@ -2,6 +2,73 @@ Changelog {#changelog}
v3.8.0 {#v3_8_0}
Many thanks to contributors stevehalliwell, FrederickKDP, MeMark2, KVinS, charblar, FatPuzo for their work on this release!
## Added
- Added Flowchart.HasBlock() and ExecuteIfHasBlock() methods
- Added Global Variable support. Variables have new 'Global' variable scope.
- Added GlobalVar demo scene
## Changed
- Updated project version to Unity 2017.4.0f1
- Refactored the set variable system to make it easier to add variable comparison options
- Added comparison and setting of GameObjects variables
- Updated Batch for newer versions of Unity3D web player #650
## Fixed
- Fixed compile errors in Unity 2018.1 beta
- Fixed compiler warnings in Untity2017.3
- Fixed repeat play of music #659
- Fixed conflicting EditorResource folder issue #664
- Fixed SaveMenu DontDestroyOnLoad problems #661
- Fixed docs: the block name in 6 of "Connections between Blocks" section from "Block2" to "Start" #663
- Fixed lua say() function to match new say method parameters
v3.7.0 {#v3_7_0}
Many thanks to maintainer Steve Halliwell for all the amazing new functionality in this release!
## Added
- Added Playground examples showing 3 simple arcade games made using Fungus
- Added Rigidbody2D variable type
- Added Vector3 FungusCommands - Fields, Normalise, Convert to Vector2, Arithetic
- Added TransformProperty FungusCommand. Get and Set a transform's fields and properties. Does not currently support rotation, localRotation nor the Mat4x4 commands as we do not have the appropriate FungusVariables to store them in
- Added FungusCommand to Reload Current Scene
- Added Rigidbody2D FungusCommands - AddForce, AddTorque, StopMotion
- Added Input GetAxis fungusCommand, fetch Input.GetAxis and store in a FloatData
- SpawnObject FungusCommand can now store the gameobject it instantiates and can spawn at itself
- Destroy FungusCommand can now be told to pass down a delay to Destroy
- Added Fungus Commands for most of MathF
- Added Math demo scene
- Added Mouse fungus event demo scene
- Added Monobehaviour fungus event handlers and physics demo scene
- Added LeanTween commands and demo scene that approximates the old iTween demo
- Added SpeakingCharacter property to SayDialog
- Added Fungus panel in editor preferences
- Added option to toggle off the fungus icon in the hierarchy in case it conflicts with other tools or is just undesired
- Added TextTag WVO WaitForVoiceOver #572
- Added ability to show variable list in the Flowchart Inspector #643
- OpenURL FungusCommand renamed, fixes #554 #642
## Changed
- SaveManager now uses json files in a FungusSaves sub directory for all platforms but webplayer & webgl which still use playerprefs
- GetCommandInfo returns the highest priority CommandInfo to better support multiple names while maintaining what is shown in the inspector
- Allow multiple CommandInfos to be added to a class SpawnObject can now also be found under GameObject/Instantiate
- Changed Fungus icon loading to use FungusEditorResources
## Fixed
- Fixed typo in BlockEditor.BlockField() #633
- Fixed custom editor for ElseIf command #630
- Fixed Prefab Variable Dereferencing #618
- Fixed typo in Set Interactable description #647
- Fixed choice dialogues were not set to stay during the MenuDialogue #640
- Fixed camera fading and panning at the same time (thanks to iBicha!) #624
- Fixed warnings on Unity 2017.2
v3.6.0 {#v3_6_0}
v3.6.0 {#v3_6_0}