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414 lines
18 KiB
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Reflection; |
using System.IO; |
using NUnit.Framework; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
using UnityEngine.EventSystems; |
using UnityEngine.TestTools; |
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; |
public class ScrollRectTests : IPrebuildSetup |
{ |
const int ScrollSensitivity = 3; |
GameObject m_PrefabRoot; |
const string kPrefabPath = "Assets/Resources/ScrollRectPrefab.prefab"; |
public void Setup() |
{ |
var rootGO = new GameObject("rootGo"); |
GameObject eventSystemGO = new GameObject("EventSystem", typeof(EventSystem)); |
eventSystemGO.transform.SetParent(rootGO.transform); |
var canvasGO = new GameObject("Canvas", typeof(Canvas)); |
canvasGO.transform.SetParent(rootGO.transform); |
var canvas = canvasGO.GetComponent<Canvas>(); |
canvas.referencePixelsPerUnit = 100; |
GameObject scrollRectGO = new GameObject("ScrollRect", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(ScrollRect)); |
scrollRectGO.transform.SetParent(canvasGO.transform); |
GameObject contentGO = new GameObject("Content", typeof(RectTransform)); |
contentGO.transform.SetParent(scrollRectGO.transform); |
GameObject horizontalScrollBarGO = new GameObject("HorizontalScrollBar", typeof(Scrollbar)); |
horizontalScrollBarGO.transform.SetParent(scrollRectGO.transform); |
GameObject verticalScrollBarGO = new GameObject("VerticalScrollBar", typeof(Scrollbar)); |
verticalScrollBarGO.transform.SetParent(scrollRectGO.transform); |
ScrollRect scrollRect = scrollRectGO.GetComponent<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.transform.position =; |
scrollRect.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; |
scrollRect.transform.localScale =; |
(scrollRect.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f); |
scrollRect.horizontalScrollbar = horizontalScrollBarGO.GetComponent<Scrollbar>(); |
scrollRect.verticalScrollbar = verticalScrollBarGO.GetComponent<Scrollbar>(); |
scrollRect.content = contentGO.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); |
scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition =; |
scrollRect.content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(3, 3); |
scrollRect.scrollSensitivity = ScrollSensitivity; |
scrollRect.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(1, 1); |
if (!Directory.Exists("Assets/Resources/")) |
Directory.CreateDirectory("Assets/Resources/"); |
PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(rootGO, kPrefabPath); |
GameObject.DestroyImmediate(rootGO); |
#endif |
} |
[SetUp] |
public void TestSetup() |
{ |
m_PrefabRoot = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("ScrollRectPrefab")) as GameObject; |
} |
[TearDown] |
public void TearDown() |
{ |
GameObject.DestroyImmediate(m_PrefabRoot); |
} |
[OneTimeTearDown] |
public void OneTimeTearDown() |
{ |
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(kPrefabPath); |
#endif |
} |
#region Enable disable scrollbars |
[UnityTest] |
[TestCase(true, ExpectedResult = null)] |
[TestCase(false, ExpectedResult = null)] |
public IEnumerator OnEnableShouldAddListeners(bool isHorizontal) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
Scrollbar scrollbar = isHorizontal ? scrollRect.horizontalScrollbar : scrollRect.verticalScrollbar; |
scrollRect.enabled = false; |
yield return null; |
FieldInfo field = scrollbar.onValueChanged.GetType().BaseType.BaseType.GetField("m_Calls", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); |
object invokeableCallList = field.GetValue(scrollbar.onValueChanged); |
PropertyInfo property = invokeableCallList.GetType().GetProperty("Count", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); |
int callCount = (int)property.GetValue(invokeableCallList, null); |
scrollRect.enabled = true; |
yield return null; |
Assert.AreEqual(callCount + 1, (int)property.GetValue(invokeableCallList, null)); |
} |
[UnityTest] |
[TestCase(true, ExpectedResult = null)] |
[TestCase(false, ExpectedResult = null)] |
public IEnumerator OnDisableShouldRemoveListeners(bool isHorizontal) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
Scrollbar scrollbar = isHorizontal ? scrollRect.horizontalScrollbar : scrollRect.verticalScrollbar; |
scrollRect.enabled = true; |
yield return null; |
