Once you have some audio clips on your computer, you need to import them into your Unity project.
Once you have some audio clips on your computer, you need to import them into your Unity project.
##Method 1 (menu)
##Method 1 (menu)
You can do this one clip at a time, by choosing menu: ```Assets | Import New Asset...``` and navigating to and selecting each clip.
You can do this one clip at a time, by choosing menu: ```Assets | Import New Asset...``` and navigating to and selecting each clip.
##Method 2 (drag-drop)
##Method 2 (drag-drop)
Alternatively you can **drag** files or entire folders into your Unity Project window, and Unity will make a copy of, and then import the dragged files:
Alternatively you can **drag** files or entire folders into your Unity Project window, and Unity will make a copy of, and then import the dragged files:
![drag audio folder into Unity]

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# Three ways to work with audio in Fungus games
# Three ways to work with audio in Fungus games
There are 3 main ways to work with audio in Fungus games. These are the Audio commands, the Say command, and gameObjects containing Unity Audio Source components. All three are discussed below:
There are 3 main ways to work with audio in Fungus games. These are the Audio commands, the Say command, and gameObjects containing Unity Audio Source components. All three are discussed below:

![audio big picture]
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## List of Fungus audio commands
## List of Fungus audio commands
The range of audio **Commands** you can add to a Block are as follows:
The range of audio **Commands** you can add to a Block are as follows:
Music sound clips loop, so they are restarted once they have finished playing. Often the first Command in a Block is a **Play Music** Command. Add music to a Block as follows:
Music sound clips loop, so they are restarted once they have finished playing. Often the first Command in a Block is a **Play Music** Command. Add music to a Block as follows:
1. (if you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart).
1. (if you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart).
2. Add a Play Music Command to the current Block by clicking the Add Command (plus-sign "+" button) in the Inspector, and then choosing menu: ```Audio | Play Music```.
1. Add a Play Music Command to the current Block by clicking the Add Command (plus-sign "+" button) in the Inspector, and then choosing menu: ```Audio | Play Music```.
3. Ensure the Play Music command is selected (green highlight) in the top of the Inspector, and then drag the desired music clip file into the "Music Clip" property in the bottom half of the Inspector:
![Add Play Music command]
1. Ensure the Play Music command is selected (green highlight) in the top of the Inspector, and then drag the desired music clip file into the "Music Clip" property in the bottom half of the Inspector:
4. Change the volume as desired
(the default is 1, values are between 0.0 and 1.0, representing percentages of volume from 0% - 100%).

5. Play your scene - the music clip should play, and keep looping.
1. Change the volume as desired
<br>(the default is 1, values are between 0.0 and 1.0, representing percentages of volume from 0% - 100%).
1. Play your scene - the music clip should play, and keep looping.
NOTE: If you wish to start playing the music clip from a known time-point (rather than from the beginning), then enter the desired timepoint in the Inspector property "At Time" for your Play Music command.
NOTE: If you wish to start playing the music clip from a known time-point (rather than from the beginning), then enter the desired timepoint in the Inspector property "At Time" for your Play Music command.
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## Play Sound command
## Play Sound command
The Fungus Play Sound Command will play a stated audio clip once. With your Flowchart Block selected, click the Add Command button in the Inspector and choose menu: ```Audio | Play Sound```. Drag in a sound effect (we chose the BearRoad sound from the Hunter example):
The Fungus Play Sound Command will play a stated audio clip once. With your Flowchart Block selected, click the Add Command button in the Inspector and choose menu: ```Audio | Play Sound```. Drag in a sound effect (we chose the BearRoad sound from the Hunter example):
Play the scene, you should hear your sound effect play once.
Play the scene, you should hear your sound effect play once.
Note. The default Fungus setting is for the sound effect to start playing, and while it is playing the next Command in the Block will start executing. However, you if you check the "Wait Until Finished" checkbox, then Fungus will wait until the sound effect has finished playing, before moving on to execute the next Command in the block:
Note. The default Fungus setting is for the sound effect to start playing, and while it is playing the next Command in the Block will start executing. However, you if you check the "Wait Until Finished" checkbox, then Fungus will wait until the sound effect has finished playing, before moving on to execute the next Command in the block:

![wait until finished]
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## Set Audio Volume command
## Set Audio Volume command
@ -100,66 +83,31 @@ Note. The default Fungus setting is for the sound effect to start playing, and w
The default volume for music being played is 1 (100%). However, we can change this easily with the Set Audio Volume command. Do the following:
The default volume for music being played is 1 (100%). However, we can change this easily with the Set Audio Volume command. Do the following:
1. (if you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart).
1. (if you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart).
2. Rename this Block "Play Music".
1. Rename this Block "Play Music".
3. Add a Play Music Command to the current Block, then drag the desired music clip file into the "Music Clip" property in the bottom half of the Inspector:
![sherlock music]
1. Add a Play Music Command to the current Block, then drag the desired music clip file into the "Music Clip" property in the bottom half of the Inspector:
4. If you play the scene now, the music will play at full volume (1 = 100%).
5. Now create a second Block in the Flowchart window named "quieter".
6. Add to this new Block a Set Audio Volume Command.
![Add audio volume command]
7. In the properties of the Set Audio Volume Command set the volume to 0.25 (25%).
1. If you play the scene now, the music will play at full volume (1 = 100%).
![set audio volume quieter]
8. Select the "Play Music" block, and add a Menu command by clicking the plus-sign add Command button in the Inspector and then choosing menu: ```Narrative | Menu```.
1. Now create a second Block in the Flowchart window named "quieter".
![add menu command]
9. Set the Text Property to "Make Quieter" and the Target Block to Block "Quieter":

