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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
static class AnimatedParameterCache
static readonly Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]> k_ScriptPlayableFieldsCache = new Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]>();
static readonly Dictionary<PropertyKey, FieldInfo> k_PropertyFieldInfoCache = new Dictionary<PropertyKey, FieldInfo>();
static readonly Dictionary<PropertyKey, bool> k_PropertyIsAnimatableCache = new Dictionary<PropertyKey, bool>();
static readonly Dictionary<PropertyKey, string> k_BindingNameCache = new Dictionary<PropertyKey, string>();
public static bool TryGetScriptPlayableFields(Type type, out FieldInfo[] scriptPlayableFields)
return k_ScriptPlayableFieldsCache.TryGetValue(type, out scriptPlayableFields);
public static void SetScriptPlayableFields(Type type, FieldInfo[] scriptPlayableFields)
k_ScriptPlayableFieldsCache[type] = scriptPlayableFields;
public static bool TryGetFieldInfoForProperty(SerializedProperty property, out FieldInfo fieldInfo)
return k_PropertyFieldInfoCache.TryGetValue(new PropertyKey(property), out fieldInfo);
public static void SetFieldInfoForProperty(SerializedProperty property, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
k_PropertyFieldInfoCache[new PropertyKey(property)] = fieldInfo;
public static bool TryGetIsPropertyAnimatable(SerializedProperty property, out bool isAnimatable)
return k_PropertyIsAnimatableCache.TryGetValue(new PropertyKey(property), out isAnimatable);
public static void SetIsPropertyAnimatable(SerializedProperty property, bool isAnimatable)
k_PropertyIsAnimatableCache[new PropertyKey(property)] = isAnimatable;
public static bool TryGetBindingName(Type type, string path, out string bindingName)
return k_BindingNameCache.TryGetValue(new PropertyKey(type, path), out bindingName);
public static void SetBindingName(Type type, string path, string bindingName)
k_BindingNameCache[new PropertyKey(type, path)] = bindingName;
struct PropertyKey : IEquatable<PropertyKey>
readonly Type m_Type;
readonly string m_Path;
public PropertyKey(SerializedProperty property)
m_Type = property.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType();
m_Path = property.propertyPath;
public PropertyKey(Type type, string path)
m_Type = type;
m_Path = path;
public bool Equals(PropertyKey other)
return m_Type == other.m_Type && string.Equals(m_Path, other.m_Path);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
return obj is PropertyKey && Equals((PropertyKey)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return ((m_Type != null ? m_Type.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ (m_Path != null ? m_Path.GetHashCode() : 0);