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842 lines
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842 lines
43 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEditor.EditorTools; |
using UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal.Path2D; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; |
namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.Universal |
{ |
[CustomEditor(typeof(Light2D))] |
[CanEditMultipleObjects] |
internal class Light2DEditor : PathComponentEditor<ScriptablePath> |
{ |
[EditorTool("Edit Freeform Shape", typeof(Light2D))] |
class FreeformShapeTool : PathEditorTool<ScriptablePath> |
{ |
const string k_ShapePath = "m_ShapePath"; |
public override bool IsAvailable() |
{ |
var light = target as Light2D; |
if (light == null) |
return false; |
else |
return base.IsAvailable() && light.lightType == Light2D.LightType.Freeform; |
} |
protected override IShape GetShape(Object target) |
{ |
return (target as Light2D).shapePath.ToPolygon(false); |
} |
protected override void SetShape(ScriptablePath shapeEditor, SerializedObject serializedObject) |
{ |
serializedObject.Update(); |
var pointsProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(k_ShapePath); |
pointsProperty.arraySize = shapeEditor.pointCount; |
for (var i = 0; i < shapeEditor.pointCount; ++i) |
pointsProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).vector3Value = shapeEditor.GetPoint(i).position; |
((Light2D)(serializedObject.targetObject)).UpdateMesh(); |
// This is untracked right now... |
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); |
} |
} |
private static class Styles |
{ |
public static readonly GUIContent InnerOuterSpotAngle = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Inner / Outer Spot Angle", "Adjusts the inner / outer angles of this light to change the angle ranges of this Spot Light’s beam."); |
public static Texture lightCapTopRight = Resources.Load<Texture>("LightCapTopRight"); |
public static Texture lightCapTopLeft = Resources.Load<Texture>("LightCapTopLeft"); |
public static Texture lightCapBottomLeft = Resources.Load<Texture>("LightCapBottomLeft"); |
public static Texture lightCapBottomRight = Resources.Load<Texture>("LightCapBottomRight"); |
public static Texture lightCapUp = Resources.Load<Texture>("LightCapUp"); |
public static Texture lightCapDown = Resources.Load<Texture>("LightCapDown"); |
public static GUIContent lightTypeFreeform = new GUIContent("Freeform", Resources.Load("InspectorIcons/FreeformLight") as Texture); |
public static GUIContent lightTypeSprite = new GUIContent("Sprite", Resources.Load("InspectorIcons/SpriteLight") as Texture); |
public static GUIContent lightTypePoint = new GUIContent("Spot", Resources.Load("InspectorIcons/PointLight") as Texture); |
public static GUIContent lightTypeGlobal = new GUIContent("Global", Resources.Load("InspectorIcons/GlobalLight") as Texture); |
public static GUIContent[] lightTypeOptions = new GUIContent[] { lightTypeFreeform, lightTypeSprite, lightTypePoint, lightTypeGlobal }; |
public static GUIContent blendingSettingsFoldout = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Blending", "Options used for blending"); |
public static GUIContent shadowsSettingsFoldout = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadows", "Options used for shadows"); |
public static GUIContent volumetricSettingsFoldout = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Volumetric", "Options used for volumetric lighting"); |
public static GUIContent normalMapsSettingsFoldout = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Normal Maps", "Options used for normal maps"); |
public static GUIContent generalLightType = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Light Type", "Select the light type. \n\nGlobal Light: For ambient light. \nSpot Light: For a spot light / point light. \nFreeform Light: For a custom shape light. \nSprite Light: For a custom light cookie using Sprites."); |
public static GUIContent generalFalloffSize = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Falloff", "Adjusts the falloff area of this light. The higher the falloff value, the larger area the falloff spans."); |
public static GUIContent generalFalloffIntensity = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Falloff Strength", "Adjusts the falloff curve to control the softness of this light’s edges. The higher the falloff strength, the softer the edges of this light."); |
public static GUIContent generalLightColor = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Color", "Adjusts this light’s color."); |
