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674 lines
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674 lines
28 KiB
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Reflection; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEditor.Search; |
using UnityEditor.UIElements; |
using UnityEngine.UIElements; |
using UnityEngine.Assertions; |
namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.Converters |
{ |
// Status for each row item to say in which state they are in. |
// This will make sure they are showing the correct icon |
[Serializable] |
enum Status |
{ |
Pending, |
Warning, |
Error, |
Success |
} |
// This is the serialized class that stores the state of each item in the list of items to convert |
[Serializable] |
class ConverterItemState |
{ |
public bool isActive; |
// Message that will be displayed on the icon if warning or failed. |
public string message; |
// Status of the converted item, Pending, Warning, Error or Success |
public Status status; |
internal bool hasConverted = false; |
} |
// Each converter uses the active bool |
// Each converter has a list of active items/assets |
// We do this so that we can use the binding system of the UI Elements |
[Serializable] |
class ConverterState |
{ |
// This is the enabled state of the whole converter |
public bool isEnabled; |
public bool isActive; |
public bool isLoading; // to name |
public bool isInitialized; |
public List<ConverterItemState> items = new List<ConverterItemState>(); |
public int pending; |
public int warnings; |
public int errors; |
public int success; |
internal int index; |
public bool isActiveAndEnabled => isEnabled && isActive; |
public bool requiresInitialization => !isInitialized && isActiveAndEnabled; |
} |
[Serializable] |
internal struct ConverterItems |
{ |
public List<ConverterItemDescriptor> itemDescriptors; |
} |
[Serializable] |
[EditorWindowTitle(title = "Render Pipeline Converters")] |
internal class RenderPipelineConvertersEditor : EditorWindow |
{ |
public VisualTreeAsset converterEditorAsset; |
public VisualTreeAsset converterListAsset; |
public VisualTreeAsset converterItem; |
ScrollView m_ScrollView; |
List<RenderPipelineConverter> m_CoreConvertersList = new List<RenderPipelineConverter>(); |
private bool convertButtonActive = false; |
// This list needs to be as long as the amount of converters |
List<ConverterItems> m_ItemsToConvert = new List<ConverterItems>(); |
//List<List<ConverterItemDescriptor>> m_ItemsToConvert = new List<List<ConverterItemDescriptor>>(); |
SerializedObject m_SerializedObject; |
List<string> m_ContainerChoices = new List<string>(); |
List<RenderPipelineConverterContainer> m_Containers = new List<RenderPipelineConverterContainer>(); |
int m_ContainerChoiceIndex = 0; |
// This is a list of Converter States which holds a list of which converter items/assets are active |
// There is one for each Converter. |
[SerializeField] List<ConverterState> m_ConverterStates = new List<ConverterState>(); |
TypeCache.TypeCollection m_ConverterContainers; |
// Name of the index file |
string m_URPConverterIndex = "URPConverterIndex"; |
[MenuItem("Window/Rendering/Render Pipeline Converter", false, 50)] |
public static void ShowWindow() |
{ |
RenderPipelineConvertersEditor wnd = GetWindow<RenderPipelineConvertersEditor>(); |
wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("Render Pipeline Converter"); |
DontSaveToLayout(wnd); |
wnd.maxSize = new Vector2(650f, 4000f); |
wnd.minSize = new Vector2(650f, 400f); |
wnd.Show(); |
} |
internal static void DontSaveToLayout(EditorWindow wnd) |
{ |
// Making sure that the window is not saved in layouts. |
Assembly assembly = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly; |
var editorWindowType = typeof(EditorWindow); |
var hostViewType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.HostView"); |
var containerWindowType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.ContainerWindow"); |
var parentViewField = editorWindowType.GetField("m_Parent", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); |
var parentViewValue = parentViewField.GetValue(wnd); |
// window should not be saved to layout |
var containerWindowProperty = |
hostViewType.GetProperty("window", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); |
var parentContainerWindowValue = containerWindowProperty.GetValue(parentViewValue); |
var dontSaveToLayoutField = |
