You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
2.3 KiB

using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
class Tooltip
public GUIStyle style { get; set; }
public string text { get; set; }
GUIStyle m_Font;
public GUIStyle font
if (m_Font != null)
return m_Font;
if (style != null)
return style;
// Default Font.
m_Font = new GUIStyle();
m_Font.font = EditorStyles.label.font;
return m_Font;
set { m_Font = value; }
float m_Pad = 4.0f;
public float pad
get { return m_Pad; }
set { m_Pad = value; }
GUIContent m_TextContent;
GUIContent textContent
if (m_TextContent == null)
m_TextContent = new GUIContent();
m_TextContent.text = text;
return m_TextContent;
Color m_ForeColor = Color.white;
public Color foreColor
get { return m_ForeColor; }
set { m_ForeColor = value; }
Rect m_Bounds;
public Rect bounds
var size = font.CalcSize(textContent);
m_Bounds.width = size.x + (2.0f * pad);
m_Bounds.height = size.y + 2.0f;
return m_Bounds;
set { m_Bounds = value; }
public Tooltip(GUIStyle theStyle, GUIStyle font)
style = theStyle;
m_Font = font;
public Tooltip()
style = null;
m_Font = null;
public void Draw()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
if (style != null)
using (new GUIColorOverride(DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorTooltipBackground))
GUI.Label(bounds, GUIContent.none, style);
var textBounds = bounds;
textBounds.x += pad;
textBounds.width -= pad;
using (new GUIColorOverride(foreColor))
GUI.Label(textBounds, textContent, font);