![menu properties]
10. In the Flowchart window you should now see a green arrow, showing that a Command in Block "Play Music" passes control to Block "quieter":
![green arrow]
11. When you run the scene, the music will start playing at full volume, then when y ou click the "Make Quieter" button, control will pass to the "quieter" block, and you'll hear the music become much quieter after the Set Audio Volume Command has been executed with a value of 25% (0.25):
1. Add to this new Block a Set Audio Volume Command.
1. Select the "Play Music" block, and add a Menu command by clicking the plus-sign add Command button in the Inspector and then choosing menu: ```Narrative | Menu```.

1. Set the Text Property to "Make Quieter" and the Target Block to Block "Quieter":

1. In the Flowchart window you should now see a green arrow, showing that a Command in Block "Play Music" passes control to Block "quieter":
1. When you run the scene, the music will start playing at full volume, then when y ou click the "Make Quieter" button, control will pass to the "quieter" block, and you'll hear the music become much quieter after the Set Audio Volume Command has been executed with a value of 25% (0.25):
Unity has 3 different kinds of Audio 'object', that it is worth understanding when working with audio in Fungus (or any other) Unity project:
Unity has 3 different kinds of Audio 'object', that it is worth understanding when working with audio in Fungus (or any other) Unity project:
1. Audio Clip
1. Audio Clip
1. Audio Listener
2. Audio Listener
1. Audio Source
3. Audio Source
### Unity Audio Clip
### Unity Audio Clip
Unity uses the term Audio "Clip" to refer to the physical sound files (.mp3, .wav, .ogg etc.) that are stored in your Project folder. It is these Audio Clip files that you drag and drop into the "Music Clip" and "Sound Clip" properties in the Inspector Window, when creating Play Music and Play Sound Commands in a Fungus Block.
Unity uses the term Audio "Clip" to refer to the physical sound files (.mp3, .wav, .ogg etc.) that are stored in your Project folder. It is these Audio Clip files that you drag and drop into the "Music Clip" and "Sound Clip" properties in the Inspector Window, when creating Play Music and Play Sound Commands in a Fungus Block.
@ -185,72 +133,33 @@ Learn more about audio in Unity at the [Unity Manual Audio Page].
The Fungus Audio Commands cover all common music and sound effect actions, for specialist audio work you may need to access the raw (and complicated) power of Unity audio. The Fungus Command "Control Audio" lets Fungus Blocks communicate directly with Unity Audio Source components in any gameObject in the current scene, so your wizard audio team member can do what they need to do with the Unity toolkit, and you can still control playing / looping / volume etc. of the audio in those complex gameObjects.
The Fungus Audio Commands cover all common music and sound effect actions, for specialist audio work you may need to access the raw (and complicated) power of Unity audio. The Fungus Command "Control Audio" lets Fungus Blocks communicate directly with Unity Audio Source components in any gameObject in the current scene, so your wizard audio team member can do what they need to do with the Unity toolkit, and you can still control playing / looping / volume etc. of the audio in those complex gameObjects.
The Control Audio Command offers five actions that can be communicated to Unity Audio Source components:
The Control Audio Command offers five actions that can be communicated to Unity Audio Source components:
We'll learn about this with a simple Unity gameObject that plays a bear sound two times, first at full volume and then reduces the volume before playing a second time, using three "Control Audio" Fungus Commands. Do the following:
We'll learn about this with a simple Unity gameObject that plays a bear sound two times, first at full volume and then reduces the volume before playing a second time, using three "Control Audio" Fungus Commands. Do the following:
1. (setup) If you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart.
1. (setup) If you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart.
2. Rename this Block "Control Audio".
1. Rename this Block "Control Audio".
3. In the Hierarchy Window create a new Empty gameObject, choose menu: ```Create | Create Empty```:
![create empty]
1. In the Hierarchy Window create a new Empty gameObject, choose menu: ```Create | Create Empty```:
4. Rename this new empty gameObject "GameObject - bear sound" (or whatever sound name makes sense in your project).
5. Locate your desired audio clip file in the Project window, and (with "GameObject - bear sound" selected), drag a reference to the audio clip from the Project window into the Inspector:
6. An Audio Source component should now be added in the Inspector to "GameObject - bear sound". Un-check the Play On Awake property in the Inspector (to stop this sound from playing as soon as the scene begins - **we** want to be in control of this Audio Source object...):
![audio source added]
7. With your Flowchart Block selected, click the Add Command button in the Inspector and choose menu: ```Audio | Control Audio```.
1. Rename this new empty gameObject "GameObject - bear sound" (or whatever sound name makes sense in your project).
![Control Audio command]
. Drag the "GameObject - bear sound" gameObject from the Hierarchy into the Audio Source property in the Inspector, and select the Wait Until Finished checkbox (so Fungus will wait for the sound to finish playing before moving on):
1. Locate your desired audio clip file in the Project window, and (with "GameObject - bear sound" selected), drag a reference to the audio clip from the Project window into the Inspector:
![drag gameobject]
8. Note that the default Control action for a Control Audio Command is "Play Once" - we'll leave this property unchanged, since we want our bear sound inside our gameObject to be played once.
9. If you run the scene now, you'll hear the bear sound play once at full volume.
10. Since all three of the Control Audio commands we need use a link to "GameObject - bear sound" the fastest workflow is to **duplicate** each Command, and just change the bits we need. So duplicate your Control Audio command by clicking the Duplicate Command button:
![duplicate command]
11. In the newly copied command, change the Command action to Change Volume, and choose a volume of 0.25 (25%):
1. An Audio Source component should now be added in the Inspector to "GameObject - bear sound". Un-check the Play On Awake property in the Inspector (to stop this sound from playing as soon as the scene begins - **we** want to be in control of this Audio Source object...):
![set volume]
12. Once again, make a duplicate of the first Control Audio Command (that Plays the sound). Drag this new Command to be last in the sequence of commands.
13. Now when you play the scene, first the bear sound linked to in the Audio Source component of gameObject "GameObject - bear sound" should play at full volume, then (after having its volume reduced to 25%) it should play a second time at a much reduced volume.
1. With your Flowchart Block selected, click the Add Command button in the Inspector and choose menu: ```Audio | Control Audio```.
1. Drag the "GameObject - bear sound" gameObject from the Hierarchy into the Audio Source property in the Inspector, and select the Wait Until Finished checkbox (so Fungus will wait for the sound to finish playing before moving on):
1. Note that the default Control action for a Control Audio Command is "Play Once" - we'll leave this property unchanged, since we want our bear sound inside our gameObject to be played once.
1. If you run the scene now, you'll hear the bear sound play once at full volume.
1. Since all three of the Control Audio commands we need use a link to "GameObject - bear sound" the fastest workflow is to **duplicate** each Command, and just change the bits we need. So duplicate your Control Audio command by clicking the Duplicate Command button:
1. Once again, make a duplicate of the first Control Audio Command (that Plays the sound). Drag this new Command to be last in the sequence of commands.

