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Added tooltip annotations for properties

chrisgregan 11 years ago
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@ -20,16 +20,19 @@ namespace Fungus
* Automatically hides the button when displaying story text/options or waiting.
[Tooltip("Automatically hides the button when displaying story text/options or waiting.")]
public bool autoHide = true;
* Automatically hides the button when the named boolean variable is set using SetBoolean()
[Tooltip("Automatically hides the button when the named boolean variable is set using the SetBoolean() command.")]
public string hideOnBoolean;
* Sound effect to play when button is clicked.
[Tooltip("Sound effect to play when button is clicked.")]
public AudioClip clickSound;
float targetAlpha;


@ -71,42 +71,48 @@ namespace Fungus
public class Layout
* Pushes the left dialog edge away from the left side of the screen.
* Push the left dialog edge away from the left side of the screen.
[Tooltip("Push the left dialog edge away from the left side of the screen.")]
public bool leftSpace = false;
* Pushes the top dialog edge away from the top side of the screen.
* Push the top dialog edge away from the top side of the screen.
[Tooltip("Push the top dialog edge away from the top side of the screen.")]
public bool topSpace = true;
* Pushes the right dialog edge away from the right side of the screen.
* Push the right dialog edge away from the right side of the screen.
[Tooltip("Push the right dialog edge away from the right side of the screen.")]
public bool rightSpace = false;
* Pushes the bottom dialog edge away from the bottom side of the screen.
* Push the bottom dialog edge away from the bottom side of the screen.
[Tooltip("Push the bottom dialog edge away from the bottom side of the screen.")]
public bool bottomSpace = false;
* Minimum dimensions of the dialog.
* Minimum dimensions of the dialog in normalized screen coordinates [0..1].
* The dialog may expand beyond these dimensions to fit content.
* Coordinates are in normalized screen coordinates [0..1]
[Tooltip("Minimum dimensions of the dialog in normalized screen coordinates [0..1].")]
public Vector2 size = new Vector2(1f, 0.25f);
* Offsets the dialog relative to the top left corner of the screen.
* Offset the dialog relative to the top left corner of the screen.
* Coordinates are in normalized screen coordinates [0..1]
[Tooltip("Offset the dialog relative to the top left corner of the screen.")]
public Vector2 offset;
* Layout values used to control size and position of the dialog.
[Tooltip("Layout values used to control size and position of the dialog.")]
public Layout layout;
@ -127,74 +133,87 @@ namespace Fungus
* Indentifier for this character for use with the SetCharacter() method.
* Identifier for this character for use with the SetCharacter() command.
[Tooltip("Identifier for this character for use with the SetCharacter() command.")]
public string characterID;
* Name text to display for the character.
* Name text to display for the character on the dialog.
* If empty then the name field is not displayed.
[Tooltip("Name text to display for the character on the dialog.")]
public string name;
* The color for the name text.
* The color of the name text label.
* This always overrides any color value specified in the NameStyle property.
[Tooltip("The color of the name text label.")]
public Color nameColor;
* Image to display for the character.
* If no image is specified then no character image will be displayed.
[Tooltip("Image to display for the character.")]
public Texture2D image;
* Side of dialog where character image will be displayed.
[Tooltip("Side of dialog where character image will be displayed.")]
public ImageSide imageSide;
* List of game characters that can be displayed using this dialog.
[Tooltip("List of game characters that can be displayed using this dialog.")]
public Character[] characters;
* Active character to use when displaying dialog.
* Active character to use when displaying dialog (set using the SetCharacter() command).
[Tooltip("Active character to use when displaying dialog.")]
public int activeCharacter;
* Writing speed for say text in Characters Per Second.
* Writing speed for say text in characters per second.
[Range(0, 1000)]
[Tooltip("Writing speed for say text in characters per second.")]
public int writingSpeed = 100;
* Sound to play while text is being written in the dialog.
[Tooltip("Sound to play while text is being written in the dialog.")]
public AudioClip writingSound;
* Loop the writing sound as long as text is being written.
[Tooltip("Loop the writing sound while text is being written.")]
public bool loopWritingSound = true;
* Sound effect to play when the player taps to continue.
[Tooltip("Sound effect to play when the player taps to continue.")]
public AudioClip continueSound;
* Icon to display under the story text when waiting for player to tap to continue.
[Tooltip("Icon to display under the story text when waiting for player to tap to continue.")]
public Texture2D continueIcon;
* Number of buttons to display in the same row when showing multiple options
* Number of buttons to display in the same row when showing multiple options.
[Range(0, 10)]
[Tooltip("Number of buttons to display in the same row when showing multiple options.")]
public int buttonsPerRow = 2;
@ -202,53 +221,63 @@ namespace Fungus
* This is useful to create a column of buttons with matching width.
[Range(0, 1)]
[Tooltip("Minimum width of each button as a fraction of the screen width [0..1].")]
public float minButtonWidth = 0;
* Padding offset to apply around the character image, in pixels.
[Tooltip("Padding offset to apply around the character image, in pixels.")]
public RectOffset imagePadding;
* Scale of character image, specified as a fraction of current screen height [0..1].
[Range(0, 1)]
[Tooltip("Scale of character image, specified as a fraction of current screen height [0..1].")]
public float imageScale = 0.25f;
* Animation frames for multiple choice time indicator
* Animation frames for multiple choice time indicator.
[Tooltip("Animation frames for multiple choice time indicator.")]
public Texture2D[] timerAnimation;
* Scale of timer image, specified as a fraction of current screen height [0..1].
[Range(0, 1)]
[Tooltip("Scale of timer image, specified as a fraction of current screen height [0..1].")]
public float timerScale = 0.2f;
* Sound effect to play when time indicator advances.
[Tooltip("Sound effect to play when time indicator advances.")]
public AudioClip timerSound;
* Style for dialog box background.
[Tooltip("Style for dialog box background.")]
public GUIStyle boxStyle;
* Style for name text.
[Tooltip("Style for name text.")]
public GUIStyle nameTextStyle;
* Style for say text.
[Tooltip("Style for say text.")]
public GUIStyle sayTextStyle;
* Style for option buttons
[Tooltip("Style for option buttons.")]
public GUIStyle buttonStyle;
DialogMode dialogMode;


