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Removed old command system

chrisgregan 11 years ago
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  20. BIN


@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ namespace Fungus
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.CallCommandMethod(room.gameObject, methodName);


@ -144,8 +144,10 @@ namespace Fungus
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;


@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus
* Manages a sequential list of commands.
* When a command completes, the next command is popped from the queue and exectuted.
public class CommandQueue : MonoBehaviour
* Base class for commands used with the CommandQueue.
public abstract class Command
public abstract void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete);
List<Command> commandList = new List<Command>();
* Adds a command to the queue for later execution
* @param command A command object to add to the queue
public virtual void AddCommand(Command command)
* Clears all queued commands from the list
public virtual void Clear()
* Executes the first command in the queue.
* When this command completes, the next command in the queue is executed.
public virtual void Execute()
if (commandList.Count == 0)
Command command = commandList[0];
command.Execute(this, delegate {
* Calls a named method on a game object to populate the command queue.
* The command queue is then executed.
public void CallCommandMethod(GameObject target, string methodName)
target.SendMessage(methodName, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
* Calls an Action delegate method to populate the command queue.
* The command queue is then executed.
public void CallCommandMethod(Action method)
if (method != null)


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
* Command classes have their own namespace to prevent them popping up in code completion.
namespace Command
* Sets the currently active view immediately.
* The main camera snaps to the active view.
public class SetView : CommandQueue.Command
View view;
public SetView(View _view)
if (_view == null)
Debug.LogError("View must not be null");
view = _view;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
game.cameraController.PanToPosition(view.transform.position, view.transform.rotation, view.viewSize, 0, null);
if (onComplete != null)
* Pans the camera to a target position & size over a period of time.
public class PanToPosition : CommandQueue.Command
Vector3 targetPosition;
Quaternion targetRotation;
float targetSize;
float duration;
bool wait;
public PanToPosition(Vector3 _targetPosition, Quaternion _targetRotation, float _targetSize, float _duration, bool _wait)
targetPosition = _targetPosition;
targetRotation = _targetRotation;
targetSize = _targetSize;
duration = _duration;
wait = _wait;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
if (wait)
game.waiting = true;
game.cameraController.PanToPosition(targetPosition, targetRotation, targetSize, duration, delegate {
if (wait)
game.waiting = false;
if (onComplete != null)
if (!wait)
if (onComplete != null)
* Pans the camera through a sequence of views over a period of time.
public class PanToPath : CommandQueue.Command
View[] views;
float duration;
public PanToPath(View[] _views, float _duration)
if (_views.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("View list must not be empty.");
views = _views;
duration = _duration;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
game.waiting = true;
game.cameraController.PanToPath(views, duration, delegate {
if (views.Length > 0)
game.waiting = false;
if (onComplete != null)
* Fades the camera to a view over a period of time.
public class FadeToView : CommandQueue.Command
View view;
float duration;
public FadeToView(View _view, float _duration)
if (_view == null)
Debug.LogError("View must not be null.");
view = _view;
duration = _duration;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
game.waiting = true;
game.cameraController.FadeToView(view, duration, delegate {
game.waiting = false;
if (onComplete != null)
* Switches on swipe panning mode.
* This allows the player to swipe the screen to pan around a region defined by 2 views.
public class StartSwipePan : CommandQueue.Command
View viewA;
View viewB;
float duration;
public StartSwipePan(View _viewA, View _viewB, float _duration)
if (_viewA == null ||
_viewB == null)
Debug.LogError("Views must not be null.");
viewA = _viewA;
viewB = _viewB;
duration = _duration;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
game.waiting = true;
game.cameraController.StartSwipePan(viewA, viewB, duration, delegate {
game.waiting = false;
if (onComplete != null)
* Switches off pan-to-swipe mode.
public class StopSwipePan : CommandQueue.Command
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
if (onComplete != null)
* Stores the current camera position
public class StoreView : CommandQueue.Command
string viewName;
public StoreView(string _viewName)
viewName = _viewName;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
if (onComplete != null)
* Pans the camera to a view over a period of time.
public class PanToStoredView : CommandQueue.Command
float duration;
string viewName;
public PanToStoredView(string _viewName, float _duration)
viewName = _viewName;
duration = _duration;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
game.waiting = true;
game.cameraController.PanToStoredView(viewName, duration, delegate {
game.waiting = false;
if (onComplete != null)


