14 changed files with 2164 additions and 633 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Events; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using MoonSharp.Interpreter; |
namespace Fungus |
{ |
public struct PortraitOptions |
{ |
public Character character; |
public Character replacedCharacter; |
public Sprite portrait; |
public DisplayType display; |
public PositionOffset offset; |
public RectTransform fromPosition; |
public RectTransform toPosition; |
public FacingDirection facing; |
public bool useDefaultSettings; |
public float fadeDuration; |
public float moveDuration; |
public Vector2 shiftOffset; |
public bool move; //sets to position to be the same as from |
public bool shiftIntoPlace; |
public bool waitUntilFinished; |
public Action onComplete; |
/// <summary> |
/// Contains all options to run a portrait command. |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="useDefaultSettings">Will use stage default times for animation and fade</param> |
public PortraitOptions(bool useDefaultSettings = true) |
{ |
// Defaults usually assigned on constructing a struct |
character = null; |
replacedCharacter = null; |
portrait = null; |
display = DisplayType.None; |
offset = PositionOffset.None; |
fromPosition = null; |
toPosition = null; |
facing = FacingDirection.None; |
shiftOffset = new Vector2(0, 0); |
move = false; |
shiftIntoPlace = false; |
waitUntilFinished = false; |
onComplete = null; |
// Special values that can be overriden |
fadeDuration = 0.5f; |
moveDuration = 1f; |
this.useDefaultSettings = useDefaultSettings; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
return base.ToString(); |
} |
} |
public struct PortraitState |
{ |
public bool onScreen; |
public bool dimmed; |
public DisplayType display; |
public Sprite portrait; |
public RectTransform position; |
public FacingDirection facing; |
public Image portraitImage; |
} |
public enum DisplayType |
{ |
None, |
Show, |
Hide, |
Replace, |
MoveToFront |
} |
public enum FacingDirection |
{ |
None, |
Left, |
Right |
} |
public enum PositionOffset |
{ |
None, |
OffsetLeft, |
OffsetRight |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Controls the Portrait sprites on stage |
/// </summary> |
public class PortraitController : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
// Timer for waitUntilFinished functionality |
protected float waitTimer; |
protected Stage stage; |
void Awake() |
{ |
stage = GetComponentInParent<Stage>(); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Using all portrait options available, run any portrait command. |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="options">Portrait Options</param> |
/// <param name="onComplete">The function that will run once the portrait command finishes</param> |
public void RunPortraitCommand(PortraitOptions options, Action onComplete) |
{ |
waitTimer = 0f; |
// If no character specified, do nothing |
if (options.character == null) |
{ |
onComplete(); |
return; |
} |
// If Replace and no replaced character specified, do nothing |
if (options.display == DisplayType.Replace && options.replacedCharacter == null) |
{ |
onComplete(); |
return; |
} |
// Early out if hiding a character that's already hidden |
if (options.display == DisplayType.Hide && |
!options.character.state.onScreen) |
{ |
onComplete(); |
return; |
} |
options = CleanPortraitOptions(options); |
options.onComplete = onComplete; |
switch (options.display) |
{ |
case (DisplayType.Show): |
Show(options); |
break; |
case (DisplayType.Hide): |
Hide(options); |
break; |
case (DisplayType.Replace): |
Show(options); |
Hide(options.replacedCharacter, options.replacedCharacter.state.position.name); |
break; |
case (DisplayType.MoveToFront): |
MoveToFront(options); |
break; |
} |
} |
private void FinishCommand(PortraitOptions options) |
{ |
if (options.onComplete != null) |
{ |
if (!options.waitUntilFinished) |
{ |
options.onComplete(); |
} |
else |
{ |
StartCoroutine(WaitUntilFinished(options.fadeDuration, options.onComplete)); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
StartCoroutine(WaitUntilFinished(options.fadeDuration)); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Makes sure all options are set correctly so it won't break whatever command it's sent to |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="options"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
private PortraitOptions CleanPortraitOptions(PortraitOptions options) |
{ |
// Use default stage settings |
if (options.useDefaultSettings) |
{ |
options.fadeDuration = stage.fadeDuration; |
options.moveDuration = stage.moveDuration; |
options.shiftOffset = stage.shiftOffset; |
} |
// if no previous portrait, use default portrait |
if (options.character.state.portrait == null) |