FieldInfo field = scrollbar.onValueChanged.GetType().BaseType.BaseType.GetField("m_Calls", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); |
object invokeableCallList = field.GetValue(scrollbar.onValueChanged); |
PropertyInfo property = invokeableCallList.GetType().GetProperty("Count", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); |
Assert.AreNotEqual(0, (int)property.GetValue(invokeableCallList, null)); |
scrollRect.enabled = false; |
yield return null; |
Assert.AreEqual(0, (int)property.GetValue(invokeableCallList, null)); |
} |
[Test] |
[TestCase(true)] |
[TestCase(false)] |
public void SettingScrollbarShouldRemoveThenAddListeners(bool testHorizontal) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
Scrollbar scrollbar = testHorizontal ? scrollRect.horizontalScrollbar : scrollRect.verticalScrollbar; |
GameObject scrollBarGO = new GameObject("scrollBar", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(Scrollbar)); |
scrollBarGO.transform.SetParent(scrollRect.transform); |
Scrollbar newScrollbar = scrollBarGO.GetComponent<Scrollbar>(); |
FieldInfo field = newScrollbar.onValueChanged.GetType().BaseType.BaseType.GetField("m_Calls", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); |
PropertyInfo property = field.GetValue(newScrollbar.onValueChanged).GetType().GetProperty("Count", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); |
int newCallCount = (int)property.GetValue(field.GetValue(newScrollbar.onValueChanged), null); |
if (testHorizontal) |
scrollRect.horizontalScrollbar = newScrollbar; |
else |
scrollRect.verticalScrollbar = newScrollbar; |
Assert.AreEqual(0, (int)property.GetValue(field.GetValue(scrollbar.onValueChanged), null), "The previous scrollbar should not have listeners anymore"); |
Assert.AreEqual(newCallCount + 1, (int)property.GetValue(field.GetValue(newScrollbar.onValueChanged), null), "The new scrollbar should have listeners now"); |
} |
#endregion |
#region Drag |
[Test] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, true)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Right, false)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Middle, false)] |
public void PotentialDragNeedsLeftClick(PointerEventData.InputButton button, bool expectedEqualsZero) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.velocity =; |
Assert.AreNotEqual(, scrollRect.velocity); |
scrollRect.OnInitializePotentialDrag(new PointerEventData(m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<EventSystem>()) { button = button }); |
if (expectedEqualsZero) |
Assert.AreEqual(, scrollRect.velocity); |
else |
Assert.AreNotEqual(, scrollRect.velocity); |
} |
[Test] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, true, true)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, false, false)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Right, true, false)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Middle, true, false)] |
public void LeftClickShouldStartDrag(PointerEventData.InputButton button, bool active, bool expectedIsDragging) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.enabled = active; |
scrollRect.velocity =; |
Assert.AreNotEqual(, scrollRect.velocity); |
var pointerEventData = new PointerEventData(m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<EventSystem>()) { button = button }; |
scrollRect.OnInitializePotentialDrag(pointerEventData); |
FieldInfo field = typeof(ScrollRect).GetField("m_Dragging", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); |
Assert.IsFalse((bool)field.GetValue(scrollRect)); |
scrollRect.OnBeginDrag(pointerEventData); |
Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsDragging, (bool)field.GetValue(scrollRect)); |
} |
[Test] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, true, false)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, false, false)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Right, false, false)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Right, true, true)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Middle, true, true)] |
[TestCase(PointerEventData.InputButton.Middle, false, false)] |
public void LeftClickUpShouldEndDrag(PointerEventData.InputButton button, bool active, bool expectedIsDragging) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.velocity =; |
Assert.AreNotEqual(, scrollRect.velocity); |