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Fungus.Script;
namespace Fungus
* Command classes have their own namespace to prevent them popping up in code completion.
namespace Command
* Writes story text to the page.
* A continue icon is displayed when the text has fully appeared.
public class Say : CommandQueue.Command
string sayText;
public Say(string _sayText)
sayText = _sayText;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
string subbedText = GlobalVariables.SubstituteStrings(sayText);
IDialog sayDialog = Game.GetInstance().GetDialog();
sayDialog.Say(subbedText, onComplete);
* Adds an option button to the current list of options.
* Use the Choose command to display added options.
public class AddOption : CommandQueue.Command
string optionText;
Action optionAction;
public AddOption(string _optionText, Action _optionAction)
optionText = _optionText;
optionAction = _optionAction;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
IDialog characterDialog = Game.GetInstance().GetDialog();
string subbedText = GlobalVariables.FormatLinkText(GlobalVariables.SubstituteStrings(optionText));
characterDialog.AddOption(subbedText, optionAction);
if (onComplete != null)


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
* Command classes have their own namespace to prevent them popping up in code completion.
namespace Command
* Call a delegate method on execution.
* This command can be used to schedule arbitrary script code.
public class Call : CommandQueue.Command
Action onExecute;
public Call(Action callAction)
if (callAction == null)
Debug.LogError("Action must not be null.");
onExecute = callAction;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
if (onExecute != null)
if (onComplete != null)
* Wait for a period of time.
public class Wait : CommandQueue.Command
float duration;
public Wait(float _duration)
duration = _duration;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game.GetInstance().waiting = true;
commandQueue.StartCoroutine(WaitCoroutine(duration, onComplete));
IEnumerator WaitCoroutine(float duration, Action onComplete)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(duration);
if (onComplete != null)
Game.GetInstance().waiting = false;
* Wait for a player tap/click/key press
public class WaitForInput : CommandQueue.Command
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
Game.GetInstance().waiting = true;
IEnumerator WaitCoroutine(Action onComplete)
while (true)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.anyKeyDown)
yield return null;
if (onComplete != null)
Game.GetInstance().waiting = false;
* Changes the active room to a different room
public class MoveToRoom : CommandQueue.Command
Action onExecute;
public MoveToRoom(Room room)
if (room == null)
Debug.LogError("Room must not be null.");
onExecute = delegate {
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
game.waiting = true;
// Fade out screen
game.cameraController.Fade(0f, game.roomFadeDuration / 2f, delegate {
game.activeRoom = room;
// Notify room script that the Room is being entered
// Calling private method on Room to hide implementation
// Fade in screen
game.cameraController.Fade(1f, game.roomFadeDuration / 2f, delegate {
game.waiting = false;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
if (onExecute != null)
// This command resets the command queue so no need to call onComplete
* Switches to a different scene.
public class MoveToScene : CommandQueue.Command
Action onExecute;
public MoveToScene(string sceneName)
if (sceneName == "")
Debug.LogError("Scene name must not be empty");
onExecute = delegate {
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
game.waiting = true;
// Fade out screen
game.cameraController.Fade(0f, game.roomFadeDuration / 2f, delegate {
Game.GetInstance().LoadScene(sceneName, true);
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
if (onExecute != null)
// This command resets the command queue so no need to call onComplete


