some wyrde workflows for comfyUI
wyrde 4f28e789f3 foxies 2 years ago
.. foxies 2 years ago
example-prefix_00008_.png updated workflow 2 years ago
example-prefix_00009_.png updated workflow 2 years ago
example-prefix_00010_.png more images 2 years ago
example-prefix_00011_.png more images 2 years ago
example-prefix_00012_.png more images 2 years ago
example-prefix_00013_.png more images 2 years ago
example-prefix_00014_.png foxies 2 years ago
example-prefix_00015_.png foxies 2 years ago
token nodes 1.png updated workflow 2 years ago
token nodes 2.png more images 2 years ago
token nodes 3.png more images 2 years ago
token random values example.json Update token random values example.json 2 years ago
token random values example.png updated workflow 2 years ago

Using Tokens for Random Values

Makes extensive use of WAS nodes.

  • Install WAS suit and avoid a mess of red boxes.

Tokens are created and then assigned random values from list boxes.

The tokens names are placed in a text box. The contens of the list box are sent to conditioning.

Why do this instead of {curly|braces}?

  • In comfyui, words in {curly braces | separated by | pipes are | used to | generate} random results. Due to the way comfyui functions, an image's workflow will contain only the items in the prompt which were evaluated for the image. The rest of the random list is dropped.

Why the text concatenate?

  • Because of how the backend evaluates the text boxes, it doesn't know the contents of the tokens have changed when parsing the prompts. There's two ways to fix this:
    • put { | | } in the prompt. It will evaluate the space each time and run the prompt, thus also evaluating tokens.
    • make a new multiline node→random line node→text concatenate (the random result and the prompt) → text parse tokens → text to conditioning
      • this is more complex, but preserves the text prompt in the image workflow.

Example Results





Custom Nodes

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