{ |
options.character.state.portrait = options.character.profileSprite; |
} |
// Selected "use previous portrait" |
if (options.portrait == null) |
{ |
options.portrait = options.character.state.portrait; |
} |
// if no previous position, use default position |
if (options.character.state.position == null) |
{ |
options.character.state.position = stage.defaultPosition.rectTransform; |
} |
// Selected "use previous position" |
if (options.toPosition == null) |
{ |
options.toPosition = options.character.state.position; |
} |
if (options.replacedCharacter != null) |
{ |
// if no previous position, use default position |
if (options.replacedCharacter.state.position == null) |
{ |
options.replacedCharacter.state.position = stage.defaultPosition.rectTransform; |
} |
} |
// If swapping, use replaced character's position |
if (options.display == DisplayType.Replace) |
{ |
options.toPosition = options.replacedCharacter.state.position; |
} |
// Selected "use previous position" |
if (options.fromPosition == null) |
{ |
options.fromPosition = options.character.state.position; |
} |
// if portrait not moving, use from position is same as to position |
if (!options.move) |
{ |
options.fromPosition = options.toPosition; |
} |
if (options.display == DisplayType.Hide) |
{ |
options.fromPosition = options.character.state.position; |
} |
// if no previous facing direction, use default facing direction |
if (options.character.state.facing == FacingDirection.None) |
{ |
options.character.state.facing = options.character.portraitsFace; |
} |
// Selected "use previous facing direction" |
if (options.facing == FacingDirection.None) |
{ |
options.facing = options.character.state.facing; |
} |
if (options.character.state.portraitImage == null) |
{ |
CreatePortraitObject(options.character, options.fadeDuration); |
} |
return options; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Creates and sets the portrait image for a character |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="character"></param> |
/// <param name="fadeDuration"></param> |
private void CreatePortraitObject(Character character, float fadeDuration) |
{ |
// Create a new portrait object |
GameObject portraitObj = new GameObject(character.name, |
typeof(RectTransform), |
typeof(CanvasRenderer), |
typeof(Image)); |
// Set it to be a child of the stage |
portraitObj.transform.SetParent(stage.portraitCanvas.transform, true); |
// Configure the portrait image |
Image portraitImage = portraitObj.GetComponent<Image>(); |
portraitImage.preserveAspect = true; |
portraitImage.sprite = character.profileSprite; |
portraitImage.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); |
// LeanTween doesn't handle 0 duration properly |
float duration = (fadeDuration > 0f) ? fadeDuration : float.Epsilon; |
// Fade in character image (first time) |
LeanTween.alpha(portraitImage.transform as RectTransform, 1f, duration).setEase(stage.fadeEaseType); |
// Tell character about portrait image |
character.state.portraitImage = portraitImage; |
} |
private IEnumerator WaitUntilFinished(float duration, Action onComplete = null) |
{ |
// Wait until the timer has expired |
// Any method can modify this timer variable to delay continuing. |
waitTimer = duration; |
while (waitTimer > 0f) |
{ |
waitTimer -= Time.deltaTime; |
yield return null; |
} |
if (onComplete != null) |
{ |
onComplete(); |
} |
} |
private void SetupPortrait(PortraitOptions options) |
{ |
SetRectTransform(options.character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform, options.fromPosition); |
if (options.character.state.facing != options.character.portraitsFace) |
{ |
options.character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f); |
} |
else |
{ |
options.character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); |
} |
if (options.facing != options.character.portraitsFace) |
{ |
options.character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f); |
} |
else |
{ |
options.character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); |
} |
} |
public static void SetRectTransform(RectTransform oldRectTransform, RectTransform newRectTransform) |
{ |
oldRectTransform.eulerAngles = newRectTransform.eulerAngles; |
oldRectTransform.position = newRectTransform.position; |
oldRectTransform.rotation = newRectTransform.rotation; |
oldRectTransform.anchoredPosition = newRectTransform.anchoredPosition; |
oldRectTransform.sizeDelta = newRectTransform.sizeDelta; |
oldRectTransform.anchorMax = newRectTransform.anchorMax; |
oldRectTransform.anchorMin = newRectTransform.anchorMin; |
oldRectTransform.pivot = newRectTransform.pivot; |
oldRectTransform.localScale = newRectTransform.localScale; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Moves Character in front of other characters on stage |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="character"></param> |
