An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.
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Fungus v2.3.1
# Fixed
- Can't click on Say Dialog when a Menu Dialog is active #374
- Set Audio Pitch: OnComplete not called when duration = 0 #369
- Fade To View can sometimes not work in Unity 5.3 #370
Fungus v2.3.0
# Added
- SetDraggable2D command #191
- WaitInput command #276
- Fade UI command to fade UI objects #349
- Read Text File command to read a text file into a string variable #344
- Added Set Audio Pitch command #340
- 'Center View' button to center Flowchart window on all Blocks #302
- Added Clear Menu command #300
- Set Slider Value command #297
- Stop Flowchart command #289
- Integration with Esoteric Spine animation system (available in Fungus/Integrations/Spine folder)
# Changed
- Added null checks in Flowchart variable accessors
- Set Say Dialog property for characters
- Can now specify the gameobject to shake for punch tag in Writer component
- PlayMusic command has a loop property
- Updated reorderable list control to v0.4.3
- Updated to LeanTween 2.30
- Added HasExecutingBlocks() and GetExecutingBlocks() to Flowchart class
- Remove unused Text Width Scale property on Say Dialog
- Can now specify a camera to use with Camera command (not just main) #319 #307
- Can now disable Camera Z being forced by View commands #319
- Text tags now support multiple parameters.
- Write command now works with Text Mesh Pro text objects.
- Writer.InstantComplete property controls click-to-complete writing.
- Shake tag shakes camera instead of Writer game object.
# Fixed
- Ensure parentBlock is set when block executes #320
- While loop with following If doesn't loop correctly #354
- Auto cross fade music in Play Music command #199
- Play Music call doesn't restart if same music already playing
- Play Music call doesn't restart if same music already playing
- Concurrent Say commands on same Say Dialog should interrupt #356
- CustomGUI class not in Fungus namespace #353
- Whitespace trimming after {wc} & {c} tags #346
- iTween commands on the same gameobject can conflict #342 #303
- Show Sprite should affect child sprites #338
- Null reference if command classes have same name #312
- End command indents when not matched with an If #308
- Draggable objects behaving incorrectly #310
- Inactive localizeable game objects are now also cached #322
- SceneManager warnings in Unity 5.3
- Fixed Windows store build 268
- Fixed Writer beep timing issues in WebGL #295
- Removed say command from Flowchart prefab
10 years ago
Fungus v2.2.2
# Added
- Stop Flowchart command and Flowchart.StopAllBlocks() method #288
# Changed
- Only the first Flowchart added to a scene will have a default GameStarted event handler.
- Null items in variable list are cleaned up on enable.
# Fixed
- Flowchart objects break when made into a prefab #275
- Localization language does not persist between scenes #271
- Voiceover clips not playing correctly in Say command #273
- Changing portrait facing flips incorrectly #190
- Variable substitution in Menu command #263
- Null variable reference when substituting variables #278
- Removed empty gameobject in sherlock demo
- Removed unused GameStarted component from built-in Flowchart prefab
Fungus v2.2.1
# Added
- Set Interactable command to control UI button, input field, etc. interactivity #178
- Button Clicked event handler to execute a block when a UI button is clicked
- End Edit event handler to execute a block when user presses enter in an input field
- Hide specific commands & categories in the Add Command menu by setting the Hide Commands property on Flowchart
# Changed
- Improved Enter Name example to demonstrate the new Write, Get Text, Set Text, Set Interactable, etc. commands.
- Removed punctuation pause for last character in a sentence #168
- Removed unsupported 'shiver' item from tag help description in Say and Write commands
10 years ago
- Moved LICENSE and README inside the Fungus folder #185
# Fixed
- Concurrent Say calls cause Say Dialog to freeze up #156
- Null reference error after editing Flowchart code #181
- Markup text visible if rich text not enabled when using Write command #176
- ControlAudio waitUntilFinished property doesn't wait for correct time #174
- Removed legacy hidden objects in example scenes #159
- Undo for delete command doesn't work #161
- Flowchart in The Hunter example has Hide Components set to false #150
Fungus v2.2.0
# Added
- Write command for writing text to any text object
- Writer, Writer Audio components for writing text to any text object with lots of new configuration options.
- Say Dialog class has been split into Say Dialog, Dialog Input components
- Dialog Input supports multiple input types; clicks & key presses
- Can hold down shift while pressing a key to fast forward through dialog text
- Say Dialog now adjusts Story Text rect when character image is visible.