containerWindowType.GetField("m_DontSaveToLayout", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); |
dontSaveToLayoutField.SetValue(parentContainerWindowValue, true); |
} |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
InitIfNeeded(); |
} |
void InitIfNeeded() |
{ |
if (m_CoreConvertersList.Any()) |
return; |
m_CoreConvertersList = new List<RenderPipelineConverter>(); |
// This is the drop down choices. |
m_ConverterContainers = TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom<RenderPipelineConverterContainer>(); |
foreach (var continerType in m_ConverterContainers) |
{ |
var container = (RenderPipelineConverterContainer)Activator.CreateInstance(continerType); |
m_Containers.Add(container); |
m_ContainerChoices.Add(; |
} |
if (m_ConverterContainers.Any()) |
{ |
GetConverters(); |
} |
else |
{ |
ClearConverterStates(); |
} |
} |
void ClearConverterStates() |
{ |
m_CoreConvertersList.Clear(); |
m_ConverterStates.Clear(); |
m_ItemsToConvert.Clear(); |
} |
void GetConverters() |
{ |
ClearConverterStates(); |
var converterList = TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom<RenderPipelineConverter>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < converterList.Count; ++i) |
{ |
// Iterate over the converters that are used by the current container |
RenderPipelineConverter conv = (RenderPipelineConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(converterList[i]); |
if (conv.container == m_ConverterContainers[m_ContainerChoiceIndex]) |
{ |
m_CoreConvertersList.Add(conv); |
} |
} |
// this need to be sorted by Priority property |
m_CoreConvertersList = m_CoreConvertersList |
.OrderBy(o => o.priority).ToList(); |
for (int i = 0; i < m_CoreConvertersList.Count; i++) |
{ |
// Create a new ConvertState which holds the active state of the converter |
var converterState = new ConverterState |
{ |
isEnabled = m_CoreConvertersList[i].isEnabled, |
isActive = false, |
isInitialized = false, |
items = new List<ConverterItemState>(), |
index = i, |
}; |
m_ConverterStates.Add(converterState); |
// This just creates empty entries in the m_ItemsToConvert. |
// This list need to have the same amount of entries as the converters |
List<ConverterItemDescriptor> converterItemInfos = new List<ConverterItemDescriptor>(); |
//m_ItemsToConvert.Add(converterItemInfos); |
m_ItemsToConvert.Add(new ConverterItems { itemDescriptors = converterItemInfos }); |
} |
} |
public void CreateGUI() |
{ |
InitIfNeeded(); |
if (m_ConverterContainers.Any()) |
{ |
m_SerializedObject = new SerializedObject(this); |
converterEditorAsset.CloneTree(rootVisualElement); |
rootVisualElement.Q<DropdownField>("conversionsDropDown").choices = m_ContainerChoices; |
rootVisualElement.Q<DropdownField>("conversionsDropDown").index = m_ContainerChoiceIndex; |
RecreateUI(); |
var button = rootVisualElement.Q<Button>("convertButton"); |
button.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>(Convert); |
button.SetEnabled(false); |
var initButton = rootVisualElement.Q<Button>("initializeButton"); |
initButton.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>(InitializeAllActiveConverters); |
} |
} |
void RecreateUI() |
{ |
m_SerializedObject.Update(); |
// This is temp now to get the information filled in |
rootVisualElement.Q<DropdownField>("conversionsDropDown").RegisterCallback<ChangeEvent<string>>((evt) => |
{ |
m_ContainerChoiceIndex = rootVisualElement.Q<DropdownField>("conversionsDropDown").index; |
GetConverters(); |
RecreateUI(); |
}); |
var currentContainer = m_Containers[m_ContainerChoiceIndex]; |
rootVisualElement.Q<Label>("conversionName").text =; |
rootVisualElement.Q<TextElement>("conversionInfo").text =; |
rootVisualElement.Q<Image>("converterContainerHelpIcon").image = CoreEditorStyles.iconHelp; |
// Getting the scrollview where the converters should be added |
m_ScrollView = rootVisualElement.Q<ScrollView>("convertersScrollView"); |
m_ScrollView.Clear(); |
for (int i = 0; i < m_CoreConvertersList.Count; ++i) |
{ |
// Making an item using the converterListAsset as a template. |
// Then adding the information needed for each converter |
VisualElement item = new VisualElement(); |
converterListAsset.CloneTree(item); |
var conv = m_CoreConvertersList[i]; |
item.SetEnabled(conv.isEnabled); |
item.Q<Label>("converterName").text =; |
item.Q<Label>("converterInfo").text =; |
item.Q<VisualElement>("converterTopVisualElement").tooltip =; |
// setup the images |
item.Q<Image>("pendingImage").image = CoreEditorStyles.iconPending; |