1. Now when you play the scene, first the bear sound linked to in the Audio Source component of gameObject "GameObject - bear sound" should play at full volume, then (after having its volume reduced to 25%) it should play a second time at a much reduced volume.
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## Audio Tags (in Say Commands)
## Audio Tags (in Say Commands)
@ -265,34 +174,16 @@ Since often dialog authors will know just what sound effects or music they wish
Using tags like this make it important to carefully **name** the gameObjects in the Hierarchy window. To explore how to control sounds in gameObjects do the following:
Using tags like this make it important to carefully **name** the gameObjects in the Hierarchy window. To explore how to control sounds in gameObjects do the following:
1. (setup) If you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart.
1. (setup) If you have not already done so: Create a new scene, add a Fungus Flowchart to the scene, and select the Block in the Flowchart.
2. Rename this Block "Say audio tags".
1. Rename this Block "Say audio tags".
3. In the Hierarchy Window create a new Empty gameObject, choose menu: ```Create | Create Empty```:
![create empty]
1. In the Hierarchy Window create a new Empty gameObject, choose menu: ```Create | Create Empty```:
4. Rename this new empty gameObject "audioBearRoar", or whatever sound name makes sense in your project, but avoid spaces in the name of this game object.
5. Locate your desired audio clip file in the Project window, and (with "audioBearRoar" selected), drag a reference to the audio clip from the Project window into the Inspector.
6. Un-check the Play On Awake property in the Inspector for the Audio Source component (to stop this sound from playing as soon as the scene begins - **we** want to be in control of this Audio Source object...):
7. With your Flowchart Block selected, click the Add Command button in the Inspector and choose menu: ```Narrative | Say```. Enter the following for the Story Text property of this Say Command "... and then the bear roared loudly {audio=audioBearRoar}":
![Say audio tag]
8. Run your scene - the bear sound will play after the text has been displayed:
1. Rename this new empty gameObject "audioBearRoar", or whatever sound name makes sense in your project, but avoid spaces in the name of this game object.
![Say audio tag - output]
1. Locate your desired audio clip file in the Project window, and (with "audioBearRoar" selected), drag a reference to the audio clip from the Project window into the Inspector.
1. Un-check the Play On Awake property in the Inspector for the Audio Source component (to stop this sound from playing as soon as the scene begins - **we** want to be in control of this Audio Source object...):
1. With your Flowchart Block selected, click the Add Command button in the Inspector and choose menu: ```Narrative | Say```. Enter the following for the Story Text property of this Say Command "... and then the bear roared loudly {audio=audioBearRoar}":