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288 lines
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288 lines
7.3 KiB
local inspect = require('inspect') |
-- Utility functions for working with Lua in Fungus |
local M = {} |
------------ |
-- Debugging |
------------ |
function M.inspect(v) |
print (inspect.inspect(v)) |
end |
------- |
-- Time |
------- |
-- Returns the absolute time |
-- Use this timing function to work correctly with the Lua Environment's timeScale property |
function M.gettime() |
return unity.luautils.getTime() |
end |
-- Returns the delta time this frame |
-- Use this timing function to work correctly with the Lua Environment's timeScale property |
function M.getdeltatime() |
return unity.luautils.getDeltaTime() |
end |
function M.settimescale(s) |
unity.luautils.timeScale = s |
end |
------------- |
-- Coroutines |
------------- |
-- Waits for a number of seconds |
function M.wait(duration) |
local t = M.gettime() |
while (M.gettime() - t < duration) do |
coroutine.yield() |
end |
end |
-- Waits until the lamda function provided returns true, or the timeout expires. |
-- Returns true if the function succeeded, or false if the timeout expired |
-- |
function M.waitfor(fn, timeoutduration) |
local t = M.gettime() |
while (not fn()) do |
coroutine.yield() |
if (M.gettime() - t > timeoutduration) then |
return false |
end |
end |
return true |
end |
-- Starts a C# coroutine method |
function |
-- If the parameter isn't an enumerator then CreateTask will fail |
local status, err = pcall( function() |
local task = unity.luaenvironment.RunUnityCoroutine(enumerator) |
end) |
if (not status) then |
print(debug.traceback("Can't start a coroutine with a c# method that doesn't return IEnumerator", 2)) |
error(err) |
end |
end |
-- Starts a C# coroutine method and waits until it's finished |
function M.runwait(enumerator) |
-- If the parameter isn't an enumerator then CreateTask will fail |
local status, err = pcall( function() |
local task = unity.luaenvironment.RunUnityCoroutine(enumerator) |
while (task != nil and task.Running) do |
coroutine.yield(); |
end |
end) |
if (not status) then |
print(debug.traceback("Can't start a coroutine with a c# method that doesn't return IEnumerator", 2)) |
error(err) |
end |
end |
--------------- |
-- String table |
--------------- |
-- Set active language for string table |
function M.setlanguage(languagecode) |
unity.luautils.activeLanguage = languagecode |
end |
-- Get a named string from the string table |
function M.getstring(key) |
return unity.luautils.GetString(key) |
end |
-- Substitutes variables and localisation strings into a piece of text |
-- e.g. v = 10, "Subbed value is [$v]" => "Subbed value is 10" |
function M.sub(text) |
return unity.luautils.substitute(text) |
end |
-------------------- |
-- Integration tests |
-------------------- |
-- Assert a condition is true (requires Unity Test Tools) |
function M.assert(c, reason) |
if (not c) then |
-- Output a traceback to help track down source |
error( debug.traceback("Assert failed", 2) ) |
end |
unity.test.assert(c, reason) |
end |
-- Pass an integration test (requires Unity Test Tools) |
function M.pass() |
unity.test.pass() |
end |
-- Fail an integration test (requires Unity Test Tools) |
function |
error( debug.traceback("Test failed", 2) ) |
| |
end |
--------------- |
-- Fungus Prefs |
--------------- |
-- Handy alias to the real prefs object |
M.prefs = unity.prefs |
--------------- |
-- Lua Store |
--------------- |
-- Handy alias to the real store object |
| = |
------------- |
-- Say Dialog |
------------- |
-- Options for configuring Say Dialog behaviour |
M.sayoptions = {} |
M.sayoptions.saydialog = nil |
M.sayoptions.clearprevious = true |
M.sayoptions.waitforinput = true |
M.sayoptions.fadewhendone = true |
M.sayoptions.stopvoiceover = true |
-- Set the active saydialog to use with the say function |