item.Q<Image>("pendingImage").tooltip = "Pending"; |
var pendingLabel = item.Q<Label>("pendingLabel"); |
item.Q<Image>("warningImage").image = CoreEditorStyles.iconWarn; |
item.Q<Image>("warningImage").tooltip = "Warnings"; |
var warningLabel = item.Q<Label>("warningLabel"); |
item.Q<Image>("errorImage").image = CoreEditorStyles.iconFail; |
item.Q<Image>("errorImage").tooltip = "Failed"; |
var errorLabel = item.Q<Label>("errorLabel"); |
item.Q<Image>("successImage").image = CoreEditorStyles.iconSuccess; |
item.Q<Image>("successImage").tooltip = "Success"; |
var successLabel = item.Q<Label>("successLabel"); |
var converterEnabledToggle = item.Q<Toggle>("converterEnabled"); |
converterEnabledToggle.bindingPath = |
$"{nameof(m_ConverterStates)}[{i}].{nameof(ConverterState.isActive)}"; |
pendingLabel.bindingPath = |
$"{nameof(m_ConverterStates)}[{i}].{nameof(ConverterState.pending)}"; |
warningLabel.bindingPath = |
$"{nameof(m_ConverterStates)}[{i}].{nameof(ConverterState.warnings)}"; |
errorLabel.bindingPath = |
$"{nameof(m_ConverterStates)}[{i}].{nameof(ConverterState.errors)}"; |
successLabel.bindingPath = |
$"{nameof(m_ConverterStates)}[{i}].{nameof(ConverterState.success)}"; |
VisualElement child = item; |
ListView listView = child.Q<ListView>("converterItems"); |
listView.showBoundCollectionSize = false; |
listView.bindingPath = $"{nameof(m_ConverterStates)}[{i}].{nameof(ConverterState.items)}"; |
int id = i; |
listView.makeItem = () => |
{ |
var convertItem = converterItem.CloneTree(); |
// Adding the contextual menu for each item |
convertItem.AddManipulator(new ContextualMenuManipulator(evt => AddToContextMenu(evt, id))); |
return convertItem; |
}; |
listView.bindItem = (element, index) => |
{ |
m_SerializedObject.Update(); |
var property = m_SerializedObject.FindProperty($"{listView.bindingPath}[{index}]"); |
// ListView doesn't bind the child elements for us properly, so we do that for it |
// In the UXML our root is a BindableElement, as we can't bind otherwise. |
var bindable = (BindableElement)element; |
bindable.BindProperty(property); |
// Adding index here to userData so it can be retrieved later |
element.userData = index; |
Status status = (Status)property.FindPropertyRelative("status").enumValueIndex; |
string info = property.FindPropertyRelative("message").stringValue; |
// Update the amount of things to convert |
child.Q<Label>("converterStats").text = $"{m_ItemsToConvert[id].itemDescriptors.Count} items"; |
ConverterItemDescriptor convItemDesc = m_ItemsToConvert[id].itemDescriptors[index]; |
element.Q<Label>("converterItemName").text =; |
element.Q<Label>("converterItemPath").text =; |
element.Q<Image>("converterItemHelpIcon").image = CoreEditorStyles.iconHelp; |
element.Q<Image>("converterItemHelpIcon").tooltip = convItemDesc.helpLink; |
// Changing the icon here depending on the status. |
Texture2D icon = null; |
switch (status) |
{ |
case Status.Pending: |
icon = CoreEditorStyles.iconPending; |
break; |
case Status.Error: |
icon = CoreEditorStyles.iconFail; |
break; |
case Status.Warning: |
icon = CoreEditorStyles.iconWarn; |
break; |
case Status.Success: |
icon = CoreEditorStyles.iconSuccess; |
break; |
} |
element.Q<Image>("converterItemStatusIcon").image = icon; |
element.Q<Image>("converterItemStatusIcon").tooltip = info; |
}; |
listView.onSelectionChange += obj => { m_CoreConvertersList[id].OnClicked(listView.selectedIndex); }; |
listView.unbindItem = (element, index) => |
{ |
var bindable = (BindableElement)element; |
bindable.Unbind(); |
}; |
m_ScrollView.Add(item); |
} |
rootVisualElement.Bind(m_SerializedObject); |
var button = rootVisualElement.Q<Button>("convertButton"); |
button.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>(Convert); |
button.SetEnabled(convertButtonActive); |
var initButton = rootVisualElement.Q<Button>("initializeButton"); |
initButton.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>(InitializeAllActiveConverters); |
} |
void GetAndSetData(int i, Action onAllConvertersCompleted = null) |
{ |
// This need to be in Init method |
// Need to get the assets that this converter is converting. |
// Need to return Name, Path, Initial info, Help link. |
// New empty list of ConverterItemInfos |
List<ConverterItemDescriptor> converterItemInfos = new List<ConverterItemDescriptor>(); |
var initCtx = new InitializeConverterContext { items = converterItemInfos }; |
var conv = m_CoreConvertersList[i]; |
m_ConverterStates[i].isLoading = true; |