- Added Stop() method to Say Dialog and Writer to cancel writing immediately
- Fullscreen command.
- InputText example in FungusExamples
- Localization support for the Set Text and Write commands.
- Custom commands can integrate with the localisation system by implementing the ILocalizable interface.
- Invoke Event command for calling script methods with a parameter using Unity's EventSystem.
- Invoke Method command for calling script methods with multiple parameters using reflection.
- Can now use UnityEvent variables in custom commands
- Flowchart versioning and initialization
- Menu command now has an Interactable property to add disabled menu options.
- Set Sprite Order command.
- Added Set Sorting Layer command to set renderer sorting layer
- Set Mouse Cursor command and drag and drop support
- Constructors and implicit operators for all Fungus variable types
- Quit command to quit application -
- New Fungus/UI command category
- Added ComboBox to Thirdparty folder
- Added Tools > Fungus > Create > Fungus Logo menu option
# Changed
- Simplifed Say Dialog hierarchy structure to be easier to customise
- Say Dialog continue image is now a UI button
- Say Dialog automatically fades in / out when writing
- Updated The Facility example to work with new Say Dialog design
- Updated Drag And Drop example to use new Set Mouse Cursor command
- Improved rendering efficiency of Block inspector window.
- Improved shift-selecting commands in Block inspector.
- Portrait command now moves portraits using world position instead of anchored position
- Portrait cross fading is now done using image alpha instead of a custom shader
- Stage Show / Hide is now done by tweening the CanvasGroup alpha.
- Portrait MoveSpeed is now MoveDuration
- Portrait WaitUntilFinished option now works robustly
- Additional flowcharts added to the scene no longer have their initial block start with the default 'Game Started' event.
- Command array properties can now be flagged to use the reorderable list control
- Custom commands can override IsPropertyVisible() to hide specific properties as needed.
- SetActive command shows state in summary
- Block Event Handler for additional Flowcharts now defaults to none.
- Can assign default values to public Fungus variable properties
- Can access Fungus variable values directly without using .Value accessor.
- Say Command fade in / out replaced with automatic fading and Fade When Done property
- Get Text and Set Text command now work on any text object (UI text, UI input fields & 3D text mesh)
# Fixed
- Shake Camera command timing issue #137
- CSV parser doesn't handle Windows-style line endings #131
- Intermittent init order issue with caching localizeable objects
- Control Audio stopping all untagged audiosources #132
- Intermittent null reference error from command editors
- Draggable objects don't return to start pos if drag completes #130
- Moving and fading portraits at the same time
- Character portrait images have display artefacts #92
- Duplicate Block option does not do a deep copy #129
- Event System not created after Load Scene #121
- Voice over audio only works every second time #126
- Editing multiline command properties in block inspector.
- Compile error when Fungus is used with "Draw On Screen" asset #120
- Null reference exception when spawning Fungus objects in Unity 5.1
- Story text box width is restored when using a character with no portrait #141
- Block inspector window resizes when using cut, copy, paste shortcuts #145
- Objects spawned from Tools > Fungus > Create menu center correctly in Unity 5.1.3f
# Process Changes
We are now using the Unity Test Tools framework for unit and integration testing.
All new features and bug fixes now have automated tests where possible.
# Upgrade Notes
We made a LOT of improvements to the Say Dialogs in this release. Unfortunately these changes are likely to break existing customised Say Dialogs. If you upgrade an existing Fungus project and find the Say Dialog are no longer working you will need to delete your Say Dialogs and create new ones.
Fungus v2.1.0
# Added
- Added Flowchart.FindBlock so you can check if a Block is executing before you try to execute it.
- Cleanup any unreferenced components in Flowchart when scene loads
# Changed
- Call Method can now execute after a delay
- Can now control swipe pan speed in Start Swipe command
- Improved layout of Flowchart name and description
# Removed
- Removed obsolete commands and other dead code
# Fixed
- Fixed using iTween and Portrait commands in same Flowchart causes null exception #116
- Fixed whitespace and newlines not being trimmed after {wc} & {c} tags in story text #115
- Fixed Standard Text import strips out newline characters #114
- Fixed {x} text tag causing a null reference error #113
- Fixed Flowchart.ExecuteBlock() not being usable with UI events (e.g. a UI button event) #112
- Fixed Set Draggable command causing null exception error #111
- Fixed conflicting Block & command item ids (was breaking localization text export) #110