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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serializedVersion: 2
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executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Fungus
* Command classes have their own namespace to prevent them popping up in code completion.
namespace Command
* Fades a sprite to a given alpha value over a period of time
public class FadeSprite : CommandQueue.Command
SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
Color targetColor;
float fadeDuration;
Vector2 slideOffset =;
public FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer _spriteRenderer,
Color _targetColor,
float _fadeDuration,
Vector2 _slideOffset)
if (_spriteRenderer == null)
Debug.LogError("Sprite renderer must not be null.");
spriteRenderer = _spriteRenderer;
targetColor = _targetColor;
fadeDuration = _fadeDuration;
slideOffset = _slideOffset;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
SpriteFader.FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, targetColor, fadeDuration, slideOffset);
// Fade is asynchronous, but command completes immediately.
// If you need to wait for the fade to complete, just use an additional Wait() command
if (onComplete != null)
* Sets an animator trigger to change the animator state for an animated sprite
public class SetAnimatorTrigger : CommandQueue.Command
Animator animator;
string triggerName;
public SetAnimatorTrigger(Animator _animator,
string _triggerName)
if (_animator == null)
Debug.LogError("Animator must not be null.");
animator = _animator;
triggerName = _triggerName;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
if (onComplete != null)
* Display a button and set the method to be called when player clicks.
public class ShowButton : CommandQueue.Command
Button button;
bool visible;
Action buttonAction;
public ShowButton(Button _button,
bool _visible,
Action _buttonAction)
if (_button == null)
Debug.LogError("Button must not be null.");
button = _button;
visible = _visible;
buttonAction = _buttonAction;
public override void Execute(CommandQueue commandQueue, Action onComplete)
button.Show(visible, buttonAction);
if (onComplete != null)


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: bb89d5e15bc734221b9d8fe9ae8e8153
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ namespace Fungus
Action deferredAction;
Action continueAction;
bool executeAsCommand;
float continueTimer;
bool instantCompleteText;
@ -678,12 +677,10 @@ namespace Fungus
if (options[i].optionAction == null)
deferredAction = DoNullAction;
executeAsCommand = false;
deferredAction = options[i].optionAction;
executeAsCommand = true;
@ -799,12 +796,10 @@ namespace Fungus
if (continueAction == null)
deferredAction = DoNullAction;
executeAsCommand = false;
deferredAction = continueAction;
executeAsCommand = false;
@ -814,7 +809,6 @@ namespace Fungus
timeoutTimer == 0)
deferredAction = timeoutAction;
executeAsCommand = true;
@ -835,18 +829,7 @@ namespace Fungus
timeoutTimer = 0;
timeoutAnimationIndex = 0;
if (executeAsCommand)
executeAsCommand = false;
// Execute next command
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;


@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ namespace Fungus
* Manages global game state and movement between rooms.
public class Game : GameController
public class Game : MonoBehaviour
* The currently active Room.
@ -65,9 +64,6 @@ namespace Fungus
[Tooltip("Loading image displayed when loading a scene using MoveToScene() command.")]
public Texture2D loadingImage;
public CommandQueue commandQueue;
public CameraController cameraController;
@ -102,9 +98,9 @@ namespace Fungus
// Acquire references to required components
commandQueue = gameObject.GetComponent<CommandQueue>();
cameraController = gameObject.GetComponent<CameraController>();
// Auto-hide buttons should be visible at start of game
autoHideButtonTimer = autoHideButtonDuration;
@ -113,14 +109,6 @@ namespace Fungus
// Pick first room found if none is specified
activeRoom = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Room)) as Room;
if (activeRoom != null)
// Move to the active room
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.MoveToRoom(activeRoom));
public virtual void Update()
@ -200,7 +188,7 @@ namespace Fungus
string sceneName = GlobalVariables.GetString("_scene");
if (sceneName.Length > 0)
// MoveToScene(sceneName);


