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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
class Matrix3ShaderProperty : MatrixShaderProperty
public Matrix3ShaderProperty()
displayName = "Matrix3x3";
value = Matrix4x4.identity;
public override PropertyType propertyType => PropertyType.Matrix3;
internal override string GetPropertyAsArgumentString(string precisionString)
return $"{precisionString}3x3 {referenceName}";
internal override AbstractMaterialNode ToConcreteNode()
return new Matrix3Node
row0 = new Vector3(value.m00, value.m01, value.m02),
row1 = new Vector3(value.m10, value.m11, value.m12),
row2 = new Vector3(value.m20, value.m21, value.m22)
internal override PreviewProperty GetPreviewMaterialProperty()
return new PreviewProperty(propertyType)
name = referenceName,
matrixValue = value
internal override ShaderInput Copy()
return new Matrix3ShaderProperty()
displayName = displayName,
value = value,
public override int latestVersion => 1;
public override void OnAfterDeserialize(string json)
if (sgVersion == 0)
// all old matrices were declared global; yes even if flagged hybrid!
// maintain old behavior on versioning, users can always change the override if they wish
overrideHLSLDeclaration = true;
hlslDeclarationOverride = HLSLDeclaration.Global;