@ -161,13 +161,22 @@ function M.setsaydialog(saydialog)
M.sayoptions.saydialog = saydialog
-- Gets the active say dialog, or creates one if none exists yet
function M.getsaydialog()
if (M.sayoptions.saydialog == nil) then
local sd = unity.luautils.spawn("SayDialog").GetComponent("SayDialog")
return M.sayoptions.saydialog
-- Set the active character on the Say Dialog
-- character: A Fungus.Character component
-- portrait: The name of a sprite in the character's portrait list
function M.setcharacter(character, portrait)
assert(character, "character must not be nil")
assert(M.sayoptions.saydialog, "saydialog must not be nil")
local sd = M.getsaydialog()
-- Do substitution on character name
local subbed = fungus.sub(character.nameText)
@ -192,11 +201,11 @@ end
-- text: A string to write to the say dialog
-- voice: A voiceover audioclip to play
function M.say(text, voiceclip)
assert(M.sayoptions.saydialog, "saydialog must not be nil")
local sd = M.getsaydialog()
-- Do variable substitution before displaying text
local subbed = fungus.sub(text)
local e = M.sayoptions.saydialog.SayInternal(subbed, M.sayoptions.clearprevious, M.sayoptions.waitforinput, M.sayoptions.fadewhendone, M.sayoptions.stopvoiceover, voiceclip)
local e = sd.SayInternal(subbed, M.sayoptions.clearprevious, M.sayoptions.waitforinput, M.sayoptions.fadewhendone, M.sayoptions.stopvoiceover, voiceclip)
@ -213,24 +222,34 @@ function M.setmenudialog(menudialog)
M.menuoptions.menudialog = menudialog
-- Gets the active menu dialog, or creates one if none exists yet
function M.getmenudialog()
if (M.menuoptions.menudialog == nil) then
local md = unity.luautils.spawn("MenuDialog").GetComponent("MenuDialog")
return M.menuoptions.menudialog
-- Display a menu button
-- text: text to display on the button
-- callback: function to call when this option is selected
-- interactive (optional): if false, displays the option as disabled
function M.menu(text, callback, interactive)
assert(M.menuoptions.menudialog, "menudialog must not be nil")
local md = M.getmenudialog()
-- Do variable substitution before displaying text
local subbed = fungus.sub(text)
M.menuoptions.menudialog.AddOption(subbed, interactive or true, unity.luaenvironment, callback)
md.AddOption(subbed, interactive or true, unity.luaenvironment, callback)
-- Display a timer during which the player has to choose an option.
-- duration: The length of time to display the timer.
-- callback: Function to call if the timer expires before an option is selected.
function M.menutimer(duration, callback)
assert(M.menuoptions.menudialog, "menudialog must not be nil")
local e = M.menuoptions.menudialog.ShowTimer(duration, unity.luaenvironment, callback)
local md = M.getmenudialog()
local e = md.ShowTimer(duration, unity.luaenvironment, callback)