First download a VAE from [stabilityai]( and drop it in `ComfyUI\models\vae`. Get the pruned.safetensors file. Don't click the filename, click to the right. <imgsrc="downloadvae.png"width="20%"align="middle">
adding new nodes is done three ways
* noodle dragging
* left click and drag from a node's output dot. A noodle appears.
* Drag the noodle to a nice spot and let go.
* A slection box with nodes of the same type will appear.
* Double Click
* Double Left Click on an empty spot and a list will appear.
* scroll through the list or start typing to filter it.
* select the desired node
* Right Click Menu
* right click on an empty place on the canvas
* a context menu appears
* left click on add node for the nodes submenu
* Left click on the submenu for the node desired for a list of nodes or more menus