@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ namespace Fungus.Script
string character = EditorGUILayout . TextField ( new GUIContent ( "Character" , "Character to display in dialog" ) , t . character ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PrefixLabel ( new GUIContent ( "Say Text" , "Text to display in dialog" ) ) ;
EditorStyles . textField . wordWrap = true ;
string text = EditorGUILayout . TextArea ( t . text , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 5 0 ) ) ;
GUIStyle sayStyle = new GUIStyle ( EditorStyles . textArea ) ;
sayStyle . wordWrap = true ;
string text = EditorGUILayout . TextArea ( t . text , sayStyle , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 3 0 ) ) ;
Say . ShowCondition showCondition = ( Say . ShowCondition ) EditorGUILayout . EnumPopup ( new GUIContent ( "Show Condition" , "Condition when this say text should be visible." ) , t . showCondition ) ;