@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
protected Texture2D addTexture ;
protected Rect selectionBox ;
protected Vector2 startSelectionBoxPosition ;
protected List < Block > mouseDownSelectionState ;
[MenuItem("Tools/Fungus/Flowchart Window")]
static void Init ( )
@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
// Delete any scheduled objects
foreach ( var deleteBlock in deleteList )
bool isSelected = ( flowchart . SelectedBlock = = deleteBlock ) ;
bool isSelected = ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( deleteBlock ) ) ;
var commandList = deleteBlock . CommandList ;
foreach ( var command in commandList )
@ -142,6 +146,9 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
DrawFlowchartView ( flowchart ) ;
DrawOverlay ( flowchart ) ;
// Handle selection box events after block and overlay events
HandleSelectionBox ( flowchart ) ;
if ( forceRepaintCount > 0 )
// Redraw on next frame to get crisp refresh rate
@ -248,18 +255,6 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
GLDraw . BeginGroup ( scriptViewRect ) ;
if ( Event . current . button = = 0 & &
Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDown & &
! mouseOverVariables )
flowchart . SelectedBlock = null ;
if ( ! EditorGUI . actionKey )
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
Selection . activeGameObject = flowchart . gameObject ;
// The center of the Flowchart depends on the block positions and window dimensions, so we calculate it
// here in the FlowchartWindow class and store it on the Flowchart object for use later.
CalcFlowchartCenter ( flowchart , blocks ) ;
@ -280,6 +275,8 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
BeginWindows ( ) ;
windowBlockMap . Clear ( ) ;
bool useEvent = false ;
bool endDrag = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < blocks . Length ; + + i )
var block = blocks [ i ] ;
@ -297,28 +294,33 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
tempRect . width = Mathf . Max ( Mathf . Max ( nodeWidthA , nodeWidthB ) , 1 2 0 ) ;
tempRect . height = 4 0 ;
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDrag & & dragWindowId = = i )
if ( dragWindowId > - 1 & & flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( block ) )
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDrag )
tempRect . x + = Event . current . delta . x ;
tempRect . y + = Event . current . delta . y ;
forceRepaintCount = 6 ;
useEvent = true ;
else if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseUp & &
dragWindowId = = i )
else if ( Event . current . rawType = = EventType . MouseUp )
Vector2 newPos = new Vector2 ( tempRect . x , tempRect . y ) ;
tempRect . x = startDragPosition . x + ( newPos . x - blocks [ dragWindowId ] . _ NodeRect . position . x ) ;
tempRect . y = startDragPosition . y + ( newPos . y - blocks [ dragWindowId ] . _ NodeRect . position . y ) ;
tempRect . x = startDragPosition . x ;
tempRect . y = startDragPosition . y ;
block . _ NodeRect = tempRect ;
Undo . RecordObject ( ( Block ) block , "Node Position" ) ;
Undo . RecordObject ( block , "Node Position " + i ) ;
tempRect . x = newPos . x ;
tempRect . y = newPos . y ;
dragWindowId = - 1 ;
forceRepaintCount = 6 ;
useEvent = true ;
endDrag = true ;
block . _ NodeRect = tempRect ;
@ -335,6 +337,13 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
windowBlockMap . Add ( block ) ;
dragWindowId = endDrag ? - 1 : dragWindowId ;
if ( useEvent )
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
EndWindows ( ) ;
// Draw Event Handler labels
@ -407,6 +416,23 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
GLDraw . EndGroup ( ) ;
EditorZoomArea . End ( ) ;
// If event has yet to be used and user isn't multiselecting or panning, clear selection
bool validModifier = Event . current . alt | | GetAppendModifierDown ( ) ;
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . MouseDown & & Event . current . button = = 0 & & ! validModifier )
Undo . RecordObject ( flowchart , "Deselect" ) ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedBlocks ( ) ;
Selection . activeGameObject = flowchart . gameObject ;
// Draw selection box
if ( startSelectionBoxPosition . x > = 0 & & startSelectionBoxPosition . y > = 0 )
GUI . Box ( selectionBox , "" , ( GUIStyle ) "SelectionRect" ) ;
forceRepaintCount = 6 ;
public virtual void CalcFlowchartCenter ( Flowchart flowchart , Block [ ] blocks )
@ -436,6 +462,76 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
flowchart . CenterPosition = center ;
protected virtual void HandleSelectionBox ( Flowchart flowchart )
if ( Event . current . button = = 0 & & Event . current . modifiers ! = EventModifiers . Alt )
switch ( Event . current . type )
case EventType . MouseDown :
startSelectionBoxPosition = Event . current . mousePosition ;
mouseDownSelectionState = new List < Block > ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks ) ;
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
break ;
case EventType . MouseDrag :
if ( startSelectionBoxPosition . x > = 0 & & startSelectionBoxPosition . y > = 0 )
var topLeft = Vector2 . Min ( startSelectionBoxPosition , Event . current . mousePosition ) ;
var bottomRight = Vector2 . Max ( startSelectionBoxPosition , Event . current . mousePosition ) ;
selectionBox = Rect . MinMaxRect ( topLeft . x , topLeft . y , bottomRight . x , bottomRight . y ) ;
Rect zoomSelectionBox = selectionBox ;
zoomSelectionBox . position - = flowchart . ScrollPos * flowchart . Zoom ;
zoomSelectionBox . position / = flowchart . Zoom ;
zoomSelectionBox . size / = flowchart . Zoom ;
foreach ( var block in flowchart . GetComponents < Block > ( ) )
if ( zoomSelectionBox . Overlaps ( block . _ NodeRect ) )