@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Fungus.Script;
namespace Fungus
* This class gives easy static access to every scripting command available in Fungus.
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
#region Game Methods
* Clears the command queue.
public static void Clear()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
* Executes the commadns in the command queue.
public static void Execute()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.Execute ();
* Transitions from the current Room to another Room.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param room The Room to transition to.
public static void MoveToRoom(Room room)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.MoveToRoom(room));
* Transitions to a different scene.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param sceneName The name of the scene to transition to.
public static void MoveToScene(string sceneName)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.MoveToScene(sceneName));
* Wait for a period of time before executing the next command.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param duration The wait duration in seconds
public static void Wait(float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Wait(duration));
* Wait until player taps, clicks or presses a key before executing the next command.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void WaitForInput()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.WaitForInput());
* Call a delegate method provided by the client.
* Used to queue the execution of arbitrary code as part of a command sequeunce.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param callAction The Action delegate method to be called when the command executes.
public static void Call(Action callAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(callAction));
* Save the current game state to persistant storage.
* @param saveName The name of the saved game data.
public static void Save(string saveName = "_fungus")
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
* Load the current game state from persistant storage.
* @param saveName The name of the saved game data.
public static void Load(string saveName = "_fungus")
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
#region View Methods
* Sets the currently active View immediately.
* The main camera snaps to the new active View.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param view The View object to make active
public static void SetView(View view)
PanToView(view, 0);
* Pans the camera to the target View over a period of time.
* The pan starts at the current camera position and performs a smoothed linear pan to the target View.
* Command execution blocks until the pan completes.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetView The View to pan the camera to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
* @param wait Wait for pan to finish before executing next command.
public static void PanToView(View targetView, float duration, bool wait = true)
PanToPosition(targetView.transform.position, targetView.transform.rotation, targetView.viewSize, duration, wait);
* Pans the camera to the target position and size over a period of time.
* The pan starts at the current camera position and performs a smoothed linear pan to the target.
* Command execution blocks until the pan completes.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetPosition The position to pan the camera to.
* @param targetRotation The rotation to pan the camera to.
* @param targetSize The orthographic size to pan the camera to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
* @param wait Wait for pan to finish before executing next command.
public static void PanToPosition(Vector3 targetPosition, Quaternion targetRotation, float targetSize, float duration, bool wait)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.PanToPosition(targetPosition, targetRotation, targetSize, duration, wait));
* Fades out the current camera View, and fades in again using the target View.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param targetView The View object to fade to.
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the pan.
public static void FadeToView(View targetView, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.FadeToView(targetView, duration));
* Activates swipe panning mode.
* The camera first pans to the nearest point between the two views over a period of time.
* The player can then pan around the rectangular area defined between viewA & viewB.
* Swipe panning remains active until a StopSwipePan, SetView, PanToView, FadeToPath or FadeToView command is executed.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param viewA View object which defines one extreme of the pan area.
* @param viewB View object which defines the other extreme of the pan area.
public static void StartSwipePan(View viewA, View viewB, float duration = 1f)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.StartSwipePan(viewA, viewB, duration));
* Deactivates swipe panning mode.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
public static void StopSwipePan()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.StopSwipePan());
* Stores the current camera view using a name.
* You can later use PanToStoredView() to pan back to this stored position by name.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param viewName Name to associate with the stored camera view.
public static void StoreView(string viewName = "")
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.StoreView(viewName));
* Moves camera from the current position to a previously stored view over a period of time.
* @param duration Time needed for pan to complete.
* @param viewName Name of a camera view that was previously stored using StoreView().
public static void PanToStoredView(float duration, string viewName = "")
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.PanToStoredView(viewName, duration));
