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355 lines
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355 lines
16 KiB
using UnityEngine; |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing; |
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Controls; |
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal; |
using UnityEngine.Assertions; |
using UnityEngine.UIElements; |
using GraphDataStore = UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.DataStore<UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.GraphData>; |
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing |
{ |
class ChangeExposedFlagAction : IGraphDataAction |
{ |
internal ChangeExposedFlagAction(ShaderInput shaderInput, bool newIsExposed) |
{ |
this.shaderInputReference = shaderInput; |
this.newIsExposedValue = newIsExposed; |
this.oldIsExposedValue = shaderInput.generatePropertyBlock; |
} |
void ChangeExposedFlag(GraphData graphData) |
{ |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out ChangeExposedFlagAction"); |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(shaderInputReference, "ShaderInputReference is null while carrying out ChangeExposedFlagAction"); |
// The Undos are currently handled in ShaderInputPropertyDrawer but we want to move that out from there and handle here |
//graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Change Exposed Toggle"); |
shaderInputReference.generatePropertyBlock = newIsExposedValue; |
} |
public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => ChangeExposedFlag; |
// Reference to the shader input being modified |
internal ShaderInput shaderInputReference { get; private set; } |
// New value of whether the shader input should be exposed to the material inspector |
internal bool newIsExposedValue { get; private set; } |
internal bool oldIsExposedValue { get; private set; } |
} |
class ChangePropertyValueAction : IGraphDataAction |
{ |
void ChangePropertyValue(GraphData graphData) |
{ |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out ChangePropertyValueAction"); |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(shaderInputReference, "ShaderPropertyReference is null while carrying out ChangePropertyValueAction"); |
// The Undos are currently handled in ShaderInputPropertyDrawer but we want to move that out from there and handle here |
//graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Change Property Value"); |
switch (shaderInputReference) |
{ |
case BooleanShaderProperty booleanProperty: |
booleanProperty.value = ((ToggleData)newShaderInputValue).isOn; |
break; |
case Vector1ShaderProperty vector1Property: |
vector1Property.value = (float)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Vector2ShaderProperty vector2Property: |
vector2Property.value = (Vector2)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Vector3ShaderProperty vector3Property: |
vector3Property.value = (Vector3)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Vector4ShaderProperty vector4Property: |
vector4Property.value = (Vector4)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case ColorShaderProperty colorProperty: |
colorProperty.value = (Color)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Texture2DShaderProperty texture2DProperty: |
texture2DProperty.value.texture = (Texture)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Texture2DArrayShaderProperty texture2DArrayProperty: |
texture2DArrayProperty.value.textureArray = (Texture2DArray)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Texture3DShaderProperty texture3DProperty: |
texture3DProperty.value.texture = (Texture3D)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case CubemapShaderProperty cubemapProperty: |
cubemapProperty.value.cubemap = (Cubemap)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Matrix2ShaderProperty matrix2Property: |
matrix2Property.value = (Matrix4x4)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Matrix3ShaderProperty matrix3Property: |
matrix3Property.value = (Matrix4x4)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case Matrix4ShaderProperty matrix4Property: |
matrix4Property.value = (Matrix4x4)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case SamplerStateShaderProperty samplerStateProperty: |
samplerStateProperty.value = (TextureSamplerState)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
case GradientShaderProperty gradientProperty: |
gradientProperty.value = (Gradient)newShaderInputValue; |
break; |
default: |
