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Port Bindings


Some input Ports might have Port Bindings. This means there is an expectation of the data that should be supplied to the Port, such as a Normal Vector or UV. However, a Port Binding only affects a Port that does not have a connected Edge. These Ports still have a regular Data Type that define what Edges can be connected to them.

In practice this means that if no Edge is connected to the Port the default data used in that port will be taken from its Port Binding. A full list of Port Bindings and their associated default options is found below.

Port Bindings List

Name Data Type Options Description
Bitangent Vector 3 Vertex or fragment bitangent, label describes expected transform space
Color Vector 4 RGBA Color picker
ColorRGB Vector 3 RGB Color picker
Normal Vector 3 Vertex or fragment normal vector, label describes expected transform space
Position Vector 3 Vertex or fragment position, label describes expected transform space
Screen Position Vector 4 Default, Raw, Center, Tiled
Tangent Vector 3 Vertex or fragment tangent vector, label describes expected transform space
UV Vector 2 UV0, UV1, UV2, UV3
Vertex Color Vector 4 RGBA vertex color value.
View Direction Vector 3 Vertex or fragment view direction vector, label describes expected transform space