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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.Internal
public class DepthNormalOnlyPass : ScriptableRenderPass
internal RenderTextureDescriptor normalDescriptor { get; set; }
internal RenderTextureDescriptor depthDescriptor { get; set; }
internal bool allocateDepth { get; set; } = true;
internal bool allocateNormal { get; set; } = true;
internal List<ShaderTagId> shaderTagIds { get; set; }
private RenderTargetHandle depthHandle { get; set; }
private RenderTargetHandle normalHandle { get; set; }
private FilteringSettings m_FilteringSettings;
private int m_RendererMSAASamples = 1;
// Constants
private static readonly List<ShaderTagId> k_DepthNormals = new List<ShaderTagId> { new ShaderTagId("DepthNormals"), new ShaderTagId("DepthNormalsOnly") };
/// <summary>
/// Create the DepthNormalOnlyPass
/// </summary>
public DepthNormalOnlyPass(RenderPassEvent evt, RenderQueueRange renderQueueRange, LayerMask layerMask)
base.profilingSampler = new ProfilingSampler(nameof(DepthNormalOnlyPass));
m_FilteringSettings = new FilteringSettings(renderQueueRange, layerMask);
renderPassEvent = evt;
useNativeRenderPass = false;
/// <summary>
/// Configure the pass
/// </summary>
public void Setup(RenderTextureDescriptor baseDescriptor, RenderTargetHandle depthHandle, RenderTargetHandle normalHandle)
// Find compatible render-target format for storing normals.
// Shader code outputs normals in signed format to be compatible with deferred gbuffer layout.
// Deferred gbuffer format is signed so that normals can be blended for terrain geometry.
GraphicsFormat normalsFormat;
if (RenderingUtils.SupportsGraphicsFormat(GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SNorm, FormatUsage.Render))
normalsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SNorm; // Preferred format
else if (RenderingUtils.SupportsGraphicsFormat(GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, FormatUsage.Render))
normalsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat; // fallback
normalsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R32G32B32A32_SFloat; // fallback
this.depthHandle = depthHandle;
m_RendererMSAASamples = baseDescriptor.msaaSamples;
baseDescriptor.colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.Depth;
baseDescriptor.depthBufferBits = UniversalRenderer.k_DepthStencilBufferBits;
// Never have MSAA on this depth texture. When doing MSAA depth priming this is the texture that is resolved to and used for post-processing.
baseDescriptor.msaaSamples = 1;// Depth-Only pass don't use MSAA
depthDescriptor = baseDescriptor;
this.normalHandle = normalHandle;
baseDescriptor.graphicsFormat = normalsFormat;
baseDescriptor.depthBufferBits = 0;
normalDescriptor = baseDescriptor;
this.allocateDepth = true;
this.allocateNormal = true;
this.shaderTagIds = k_DepthNormals;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override void OnCameraSetup(CommandBuffer cmd, ref RenderingData renderingData)
if (this.allocateNormal)
RenderTextureDescriptor desc = normalDescriptor;
desc.msaaSamples = renderingData.cameraData.renderer.useDepthPriming ? m_RendererMSAASamples : 1;
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(, desc, FilterMode.Point);
if (this.allocateDepth)
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(, depthDescriptor, FilterMode.Point);
if (renderingData.cameraData.renderer.useDepthPriming && (renderingData.cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Base || renderingData.cameraData.clearDepth))
new RenderTargetIdentifier(normalHandle.Identifier(), 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1),
new RenderTargetIdentifier(renderingData.cameraData.renderer.cameraDepthTarget, 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1)
new RenderTargetIdentifier(normalHandle.Identifier(), 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1),
new RenderTargetIdentifier(depthHandle.Identifier(), 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1)
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData)
// NOTE: Do NOT mix ProfilingScope with named CommandBuffers i.e. CommandBufferPool.Get("name").
// Currently there's an issue which results in mismatched markers.
CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get();
using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(URPProfileId.DepthNormalPrepass)))
var sortFlags = renderingData.cameraData.defaultOpaqueSortFlags;
var drawSettings = CreateDrawingSettings(this.shaderTagIds, ref renderingData, sortFlags);
drawSettings.perObjectData = PerObjectData.None;
ref CameraData cameraData = ref renderingData.cameraData;
Camera camera =;
context.DrawRenderers(renderingData.cullResults, ref drawSettings, ref m_FilteringSettings);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override void OnCameraCleanup(CommandBuffer cmd)
if (cmd == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("cmd");
if (depthHandle != RenderTargetHandle.CameraTarget)
if (this.allocateNormal)
if (this.allocateDepth)
normalHandle = RenderTargetHandle.CameraTarget;
depthHandle = RenderTargetHandle.CameraTarget;