# wyrde's basic basics of comfy workflows ## Keyboard shortcuts ``` Ctrl + A = select all nodes Ctrl + M = mute/unmute selected nodes Ctrl + C = copy selected nodes Ctrl + V = paste node buffer Delete = delete selected nodes Backspace = delete selected nodes Space Bar = drag viewing area (hold space bar and move mouse pointer) ``` Notes: * Ctrl + X does nothing. * muted nodes don't process and block everythintg behind them * Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, work normally inside a text box/field * The text areas are like a separate layer. Space and copy/paste functions act normal inside them and use comfyUI functions outside. ## Organization * ~~Add pythongosssss _Node Templates_ [from this repo](https://github.com/pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts). Download the node-templates file and put it in `ComfyUI/web/extensions/`. (Don't copy paste the editor display, save the raw file.) This repo has some other super helpful extensions as well.~~ Templates are now in ComfyUI. * I still recommended _image-feed_ and workflow-svg from [the repo](https://github.com/pythongosssss/ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts) * noodles (the wires) can be organized with _reroute_ nodes. It takes extra time, but it makes figuring out a workflow a few days later much easier. Much less someone else. * _SaveImage_ can do sub folders. The format is `folder/imageprefix`. * The _LoadImage_ node is (at this writing) too small. Drag the bottom down to show the image preview. Glory at the terrible sketch comfy made for an example! ## Filenames **Prefix** Output files can be customized with substitutions ``` %date:d-M-yy% ``` all the date variables: ``` yy -> last 2 digit of year (23) yyyy -> full year format (2023) d -> day number M -> month number h -> hour m -> minute s -> second ``` * Put in a `/` to create a folder like `%date:d-M-yyyy%/ComfyUI` * `%width%` and `%height%` are also supported. * Various items from nodes can also be included. Right click on a node, click on `properties` and use the contents of the _Node name for S&R_ property and the name of the _data_field_. * Example of putting the checkpoint in the file name: * The _node names for S&R_ is `CheckpointLoaderSimple` * The _data_field_ is `ckpt_name` * combine with a `.` between: `CheckpointLoaderSimple.ckpt_name` * wrap the whole thing with `%` at the ends: `%CheckpointLoaderSimple.ckpt_name%` * and put that in the *filename_prefix* of the _Save Image_ node * each substitution gets its own %marks. Example: `%date:yyyy-M-d%/%node.data%`_%node2.data2% **Suffix** * ComfyUI adds the suffix of an underscore and 5-digit number at the end of the file name automatically (`_NNNNN.png`). Thanks to _Davemane42_ for pointing this out! ## Tips and Philosophy * ComfyUI has a philosophy of keep it simple. Don't try to create a "do it all" workflow, instead focus on a specific objective. * use the _CheckpointLoaderSimple_ node to load checkpoints. It will auto pick the right settings depending on your GPU. ## This directory conatains some basic workflows showing beginning principles. Think of them as badly organized tutorials. Be sure to check out the [comfy examples](https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/) as well! * [WAS Starting Workflow](./was-nodes-start/)
