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namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.Internal
/// <summary>
/// Util class for normal reconstruction.
/// </summary>
public static class NormalReconstruction
private static readonly int s_NormalReconstructionMatrixID = Shader.PropertyToID("_NormalReconstructionMatrix");
private static Matrix4x4[] s_NormalReconstructionMatrix = new Matrix4x4[2];
/// <summary>
/// Setup properties needed for normal reconstruction from depth using shader functions in NormalReconstruction.hlsl
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used for properties setup.</param>
/// <param name="cameraData">CameraData containing camera matrices information.</param>
public static void SetupProperties(CommandBuffer cmd, in CameraData cameraData)
int eyeCount = cameraData.xr.enabled && cameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled ? 2 : 1;
int eyeCount = 1;
for (int eyeIndex = 0; eyeIndex < eyeCount; eyeIndex++)
Matrix4x4 view = cameraData.GetViewMatrix(eyeIndex);
Matrix4x4 proj = cameraData.GetProjectionMatrix(eyeIndex);
s_NormalReconstructionMatrix[eyeIndex] = proj * view;
// camera view space without translation, used by SSAO.hlsl ReconstructViewPos() to calculate view vector.
Matrix4x4 cview = view;
cview.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
Matrix4x4 cviewProj = proj * cview;
Matrix4x4 cviewProjInv = cviewProj.inverse;
s_NormalReconstructionMatrix[eyeIndex] = cviewProjInv;
cmd.SetGlobalMatrixArray(s_NormalReconstructionMatrixID, s_NormalReconstructionMatrix);