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352 lines
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352 lines
12 KiB
Shader "Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/BokehDepthOfField" |
{ |
#pragma exclude_renderers gles |
#pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ _USE_FAST_SRGB_LINEAR_CONVERSION |
#pragma multi_compile _ _USE_DRAW_PROCEDURAL |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/PostProcessing/Common.hlsl" |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DeclareDepthTexture.hlsl" |
// Do not change this without changing PostProcessPass.PrepareBokehKernel() |
#define SAMPLE_COUNT 42 |
// Toggle this to reduce flickering - note that it will reduce overall bokeh energy and add |
// a small cost to the pre-filtering pass |
TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex); |
TEXTURE2D_X(_DofTexture); |
TEXTURE2D_X(_FullCoCTexture); |
half4 _SourceSize; |
half4 _HalfSourceSize; |
half4 _DownSampleScaleFactor; |
half4 _CoCParams; |
half4 _BokehKernel[SAMPLE_COUNT]; |
half4 _BokehConstants; |
#define FocusDist _CoCParams.x |
#define MaxCoC _CoCParams.y |
#define MaxRadius _CoCParams.z |
#define RcpAspect _CoCParams.w |
half FragCoC(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.uv); |
float depth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_X(_CameraDepthTexture, _SourceSize.xy * uv).x; |
float linearEyeDepth = LinearEyeDepth(depth, _ZBufferParams); |
half coc = (1.0 - FocusDist / linearEyeDepth) * MaxCoC; |
half nearCoC = clamp(coc, -1.0, 0.0); |
half farCoC = saturate(coc); |
return saturate((farCoC + nearCoC + 1.0) * 0.5); |
} |
half4 FragPrefilter(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.uv); |
// Sample source colors |
half4 cr = GATHER_RED_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv); |
half4 cg = GATHER_GREEN_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv); |
half4 cb = GATHER_BLUE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv); |
half3 c0 = half3(cr.x, cg.x, cb.x); |
half3 c1 = half3(cr.y, cg.y, cb.y); |
half3 c2 = half3(cr.z, cg.z, cb.z); |
half3 c3 = half3(cr.w, cg.w, cb.w); |
// Sample CoCs |
half4 cocs = GATHER_TEXTURE2D_X(_FullCoCTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv) * 2.0 - 1.0; |
half coc0 = cocs.x; |
half coc1 = cocs.y; |
half coc2 = cocs.z; |
half coc3 = cocs.w; |
#else |
float3 duv = _SourceSize.zwz * float3(0.5, 0.5, -0.5); |
float2 uv0 = uv - duv.xy; |
float2 uv1 = uv - duv.zy; |
float2 uv2 = uv + duv.zy; |
float2 uv3 = uv + duv.xy; |
// Sample source colors |
half3 c0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv0).xyz; |
half3 c1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv1).xyz; |
half3 c2 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv2).xyz; |
half3 c3 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv3).xyz; |
// Sample CoCs |
half coc0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_FullCoCTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv0).x * 2.0 - 1.0; |
half coc1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_FullCoCTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv1).x * 2.0 - 1.0; |
half coc2 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_FullCoCTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv2).x * 2.0 - 1.0; |
half coc3 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_FullCoCTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv3).x * 2.0 - 1.0; |
#endif |
// Apply CoC and luma weights to reduce bleeding and flickering |
half w0 = abs(coc0) / (Max3(c0.x, c0.y, c0.z) + 1.0); |
half w1 = abs(coc1) / (Max3(c1.x, c1.y, c1.z) + 1.0); |
half w2 = abs(coc2) / (Max3(c2.x, c2.y, c2.z) + 1.0); |
half w3 = abs(coc3) / (Max3(c3.x, c3.y, c3.z) + 1.0); |
// Weighted average of the color samples |
half3 avg = c0 * w0 + c1 * w1 + c2 * w2 + c3 * w3; |
avg /= max(w0 + w1 + w2 + w3, 1e-5); |
#else |
half3 avg = (c0 + c1 + c2 + c3) / 4.0; |
#endif |
// Select the largest CoC value |
half cocMin = min(coc0, Min3(coc1, coc2, coc3)); |
half cocMax = max(coc0, Max3(coc1, coc2, coc3)); |
half coc = (-cocMin > cocMax ? cocMin : cocMax) * MaxRadius; |
// Premultiply CoC |
avg *= smoothstep(0, _SourceSize.w * 2.0, abs(coc)); |
avg = GetSRGBToLinear(avg); |
#endif |
return half4(avg, coc); |
} |
void Accumulate(half4 samp0, float2 uv, half4 disp, inout half4 farAcc, inout half4 nearAcc) |
{ |
half4 samp = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv + disp.wy); |
// Compare CoC of the current sample and the center sample and select smaller one |
half farCoC = max(min(samp0.a, samp.a), 0.0); |
