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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderGraph;
namespace UnityEditor.Graphing
class SlotConfigurationException : Exception
public SlotConfigurationException(string message)
: base(message)
{ }
static class NodeUtils
static string NodeDocSuffix = "-Node";
public static void SlotConfigurationExceptionIfBadConfiguration(AbstractMaterialNode node, IEnumerable<int> expectedInputSlots, IEnumerable<int> expectedOutputSlots)
var missingSlots = new List<int>();
var inputSlots = expectedInputSlots as IList<int> ?? expectedInputSlots.ToList();
missingSlots.AddRange(inputSlots.Except(node.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Select(x =>;
var outputSlots = expectedOutputSlots as IList<int> ?? expectedOutputSlots.ToList();
missingSlots.AddRange(outputSlots.Except(node.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Select(x =>;
if (missingSlots.Count == 0)
var toPrint = missingSlots.Select(x => x.ToString());
throw new SlotConfigurationException(string.Format("Missing slots {0} on node {1}", string.Join(", ", toPrint.ToArray()), node));
public static IEnumerable<IEdge> GetAllEdges(AbstractMaterialNode node)
var result = new List<IEdge>();
var validSlots = ListPool<MaterialSlot>.Get();
for (int index = 0; index < validSlots.Count; index++)
var inputSlot = validSlots[index];
for (int index = 0; index < validSlots.Count; index++)
var outputSlot = validSlots[index];
return result;
public static string GetDuplicateSafeNameForSlot(AbstractMaterialNode node, int slotId, string name)
List<MaterialSlot> slots = new List<MaterialSlot>();
name = name.Trim();
return GraphUtil.SanitizeName(slots.Where(p => != slotId).Select(p => p.RawDisplayName()), "{0} ({1})", name);
// CollectNodesNodeFeedsInto looks at the current node and calculates
// which child nodes it depends on for it's calculation.
// Results are returned depth first so by processing each node in
// order you can generate a valid code block.
public enum IncludeSelf
public static SlotReference DepthFirstCollectRedirectNodeFromNode(RedirectNodeData node)
var inputSlot = node.FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(RedirectNodeData.kInputSlotID);
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference))
// get the input details
var outputSlotRef = edge.outputSlot;
var inputNode = outputSlotRef.node;
// If this is a redirect node we continue to look for the top one
if (inputNode is RedirectNodeData redirectNode)
return DepthFirstCollectRedirectNodeFromNode(redirectNode);
return outputSlotRef;
// If no edges it is the first redirect node without an edge going into it and we should return the slot ref
return node.GetSlotReference(RedirectNodeData.kInputSlotID);
public static void DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(List<AbstractMaterialNode> nodeList, AbstractMaterialNode node,
IncludeSelf includeSelf = IncludeSelf.Include, List<KeyValuePair<ShaderKeyword, int>> keywordPermutation = null, bool ignoreActiveState = false)
// no where to start
if (node == null)
// already added this node
if (nodeList.Contains(node))
IEnumerable<int> ids;
// If this node is a keyword node and we have an active keyword permutation
// The only valid port id is the port that corresponds to that keywords value in the active permutation
if (node is KeywordNode keywordNode && keywordPermutation != null)
var valueInPermutation = keywordPermutation.Where(x => x.Key == keywordNode.keyword).FirstOrDefault();
ids = new int[] { keywordNode.GetSlotIdForPermutation(valueInPermutation) };
ids = node.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Select(x =>;
foreach (var slot in ids)
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(node.GetSlotReference(slot)))
var outputNode = edge.outputSlot.node;
if (outputNode != null)
DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(nodeList, outputNode, keywordPermutation: keywordPermutation, ignoreActiveState: ignoreActiveState);
if (includeSelf == IncludeSelf.Include && (node.isActive || ignoreActiveState))
internal static List<AbstractMaterialNode> GetParentNodes(AbstractMaterialNode node)
List<AbstractMaterialNode> nodeList = new List<AbstractMaterialNode>();
var ids = node.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Select(x =>;
foreach (var slot in ids)
if (node.owner == null)
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(node.FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(slot).slotReference))
var outputNode = ((Edge)edge).outputSlot.node;
if (outputNode != null)
return nodeList;
private static bool ActiveLeafExists(AbstractMaterialNode node)
//if our active state has been explicitly set to a value use it
switch (node.activeState)
case AbstractMaterialNode.ActiveState.Implicit:
case AbstractMaterialNode.ActiveState.ExplicitInactive:
