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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
381 lines
17 KiB
381 lines
17 KiB
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEditor.Timeline.Actions; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Timeline; |
using Object = UnityEngine.Object; |
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline |
{ |
static class SequencerContextMenu |
{ |
static class Styles |
{ |
public static readonly string addItemFromAssetTemplate = L10n.Tr("Add {0} From {1}"); |
public static readonly string addSingleItemFromAssetTemplate = L10n.Tr("Add From {1}"); |
public static readonly string addItemTemplate = L10n.Tr("Add {0}"); |
public static readonly string typeSelectorTemplate = L10n.Tr("Select {0}"); |
public static readonly string trackGroup = L10n.Tr("Track Group"); |
public static readonly string trackSubGroup = L10n.Tr("Track Sub-Group"); |
public static readonly string addTrackLayer = L10n.Tr("Add Layer"); |
public static readonly string layerName = L10n.Tr("Layer {0}"); |
} |
public static void ShowNewTracksContextMenu(ICollection<TrackAsset> tracks, WindowState state) |
{ |
var menu = new GenericMenu(); |
List<MenuActionItem> items = new List<MenuActionItem>(100); |
BuildNewTracksContextMenu(items, tracks, state); |
ActionManager.BuildMenu(menu, items); |
menu.ShowAsContext(); |
} |
public static void ShowNewTracksContextMenu(ICollection<TrackAsset> tracks, WindowState state, Rect rect) |
{ |
var menu = new GenericMenu(); |
List<MenuActionItem> items = new List<MenuActionItem>(100); |
BuildNewTracksContextMenu(items, tracks, state); |
ActionManager.BuildMenu(menu, items); |
menu.DropDown(rect); |
} |
public static void ShowTrackContextMenu(Vector2? mousePosition) |
{ |
var items = new List<MenuActionItem>(); |
var menu = new GenericMenu(); |
BuildTrackContextMenu(items, mousePosition); |
ActionManager.BuildMenu(menu, items); |
menu.ShowAsContext(); |
} |
public static void ShowItemContextMenu(Vector2 mousePosition) |
{ |
var menu = new GenericMenu(); |
var items = new List<MenuActionItem>(); |
BuildItemContextMenu(items, mousePosition); |
ActionManager.BuildMenu(menu, items); |
menu.ShowAsContext(); |
} |
public static void BuildItemContextMenu(List<MenuActionItem> items, Vector2 mousePosition) |
{ |
ActionManager.GetMenuEntries(ActionManager.TimelineActions, mousePosition, items); |
ActionManager.GetMenuEntries(ActionManager.ClipActions, items); |
ActionManager.GetMenuEntries(ActionManager.MarkerActions, items); |
var clips = TimelineEditor.selectedClips; |
if (clips.Length > 0) |
AddMarkerMenuCommands(items, clips.Select(c => c.GetParentTrack()).Distinct().ToList(), TimelineHelpers.GetCandidateTime(mousePosition)); |
} |
public static void BuildNewTracksContextMenu(List<MenuActionItem> menuItems, ICollection<TrackAsset> parentTracks, WindowState state, string format = null) |
{ |
if (parentTracks == null) |
parentTracks = new TrackAsset[0]; |
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(format)) |
format = "{0}"; |
// Add Group or SubGroup |
var title = string.Format(format, parentTracks.Any(t => t != null) ? Styles.trackSubGroup : Styles.trackGroup); |
var menuState = ActionValidity.Valid; |
if (state.editSequence.isReadOnly) |
menuState = ActionValidity.Invalid; |
if (parentTracks.Any() && parentTracks.Any(t => t != null && t.lockedInHierarchy)) |
menuState = ActionValidity.Invalid; |
GenericMenu.MenuFunction command = () => |
{ |
SelectionManager.Clear(); |
if (parentTracks.Count == 0) |
Selection.Add(TimelineHelpers.CreateTrack<GroupTrack>(null, title)); |
foreach (var parentTrack in parentTracks) |
Selection.Add(TimelineHelpers.CreateTrack<GroupTrack>(parentTrack, title)); |
TimelineEditor.Refresh(RefreshReason.ContentsAddedOrRemoved); |
}; |
menuItems.Add( |
new MenuActionItem() |
{ |
category = string.Empty, |
entryName = title, |
isActiveInMode = true, |
priority = MenuPriority.AddItem.addGroup, |
state = menuState, |
isChecked = false, |
callback = command |
} |
); |
var allTypes = TypeUtility.AllTrackTypes().Where(x => x != typeof(GroupTrack) && !TypeUtility.IsHiddenInMenu(x)).ToList(); |
int builtInPriority = MenuPriority.AddItem.addTrack; |
int customPriority = MenuPriority.AddItem.addCustomTrack; |
foreach (var trackType in allTypes) |
{ |
var trackItemType = trackType; |
command = () => |
{ |
SelectionManager.Clear(); |
if (parentTracks.Count == 0) |
SelectionManager.Add(TimelineHelpers.CreateTrack((Type)trackItemType, null)); |