public static GUIContent generalLightIntensity = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Intensity", "Adjusts this light’s color intensity by using multiply to brighten the Sprite beyond its original color."); |
public static GUIContent generalVolumeIntensity = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Intensity", "Adjusts the intensity of this additional light volume that's additively blended on top of this light. To enable the Volumetric Shadow Strength, increase this Intensity to be greater than 0."); |
public static GUIContent generalBlendStyle = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Blend Style", "Adjusts how this light blends with the Sprites on the Target Sorting Layers. Different Blend Styles can be customized in the 2D Renderer Data Asset."); |
public static GUIContent generalLightOverlapOperation = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Overlap Operation", "Determines how this light blends with the other lights either through additive or alpha blending."); |
public static GUIContent generalLightOrder = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Light Order", "Determines the relative order in which lights of the same Blend Style get rendered. Lights with lower values are rendered first."); |
public static GUIContent generalShadowIntensity = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Strength", "Adjusts the amount of light occlusion from the Shadow Caster 2D component(s) when blocking this light.The higher the value, the more opaque the shadow becomes."); |
public static GUIContent generalShadowVolumeIntensity = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadow Strength", "Adjusts the amount of volume light occlusion from the Shadow Caster 2D component(s) when blocking this light."); |
public static GUIContent generalSortingLayerPrefixLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Target Sorting Layers", "Determines which layers this light affects. To optimize performance, minimize the number of layers this light affects."); |
public static GUIContent generalLightNoLightEnabled = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("No valid blend styles are enabled.", MessageType.Error); |
public static GUIContent generalNormalMapZDistance = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Distance", "Adjusts the z-axis distance of this light and the lit Sprite(s). Do note that this distance does not Transform the position of this light in the Scene."); |
public static GUIContent generalNormalMapLightQuality = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Quality", "Determines the accuracy of the lighting calculations when normal map is used. To optimize for performance, select Fast."); |
public static GUIContent pointLightRadius = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Radius", "Adjusts the inner / outer radius of this light to change the size of this light."); |
public static GUIContent pointLightInner = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Inner", "Specify the inner radius of the light"); |
public static GUIContent pointLightOuter = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Outer", "Specify the outer radius of the light"); |
public static GUIContent pointLightSprite = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Sprite", "Specify the sprite (deprecated)"); |
public static GUIContent shapeLightSprite = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Sprite", "Assign a Sprite which acts as a mask to create a light cookie."); |
public static GUIContent deprecatedParametricLightWarningSingle = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Parametic Lights have been deprecated. To continue, upgrade your Parametric Light to a Freeform Light to enjoy similar light functionality.", MessageType.Warning); |
public static GUIContent deprecatedParametricLightWarningMulti = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Parametic Lights have been deprecated. To continue, upgrade your Parametric Lights to Freeform Lights to enjoy similar light functionality.", MessageType.Warning); |
public static GUIContent deprecatedParametricLightInstructions = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Alternatively, you may choose to upgrade from the menu. Window > Rendering > Render Pipeline Converter > URP 2D Converters"); |
public static GUIContent deprecatedParametricLightButtonSingle = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Upgrade Parametric Light"); |
public static GUIContent deprecatedParametricLightButtonMulti = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Upgrade Parametric Lights"); |
