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A Node defines an input, output or operation on the Shader Graph, depending on its available Ports. A Node may have any number of input and/or output ports. You create a Shader Graph by connecting these ports with Edges. A Node might also have any number of Controls, these are controls on the Node that do not have ports.

You can collapse a Node by clicking the Collapse button in the top-right corner of the Node. This will hide all unconnected ports.

For components of a Node see:

There are many available Nodes in Shader Graph. For a full list of all available Nodes see the Node Library.


Many nodes include a preview. This preview displays the main output value at that stage in the graph. Hide this preview with the Collapse control that displays when you hover over the node. You can also collapse and expand node previews via the Context Menu in the Shader Graph Window. To configure the appearance of node previews, see Preview Mode Control.

Context Menu

Right clicking on a Node will open a context menu. This menu contains many operations that can be performed on the Node. Note that when multiple nodes are selected, these operations will be applied to the entire selection.

Item Description
Copy Shader Copies the generated HLSL code at this stage in the graph to the clipboard
Disconnect All Removes all edges from all ports on the Node(s)
Cut Cuts selected Node(s) to the clipboard
Copy Copies selected Nodes(s) to the clipboard
Paste Pastes Node(s) in the clipboard
Delete Deletes selected Node(s)
Duplicate Duplicates selected Node(s)
Convert To Sub-graph Creates a new Sub-graph Asset with the selected Node(s) included
Convert To Inline Node Converts a Property Node into a regular node of the appropriate Data Type
Convert To Property Converts a Node into a new Property on the Blackboard of the appropriate Property Type
Open Documentation Opens a new web browser to the selected Nodes documentation page in the Node Library

Color Mode

Nodes interact with the Shader Graph Window's Color Modes. Colors are displayed on nodes underneath the text on the node title bar. See Color Modes for more information on available colors for nodes.