function M.setsaydialog(saydialog) |
M.sayoptions.saydialog = saydialog |
end |
-- Gets the active say dialog, or creates one if none exists yet |
function M.getsaydialog() |
if (M.sayoptions.saydialog == nil) then |
local sd = unity.luautils.spawn("SayDialog").GetComponent("SayDialog") |
M.setsaydialog(sd) |
end |
return M.sayoptions.saydialog |
end |
-- Set the active character on the Say Dialog |
-- character: A Fungus.Character component |
-- portrait: The name of a sprite in the character's portrait list |
function M.setcharacter(character, portrait) |
assert(character, "character must not be nil") |
local sd = M.getsaydialog() |
sd.SetCharacter(character) |
-- Do substitution on character name |
local subbed = fungus.sub(character.nameText) |
M.sayoptions.saydialog.SetCharacterName(subbed, character.nameColor) |
-- Try to set the portrait sprite |
if (portrait) then |
if (portrait == "") then |
M.sayoptions.saydialog.SetCharacterImage(nill) |
else |
for i,v in ipairs(character.portraits) do |
-- Use a case insensitive comparison |
if (string.lower( == string.lower(portrait)) then |
M.sayoptions.saydialog.SetCharacterImage(v) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
-- Write text to the active Say Dialog |
-- text: A string to write to the say dialog |
-- voice: A voiceover audioclip to play |
function M.say(text, voiceclip) |
local sd = M.getsaydialog() |
-- Do variable substitution before displaying text |
local subbed = fungus.sub(text) |
local e = sd.SayInternal(subbed, M.sayoptions.clearprevious, M.sayoptions.waitforinput, M.sayoptions.fadewhendone, M.sayoptions.stopvoiceover, voiceclip) |
fungus.runwait(e) |
end |
-------------- |
-- Menu Dialog |
-------------- |
-- Options for configuring Menu Dialog behaviour |
M.menuoptions = {} |
-- Set the active menudialog to use with the menu function |
function M.setmenudialog(menudialog) |
M.menuoptions.menudialog = menudialog |
end |
-- Gets the active menu dialog, or creates one if none exists yet |
function M.getmenudialog() |
if (M.menuoptions.menudialog == nil) then |
local md = unity.luautils.spawn("MenuDialog").GetComponent("MenuDialog") |
M.setmenudialog(md) |
end |
return M.menuoptions.menudialog |
end |
-- Display a menu button |
-- text: text to display on the button |
-- callback: function to call when this option is selected |
-- interactive (optional): if false, displays the option as disabled |
function, callback, interactive) |
local md = M.getmenudialog() |
-- Do variable substitution before displaying text |
local subbed = fungus.sub(text) |
md.AddOption(subbed, interactive or true, unity.luaenvironment, callback) |
end |
-- Display a timer during which the player has to choose an option. |
-- duration: The length of time to display the timer. |
-- callback: Function to call if the timer expires before an option is selected. |
function M.menutimer(duration, callback) |
local md = M.getmenudialog() |
local e = md.ShowTimer(duration, unity.luaenvironment, callback) |
fungus.runwait(e) |
end |
-- Clear all currently displayed menu options |
function M.clearmenu() |
assert(M.menuoptions.menudialog, "menudialog must not be nil") |
M.menuoptions.menudialog.Clear() |
end |
------------ |
-- Flowchart |
------------ |
-- Runs the specified Block in a Flowchart |
-- flowchart: The Fungus Flowchart containing the Block to run. |
-- blockname: The name of the Block to run. |
-- nowait: If false, will yield until the Block finishes execution. If true will continue immediately. |
function M.runblock(flowchart, blockname, nowait) |
assert(flowchart, "flowchart must not be nil") |
assert(blockname, "blockname must not be nil") |
local block = flowchart.FindBlock(blockname) |
if (not block) then |
error("Block " .. blockname .. " not found") |
return |
end |
local e = block.Execute(); |
if (nowait) then |
| e ) |
else |
M.runwait( e ) |
end |
end |
return M |