// This should also go to the init method |
// This will fill out the converter item infos list |
int id = i; |
conv.OnInitialize(initCtx, OnConverterCompleteDataCollection); |
void OnConverterCompleteDataCollection() |
{ |
// Set the item infos list to to the right index |
m_ItemsToConvert[id] = new ConverterItems { itemDescriptors = converterItemInfos }; |
m_ConverterStates[id].items = new List<ConverterItemState>(converterItemInfos.Count); |
// Default all the entries to true |
for (var j = 0; j < converterItemInfos.Count; j++) |
{ |
string message = string.Empty; |
Status status; |
bool active = true; |
// If this data hasn't been filled in from the init phase then we can assume that there are no issues / warnings |
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(converterItemInfos[j].warningMessage)) |
{ |
status = Status.Pending; |
} |
else |
{ |
status = Status.Warning; |
message = converterItemInfos[j].warningMessage; |
active = false; |
m_ConverterStates[id].warnings++; |
} |
m_ConverterStates[id].items.Add(new ConverterItemState |
{ |
isActive = active, |
message = message, |
status = status, |
hasConverted = false, |
}); |
} |
m_ConverterStates[id].isLoading = false; |
m_ConverterStates[id].isInitialized = true; |
// Making sure that the pending amount is set to the amount of items needs converting |
m_ConverterStates[id].pending = m_ConverterStates[id].items.Count; |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); |
m_SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); |
CheckAllConvertersCompleted(); |
convertButtonActive = true; |
// Make sure that the Convert Button is turned back on |
var button = rootVisualElement.Q<Button>("convertButton"); |
button.SetEnabled(convertButtonActive); |
} |
void CheckAllConvertersCompleted() |
{ |
int convertersToInitialize = 0; |
int convertersInitialized = 0; |
for (var j = 0; j < m_ConverterStates.Count; j++) |
{ |
var converter = m_ConverterStates[j]; |
// Skip inactive converters |
if (!converter.isActiveAndEnabled) |
continue; |
if (converter.isInitialized) |
convertersInitialized++; |
else |
convertersToInitialize++; |
} |
var sum = convertersToInitialize + convertersInitialized; |
Assert.IsFalse(sum == 0); |
// Show our progress so far |
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); |
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar($"Initializing converters", $"Initializing converters ({convertersInitialized}/{sum})...", (float)convertersInitialized / sum); |
// If all converters are initialized call the complete callback |
if (convertersToInitialize == 0) |
{ |
onAllConvertersCompleted?.Invoke(); |
} |
} |
} |
void InitializeAllActiveConverters(ClickEvent evt) |
{ |
// If we use search index, go async |
if (ShouldCreateSearchIndex()) |
{ |
CreateSearchIndex(m_URPConverterIndex); |
} |
// Otherwise do everything directly |
else |
{ |
ConverterCollectData(() => { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }); |
} |
void CreateSearchIndex(string name) |
{ |
// Create <guid>.index in the project |
var title = $"Building {name} search index"; |
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(title, "Creating search index...", -1f); |
// Private implementation of a file naming function which puts the file at the selected path. |
Type assetdatabase = typeof(AssetDatabase); |
var indexPath = (string)assetdatabase.GetMethod("GetUniquePathNameAtSelectedPath", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(assetdatabase, new object[] { $"Assets/{name}.index" }); |
// Write search index manifest |
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(indexPath, |
@"{ |
""roots"": [""Assets""], |
""includes"": [], |
""excludes"": [], |
""options"": { |
""types"": true, |
""properties"": true, |
""extended"": true, |
""dependencies"": true |
}, |
""baseScore"": 9999 |
}"); |
// Import the search index |
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(indexPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport | ImportAssetOptions.DontDownloadFromCacheServer); |
EditorApplication.delayCall += () => |
{ |
// Create dummy request to ensure indexing has finished |
var context = Search.SearchService.CreateContext("asset", $"p: a=\"{name}\""); |
Search.SearchService.Request(context, (_, items) => |
{ |
OnSearchIndexCreated(name, indexPath, () => |
{ |
DeleteSearchIndex(context, indexPath); |
}); |
}); |
}; |
} |
void OnSearchIndexCreated(string name, string path, Action onComplete) |
