( variable = = null )
continue ;
if ( variable . key = = key )
if ( variable . scope = = VariableScope . Public & &
variable . key = = key )
string value = variable . ToString ( ) ;
subbedText = subbedText . Replace ( match . Value , value ) ;
return subbedText ;
/ * *
* Substitute variables in the input text with the format { $ VarName }
* This will first match with private variables in this Flowchart , and then
* with public variables in all Flowcharts in the scene ( and any component
* in the scene that implements StringSubstituter . ISubstitutionHandler ) .
* /
public virtual string SubstituteVariables ( string input )
if ( stringSubstituer = = null )
stringSubstituer = new StringSubstituter ( ) ;
string subbedText = input ;
// Instantiate the regular expression object.
Regex r = new Regex ( "{\\$.*?}" ) ;
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
var results = r . Matches ( input ) ;
foreach ( Match match in results )
string key = match . Value . Substring ( 2 , match . Value . Length - 3 ) ;
// Now search all public variables in all scene Flowcharts in the scene
foreach ( Flowchart flowchart in cachedFlowcharts )
// Look for any matching private variables in this Flowchart first
foreach ( Variable variable in variable s)
if ( flowchart = = this )
// We've already searched this flowchart
if ( variable = = null )
continue ;
foreach ( Variable variable in flowchart . variables )
if ( variable . scope = = VariableScope . Private & &
variable . key = = key )
if ( variable = = null )
continue ;
if ( variable . scope = = VariableScope . Public & &
variable . key = = key )
string value = variable . ToString ( ) ;
subbedText = subbedText . Replace ( match . Value , value ) ;
string value = variable . ToString ( ) ;
subbedText = subbedText . Replace ( match . Value , value ) ;
// Next look for matching localized string
string localizedString = Localization . GetLocalizedString ( key ) ;
if ( localizedString ! = null )
subbedText = subbedText . Replace ( match . Value , localizedString ) ;
return subbedText ;
// Now do all other substitutions in the scene
return stringSubstituer . SubstituteStrings ( subbedText ) ;