if ( mouseDownSelectionState . Contains ( block ) )
flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Remove ( block ) ;
flowchart . AddSelectedBlock ( block ) ;
else if ( mouseDownSelectionState . Contains ( block ) )
flowchart . AddSelectedBlock ( block ) ;
flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Remove ( block ) ;
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
break ;
if ( Event . current . rawType = = EventType . MouseUp )
selectionBox . size = Vector2 . zero ;
selectionBox . position = Vector2 . one * - 1 ;
startSelectionBoxPosition = selectionBox . position ;
var tempList = new List < Block > ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks ) ;
flowchart . SelectedBlocks = mouseDownSelectionState ;
Undo . RecordObject ( flowchart , "Select" ) ;
flowchart . SelectedBlocks = tempList ;
if ( flowchart . SelectedBlock ! = null )
SetBlockForInspector ( flowchart , flowchart . SelectedBlock ) ;
protected virtual void PanAndZoom ( Flowchart flowchart )
// Right click to drag view
@ -532,22 +628,18 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
protected virtual void SelectBlock ( Flowchart flowchart , Block block )
// Select the block and also select currently executing command
ShowBlockInspector ( flowchart ) ;
flowchart . SelectedBlock = block ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
if ( block . ActiveCommand ! = null )
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( block . ActiveCommand ) ;
SetBlockForInspector ( flowchart , block ) ;
public static Block CreateBlock ( Flowchart flowchart , Vector2 position )
Block newBlock = flowchart . CreateBlock ( position ) ;
Undo . RegisterCreatedObjectUndo ( newBlock , "New Block" ) ;
ShowBlockInspector ( flowchart ) ;
flowchart . SelectedBlock = newBlock ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
// Use AddSelected instead of Select for when multiple blocks are duplicated
flowchart . AddSelectedBlock ( newBlock ) ;
SetBlockForInspector ( flowchart , newBlock ) ;
return newBlock ;
@ -582,6 +674,8 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
// Check if might be start of a window drag
if ( Event . current . button = = 0 & &
Event . current . alt = = false )
if ( ! GetAppendModifierDown ( ) )
dragWindowId = windowId ;
@ -589,19 +683,42 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
startDragPosition . y = block . _ NodeRect . y ;
Event . current . Use ( ) ;
if ( windowId < windowBlockMap . Count )
Undo . RecordObject ( flowchart , "Select" ) ;
if ( GetAppendModifierDown ( ) )
if ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( block ) )
flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Remove ( block ) ;
flowchart . AddSelectedBlock ( block ) ;
if ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( block ) )
SetBlockForInspector ( flowchart , block ) ;
SelectBlock ( flowchart , block ) ;
GUIUtility . keyboardControl = 0 ; // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus)
bool selected = false ;
if ( flowchart . SelectedBlock ! = null & &
flowchart . SelectedBlock . Equals ( block ) )
if ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks . Contains ( block ) )
selected = true ;
@ -683,10 +800,14 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
if ( Event . current . type = = EventType . ContextClick )
flowchart . AddSelectedBlock ( block ) ;
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu ( ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Duplicate" ) , false , DuplicateBlock , block ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Delete" ) , false , DeleteBlock , block ) ;
// Use a copy because flowchart.SelectedBlocks gets modified
var blockList = new List < Block > ( flowchart . SelectedBlocks ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Duplicate" ) , false , DuplicateBlocks , blockList ) ;
menu . AddItem ( new GUIContent ( "Delete" ) , false , DeleteBlocks , blockList ) ;
menu . ShowAsContext ( ) ;
@ -804,17 +925,23 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
GUI . Label ( dotBRect , "" , new GUIStyle ( "U2D.dragDotActive" ) ) ;
public static void DeleteBlock ( object obj )
public static void DeleteBlocks ( object obj )
var block = obj as Block ;
FlowchartWindow . deleteList . Add ( block ) ;
var blocks = obj as List < Block > ;
blocks . ForEach ( block = > FlowchartWindow . deleteList . Add ( block ) ) ;
protected static void DuplicateBlock ( object obj )
protected static void DuplicateBlocks ( object obj )
var flowchart = GetFlowchart ( ) ;
Block block = obj as Block ;
Undo . RecordObject ( flowchart , "Select" ) ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedBlocks ( ) ;
var blocks = obj as List < Block > ;
foreach ( var block in blocks )
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2 ( block . _ NodeRect . position . x +
block . _ NodeRect . width + 2 0 ,
block . _ NodeRect . y ) ;
@ -864,6 +991,7 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
protected static void ShowBlockInspector ( Flowchart flowchart )
@ -880,6 +1008,16 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( blockInspector ) ;
protected static void SetBlockForInspector ( Flowchart flowchart , Block block )
ShowBlockInspector ( flowchart ) ;
flowchart . ClearSelectedCommands ( ) ;
if ( block . ActiveCommand ! = null )
flowchart . AddSelectedCommand ( block . ActiveCommand ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Displays a temporary text alert in the center of the Flowchart window.
/// </summary>
@ -891,5 +1029,10 @@ namespace Fungus.EditorUtils
window . ShowNotification ( new GUIContent ( notificationText ) ) ;
protected virtual bool GetAppendModifierDown ( )
return Event . current . shift | | EditorGUI . actionKey ;