public void MoveToFront(Character character) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
options.character = character; |
MoveToFront(CleanPortraitOptions(options)); |
} |
public void MoveToFront(PortraitOptions options) |
{ |
options.character.state.portraitImage.transform.SetSiblingIndex(options.character.state.portraitImage.transform.parent.childCount); |
options.character.state.display = DisplayType.MoveToFront; |
FinishCommand(options); |
} |
public void DoMoveTween(Character character, RectTransform fromPosition, RectTransform toPosition, float moveDuration, Boolean waitUntilFinished) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
options.character = character; |
options.fromPosition = fromPosition; |
options.toPosition = toPosition; |
options.moveDuration = moveDuration; |
options.waitUntilFinished = waitUntilFinished; |
DoMoveTween(CleanPortraitOptions(options)); |
} |
public void DoMoveTween(PortraitOptions options) |
{ |
// LeanTween doesn't handle 0 duration properly |
float duration = (options.moveDuration > 0f) ? options.moveDuration : float.Epsilon; |
// LeanTween.move uses the anchoredPosition, so all position images must have the same anchor position |
LeanTween.move(options.character.state.portraitImage.gameObject, options.toPosition.position, duration).setEase(stage.fadeEaseType); |
if (options.waitUntilFinished) |
{ |
waitTimer = duration; |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Shows character at a named position in the stage |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="character"></param> |
/// <param name="position">Named position on stage</param> |
public void Show(Character character, string position) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
options.character = character; |
options.fromPosition = options.toPosition = stage.GetPosition(position); |
Show(CleanPortraitOptions(options)); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Shows character moving from a position to a position |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="character"></param> |
/// <param name="portrait"></param> |
/// <param name="fromPosition">Where the character will appear</param> |
/// <param name="toPosition">Where the character will move to</param> |
public void Show(Character character, string portrait, string fromPosition, string toPosition) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
options.character = character; |
options.portrait = character.GetPortrait(portrait); |
options.fromPosition = stage.GetPosition(fromPosition); |
options.toPosition = stage.GetPosition(toPosition); |
options.move = true; |
Show(CleanPortraitOptions(options)); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// From lua, you can pass an options table with named arguments |
/// example: |
/// stage.show{character=jill, portrait="happy", fromPosition="right", toPosition="left"} |
/// Any option available in the PortraitOptions is available from Lua |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="optionsTable">Moonsharp Table</param> |
public void Show(Table optionsTable) |
{ |
Show(CleanPortraitOptions(PortraitUtil.ConvertTableToPortraitOptions(optionsTable, stage))); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Show portrait with the supplied portrait options |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="options"></param> |
public void Show(PortraitOptions options) |
{ |
if (options.shiftIntoPlace) |
{ |
options.fromPosition = Instantiate(options.toPosition) as RectTransform; |
if (options.offset == PositionOffset.OffsetLeft) |
{ |
options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition = |
new Vector2(options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition.x - Mathf.Abs(options.shiftOffset.x), |
options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition.y - Mathf.Abs(options.shiftOffset.y)); |
} |
else if (options.offset == PositionOffset.OffsetRight) |
{ |
options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition = |
new Vector2(options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition.x + Mathf.Abs(options.shiftOffset.x), |
options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition.y + Mathf.Abs(options.shiftOffset.y)); |
} |
else |
{ |
options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition.x, options.fromPosition.anchoredPosition.y); |
} |
} |
SetupPortrait(options); |
// LeanTween doesn't handle 0 duration properly |
float duration = (options.fadeDuration > 0f) ? options.fadeDuration : float.Epsilon; |
// Fade out a duplicate of the existing portrait image |
if (options.character.state.portraitImage != null) |
{ |