var startDragEventData = new PointerEventData(m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<EventSystem>()) { button = PointerEventData.InputButton.Left }; |
scrollRect.OnInitializePotentialDrag(startDragEventData); |
FieldInfo field = typeof(ScrollRect).GetField("m_Dragging", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); |
Assert.IsFalse((bool)field.GetValue(scrollRect)); |
scrollRect.OnBeginDrag(startDragEventData); |
Assert.IsTrue((bool)field.GetValue(scrollRect), "Prerequisite: dragging should be true to test if it is set to false later"); |
scrollRect.enabled = active; |
var endDragEventData = new PointerEventData(m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<EventSystem>()) { button = button }; |
scrollRect.OnEndDrag(endDragEventData); |
Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsDragging, (bool)field.GetValue(scrollRect)); |
} |
#endregion |
#region LateUpdate |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator LateUpdateWithoutInertiaOrElasticShouldZeroVelocity() |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.velocity =; |
scrollRect.inertia = false; |
scrollRect.movementType = ScrollRect.MovementType.Clamped; |
yield return null; |
Assert.AreEqual(, scrollRect.velocity); |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator LateUpdateWithInertiaShouldDecelerate() |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.velocity =; |
scrollRect.inertia = true; |
scrollRect.movementType = ScrollRect.MovementType.Clamped; |
yield return null; |
Assert.Less(scrollRect.velocity.magnitude, 1); |
} |
[UnityTest][Ignore("Fails")] |
public IEnumerator LateUpdateWithElasticShouldDecelerate() |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.velocity =; |
scrollRect.inertia = false; |
scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition = * 2; |
scrollRect.movementType = ScrollRect.MovementType.Elastic; |
yield return null; |
Assert.AreNotEqual(1, scrollRect.velocity.magnitude); |
var newMagnitude = scrollRect.velocity.magnitude; |
yield return null; |
Assert.AreNotEqual(newMagnitude, scrollRect.velocity.magnitude); |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator LateUpdateWithElasticNoOffsetShouldZeroVelocity() |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.velocity =; |
scrollRect.inertia = false; |
scrollRect.movementType = ScrollRect.MovementType.Elastic; |
yield return null; |
Assert.AreEqual(, scrollRect.velocity); |
} |
#endregion |
[Test] |
public void SetNormalizedPositionShouldSetContentLocalPosition() |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
scrollRect.normalizedPosition =; |
Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 0), scrollRect.content.localPosition); |
} |
#region Scroll, offset, ... |
[Test] |
[TestCase(1, 1, true, true, 1, -1, TestName = "Horizontal and vertical scroll")] |
[TestCase(1, 1, false, true, 0, -1, TestName = "Vertical scroll")] |
[TestCase(1, 1, true, false, 1, 0, TestName = "Horizontal scroll")] |
public void OnScrollClampedShouldMoveContentAnchoredPosition(int scrollDeltaX, int scrollDeltaY, bool horizontal, |
bool vertical, int expectedPosX, int expectedPosY) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
Vector2 scrollDelta = new Vector2(scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY); |
var expected = new Vector2(expectedPosX, expectedPosY) * ScrollSensitivity; |
scrollRect.horizontal = horizontal; |
scrollRect.vertical = vertical; |
scrollRect.OnScroll(new PointerEventData(m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<EventSystem>()) |
{ |
scrollDelta = scrollDelta |
}); |
Assert.AreEqual(expected, scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition); |
} |
[Test][Ignore("Tests fail without mocking")] |
[TestCase(ScrollRect.MovementType.Clamped, 1f, 1f)] |
[TestCase(ScrollRect.MovementType.Unrestricted, 150, 150)] |
[TestCase(ScrollRect.MovementType.Elastic, 150, 150)] |
public void OnScrollClampedShouldClampContentAnchoredPosition(ScrollRect.MovementType movementType, float anchoredPosX, |
float anchoredPosY) |
{ |
ScrollRect scrollRect = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<ScrollRect>(); |
Vector2 scrollDelta = new Vector2(50, -50); |
scrollRect.movementType = movementType; |
scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(2.5f, 2.5f); |
