some wyrde workflows for comfyUI
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some wyrde workflows for comfyUI

ComfyUI is found at


  • basics: some low-scale workflows. Good ways to start out.
  • hr-fix-upscale: workflows utilizing Hi-Res Fixes and Upscales.
  • misc: various odds and ends.
  • others: workflows made by other people I particularly like. Or had the urge to fiddle with.
  • templates some handy templates for comfyui

Custom Nodes and Extensions

Some places for ComfyUI stuff much cooler than mine:

If you install custom nodes, keep an eye on comfyui PRs. Many end up in the UI.

Useful things

inject SD into the brain

More SD resources

Useful Things

  • XNView a great, light-weight and impressively capable file viewer. It shows the workflow stored in the exif data (View→Panels→Information). Also has favorite folders to make moving and sortintg images from ./output easier. There may be something better out there for this, but I've not found it.