return false;
case AbstractMaterialNode.ActiveState.ExplicitActive:
return true;
List<AbstractMaterialNode> parentNodes = GetParentNodes(node);
//at this point we know we are not explicitly set to a state,
//so there is no reason to be inactive
if (parentNodes.Count == 0)
return true;
bool output = false;
foreach (var parent in parentNodes)
output |= ActiveLeafExists(parent);
if (output)
return output;
private static List<AbstractMaterialNode> GetChildNodes(AbstractMaterialNode node)
List<AbstractMaterialNode> nodeList = new List<AbstractMaterialNode>();
var ids = node.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Select(x =>;
foreach (var slot in ids)
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(node.FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(slot).slotReference))
var inputNode = ((Edge)edge).inputSlot.node;
if (inputNode != null)
return nodeList;
private static bool ActiveRootExists(AbstractMaterialNode node)
//if our active state has been explicitly set to a value use it
switch (node.activeState)
case AbstractMaterialNode.ActiveState.Implicit:
case AbstractMaterialNode.ActiveState.ExplicitInactive:
return false;
case AbstractMaterialNode.ActiveState.ExplicitActive:
return true;
List<AbstractMaterialNode> childNodes = GetChildNodes(node);
//at this point we know we are not explicitly set to a state,
//so there is no reason to be inactive
if (childNodes.Count == 0)
return true;
bool output = false;
foreach (var child in childNodes)
output |= ActiveRootExists(child);
if (output)
return output;
private static void ActiveTreeExists(AbstractMaterialNode node, out bool activeLeaf, out bool activeRoot, out bool activeTree)
activeLeaf = ActiveLeafExists(node);
activeRoot = ActiveRootExists(node);
activeTree = activeRoot && activeLeaf;
//First pass check if node is now active after a change, so just check if there is a valid "tree" : a valid upstream input path,
// and a valid downstream output path, or "leaf" and "root". If this changes the node's active state, then anything connected may
// change as well, so update the "forrest" or all connectected trees of this nodes leaves.
// NOTE: I cannot think if there is any case where the entirety of the connected graph would need to change, but if there are bugs
// on certain nodes farther away from the node not updating correctly, a possible solution may be to get the entirety of the connected
// graph instead of just what I have declared as the "local" connected graph
public static void ReevaluateActivityOfConnectedNodes(AbstractMaterialNode node, PooledHashSet<AbstractMaterialNode> changedNodes = null)
List<AbstractMaterialNode> forest = GetForest(node);
ReevaluateActivityOfNodeList(forest, changedNodes);
public static void ReevaluateActivityOfNodeList(IEnumerable<AbstractMaterialNode> nodes, PooledHashSet<AbstractMaterialNode> changedNodes = null)
bool getChangedNodes = changedNodes != null;
foreach (AbstractMaterialNode n in nodes)
if (n.activeState != AbstractMaterialNode.ActiveState.Implicit)
ActiveTreeExists(n, out _, out _, out bool at);
if (n.isActive != at && getChangedNodes)
n.SetActive(at, false);
//Go to the leaves of the node, then get all trees with those leaves
private static List<AbstractMaterialNode> GetForest(AbstractMaterialNode node)
List<AbstractMaterialNode> leaves = GetLeaves(node);
List<AbstractMaterialNode> forrest = new List<AbstractMaterialNode>();
foreach (var leaf in leaves)
if (!forrest.Contains(leaf))
foreach (var child in GetChildNodesRecursive(leaf))
if (!forrest.Contains(child))
return forrest;
private static List<AbstractMaterialNode> GetChildNodesRecursive(AbstractMaterialNode node)
List<AbstractMaterialNode> output = new List<AbstractMaterialNode>() { node };
List<AbstractMaterialNode> children = GetChildNodes(node);
foreach (var child in children)
if (!output.Contains(child))
foreach (var descendent in GetChildNodesRecursive(child))
if (!output.Contains(descendent))
return output;
private static List<AbstractMaterialNode> GetLeaves(AbstractMaterialNode node)
List<AbstractMaterialNode> parents = GetParentNodes(node);
List<AbstractMaterialNode> output = new List<AbstractMaterialNode>();
if (parents.Count == 0)
foreach (var parent in parents)
foreach (var leaf in GetLeaves(parent))
if (!output.Contains(leaf))
return output;
public static void GetDownsteamNodesForNode(List<AbstractMaterialNode> nodeList, AbstractMaterialNode node)
// no where to start
if (node == null)
// Recursively traverse downstream from the original node
// Traverse down each edge and continue on any connected downstream nodes
// Only nodes with no nodes further downstream are added to node list
bool hasDownstream = false;
var ids = node.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Select(x =>;