public static GUIContent renderPipelineUnassignedWarning = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("Universal scriptable renderpipeline asset must be assigned in Graphics Settings or Quality Settings.", MessageType.Warning); |
public static GUIContent asset2DUnassignedWarning = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContentWithIcon("2D renderer data must be assigned to your universal render pipeline asset or camera.", MessageType.Warning); |
public static string deprecatedParametricLightDialogTextSingle = "The upgrade will convert the selected parametric light into a freeform light. You can't undo this operation."; |
public static string deprecatedParametricLightDialogTextMulti = "The upgrade will convert the selected parametric lights into freeform lights. You can't undo this operation."; |
public static string deprecatedParametricLightDialogTitle = "Parametric Light Upgrader"; |
public static string deprecatedParametricLightDialogProceed = "Proceed"; |
public static string deprecatedParametricLightDialogCancel = "Cancel"; |
} |
const float k_GlobalLightGizmoSize = 1.2f; |
const float k_AngleCapSize = 0.16f * k_GlobalLightGizmoSize; |
const float k_AngleCapOffset = 0.08f * k_GlobalLightGizmoSize; |
const float k_AngleCapOffsetSecondary = -0.05f; |
const float k_RangeCapSize = 0.025f * k_GlobalLightGizmoSize; |
const float k_InnerRangeCapSize = 0.08f * k_GlobalLightGizmoSize; |
SerializedProperty m_LightType; |
SerializedProperty m_LightColor; |
SerializedProperty m_LightIntensity; |
SerializedProperty m_UseNormalMap; |
SerializedProperty m_ShadowIntensity; |
SerializedProperty m_ShadowIntensityEnabled; |
SerializedProperty m_ShadowVolumeIntensity; |
SerializedProperty m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled; |
SerializedProperty m_ApplyToSortingLayers; |
SerializedProperty m_VolumetricIntensity; |
SerializedProperty m_VolumetricIntensityEnabled; |
SerializedProperty m_BlendStyleIndex; |
SerializedProperty m_FalloffIntensity; |
SerializedProperty m_NormalMapZDistance; |
SerializedProperty m_NormalMapQuality; |
SerializedProperty m_LightOrder; |
SerializedProperty m_OverlapOperation; |
// Point Light Properties |
SerializedProperty m_PointInnerAngle; |
SerializedProperty m_PointOuterAngle; |
SerializedProperty m_PointInnerRadius; |
SerializedProperty m_PointOuterRadius; |
SerializedProperty m_DeprecatedPointLightSprite; |
// Shape Light Properties |
SerializedProperty m_ShapeLightParametricRadius; |
SerializedProperty m_ShapeLightFalloffSize; |
SerializedProperty m_ShapeLightParametricSides; |
SerializedProperty m_ShapeLightSprite; |
SavedBool m_BlendingSettingsFoldout; |
SavedBool m_ShadowsSettingsFoldout; |
SavedBool m_VolumetricSettingsFoldout; |
SavedBool m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout; |
int[] m_BlendStyleIndices; |
GUIContent[] m_BlendStyleNames; |
bool m_AnyBlendStyleEnabled = false; |
SortingLayerDropDown m_SortingLayerDropDown; |
Light2D lightObject => target as Light2D; |
Analytics.Renderer2DAnalytics m_Analytics; |
HashSet<Light2D> m_ModifiedLights; |
private void AnalyticsTrackChanges(SerializedObject serializedObject) |
{ |
if (serializedObject.hasModifiedProperties) |
{ |
foreach (Object targetObj in serializedObject.targetObjects) |
{ |
Light2D light2d = (Light2D)targetObj; |
if (!m_ModifiedLights.Contains(light2d)) |
m_ModifiedLights.Add(light2d); |
} |
} |
} |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
m_Analytics = Analytics.Renderer2DAnalytics.instance; |
m_ModifiedLights = new HashSet<Light2D>(); |
m_SortingLayerDropDown = new SortingLayerDropDown(); |
m_BlendingSettingsFoldout = new SavedBool($"{target.GetType()}.2DURPBlendingSettingsFoldout", false); |
m_ShadowsSettingsFoldout = new SavedBool($"{target.GetType()}.2DURPShadowsSettingsFoldout", false); |
m_VolumetricSettingsFoldout = new SavedBool($"{target.GetType()}.2DURPVolumetricSettingsFoldout", false); |
m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout = new SavedBool($"{target.GetType()}.2DURPNormalMapsSettingsFoldout", false); |
m_LightType = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_LightType"); |
m_LightColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Color"); |
m_LightIntensity = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Intensity"); |
m_UseNormalMap = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseNormalMap"); |
m_ShadowIntensity = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShadowIntensity"); |
m_ShadowIntensityEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShadowIntensityEnabled"); |