GameObject tempGO = GameObject.Instantiate(options.character.state.portraitImage.gameObject); |
tempGO.transform.SetParent(options.character.state.portraitImage.transform, false); |
tempGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; |
tempGO.transform.localScale = options.character.state.position.localScale; |
Image tempImage = tempGO.GetComponent<Image>(); |
tempImage.sprite = options.character.state.portraitImage.sprite; |
tempImage.preserveAspect = true; |
tempImage.color = options.character.state.portraitImage.color; |
LeanTween.alpha(tempImage.rectTransform, 0f, duration).setEase(stage.fadeEaseType).setOnComplete(() => { |
Destroy(tempGO); |
}); |
} |
// Fade in the new sprite image |
options.character.state.portraitImage.sprite = options.portrait; |
options.character.state.portraitImage.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); |
LeanTween.alpha(options.character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform, 1f, duration).setEase(stage.fadeEaseType); |
DoMoveTween(options); |
FinishCommand(options); |
if (!stage.charactersOnStage.Contains(options.character)) |
{ |
stage.charactersOnStage.Add(options.character); |
} |
// Update character state after showing |
options.character.state.onScreen = true; |
options.character.state.display = DisplayType.Show; |
options.character.state.portrait = options.portrait; |
options.character.state.facing = options.facing; |
options.character.state.position = options.toPosition; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Simple show command that shows the character with an available named portrait |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="character">Character to show</param> |
/// <param name="portrait">Named portrait to show for the character, i.e. "angry", "happy", etc</param> |
public void ShowPortrait(Character character, string portrait) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
options.character = character; |
options.portrait = character.GetPortrait(portrait); |
if (character.state.position == null) |
{ |
options.toPosition = options.fromPosition = stage.GetPosition("middle"); |
} |
else |
{ |
options.fromPosition = options.toPosition = character.state.position; |
} |
Show(CleanPortraitOptions(options)); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Simple character hide command |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="character">Character to hide</param> |
public void Hide(Character character) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
options.character = character; |
Hide(CleanPortraitOptions(options)); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Move the character to a position then hide it |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="character"></param> |
/// <param name="toPosition">Where the character will disapear to</param> |
public void Hide(Character character, string toPosition) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
options.character = character; |
options.toPosition = stage.GetPosition(toPosition); |
options.move = true; |
Hide(CleanPortraitOptions(options)); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// From lua, you can pass an options table with named arguments |
/// example: |
/// stage.hide{character=jill, toPosition="left"} |
/// Any option available in the PortraitOptions is available from Lua |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="optionsTable">Moonsharp Table</param> |
public void Hide(Table optionsTable) |
{ |
Hide(CleanPortraitOptions(PortraitUtil.ConvertTableToPortraitOptions(optionsTable, stage))); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Hide portrait with provided options |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="options"></param> |
public void Hide(PortraitOptions options) |
{ |
if (options.character.state.display == DisplayType.None) |
{ |
return; |
} |
SetupPortrait(options); |
// LeanTween doesn't handle 0 duration properly |
float duration = (options.fadeDuration > 0f) ? options.fadeDuration : float.Epsilon; |
LeanTween.alpha(options.character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform, 0f, duration).setEase(stage.fadeEaseType); |
DoMoveTween(options); |
stage.charactersOnStage.Remove(options.character); |
//update character state after hiding |
options.character.state.onScreen = false; |
options.character.state.portrait = options.portrait; |
options.character.state.facing = options.facing; |
options.character.state.position = options.toPosition; |
options.character.state.display = DisplayType.Hide; |
FinishCommand(options); |
} |
public void SetDimmed(Character character, bool dimmedState) |
{ |
if (character.state.dimmed == dimmedState) |
{ |
return; |
} |
character.state.dimmed = dimmedState; |
