using UnityEngine ;
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
namespace Fungus.Script
[ CommandInfo ( "Dialog" ,
"Say" ,
"Writes a line of story text to the dialog. A list of options can be specified for the player to choose from. Use a non-zero timeout to give the player a limited time to choose." ,
1 8 4 , 2 1 0 , 2 3 5 ) ]
public class Say : FungusCommand
public SayDialog dialog ;
static public SayDialog activeDialog ;
public Character character ;
public string storyText ;
public AudioClip voiceOverClip ;
public bool showOnce ;
int executionCount ;
bool showBasicGUI ;
public override void OnEnter ( )
if ( showOnce & & executionCount > 0 )
Continue ( ) ;
return ;
executionCount + + ;
// Remember active dialog between Say calls
if ( dialog = = null )
if ( activeDialog = = null )
showBasicGUI = true ;
return ;
dialog = activeDialog ;
activeDialog = dialog ;
dialog . SetCharacter ( character ) ;
dialog . ShowDialog ( true ) ;
if ( voiceOverClip ! = null )
MusicController . GetInstance ( ) . PlaySound ( voiceOverClip , 1f ) ;
dialog . Say ( storyText , delegate {
dialog . ShowDialog ( false ) ;
Continue ( ) ;
} ) ;
public override string GetSummary ( )
return "\"" + storyText + "\"" ;
void OnGUI ( )
if ( ! showBasicGUI )
return ;
// Draw a basic GUI to use when no uGUI dialog has been set
// Does not support drawing character images
GUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( GUILayout . Width ( Screen . width ) ) ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
GUILayout . BeginVertical ( GUILayout . Height ( Screen . height ) ) ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
GUILayout . BeginVertical ( new GUIStyle ( GUI . skin . box ) ) ;
if ( character ! = null )
GUILayout . Label ( character . characterName ) ;
GUILayout . Space ( 1 0 ) ;
GUILayout . Label ( storyText ) ;
if ( GUILayout . Button ( "Continue" ) )
showBasicGUI = false ;
Continue ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndVertical ( ) ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndVertical ( ) ;
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
GUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;