* Applies a random shake to the camera.
* @param x Horizontal shake amount in world units.
* @param x Vertical shake amount in world units.
* @param duration Length of time for shake effect to last.
public static void ShakeCamera(float x, float y, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
iTween.ShakePosition(Camera.main.gameObject, new Vector3(x, y, 0), duration);
#region Dialog Methods
* Sets the Dialog object to use for displaying story text and options.
public static void SetDialog(Dialog dialog)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
Game.GetInstance().dialog = dialog;
* Sets the active Character within the current active Dialog.
* Each character has a distinct name, color & image.
public static void SetCharacter(string characterID)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
Dialog dialog = Game.GetInstance().dialog;
if (dialog != null)
* Writes story text to the dialog.
* A 'continue' button is displayed when the text has fully appeared.
* Command execution halts until the user chooses to continue.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param storyText The text to be written to the dialog.
public static void Say(string storyText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Say(storyText));
* Adds an option to the current list of player options.
* Use the Choose() method to display previously added options.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param optionText The text to be displayed for this option
* @param optionAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player selects the option
public static void AddOption(string optionText, Action optionAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.AddOption(optionText, optionAction));
* Adds an option with no action to the current list of player options.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param optionText The text to be displayed for this option
* @param optionAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player selects the option
public static void AddOption(string optionText)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.AddOption(optionText, delegate {}));
* Sets a time limit for choosing from a list of options.
* The timer will activate the next time a Say() command is executed that displays options.
public static void SetTimeout(float timeoutDuration, Action timeoutAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call( delegate {
IDialog dialog = Game.GetInstance().GetDialog();
if (dialog != null)
dialog.SetTimeout(timeoutDuration, timeoutAction);
#region State Methods
* Sets a globally accessible boolean variable.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the boolean variable to set
* @param value The boolean value to set
public static void SetBoolean(string key, bool value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
GlobalVariables.SetBoolean(key, value);
* Sets a globally accessible integer variable.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the integer variable to set
* @param value The integer value to set
public static void SetInteger(string key, int value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
GlobalVariables.SetInteger(key, value);
* Sets a globally accessible float variable.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the float variable to set
* @param value The flaot value to set
public static void SetFloat(string key, float value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
GlobalVariables.SetFloat(key, value);
* Sets a globally accessible string variable.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param key The name of the variable to set
* @param value The string variable to set
public static void SetString(string key, string value)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
GlobalVariables.SetString(key, value);
* Adds a delta amount to the named integer variable.
* @param key The name of the integer variable to set.
* @param delta The delta value to add to the variable.
public static void AddInteger(string key, int delta)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
int value = GlobalVariables.GetInteger(key);
GlobalVariables.SetInteger(key, value + delta);
* Multiplies the named integer variable.
* @param key The name of the integer variable to set.
* @param multiplier The multiplier to multiply the integer variable by.
public static void MultiplyInteger(string key, int multiplier)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
int value = GlobalVariables.GetInteger(key);
GlobalVariables.SetInteger(key, value * multiplier);
* Adds a delta amount to the named float variable.
* @param key The name of the float variable to set.
* @param delta The delta value to add to the variable.
public static void AddFloat(string key, float delta)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
float value = GlobalVariables.GetFloat(key);
GlobalVariables.SetFloat(key, value + delta);
* Multiplies the named float variable.
* @param key The name of the float variable to set.
* @param multiplier The multiplier to multiply the float variable by.
public static void MultiplyFloat(string key, float multiplier)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
float value = GlobalVariables.GetFloat(key);
GlobalVariables.SetFloat(key, value * multiplier);
* Toggles the state of a boolean variable.
* @param The name of the boolean variable to toggle.
public static void ToggleBoolean(string key)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
bool value = GlobalVariables.GetBoolean(key);
GlobalVariables.SetBoolean(key, !value);
#region Sprite Methods
* Makes a sprite completely transparent immediately.
* This changes the alpha component of the sprite renderer color to 0.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
public static void HideSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, 0, 0,;
* Makes a sprite completely opaque immediately.
* This changes the alpha component of the sprite renderer color to 1.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