// Compare the CoC to the sample distance & add a small margin to smooth out |
half farWeight = saturate((farCoC - disp.z + _BokehConstants.y) / _BokehConstants.y); |
half nearWeight = saturate((-samp.a - disp.z + _BokehConstants.y) / _BokehConstants.y); |
// Cut influence from focused areas because they're darkened by CoC premultiplying. This is only |
// needed for near field |
nearWeight *= step(_BokehConstants.x, -samp.a); |
// Accumulation |
farAcc += half4(samp.rgb, 1.0h) * farWeight; |
nearAcc += half4(samp.rgb, 1.0h) * nearWeight; |
} |
half4 FragBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.uv); |
half4 samp0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv); |
half4 farAcc = 0.0; // Background: far field bokeh |
half4 nearAcc = 0.0; // Foreground: near field bokeh |
// Center sample isn't in the kernel array, accumulate it separately |
Accumulate(samp0, uv, 0.0, farAcc, nearAcc); |
for (int si = 0; si < SAMPLE_COUNT; si++) |
{ |
Accumulate(samp0, uv, _BokehKernel[si], farAcc, nearAcc); |
} |
// Get the weighted average |
farAcc.rgb /= farAcc.a + (farAcc.a == 0.0); // Zero-div guard |
nearAcc.rgb /= nearAcc.a + (nearAcc.a == 0.0); |
// Normalize the total of the weights for the near field |
nearAcc.a *= PI / (SAMPLE_COUNT + 1); |
// Alpha premultiplying |
half alpha = saturate(nearAcc.a); |
half3 rgb = lerp(farAcc.rgb, nearAcc.rgb, alpha); |
return half4(rgb, alpha); |
} |
half4 FragPostBlur(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.uv); |
// 9-tap tent filter with 4 bilinear samples |
float4 duv = _SourceSize.zwzw * _DownSampleScaleFactor.zwzw * float4(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0); |
half4 acc; |
acc = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv - duv.xy); |
acc += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv - duv.zy); |
acc += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv + duv.zy); |
acc += SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv + duv.xy); |
return acc * 0.25; |
} |
half4 FragComposite(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
float2 uv = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(input.uv); |
half4 dof = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_DofTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv); |
half coc = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_FullCoCTexture, sampler_LinearClamp, uv).r; |
coc = (coc - 0.5) * 2.0 * MaxRadius; |
// Convert CoC to far field alpha value |
float ffa = smoothstep(_SourceSize.w * 2.0, _SourceSize.w * 4.0, coc); |
half4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_SourceTex, sampler_LinearClamp, uv); |
color = GetSRGBToLinear(color); |
#endif |
half alpha = Max3(dof.r, dof.g, dof.b); |
color = lerp(color, half4(dof.rgb, alpha), ffa + dof.a - ffa * dof.a); |
color = GetLinearToSRGB(color); |
#endif |
return color; |
} |
SubShader |
{ |
Tags { "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline" } |
LOD 100 |
ZTest Always ZWrite Off Cull Off |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field CoC" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragCoC |
#pragma target 4.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Prefilter" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragPrefilter |
#pragma target 4.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Blur" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragBlur |
#pragma target 4.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Post Blur" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragPostBlur |
#pragma target 4.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Composite" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragComposite |
#pragma target 4.5 |
} |
} |
// SM3.5 fallbacks - needed because of the use of Gather |
SubShader |
{ |
Tags { "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline" } |
LOD 100 |
ZTest Always ZWrite Off Cull Off |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field CoC" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragCoC |
#pragma target 3.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Prefilter" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragPrefilter |
#pragma target 3.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Blur" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragBlur |
#pragma target 3.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Post Blur" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragPostBlur |
#pragma target 3.5 |
} |
Pass |
{ |
Name "Bokeh Depth Of Field Composite" |
#pragma vertex FullscreenVert |
#pragma fragment FragComposite |
#pragma target 3.5 |
} |
} |