m_ShadowVolumeIntensity = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShadowVolumeIntensity"); |
m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled"); |
m_ApplyToSortingLayers = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ApplyToSortingLayers"); |
m_VolumetricIntensity = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_LightVolumeIntensity"); |
m_VolumetricIntensityEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_LightVolumeIntensityEnabled"); |
m_BlendStyleIndex = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_BlendStyleIndex"); |
m_FalloffIntensity = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_FalloffIntensity"); |
m_NormalMapZDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_NormalMapDistance"); |
m_NormalMapQuality = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_NormalMapQuality"); |
m_LightOrder = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_LightOrder"); |
m_OverlapOperation = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_OverlapOperation"); |
// Point Light |
m_PointInnerAngle = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_PointLightInnerAngle"); |
m_PointOuterAngle = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_PointLightOuterAngle"); |
m_PointInnerRadius = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_PointLightInnerRadius"); |
m_PointOuterRadius = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_PointLightOuterRadius"); |
m_DeprecatedPointLightSprite = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_DeprecatedPointLightCookieSprite"); |
// Shape Light |
m_ShapeLightParametricRadius = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShapeLightParametricRadius"); |
m_ShapeLightFalloffSize = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShapeLightFalloffSize"); |
m_ShapeLightParametricSides = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ShapeLightParametricSides"); |
m_ShapeLightSprite = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_LightCookieSprite"); |
m_AnyBlendStyleEnabled = false; |
var blendStyleIndices = new List<int>(); |
var blendStyleNames = new List<string>(); |
var rendererData = Light2DEditorUtility.GetRenderer2DData(); |
if (rendererData != null) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < rendererData.lightBlendStyles.Length; ++i) |
{ |
blendStyleIndices.Add(i); |
ref var blendStyle = ref rendererData.lightBlendStyles[i]; |
if (blendStyle.maskTextureChannel == Light2DBlendStyle.TextureChannel.None) |
blendStyleNames.Add(; |
else |
{ |
var name = string.Format("{0} ({1})",, blendStyle.maskTextureChannel); |
blendStyleNames.Add(name); |
} |
m_AnyBlendStyleEnabled = true; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) |
{ |
blendStyleIndices.Add(i); |
blendStyleNames.Add("Operation" + i); |
} |
} |
m_BlendStyleIndices = blendStyleIndices.ToArray(); |
m_BlendStyleNames = blendStyleNames.Select(x => new GUIContent(x)).ToArray(); |
m_SortingLayerDropDown.OnEnable(serializedObject, "m_ApplyToSortingLayers"); |
} |
internal void SendModifiedAnalytics(Analytics.Renderer2DAnalytics analytics, Light2D light) |
{ |
Analytics.Light2DData lightData = new Analytics.Light2DData(); |
lightData.was_create_event = false; |
lightData.instance_id = light.GetInstanceID(); |
lightData.light_type = light.lightType; |
Analytics.Renderer2DAnalytics.instance.SendData(Analytics.AnalyticsDataTypes.k_LightDataString, lightData); |
} |
void OnDestroy() |
{ |
if (m_ModifiedLights != null && m_ModifiedLights.Count > 0) |
{ |
foreach (Light2D light in m_ModifiedLights) |
{ |
SendModifiedAnalytics(m_Analytics, light); |
} |
} |
} |
void DrawBlendingGroup() |
{ |
CoreEditorUtils.DrawSplitter(false); |
m_BlendingSettingsFoldout.value = CoreEditorUtils.DrawHeaderFoldout(Styles.blendingSettingsFoldout, m_BlendingSettingsFoldout.value); |
if (m_BlendingSettingsFoldout.value) |
{ |
if (!m_AnyBlendStyleEnabled) |
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.generalLightNoLightEnabled); |
else |
EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(m_BlendStyleIndex, m_BlendStyleNames, m_BlendStyleIndices, Styles.generalBlendStyle); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_LightOrder, Styles.generalLightOrder); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_OverlapOperation, Styles.generalLightOverlapOperation); |
} |
} |
void DrawShadowsGroup() |
{ |
CoreEditorUtils.DrawSplitter(false); |
m_ShadowsSettingsFoldout.value = CoreEditorUtils.DrawHeaderFoldout(Styles.shadowsSettingsFoldout, m_ShadowsSettingsFoldout.value); |
if (m_ShadowsSettingsFoldout.value) |
{ |