@ -11,17 +11,21 @@ namespace Fungus
public class GUIButton : MonoBehaviour
/// Texture to draw on the screen.
/// Button texture to draw on the screen.
[Tooltip("Button texture to draw on the screen.")]
public Texture2D texture;
/// Fraction of screen height (for resolution independent sizing).
/// Button size as a fraction of screen height [0..1].
[Range(0, 1)]
[Tooltip("Button size as a fraction of screen height [0..1].")]
public float verticalScale = 0.2f;
/// Texture position on screen in localized screen coords ([0..1], [0..1])
/// Texture position on screen in localized screen coords [0..1]
[Tooltip("Texture position on screen in localized screen coords [0..1]")]
public Vector2 screenPosition;
/// Vertical and horizontal space between edge of screen and texture (in pixels).
/// Space between edge of screen and texture (in pixels).
[Tooltip("Space between edge of screen and texture (in pixels).")]
public Vector2 padding;
/// Supported actions to perform when player clicks the button.
@ -36,9 +40,11 @@ namespace Fungus
/// Action to perform when player clicks the button.
[Tooltip("Action to perform when player clicks the button.")]
public ClickAction clickAction;
/// Parameter associated with the click action.
[Tooltip("Parameter associated with the click action.")]
public string actionParameter;
void OnGUI()


@ -22,41 +22,47 @@ namespace Fungus
* The currently active Room.
* Only one Room may be active at a time.
[Tooltip("The currently active Room.")]
public Room activeRoom;
* Automatically display links between connected Rooms.
* Show links between Rooms in scene view.
[Tooltip("Show links between Rooms in scene view.")]
public bool showLinks = true;
* Time for fade transition to complete when moving to a different Room.
* Fade transition time when moving between Rooms.
[Tooltip("Fade transition time when moving between Rooms.")]
public float roomFadeDuration = 1f;
* Time for fade transition to complete when hiding/showing buttons.
* Fade transition time when hiding/showing buttons.
[Tooltip("Fade transition time when hiding/showing buttons.")]
public float buttonFadeDuration = 0.25f;
* Time which must elapse before buttons will automatically hide.
* Time to elapse before buttons hide automatically.
[Range(0, 60)]
[Tooltip("Time to elapse before buttons hide automatically.")]
public float autoHideButtonDuration = 5f;
* Currently active Dialog object used to display character text and menus.
[Tooltip("Currently active Dialog object used to display character text and menus.")]
public Dialog dialog;
* Loading image displayed when loading a scene using MoveToScene()
* Loading image displayed when loading a scene using MoveToScene() command.
[Tooltip("Loading image displayed when loading a scene using MoveToScene() command.")]
public Texture2D loadingImage;


@ -12,30 +12,35 @@ namespace Fungus
public class View : MonoBehaviour
* Orthographic size of the camera view in world space coordinates.
* Orthographic size of the camera view in world units.
[Tooltip("Orthographic size of the camera view in world units.")]
public float viewSize = 0.5f;
* Aspect ratio of the primary view rectangle.
* e.g. a 4:3 aspect ratio = 1.333
[Tooltip("Aspect ratio of the primary view rectangle. (e.g. 4:3 aspect ratio = 1.333)")]
public float primaryAspectRatio = (4f / 3f);
* Color of the primary view rectangle.
[Tooltip("Color of the primary view rectangle.")]
public Color primaryColor =;
* Aspect ratio of the secondary view rectangle.
* e.g. a 2:1 aspect ratio = 2/1 = 2.0
[Tooltip("Aspect ratio of the secondary view rectangle. (e.g. 2:1 aspect ratio = 2.0)")]
public float secondaryAspectRatio = (2f / 1f);
* Color of the secondary view rectangle.
[Tooltip("Color of the secondary view rectangle.")]
public Color secondaryColor = Color.grey;
void Update()