Color targetColor = dimmedState ? new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f) : Color.white; |
// LeanTween doesn't handle 0 duration properly |
float duration = (stage.fadeDuration > 0f) ? stage.fadeDuration : float.Epsilon; |
LeanTween.color(character.state.portraitImage.rectTransform, targetColor, duration).setEase(stage.fadeEaseType); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Util functions that I wanted to keep the main class clean of |
/// </summary> |
public class PortraitUtil { |
/// <summary> |
/// Convert a Moonsharp table to portrait options |
/// If the table returns a null for any of the parameters, it should keep the defaults |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="table">Moonsharp Table</param> |
/// <param name="stage">Stage</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static PortraitOptions ConvertTableToPortraitOptions(Table table, Stage stage) |
{ |
PortraitOptions options = new PortraitOptions(true); |
// If the table supplies a nil, keep the default |
options.character = table.Get("character").ToObject<Character>() |
?? options.character; |
options.replacedCharacter = table.Get("replacedCharacter").ToObject<Character>() |
?? options.replacedCharacter; |
if (!table.Get("portrait").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.portrait = options.character.GetPortrait(table.Get("portrait").CastToString()); |
} |
if (!table.Get("display").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.display = table.Get("display").ToObject<DisplayType>(); |
} |
if (!table.Get("offset").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.offset = table.Get("offset").ToObject<PositionOffset>(); |
} |
if (!table.Get("fromPosition").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.fromPosition = stage.GetPosition(table.Get("fromPosition").CastToString()); |
} |
if (!table.Get("toPosition").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.toPosition = stage.GetPosition(table.Get("toPosition").CastToString()); |
} |
if (!table.Get("facing").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.facing = table.Get("facing").ToObject<FacingDirection>(); |
} |
if (!table.Get("useDefaultSettings").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.useDefaultSettings = table.Get("useDefaultSettings").CastToBool(); |
} |
if (!table.Get("fadeDuration").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.fadeDuration = table.Get("fadeDuration").ToObject<float>(); |
} |
if (!table.Get("moveDuration").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.moveDuration = table.Get("moveDuration").ToObject<float>(); |
} |
if (!table.Get("move").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.move = table.Get("move").CastToBool(); |
} |
else if (options.fromPosition != options.toPosition) |
{ |
options.move = true; |
} |
if (!table.Get("shiftIntoPlace").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.shiftIntoPlace = table.Get("shiftIntoPlace").CastToBool(); |
} |
//TODO: Make the next lua command wait when this options is true |
if (!table.Get("waitUntilFinished").IsNil()) |
{ |
options.waitUntilFinished = table.Get("waitUntilFinished").CastToBool(); |
} |
return options; |
} |
} |
} |
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luaScript: '-- Shows how to use stage.show with positional arguments |
-- This method is less verbose but also easier to get wrong! |
stage.show(watson, "left") |
setcharacter(watson) |
say "Sherlock....." |
stage.show(sherlock, "angry", "offscreen right", "right") |
setcharacter(sherlock) |
say "{i}what?{/i}" |
setcharacter(watson) |
say "You don''t understand how I feel! I''m leaving!" |
stage.hide(watson, "offscreen left") |
stage.showPortrait(sherlock, "bored") |
setcharacter(sherlock) |
say "Look at me~! I''m Watson~! I''m grumpy all the tii~me." |
stage.hide(sherlock, "offscreen right") |
stage.show(watson, "confident", "offscreen left", "left") |
setcharacter(watson) |
say "I showed him!" |
stage.hide(watson)' |
runAsCoroutine: 1 |
waitUntilFinished: 1 |
returnVariable: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!114 &574033267 |
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luaEnvironment: {fileID: 0} |
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luaScript: '-- Shows how to use stage.show with named arguments |
stage.show{character=watson, fromPosition="offscreen right", toPosition="right"} |
stage.show{character=sherlock, portrait="angry"} |
wait(1) |
stage.show{character=sherlock, portrait="bored"} |
wait(1) |
stage.hide{character=sherlock} |
wait(1) |
stage.hide{character=watson} |
wait(1)' |
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userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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