{ |
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); |
ConverterCollectData(onComplete); |
} |
void ConverterCollectData(Action onConverterDataCollectionComplete) |
{ |
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar($"Initializing converters", $"Initializing converters...", -1f); |
int convertersToConvert = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < m_ConverterStates.Count; ++i) |
{ |
if (m_ConverterStates[i].requiresInitialization) |
{ |
convertersToConvert++; |
GetAndSetData(i, onConverterDataCollectionComplete); |
} |
} |
// If we did not kick off any converter intialization |
// We can complete everything immediately |
if (convertersToConvert == 0) |
{ |
onConverterDataCollectionComplete?.Invoke(); |
} |
} |
void DeleteSearchIndex(SearchContext context, string indexPath) |
{ |
context?.Dispose(); |
// Client code has finished with the created index. We can delete it. |
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(indexPath); |
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); |
} |
} |
bool ShouldCreateSearchIndex() |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < m_ConverterStates.Count; ++i) |
{ |
if (m_ConverterStates[i].requiresInitialization) |
{ |
var converter = m_CoreConvertersList[i]; |
if (converter.needsIndexing) |
{ |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
void AddToContextMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt, int coreConverterIndex) |
{ |
var ve = (VisualElement); |
// Checking if this context menu should be enabled or not |
var isActive = m_ConverterStates[coreConverterIndex].items[(int)ve.userData].isActive && |
!m_ConverterStates[coreConverterIndex].items[(int)ve.userData].hasConverted; |
|"Run converter for this asset", |
e => { ConvertIndex(coreConverterIndex, (int)ve.userData); }, |
isActive ? DropdownMenuAction.AlwaysEnabled : DropdownMenuAction.AlwaysDisabled); |
} |
void UpdateInfo(int stateIndex, RunItemContext ctx) |
{ |
if (ctx.didFail) |
{ |
m_ConverterStates[stateIndex].items[ctx.item.index].message =; |
m_ConverterStates[stateIndex].items[ctx.item.index].status = Status.Error; |
m_ConverterStates[stateIndex].errors++; |
} |
else |
{ |
m_ConverterStates[stateIndex].items[ctx.item.index].status = Status.Success; |
m_ConverterStates[stateIndex].success++; |
} |
m_ConverterStates[stateIndex].pending--; |
// Making sure that this is set here so that if user is clicking Convert again it will not run again. |
ctx.hasConverted = true; |
VisualElement child = m_ScrollView[stateIndex]; |
child.Q<ListView>("converterItems").Rebuild(); |
} |
void Convert(ClickEvent evt) |
{ |
List<ConverterState> activeConverterStates = new List<ConverterState>(); |
// Get the names of the converters |
// Get the amount of them |
// Make the string "name x/y" |
// Getting all the active converters to use in the cancelable progressbar |
foreach (ConverterState state in m_ConverterStates) |
{ |
if (state.isActive && state.isInitialized) |
{ |
activeConverterStates.Add(state); |
} |
} |
int currentCount = 0; |
int activeConvertersCount = activeConverterStates.Count; |
foreach (ConverterState activeConverterState in activeConverterStates) |
{ |
currentCount++; |
var index = activeConverterState.index; |
m_CoreConvertersList[index].OnPreRun(); |
var converterName = m_CoreConvertersList[index].name; |
var itemCount = m_ItemsToConvert[index].itemDescriptors.Count; |
string progressTitle = $"{converterName} Converter : {currentCount}/{activeConvertersCount}"; |
for (var j = 0; j < itemCount; j++) |
{ |
if (activeConverterState.items[j].isActive) |
{ |
if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar(progressTitle, |
string.Format("({0} of {1}) {2}", j, itemCount, m_ItemsToConvert[index].itemDescriptors[j].info), |
(float)j / (float)itemCount)) |
break; |
ConvertIndex(index, j); |
} |
} |
m_CoreConvertersList[index].OnPostRun(); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); |
} |
} |
void ConvertIndex(int coreConverterIndex, int index) |
{ |
if (!m_ConverterStates[coreConverterIndex].items[index].hasConverted) |
{ |
m_ConverterStates[coreConverterIndex].items[index].hasConverted = true; |
var item = new ConverterItemInfo() |
{ |
index = index, |
descriptor = m_ItemsToConvert[coreConverterIndex].itemDescriptors[index], |
}; |
var ctx = new RunItemContext(item); |
m_CoreConvertersList[coreConverterIndex].OnRun(ref ctx); |
UpdateInfo(coreConverterIndex, ctx); |
} |
} |
} |