An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.

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* This code is part of the Fungus library ( maintained by Chris Gregan (
* It is released for free under the MIT open source license (
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Fungus
* Manages audio effects for Dialogs
public class WriterAudio : MonoBehaviour, IWriterListener
[Tooltip("Volume level of writing sound effects")]
public float volume = 1f;
[Tooltip("Loop the audio when in Sound Effect mode. Has no effect in Beeps mode.")]
public bool loop = true;
// If none is specifed then we use any AudioSource on the gameobject, and if that doesn't exist we create one.
[Tooltip("AudioSource to use for playing sound effects. If none is selected then one will be created.")]
public AudioSource targetAudioSource;
public enum AudioMode
Beeps, // Use short beep sound effects
SoundEffect, // Use long looping sound effect
[Tooltip("Type of sound effect to play when writing text")]
public AudioMode audioMode = AudioMode.Beeps;
[Tooltip("List of beeps to randomly select when playing beep sound effects. Will play maximum of one beep per character, with only one beep playing at a time.")]
public List<AudioClip> beepSounds = new List<AudioClip>();
[Tooltip("Long playing sound effect to play when writing text")]
public AudioClip soundEffect;
[Tooltip("Sound effect to play on user input (e.g. a click)")]
public AudioClip inputSound;
protected float targetVolume = 0f;
// When true, a beep will be played on every written character glyph
protected bool playBeeps;
// True when a voiceover clip is playing
protected bool playingVoiceover = false;
// Time when current beep will have finished playing
protected float nextBeepTime;
public virtual void SetAudioMode(AudioMode mode)
audioMode = mode;
protected virtual void Awake()
// Need to do this in Awake rather than Start due to init order issues
if (targetAudioSource == null)
targetAudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
if (targetAudioSource == null)
targetAudioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
targetAudioSource.volume = 0f;
* Plays a voiceover audio clip.
* Voiceover behaves differently than speaking sound effects because it
* should keep on playing after the text has finished writing. It also
* does not pause for wait tags, punctuation, etc.
public virtual void PlayVoiceover(AudioClip voiceOverClip)
if (targetAudioSource == null)
playingVoiceover = true;
targetAudioSource.volume = volume;
targetVolume = volume;
targetAudioSource.loop = false;
targetAudioSource.clip = voiceOverClip;
public virtual void Play(AudioClip audioClip)
if (targetAudioSource == null ||
(audioMode == AudioMode.SoundEffect && soundEffect == null && audioClip == null) ||
(audioMode == AudioMode.Beeps && beepSounds.Count == 0))
playingVoiceover = false;
targetAudioSource.volume = 0f;
targetVolume = volume;
if (audioClip != null)
// Voice over clip provided
targetAudioSource.clip = audioClip;
targetAudioSource.loop = loop;
else if (audioMode == AudioMode.SoundEffect &&
soundEffect != null)
// Use sound effects defined in WriterAudio
targetAudioSource.clip = soundEffect;
targetAudioSource.loop = loop;
else if (audioMode == AudioMode.Beeps)
// Use beeps defined in WriterAudio
targetAudioSource.clip = null;
targetAudioSource.loop = false;
playBeeps = true;
public virtual void Pause()
if (targetAudioSource == null)
// There's an audible click if you call audioSource.Pause() so instead just drop the volume to 0.
targetVolume = 0f;
public virtual void Stop()
if (targetAudioSource == null)
// There's an audible click if you call audioSource.Stop() so instead we just switch off
// looping and let the audio stop automatically at the end of the clip
targetVolume = 0f;
targetAudioSource.loop = false;
playBeeps = false;
playingVoiceover = false;
public virtual void Resume()
if (targetAudioSource == null)
targetVolume = volume;
protected virtual void Update()
targetAudioSource.volume = Mathf.MoveTowards(targetAudioSource.volume, targetVolume, Time.deltaTime * 5f);
// IWriterListener implementation
public virtual void OnInput()
if (inputSound != null)
// Assumes we're playing a 2D sound
public virtual void OnStart(AudioClip audioClip)
if (playingVoiceover)
public virtual void OnPause()
if (playingVoiceover)
public virtual void OnResume()
if (playingVoiceover)
public virtual void OnEnd(bool stopAudio)
if (stopAudio)
public virtual void OnGlyph()
if (playingVoiceover)
if (playBeeps && beepSounds.Count > 0)
if (!targetAudioSource.isPlaying)
if (nextBeepTime < Time.realtimeSinceStartup)
targetAudioSource.clip = beepSounds[Random.Range(0, beepSounds.Count - 1)];
if (targetAudioSource.clip != null)
targetAudioSource.loop = false;
targetVolume = volume;
float extend = targetAudioSource.clip.length;
nextBeepTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + extend;