public static void ShowSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, 1, 0,;
* Shows or hides a sprite immediately, depending on the visible parameter.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param visible Shows the sprite when true, hides the sprite when false.
public static void ShowSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, bool visible)
if (visible)
* Fades the transparency of a sprite over a period of time.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param targetAlpha The final required transparency value [0..1]
* @param duration The duration of the fade transition in seconds
public static void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration)
FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, targetAlpha, duration,;
* Fades the transparency of a sprite over a period of time, and applies a sliding motion to the sprite's position.
* The sprite starts at a position calculated by adding the current sprite position + the slide offset.
* The sprite then smoothly moves from this starting position to the original position of the sprite.
* Automatically adds a SpriteFader component to the sprite object to perform the transition.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be modified
* @param targetAlpha The final required transparency value [0..1]
* @param duration The duration of the fade transition in seconds
* @param slideOffset Offset to the starting position for the slide effect.
public static void FadeSprite(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, float targetAlpha, float duration, Vector2 slideOffset)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
Color color = spriteRenderer.color;
color.a = targetAlpha;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.FadeSprite(spriteRenderer, color, duration, slideOffset));
* Displays a button sprite object and sets the action callback method for the button.
* If no Collider2D already exists on the object, then a BoxCollider2D is automatically added.
* Use HideButton() to make the sprite invisible and non-clickable again.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param button The button component of the sprite object to be shown.
* @param buttonAction The Action delegate method to be called when the player clicks on the button
public static void ShowButton(Button button, Action buttonAction)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.ShowButton(button, true, buttonAction));
* Hides the button sprite and makes it stop behaving as a clickable button.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param spriteRenderer The sprite to be made non-clickable
public static void HideButton(Button button)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.ShowButton(button, false, null));
* Sets an animator trigger to change the animation state for an animated sprite.
* This is the primary method of controlling Unity animations from a Fungus command sequence.
* This method returns immediately but it queues an asynchronous command for later execution.
* @param animator The sprite to be made non-clickable
* @param triggerName Name of a trigger parameter in the animator controller
public static void SetAnimatorTrigger(Animator animator, string triggerName)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.SetAnimatorTrigger(animator, triggerName));
#region Audio Methods
* Plays game music using an audio clip.
* One music clip may be played at a time.
* @param musicClip The music clip to play
public static void PlayMusic(AudioClip musicClip)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
* Stops playing game music.
public static void StopMusic()
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
* Sets the game music volume immediately.
* @param volume The new music volume value [0..1]
public static void SetMusicVolume(float volume)
SetMusicVolume(volume, 0f);
* Fades the game music volume to required level over a period of time.
* @param volume The new music volume value [0..1]
* @param duration The length of time in seconds needed to complete the volume change.
public static void SetMusicVolume(float volume, float duration)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
MusicManager.GetInstance().SetMusicVolume(volume, duration);
* Plays a sound effect once.
* Multiple sound effects can be played at the same time.
* @param soundClip The sound effect clip to play
public static void PlaySound(AudioClip soundClip)
PlaySound(soundClip, 1f);
* Plays a sound effect once, at the specified volume.
* Multiple sound effects can be played at the same time.
* @param soundClip The sound effect clip to play
* @param volume The volume level of the sound effect
public static void PlaySound(AudioClip soundClip, float volume)
CommandQueue commandQueue = Game.GetInstance().commandQueue;
commandQueue.AddCommand(new Command.Call(delegate {
MusicManager.GetInstance().PlaySound(soundClip, volume);


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 4341f88125d5c4fe1b941bd614ae342d
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace Fungus
* The OnEnter() method is called when the player enters the room.
* The GameController base class provides easy access to all Fungus functionality.
public abstract class Room : GameController
public abstract class Room : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
string GetVisitVariableKey()
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ namespace Fungus
// Rooms may have multiple child views and page.
// It is the responsibility of the client room script to set the desired active view & page in the OnEnter method.
game.commandQueue.CallCommandMethod(game.activeRoom.gameObject, "OnEnter");
// game.commandQueue.CallCommandMethod(game.activeRoom.gameObject, "OnEnter");
// Increment visit count for this Room
int visitCount = GetVisitCount();


@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ namespace Fungus
Game game = Game.GetInstance();
if (game != null)
// Game.Save();


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