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); |
} |
} |
public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => ChangePropertyValue; |
// Reference to the shader input being modified |
internal ShaderInput shaderInputReference { get; set; } |
// New value of the shader property |
internal object newShaderInputValue { get; set; } |
} |
class ChangeDisplayNameAction : IGraphDataAction |
{ |
void ChangeDisplayName(GraphData graphData) |
{ |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out ChangeDisplayNameAction"); |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(shaderInputReference, "ShaderInputReference is null while carrying out ChangeDisplayNameAction"); |
graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Change Display Name"); |
if (newDisplayNameValue != shaderInputReference.displayName) |
{ |
shaderInputReference.SetDisplayNameAndSanitizeForGraph(graphData, newDisplayNameValue); |
} |
} |
public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => ChangeDisplayName; |
// Reference to the shader input being modified |
internal ShaderInput shaderInputReference { get; set; } |
internal string newDisplayNameValue { get; set; } |
} |
class ChangeReferenceNameAction : IGraphDataAction |
{ |
void ChangeReferenceName(GraphData graphData) |
{ |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out ChangeReferenceNameAction"); |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(shaderInputReference, "ShaderInputReference is null while carrying out ChangeReferenceNameAction"); |
// The Undos are currently handled in ShaderInputPropertyDrawer but we want to move that out from there and handle here |
//graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Change Reference Name"); |
if (newReferenceNameValue != shaderInputReference.overrideReferenceName) |
{ |
graphData.SanitizeGraphInputReferenceName(shaderInputReference, newReferenceNameValue); |
} |
} |
public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => ChangeReferenceName; |
// Reference to the shader input being modified |
internal ShaderInput shaderInputReference { get; set; } |
internal string newReferenceNameValue { get; set; } |
} |
class ResetReferenceNameAction : IGraphDataAction |
{ |
void ResetReferenceName(GraphData graphData) |
{ |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out ResetReferenceNameAction"); |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(shaderInputReference, "ShaderInputReference is null while carrying out ResetReferenceNameAction"); |
graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Reset Reference Name"); |
shaderInputReference.overrideReferenceName = null; |
} |
public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => ResetReferenceName; |
// Reference to the shader input being modified |
internal ShaderInput shaderInputReference { get; set; } |
} |
class DeleteShaderInputAction : IGraphDataAction |
{ |
void DeleteShaderInput(GraphData graphData) |
{ |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out DeleteShaderInputAction"); |
AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(shaderInputsToDelete, "ShaderInputsToDelete is null while carrying out DeleteShaderInputAction"); |
// This is called by MaterialGraphView currently, no need to repeat it here, though ideally it would live here |
//graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Delete Graph Input(s)"); |
foreach (var shaderInput in shaderInputsToDelete) |
{ |
graphData.RemoveGraphInput(shaderInput); |
} |
} |
public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => DeleteShaderInput; |
// Reference to the shader input(s) being deleted |
internal IList<ShaderInput> shaderInputsToDelete { get; set; } = new List<ShaderInput>(); |
} |
class ShaderInputViewController : SGViewController<ShaderInput, ShaderInputViewModel> |
{ |
// Exposed for PropertyView |
internal GraphData graphData => DataStore.State; |
internal ShaderInputViewController(ShaderInput shaderInput, ShaderInputViewModel inViewModel, GraphDataStore graphDataStore) |
: base(shaderInput, inViewModel, graphDataStore) |
{ |
InitializeViewModel(); |
m_SgBlackboardField = new SGBlackboardField(ViewModel); |
m_SgBlackboardField.controller = this; |
m_BlackboardRowView = new SGBlackboardRow(m_SgBlackboardField, null); |
m_BlackboardRowView.expanded = SessionState.GetBool($"Unity.ShaderGraph.Input.{shaderInput.objectId}.isExpanded", false); |
} |
void InitializeViewModel() |
{ |
if (Model == null) |
{ |