foreach (var parentTrack in parentTracks) |
SelectionManager.Add(TimelineHelpers.CreateTrack((Type)trackItemType, parentTrack)); |
}; |
menuItems.Add( |
new MenuActionItem() |
{ |
category = TimelineHelpers.GetTrackCategoryName(trackType), |
entryName = string.Format(format, TimelineHelpers.GetTrackMenuName(trackItemType)), |
isActiveInMode = true, |
priority = TypeUtility.IsBuiltIn(trackType) ? builtInPriority++ : customPriority++, |
state = menuState, |
callback = command |
} |
); |
} |
} |
public static void BuildTrackContextMenu(List<MenuActionItem> items, Vector2? mousePosition) |
{ |
var tracks = SelectionManager.SelectedTracks().ToArray(); |
if (tracks.Length == 0) |
return; |
ActionManager.GetMenuEntries(ActionManager.TimelineActions, mousePosition, items); |
ActionManager.GetMenuEntries(ActionManager.TrackActions, items); |
AddLayeredTrackCommands(items, tracks); |
var first = tracks.First().GetType(); |
var allTheSame = tracks.All(t => t.GetType() == first); |
if (allTheSame) |
{ |
if (first != typeof(GroupTrack)) |
{ |
var candidateTime = TimelineHelpers.GetCandidateTime(mousePosition, tracks); |
AddClipMenuCommands(items, tracks, candidateTime); |
AddMarkerMenuCommands(items, tracks, candidateTime); |
} |
else |
{ |
BuildNewTracksContextMenu(items, tracks, TimelineWindow.instance.state, Styles.addItemTemplate); |
} |
} |
} |
static void AddLayeredTrackCommands(List<MenuActionItem> menuItems, ICollection<TrackAsset> tracks) |
{ |
if (tracks.Count == 0) |
return; |
var layeredType = tracks.First().GetType(); |
// animation tracks have a special menu. |
if (layeredType == typeof(AnimationTrack)) |
return; |
// must implement ILayerable |
if (!typeof(UnityEngine.Timeline.ILayerable).IsAssignableFrom(layeredType)) |
return; |
if (tracks.Any(t => t.GetType() != layeredType)) |
return; |
// only supported on the master track no nesting. |
if (tracks.Any(t => t.isSubTrack)) |
return; |
var enabled = tracks.All(t => t != null && !t.lockedInHierarchy) && !TimelineWindow.instance.state.editSequence.isReadOnly; |
int priority = MenuPriority.AddTrackMenu.addLayerTrack; |
GenericMenu.MenuFunction menuCallback = () => |
{ |
foreach (var track in tracks) |
TimelineHelpers.CreateTrack(layeredType, track, string.Format(Styles.layerName, track.GetChildTracks().Count() + 1)); |
}; |
var entryName = Styles.addTrackLayer; |
menuItems.Add( |
new MenuActionItem() |
{ |
category = string.Empty, |
entryName = entryName, |
isActiveInMode = true, |
priority = priority++, |
state = enabled ? ActionValidity.Valid : ActionValidity.Invalid, |
callback = menuCallback |
} |
); |
} |
static void AddClipMenuCommands(List<MenuActionItem> menuItems, ICollection<TrackAsset> tracks, double candidateTime) |
{ |
if (!tracks.Any()) |
return; |
var trackAsset = tracks.First(); |
var trackType = trackAsset.GetType(); |
if (tracks.Any(t => t.GetType() != trackType)) |
return; |
var enabled = tracks.All(t => t != null && !t.lockedInHierarchy) && !TimelineWindow.instance.state.editSequence.isReadOnly; |
var assetTypes = TypeUtility.GetPlayableAssetsHandledByTrack(trackType); |
var visibleAssetTypes = TypeUtility.GetVisiblePlayableAssetsHandledByTrack(trackType); |
// skips the name if there is only a single type |
var commandNameTemplate = assetTypes.Count() == 1 ? Styles.addSingleItemFromAssetTemplate : Styles.addItemFromAssetTemplate; |
int builtInPriority = MenuPriority.AddItem.addClip; |
int customPriority = MenuPriority.AddItem.addCustomClip; |
foreach (var assetType in assetTypes) |
{ |
var assetItemType = assetType; |
var category = TimelineHelpers.GetItemCategoryName(assetType); |
Action<Object> onObjectChanged = obj => |
{ |
if (obj != null) |
{ |
foreach (var t in tracks) |
{ |
TimelineHelpers.CreateClipOnTrack(assetItemType, obj, t, candidateTime); |
} |
} |
}; |
foreach (var objectReference in TypeUtility.ObjectReferencesForType(assetType)) |
{ |
var isSceneReference = objectReference.isSceneReference; |
var dataType = objectReference.type; |
GenericMenu.MenuFunction menuCallback = () => |
{ |
ObjectSelector.get.Show(null, dataType, null, isSceneReference, null, (obj) => onObjectChanged(obj), null); |
ObjectSelector.get.titleContent = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent(string.Format(Styles.typeSelectorTemplate, TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(dataType))); |
}; |
menuItems.Add( |
new MenuActionItem() |
{ |
category = category, |
