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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal
public abstract class ShaderInput : JsonObject
SerializableGuid m_Guid = new SerializableGuid();
internal Guid guid => m_Guid.guid;
internal void OverrideGuid(string namespaceId, string name) { m_Guid.guid = GenerateNamespaceUUID(namespaceId, name); }
string m_Name;
public string displayName
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Name))
return $"{concreteShaderValueType}_{objectId}";
return m_Name;
// this is a raw set of the display name
// if you want to a fully graph-connected set-and-sanitize-and-update,
// call SetDisplayNameAndSanitizeForGraph() instead
m_Name = value;
// This delegate and the associated callback can be bound to in order for any one that cares about display name changes to be notified
internal delegate void ChangeDisplayNameCallback(string newDisplayName);
ChangeDisplayNameCallback m_displayNameUpdateTrigger;
internal ChangeDisplayNameCallback displayNameUpdateTrigger
get => m_displayNameUpdateTrigger;
set => m_displayNameUpdateTrigger = value;
// sanitizes the desired name according to the current graph, and assigns it as the display name
// also calls the update trigger to update other bits of the graph UI that use the name
internal void SetDisplayNameAndSanitizeForGraph(GraphData graphData, string desiredName = null)
string originalDisplayName = displayName;
// if no desired name passed in, sanitize the current name
if (desiredName == null)
desiredName = originalDisplayName;
var sanitizedName = graphData.SanitizeGraphInputName(this, desiredName);
bool changed = (originalDisplayName != sanitizedName);
// only assign if it was changed
if (changed)
m_Name = sanitizedName;
// update the default reference name
// Updates any views associated with this input so that display names stay up to date
// NOTE: we call this even when the name has not changed, because there may be fields
// that were user-edited and still have the temporary desired name -- those must update
if (m_displayNameUpdateTrigger != null)
internal void SetReferenceNameAndSanitizeForGraph(GraphData graphData, string desiredRefName = null)
string originalRefName = referenceName;
// if no desired ref name, use the current name
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desiredRefName))
desiredRefName = originalRefName;
// sanitize and deduplicate the desired name
var sanitizedRefName = graphData.SanitizeGraphInputReferenceName(this, desiredRefName);
// check if the final result is different from the current name
bool changed = (originalRefName != sanitizedRefName);
// if changed, then set the new name up as an override
if (changed)
overrideReferenceName = sanitizedRefName;
// resets the reference name to a "default" value (deduplicated against existing reference names)
// returns the new default reference name
internal string ResetReferenceName(GraphData graphData)
overrideReferenceName = null;
// because we are clearing an override, we must force a sanitization pass on the default ref name
// as there may now be collisions that didn't previously exist
UpdateDefaultReferenceName(graphData, true);
return referenceName;
internal void UpdateDefaultReferenceName(GraphData graphData, bool forceSanitize = false)
if (m_DefaultRefNameVersion <= 0)
return; // old version is updated in the getter
if (forceSanitize ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_DefaultReferenceName) ||
(m_RefNameGeneratedByDisplayName != displayName))
// Make sure all reference names are consistently auto-generated with a pre-pended underscore (if they can be renamed)
var targetRefName = displayName;
if (this.isReferenceRenamable && !targetRefName.StartsWith("_"))
targetRefName = "_" + targetRefName;
m_DefaultReferenceName = graphData.SanitizeGraphInputReferenceName(this, targetRefName);
m_RefNameGeneratedByDisplayName = displayName;
const int k_LatestDefaultRefNameVersion = 1;
// this is used to know whether this shader input is using:
// 0) the "old" default reference naming scheme (type + GUID)
// 1) the new default reference naming scheme (make it similar to the display name)
int m_DefaultRefNameVersion = k_LatestDefaultRefNameVersion;
string m_RefNameGeneratedByDisplayName; // used to tell what was the display name used to generate the default reference name
string m_DefaultReferenceName; // NOTE: this can be NULL for old graphs, or newly created properties
public string referenceName
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideReferenceName))
if (m_DefaultRefNameVersion == 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_DefaultReferenceName))
m_DefaultReferenceName = GetOldDefaultReferenceName();
return m_DefaultReferenceName;
else // version 1
// default reference name is updated elsewhere in the new naming scheme
return m_DefaultReferenceName;
return overrideReferenceName;
public virtual string referenceNameForEditing => referenceName;
public override void OnBeforeDeserialize()
// if serialization doesn't write to m_DefaultRefNameVersion, then it is an old shader input, and should use the old default naming scheme
m_DefaultRefNameVersion = 0;
// This is required to handle Material data serialized with "_Color_GUID" reference names
// m_DefaultReferenceName expects to match the material data and previously used PropertyType
// ColorShaderProperty is the only case where PropertyType doesn't match ConcreteSlotValueType
public virtual string GetOldDefaultReferenceName()
return $"{concreteShaderValueType.ToString()}_{objectId}";
// returns true if this shader input is CURRENTLY using the old default reference name
public bool IsUsingOldDefaultRefName()
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideReferenceName) && (m_DefaultRefNameVersion == 0);
// returns true if this shader input is CURRENTLY using the new default reference name
public bool IsUsingNewDefaultRefName()
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideReferenceName) && (m_DefaultRefNameVersion >= 1);
// upgrades the default reference name to use the new naming scheme
internal string UpgradeDefaultReferenceName(GraphData graphData)
m_DefaultRefNameVersion = k_LatestDefaultRefNameVersion;
m_DefaultReferenceName = null;
m_RefNameGeneratedByDisplayName = null;
UpdateDefaultReferenceName(graphData, true); // make sure to sanitize the new default
return referenceName;
string m_OverrideReferenceName;
internal string overrideReferenceName
get => m_OverrideReferenceName;
set => m_OverrideReferenceName = value;
bool m_GeneratePropertyBlock = true;
internal bool generatePropertyBlock // this is basically the "exposed" toggle
get => m_GeneratePropertyBlock;
set => m_GeneratePropertyBlock = value;
internal bool isExposed => isExposable && generatePropertyBlock;
public virtual bool allowedInSubGraph
get { return true; }
public virtual bool allowedInMainGraph
get { return true; }
internal abstract ConcreteSlotValueType concreteShaderValueType { get; }
internal abstract bool isExposable { get; }
internal virtual bool isAlwaysExposed => false;
// this controls whether the UI allows the user to rename the display and reference names
internal abstract bool isRenamable { get; }
internal virtual bool isReferenceRenamable => isRenamable;
internal virtual bool isCustomSlotAllowed => true;
bool m_UseCustomSlotLabel = false;
string m_CustomSlotLabel;
internal bool useCustomSlotLabel
get => m_UseCustomSlotLabel;
set => m_UseCustomSlotLabel = value;
internal string customSlotLabel
get => m_CustomSlotLabel;
set => m_CustomSlotLabel = value;
internal bool isConnectionTestable
get => m_UseCustomSlotLabel;
static internal string GetConnectionStateVariableName(string variableName)
return variableName + "_IsConnected";
internal abstract ShaderInput Copy();
internal virtual void OnBeforePasteIntoGraph(GraphData graph) { }