AssertHelpers.Fail("Could not initialize shader input view model as shader input was null."); |
return; |
} |
ViewModel.model = Model; |
ViewModel.isSubGraph = DataStore.State.isSubGraph; |
ViewModel.isInputExposed = (DataStore.State.isSubGraph || (Model.isExposable && Model.generatePropertyBlock)); |
ViewModel.inputName = Model.displayName; |
switch (Model) |
{ |
case AbstractShaderProperty shaderProperty: |
ViewModel.inputTypeName = shaderProperty.GetPropertyTypeString(); |
// Handles upgrade fix for deprecated old Color property |
shaderProperty.onBeforeVersionChange += (_) => graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo($"Change {shaderProperty.displayName} Version"); |
break; |
case ShaderKeyword shaderKeyword: |
ViewModel.inputTypeName = shaderKeyword.keywordType + " Keyword"; |
ViewModel.inputTypeName = shaderKeyword.isBuiltIn ? "Built-in " + ViewModel.inputTypeName : ViewModel.inputTypeName; |
break; |
case ShaderDropdown shaderDropdown: |
ViewModel.inputTypeName = "Dropdown"; |
break; |
} |
ViewModel.requestModelChangeAction = this.RequestModelChange; |
} |
SGBlackboardRow m_BlackboardRowView; |
SGBlackboardField m_SgBlackboardField; |
internal SGBlackboardRow BlackboardItemView => m_BlackboardRowView; |
protected override void RequestModelChange(IGraphDataAction changeAction) |
{ |
DataStore.Dispatch(changeAction); |
} |
// Called by GraphDataStore.Subscribe after the model has been changed |
protected override void ModelChanged(GraphData graphData, IGraphDataAction changeAction) |
{ |
switch (changeAction) |
{ |
case ChangeExposedFlagAction changeExposedFlagAction: |
// ModelChanged is called overzealously on everything |
// but we only care if the action pertains to our Model |
if (changeExposedFlagAction.shaderInputReference == Model) |
{ |
ViewModel.isInputExposed = Model.generatePropertyBlock; |
if (changeExposedFlagAction.oldIsExposedValue != changeExposedFlagAction.newIsExposedValue) |
DirtyNodes(ModificationScope.Graph); |
m_SgBlackboardField.UpdateFromViewModel(); |
} |
break; |
case ChangePropertyValueAction changePropertyValueAction: |
if (changePropertyValueAction.shaderInputReference == Model) |
{ |
DirtyNodes(ModificationScope.Graph); |
m_SgBlackboardField.MarkDirtyRepaint(); |
} |
break; |
case ResetReferenceNameAction resetReferenceNameAction: |
if (resetReferenceNameAction.shaderInputReference == Model) |
{ |
DirtyNodes(ModificationScope.Graph); |
} |
break; |
case ChangeReferenceNameAction changeReferenceNameAction: |
if (changeReferenceNameAction.shaderInputReference == Model) |
{ |
DirtyNodes(ModificationScope.Graph); |
} |
break; |
case ChangeDisplayNameAction changeDisplayNameAction: |
if (changeDisplayNameAction.shaderInputReference == Model) |
{ |
ViewModel.inputName = Model.displayName; |
DirtyNodes(ModificationScope.Topological); |
m_SgBlackboardField.UpdateFromViewModel(); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
// TODO: This should communicate to node controllers instead of searching for the nodes themselves everytime, but that's going to take a while... |
internal void DirtyNodes(ModificationScope modificationScope = ModificationScope.Node) |
{ |
switch (Model) |
{ |
case AbstractShaderProperty property: |
var graphEditorView = m_BlackboardRowView.GetFirstAncestorOfType<GraphEditorView>(); |
if (graphEditorView == null) |
return; |
var colorManager = graphEditorView.colorManager; |
var nodes = graphEditorView.graphView.Query<MaterialNodeView>().ToList(); |
colorManager.SetNodesDirty(nodes); |
colorManager.UpdateNodeViews(nodes); |
foreach (var node in DataStore.State.GetNodes<PropertyNode>()) |
{ |
node.Dirty(modificationScope); |
} |
break; |
case ShaderKeyword keyword: |
foreach (var node in DataStore.State.GetNodes<KeywordNode>()) |
{ |
node.UpdateNode(); |
node.Dirty(modificationScope); |
} |
// Cant determine if Sub Graphs contain the keyword so just update them |
foreach (var node in DataStore.State.GetNodes<SubGraphNode>()) |
{ |
node.Dirty(modificationScope); |
} |
break; |
case ShaderDropdown dropdown: |
foreach (var node in DataStore.State.GetNodes<DropdownNode>()) |
{ |
node.UpdateNode(); |
node.Dirty(modificationScope); |
} |
// Cant determine if Sub Graphs contain the dropdown so just update them |
foreach (var node in DataStore.State.GetNodes<SubGraphNode>()) |
{ |
node.Dirty(modificationScope); |
} |
break; |
default: |
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); |
} |
} |
public override void Destroy() |
{ |
Cleanup(); |
BlackboardItemView.RemoveFromHierarchy(); |
} |
} |