entryName = string.Format(commandNameTemplate, TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(assetType), TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(objectReference.type)), |
isActiveInMode = true, |
priority = TypeUtility.IsBuiltIn(assetType) ? builtInPriority++ : customPriority++, |
state = enabled ? ActionValidity.Valid : ActionValidity.Invalid, |
callback = menuCallback |
} |
); |
} |
} |
foreach (var assetType in visibleAssetTypes) |
{ |
var assetItemType = assetType; |
var category = TimelineHelpers.GetItemCategoryName(assetType); |
var commandName = string.Format(Styles.addItemTemplate, TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(assetType)); |
GenericMenu.MenuFunction command = () => |
{ |
foreach (var t in tracks) |
{ |
TimelineHelpers.CreateClipOnTrack(assetItemType, t, candidateTime); |
} |
}; |
menuItems.Add( |
new MenuActionItem() |
{ |
category = category, |
entryName = commandName, |
isActiveInMode = true, |
priority = TypeUtility.IsBuiltIn(assetItemType) ? builtInPriority++ : customPriority++, |
state = enabled ? ActionValidity.Valid : ActionValidity.Invalid, |
callback = command |
} |
); |
} |
} |
static void AddMarkerMenuCommands(List<MenuActionItem> menu, IEnumerable<Type> markerTypes, Action<Type, Object> addMarkerCommand, bool enabled) |
{ |
int builtInPriority = MenuPriority.AddItem.addMarker; |
int customPriority = MenuPriority.AddItem.addCustomMarker; |
foreach (var markerType in markerTypes) |
{ |
var markerItemType = markerType; |
string category = TimelineHelpers.GetItemCategoryName(markerItemType); |
menu.Add( |
new MenuActionItem() |
{ |
category = category, |
entryName = string.Format(Styles.addItemTemplate, TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(markerType)), |
isActiveInMode = true, |
priority = TypeUtility.IsBuiltIn(markerType) ? builtInPriority++ : customPriority++, |
state = enabled ? ActionValidity.Valid : ActionValidity.Invalid, |
callback = () => addMarkerCommand(markerItemType, null) |
} |
); |
foreach (var objectReference in TypeUtility.ObjectReferencesForType(markerType)) |
{ |
var isSceneReference = objectReference.isSceneReference; |
GenericMenu.MenuFunction menuCallback = () => |
{ |
Type assetDataType = objectReference.type; |
ObjectSelector.get.titleContent = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent(string.Format(Styles.typeSelectorTemplate, TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(assetDataType))); |
ObjectSelector.get.Show(null, assetDataType, null, isSceneReference, null, obj => |
{ |
if (obj != null) |
addMarkerCommand(markerItemType, obj); |
}, null); |
}; |
menu.Add( |
new MenuActionItem |
{ |
category = TimelineHelpers.GetItemCategoryName(markerItemType), |
entryName = string.Format(Styles.addItemFromAssetTemplate, TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(markerType), TypeUtility.GetDisplayName(objectReference.type)), |
isActiveInMode = true, |
priority = TypeUtility.IsBuiltIn(markerType) ? builtInPriority++ : customPriority++, |
state = enabled ? ActionValidity.Valid : ActionValidity.Invalid, |
callback = menuCallback |
} |
); |
} |
} |
} |
static void AddMarkerMenuCommands(List<MenuActionItem> menuItems, ICollection<TrackAsset> tracks, double candidateTime) |
{ |
if (tracks.Count == 0) |
return; |
var enabled = tracks.All(t => !t.lockedInHierarchy) && !TimelineWindow.instance.state.editSequence.isReadOnly; |
var addMarkerCommand = new Action<Type, Object>((type, obj) => AddMarkersCallback(tracks, type, candidateTime, obj)); |
AddMarkerMenuCommands(menuItems, tracks, addMarkerCommand, enabled); |
} |
static void AddMarkerMenuCommands(List<MenuActionItem> menuItems, ICollection<TrackAsset> tracks, Action<Type, Object> command, bool enabled) |
{ |
var markerTypes = TypeUtility.GetBuiltInMarkerTypes().Union(TypeUtility.GetUserMarkerTypes()); |
if (tracks != null) |
markerTypes = markerTypes.Where(x => tracks.All(track => (track == null) || TypeUtility.DoesTrackSupportMarkerType(track, x))); // null track indicates marker track to be created |
AddMarkerMenuCommands(menuItems, markerTypes, command, enabled); |
} |
static void AddMarkersCallback(ICollection<TrackAsset> targets, Type markerType, double time, Object obj) |
{ |
SelectionManager.Clear(); |
foreach (var target in targets) |
{ |
var marker = TimelineHelpers.CreateMarkerOnTrack(markerType, obj, target, time); |
SelectionManager.Add(marker); |
} |
TimelineEditor.Refresh(RefreshReason.ContentsAddedOrRemoved); |
} |
} |