foreach (var slot in ids)
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(node.FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(slot).slotReference))
var inputNode = ((Edge)edge).inputSlot.node;
if (inputNode != null)
hasDownstream = true;
GetDownsteamNodesForNode(nodeList, inputNode);
// No more nodes downstream from here
if (!hasDownstream)
public static void CollectNodeSet(HashSet<AbstractMaterialNode> nodeSet, MaterialSlot slot)
var node = slot.owner;
var graph = node.owner;
foreach (var edge in graph.GetEdges(node.GetSlotReference(
var outputNode = edge.outputSlot.node;
if (outputNode != null)
CollectNodeSet(nodeSet, outputNode);
public static void CollectNodeSet(HashSet<AbstractMaterialNode> nodeSet, AbstractMaterialNode node)
if (!nodeSet.Add(node))
using (ListPool<MaterialSlot>.Get(out var slots))
foreach (var slot in slots)
CollectNodeSet(nodeSet, slot);
public static void CollectNodesNodeFeedsInto(List<AbstractMaterialNode> nodeList, AbstractMaterialNode node, IncludeSelf includeSelf = IncludeSelf.Include)
if (node == null)
if (nodeList.Contains(node))
foreach (var slot in node.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference))
var inputNode = edge.inputSlot.node;
CollectNodesNodeFeedsInto(nodeList, inputNode);
if (includeSelf == IncludeSelf.Include)
public static string GetDocumentationString(string pageName)
return Documentation.GetPageLink(pageName.Replace(" ", "-") + NodeDocSuffix);
static Stack<MaterialSlot> s_SlotStack = new Stack<MaterialSlot>();
public static ShaderStage GetEffectiveShaderStage(MaterialSlot initialSlot, bool goingBackwards)
var graph = initialSlot.owner.owner;
while (s_SlotStack.Any())
var slot = s_SlotStack.Pop();
ShaderStage stage;
if (slot.stageCapability.TryGetShaderStage(out stage))
return stage;
if (goingBackwards && slot.isInputSlot)
foreach (var edge in graph.GetEdges(slot.slotReference))
var node = edge.outputSlot.node;
else if (!goingBackwards && slot.isOutputSlot)
foreach (var edge in graph.GetEdges(slot.slotReference))
var node = edge.inputSlot.node;
var ownerSlots = Enumerable.Empty<MaterialSlot>();
if (goingBackwards && slot.isOutputSlot)
ownerSlots = slot.owner.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>(slot);
else if (!goingBackwards && slot.isInputSlot)
ownerSlots = slot.owner.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>(slot);
foreach (var ownerSlot in ownerSlots)
// We default to fragment shader stage if all connected nodes were compatible with both.
return ShaderStage.Fragment;
public static ShaderStageCapability GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(MaterialSlot initialSlot, bool goingBackwards)
var graph = initialSlot.owner.owner;
ShaderStageCapability capabilities = ShaderStageCapability.All;
while (s_SlotStack.Any())
var slot = s_SlotStack.Pop();
// Clear any stages from the total capabilities that this slot doesn't support (e.g. if this is vertex, clear pixel)
capabilities &= slot.stageCapability;
// Can early out if we know nothing is compatible, otherwise we have to keep checking everything we can reach.
if (capabilities == ShaderStageCapability.None)
return capabilities;
if (goingBackwards && slot.isInputSlot)
foreach (var edge in graph.GetEdges(slot.slotReference))
var node = edge.outputSlot.node;
else if (!goingBackwards && slot.isOutputSlot)
foreach (var edge in graph.GetEdges(slot.slotReference))
var node = edge.inputSlot.node;
var ownerSlots = Enumerable.Empty<MaterialSlot>();
if (goingBackwards && slot.isOutputSlot)
ownerSlots = slot.owner.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>(slot);
else if (!goingBackwards && slot.isInputSlot)
ownerSlots = slot.owner.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>(slot);
foreach (var ownerSlot in ownerSlots)
return capabilities;
public static string GetSlotDimension(ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue)
switch (slotValue)
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1:
return String.Empty;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2:
return "2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3:
return "3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4:
return "4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2:
return "2x2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3:
return "3x3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4:
return "4x4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.PropertyConnectionState:
return String.Empty;
return "Error";
// NOTE: there are several bugs here.. we should use ConvertToValidHLSLIdentifier() instead
public static string GetHLSLSafeName(string input)
char[] arr = input.ToCharArray();
arr = Array.FindAll<char>(arr, (c => (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c))));
var safeName = new string(arr);