scrollRect.OnScroll(new PointerEventData(m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren<EventSystem>()) |
{ |
scrollDelta = scrollDelta |
}); |
Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(anchoredPosX, anchoredPosY), scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition); |
} |
[Test] |
public void GetBoundsShouldEncapsulateAllCorners() |
{ |
Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; |
object[] arguments = new object[2] |
{ |
new Vector3[] {,, * 2, }, |
matrix |
}; |
MethodInfo method = typeof(ScrollRect).GetMethod("InternalGetBounds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); |
var bounds = (Bounds)method.Invoke(null, arguments); |
Assert.AreEqual(, bounds.min); |
Assert.AreEqual( * 2, bounds.max); |
} |
[Test] |
public void UpdateBoundsShouldPad() |
{ |
Bounds viewBounds = new Bounds(, * 2); |
Vector3 contentSize =; |
Vector3 contentPos =; |
var contentPivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); |
object[] arguments = new object[] { viewBounds, contentPivot, contentSize, contentPos }; |
MethodInfo method = typeof(ScrollRect).GetMethod("AdjustBounds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); |
method.Invoke(null, arguments); |
//ScrollRect.AdjustBounds(ref viewBounds, ref contentPivot, ref contentSize, ref contentPos); |
Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3(2, 2, 1), arguments[2]); |
} |
[Test] |
[TestCase(true, true, 2, 4, -2, -2, TestName = "Should clamp offset")] |
[TestCase(false, true, 2, 4, 0, -2, TestName = "Vertical should clamp offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(true, false, 2, 4, -2, 0, TestName = "Horizontal should clamp offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(false, false, 2, 4, 0, 0, TestName = "No axis should not clamp offset")] |
[TestCase(true, true, 8, 10, 2, 2, TestName = "Should clamp negative offset")] |
[TestCase(false, true, 8, 10, 0, 2, TestName = "Vertical should clamp negative offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(true, false, 8, 10, 2, 0, TestName = "Horizontal should clamp negative offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(false, false, 8, 10, 0, 0, TestName = "No axis should not clamp negative offset")] |
public void CalculateOffsetShouldClamp(bool horizontal, bool vertical, int viewX, float viewY, float resX, float resY) |
{ |
TestCalculateOffset(ScrollRect.MovementType.Clamped, horizontal, vertical, viewX, viewY, resX, resY, new Bounds(new Vector3(5, 7), new Vector3(4, 4))); |
} |
[Test] |
[TestCase(true, true, 2, 4, -2, -2, TestName = "Should clamp offset")] |
[TestCase(false, true, 2, 4, 0, -2, TestName = "Vertical should clamp offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(true, false, 2, 4, -2, 0, TestName = "Horizontal should clamp offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(false, false, 2, 4, 0, 0, TestName = "No axis should not clamp offset")] |
[TestCase(true, true, 8, 10, 2, 2, TestName = "Should clamp negative offset")] |
[TestCase(false, true, 8, 10, 0, 2, TestName = "Vertical should clamp negative offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(true, false, 8, 10, 2, 0, TestName = "Horizontal should clamp negative offset on one axis")] |
[TestCase(false, false, 8, 10, 0, 0, TestName = "No axis should not clamp negative offset")] |
public void CalculateOffsetUnrestrictedShouldNotClamp(bool horizontal, bool vertical, int viewX, float viewY, float resX, float resY) |
{ |
TestCalculateOffset(ScrollRect.MovementType.Unrestricted, horizontal, vertical, viewX, viewY, 0, 0, new Bounds(new Vector3(5, 7), new Vector3(4, 4))); |
} |
private static void TestCalculateOffset(ScrollRect.MovementType movementType, bool horizontal, bool vertical, int viewX, float viewY, float resX, float resY, Bounds contentBounds) |
{ |
Bounds viewBounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(viewX, viewY), new Vector3(2, 2)); |
// content is south east of view |
Vector2 delta =; |
object[] arguments = new object[] { viewBounds, contentBounds, horizontal, vertical, movementType, delta }; |
MethodInfo method = typeof(ScrollRect).GetMethod("InternalCalculateOffset", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); |
var result = (Vector2)method.Invoke(null, arguments); |
Console.WriteLine(result); |
Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(resX, resY), result); |
} |
#endregion |