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Sclera Limbal Ring Node

Calculates the intensity of the Sclera ring, a darkening feature of eyes.

Render pipeline compatibility

Node Universal Render Pipeline (URP) High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP)
Sclera Limbal Ring Node No Yes


name Direction type description
PositionOS Input Vector3 Position in object space of the current fragment to shade.
View Direction OS Input Vector3 Direction of the incident ray in object space. Either from the camera in rasterization or from the previous bounce in ray tracing.
IrisRadius Input float The radius of the Iris in the used model. For the default model, this value should be 0.225.
LimbalRingSize Input float Normalized [0, 1] value that defines the relative size of the limbal ring.
LimbalRingFade Input float Normalized [0, 1] value that defines strength of the fade out of the limbal ring.**
LimbalRing Intensity Input float Positive value that defines how dark the limbal ring is.
Iris Limbal Ring Color Output Color Intensity of the limbal ring (blackscale).