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Merge pull request #450 from snozbot/preload-lua-script

Preload lua script
Chris Gregan 9 years ago
  1. 56
  2. 54
  3. 44


@ -202,22 +202,11 @@ namespace Fungus
/// <param name="runAsCoroutine">Run the Lua code as a coroutine to support asynchronous operations.</param>
/// <param name="onComplete">Method to callback when the Lua code finishes exection. Supports return parameters.</param>
/// </summary>
public void DoLuaString(string luaString, string friendlyName, bool runAsCoroutine, Action<DynValue> onComplete = null)
public virtual void DoLuaString(string luaString, string friendlyName, bool runAsCoroutine, Action<DynValue> onComplete = null)
Closure fn = LoadLuaString(luaString, friendlyName);
// Load the Lua script
DynValue res = null;
res = interpreter.LoadString(luaString, null, friendlyName);
catch (InterpreterException ex)
LogException(ex.DecoratedMessage, luaString);
if (res == null)
if (fn == null)
if (onComplete != null)
@ -230,14 +219,14 @@ namespace Fungus
// Execute the Lua script
if (runAsCoroutine)
StartCoroutine(RunLuaCoroutineInternal(res.Function, luaString, onComplete));
StartCoroutine(RunLuaCoroutineInternal(fn, luaString, onComplete));
DynValue returnValue = null;
returnValue = res.Function.Call();
returnValue = fn.Call();
catch (InterpreterException ex)
@ -251,13 +240,42 @@ namespace Fungus
/// <summary>
/// Loads and compiles a string containing Lua script, returning a closure (Lua function) which can be executed later.
/// <param name="luaString">The Lua code to be run.</param>
/// <param name="friendlyName">A descriptive name to be used in error reports.</param>
/// </summary>
public virtual Closure LoadLuaString(string luaString, string friendlyName)
// Load the Lua script
DynValue res = null;
res = interpreter.LoadString(luaString, null, friendlyName);
catch (InterpreterException ex)
LogException(ex.DecoratedMessage, luaString);
if (res.Type != DataType.Function)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Failed to create Lua function from Lua string");
return null;
return res.Function;
/// <summary>
/// Starts a Unity coroutine which updates a Lua coroutine each frame.
/// <param name="closure">A MoonSharp closure object representing a function.</param>
/// <param name="debugInfo">Debug text to display if an exception occurs (usually the Lua code that is being executed).</param>
/// <param name="onComplete">A delegate method that is called when the coroutine completes. Includes return parameter.</param>
/// </summary>
public void RunLuaCoroutine(Closure closure, string debugInfo, Action<DynValue> onComplete = null)
public virtual void RunLuaCoroutine(Closure closure, string debugInfo, Action<DynValue> onComplete = null)
StartCoroutine(RunLuaCoroutineInternal(closure, debugInfo, onComplete));
@ -268,7 +286,7 @@ namespace Fungus
/// <param name="debugInfo">Debug text to display if an exception occurs (usually the Lua code that is being executed).</param>
/// <param name="onComplete">A delegate method that is called when the coroutine completes. Includes return parameter.</param>
/// </summary>
protected IEnumerator RunLuaCoroutineInternal(Closure closure, string debugInfo, Action<DynValue> onComplete = null)
protected virtual IEnumerator RunLuaCoroutineInternal(Closure closure, string debugInfo, Action<DynValue> onComplete = null)
DynValue co = interpreter.CreateCoroutine(closure);
@ -296,7 +314,7 @@ namespace Fungus
/// <summary>
/// Start a Unity coroutine from a Lua call.
/// </summary>
public Task RunUnityCoroutine(IEnumerator coroutine)
public virtual Task RunUnityCoroutine(IEnumerator coroutine)
if (coroutine == null)


@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace Fungus
/// <summary>
/// The Lua Environment to use when executing Lua script.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The Lua Environment to use when executing Lua script.")]
[Tooltip("The Lua Environment to use when executing Lua script.")]
public LuaEnvironment luaEnvironment;
/// <summary>
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ namespace Fungus
protected bool initialised;
// Stores the compiled Lua code for fast execution later.
protected Closure luaFunction;
// Recursively build the full hierarchy path to this game object
private static string GetPath(Transform current)
@ -60,6 +63,9 @@ namespace Fungus
/// <summary>
/// Initialises the Lua environment and compiles the Lua string for execution later on.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void InitLuaScript()
if (initialised)
@ -85,7 +91,34 @@ namespace Fungus
// Cache a descriptive name to use in Lua error messages
friendlyName = GetPath(transform) + ".LuaScript";
initialised = true;
string s = GetLuaString();
luaFunction = luaEnvironment.LoadLuaString(s, friendlyName);
// Always initialise when playing in the editor.
// Allows the user to edit the Lua script while the game is playing.
if ( !(Application.isPlaying && Application.isEditor) )
initialised = true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Lua string to be executed.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The lua string.</returns>
protected virtual string GetLuaString()
string s = "";
if (luaFile != null)
s = luaFile.text;
else if (luaScript.Length > 0)
s = luaScript;
return s;
/// <summary>
@ -94,7 +127,7 @@ namespace Fungus
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnExecute()
// Make sure the environment is initialised before executing
// Make sure the script and Lua environment are initialised before executing
if (luaEnvironment == null)
@ -103,20 +136,7 @@ namespace Fungus
// Ensure the Lua Environment is initialised first.
string s = "";
if (luaFile != null)
s = luaFile.text;
else if (luaScript.Length > 0)
s = luaScript;
luaEnvironment.DoLuaString(s, friendlyName, runAsCoroutine);
luaEnvironment.RunLuaCoroutine(luaFunction, friendlyName);


@ -30,33 +30,41 @@ namespace Fungus
protected string friendlyName = "";
protected bool initialised ;
protected virtual void Start()
/// <summary>
/// Initialises the Lua environment and compiles the Lua string for execution later on.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void InitExecuteLua()
if (initialised)
// Cache a descriptive name to use in Lua error messages
friendlyName = + "." + parentBlock.blockName + "." + "ExecuteLua #" + commandIndex.ToString();
if (luaEnvironment == null)
luaEnvironment = LuaEnvironment.GetLua();
if (luaEnvironment == null)
luaEnvironment = LuaEnvironment.GetLua();
initialised = true;
public override void OnEnter()
// This command could be executed from the Start of another component, so we
// need to check the Lua Environment here and in Start.
if (luaEnvironment == null)
luaEnvironment = LuaEnvironment.GetLua();
if (luaEnvironment == null)
Debug.LogError("No Lua Environment found");
// Note: We can't pre compile the Lua script in this command because we want to
// support variable substitution in the Lua string.
// If this is too slow, consider using a LuaScript object and calling OnExecute() on it instead.
string subbed = GetFlowchart().SubstituteVariables(luaScript);
luaEnvironment.DoLuaString(subbed, friendlyName, runAsCoroutine, (returnValue) => {