if (safeName.Length > 1 && char.IsDigit(safeName[0]))
safeName = $"var{safeName}";
return safeName;
static readonly string[] k_HLSLNumericKeywords =
"half", // not technically in HLSL spec, but prob should be
"real", // Unity thing, but included here
static readonly string[] k_HLSLNumericKeywordSuffixes =
"1", "2", "3", "4",
"1x1", "1x2", "1x3", "1x4",
"2x1", "2x2", "2x3", "2x4",
"3x1", "3x2", "3x3", "3x4",
"4x1", "4x2", "4x3", "4x4"
static HashSet<string> m_ShaderLabKeywords = new HashSet<string>()
// these should all be lowercase, as shaderlab keywords are case insensitive
static HashSet<string> m_HLSLKeywords = new HashSet<string>()
static HashSet<string> m_ShaderGraphKeywords = new HashSet<string>()
static bool m_HLSLKeywordDictionaryBuilt = false;
public static bool IsHLSLKeyword(string id)
if (!m_HLSLKeywordDictionaryBuilt)
foreach (var numericKeyword in k_HLSLNumericKeywords)
foreach (var suffix in k_HLSLNumericKeywordSuffixes)
m_HLSLKeywords.Add(numericKeyword + suffix);
m_HLSLKeywordDictionaryBuilt = true;
bool isHLSLKeyword = m_HLSLKeywords.Contains(id);
return isHLSLKeyword;
public static bool IsShaderLabKeyWord(string id)
bool isShaderLabKeyword = m_ShaderLabKeywords.Contains(id.ToLower());
return isShaderLabKeyword;
public static bool IsShaderGraphKeyWord(string id)
bool isShaderGraphKeyword = m_ShaderGraphKeywords.Contains(id);
return isShaderGraphKeyword;
public static string ConvertToValidHLSLIdentifier(string originalId, Func<string, bool> isDisallowedIdentifier = null)
// Converts " 1 var * q-30 ( 0 ) (1) " to "_1_var_q_30_0_1"
if (originalId == null)
originalId = "";
StringBuilder hlslId = new StringBuilder(originalId.Length);
bool lastInvalid = false;
for (int i = 0; i < originalId.Length; i++)
char c = originalId[i];
bool isLetter = (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
bool isUnderscore = (c == '_');
bool isDigit = (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
bool validChar = isLetter || isUnderscore || isDigit;
if (!validChar)
// when we see an invalid character, we just record that we saw it and go to the next character
// this way we combine multiple invalid characters, and trailing ones just get dropped
lastInvalid = true;
// whenever we hit a valid character
// if the last character was invalid, append an underscore
// unless we're at the beginning of the string
if (lastInvalid && (hlslId.Length > 0))
// HLSL ids can't start with a digit, prepend an underscore to prevent this
if (isDigit && (hlslId.Length == 0))
lastInvalid = false;
// empty strings not allowed -- append an underscore if it's empty
if (hlslId.Length <= 0)
var result = hlslId.ToString();
while (IsHLSLKeyword(result))
result = "_" + result;
if (isDisallowedIdentifier != null)
while (isDisallowedIdentifier(result))
result = "_" + result;
return result;
private static string GetDisplaySafeName(string input)
//strip valid display characters from slot name
//current valid characters are whitespace and ( ) _ separators
StringBuilder cleanName = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var c in input)
if (c != ' ' && c != '(' && c != ')' && c != '_')
return cleanName.ToString();
public static bool ValidateSlotName(string inName, out string errorMessage)
//check for invalid characters between display safe and hlsl safe name
if (GetDisplaySafeName(inName) != GetHLSLSafeName(inName) && GetDisplaySafeName(inName) != ConvertToValidHLSLIdentifier(inName))
errorMessage = "Slot name(s) found invalid character(s). Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ ( ) ";
return true;
//if clean, return null and false
errorMessage = null;
return false;
public static string FloatToShaderValue(float value)
if (Single.IsPositiveInfinity(value))
return "1.#INF";
if (Single.IsNegativeInfinity(value))
return "-1.#INF";
if (Single.IsNaN(value))
return "NAN";
return value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// A number large enough to become Infinity (~FLOAT_MAX_VALUE * 10) + explanatory comment
private const string k_ShaderLabInfinityAlternatrive = "3402823500000000000000000000000000000000 /* Infinity */";
// ShaderLab doesn't support Scientific Notion nor Infinity. To stop from generating a broken shader we do this.
public static string FloatToShaderValueShaderLabSafe(float value)
if (Single.IsPositiveInfinity(value))
return k_ShaderLabInfinityAlternatrive;
if (Single.IsNegativeInfinity(value))
return "-" + k_ShaderLabInfinityAlternatrive;
if (Single.IsNaN(value))
return "NAN"; // A real error has occured, in this case we should break the shader.
// For single point precision, reserve 54 spaces (e-45 min + ~9 digit precision). See floating-point-numeric-types (Microsoft docs).
return value.ToString("0.######################################################", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);