DrawToggleProperty(Styles.generalShadowIntensity, m_ShadowIntensityEnabled, m_ShadowIntensity); |
} |
} |
void DrawVolumetricGroup() |
{ |
CoreEditorUtils.DrawSplitter(false); |
m_VolumetricSettingsFoldout.value = CoreEditorUtils.DrawHeaderFoldout(Styles.volumetricSettingsFoldout, m_VolumetricSettingsFoldout.value); |
if (m_VolumetricSettingsFoldout.value) |
{ |
DrawToggleProperty(Styles.generalVolumeIntensity, m_VolumetricIntensityEnabled, m_VolumetricIntensity); |
if (m_VolumetricIntensity.floatValue < 0) |
m_VolumetricIntensity.floatValue = 0; |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!m_VolumetricIntensityEnabled.boolValue); |
DrawToggleProperty(Styles.generalShadowVolumeIntensity, m_ShadowVolumeIntensityEnabled, m_ShadowVolumeIntensity); |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
} |
} |
void DrawNormalMapGroup() |
{ |
CoreEditorUtils.DrawSplitter(false); |
m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout.value = CoreEditorUtils.DrawHeaderFoldout(Styles.normalMapsSettingsFoldout, m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout.value); |
if (m_NormalMapsSettingsFoldout.value) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_NormalMapQuality, Styles.generalNormalMapLightQuality); |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(m_NormalMapQuality.intValue == (int)Light2D.NormalMapQuality.Disabled); |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_NormalMapZDistance, Styles.generalNormalMapZDistance); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
m_NormalMapZDistance.floatValue = Mathf.Max(0.0f, m_NormalMapZDistance.floatValue); |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
} |
} |
void DrawFoldouts() |
{ |
DrawBlendingGroup(); |
DrawShadowsGroup(); |
DrawVolumetricGroup(); |
DrawNormalMapGroup(); |
} |
void DrawRadiusProperties(GUIContent label, SerializedProperty innerRadius, GUIContent content1, SerializedProperty outerRadius, GUIContent content2) |
{ |
GUIStyle style =; |
float savedLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; |
int savedIndentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel; |
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); |
EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(label); |
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); |
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; |
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = style.CalcSize(content1).x; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(innerRadius, content1); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
if (innerRadius.floatValue > outerRadius.floatValue) |
innerRadius.floatValue = outerRadius.floatValue; |
else if (innerRadius.floatValue < 0) |
innerRadius.floatValue = 0; |
} |
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = style.CalcSize(content2).x; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(outerRadius, content2); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && outerRadius.floatValue < innerRadius.floatValue) |
outerRadius.floatValue = innerRadius.floatValue; |
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); |
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); |
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = savedLabelWidth; |
EditorGUI.indentLevel = savedIndentLevel; |
} |
void DrawToggleProperty(GUIContent label, SerializedProperty boolProperty, SerializedProperty property) |
{ |
int savedIndentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel; |
float savedLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; |
const int kCheckboxWidth = 20; |
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(boolProperty, GUIContent.none, GUILayout.MaxWidth(kCheckboxWidth)); |
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - kCheckboxWidth; |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!boolProperty.boolValue); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, label); |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); |
EditorGUI.indentLevel = savedIndentLevel; |
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = savedLabelWidth; |
} |
public void DrawInnerAndOuterSpotAngle(SerializedProperty minProperty, SerializedProperty maxProperty, GUIContent label) |
{ |
float textFieldWidth = 45f; |
float min = minProperty.floatValue; |
float max = maxProperty.floatValue; |
var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); |
// This widget is a little bit of a special case. |
// The right hand side of the min max slider will control the reset of the max value |
// The left hand side of the min max slider will control the reset of the min value |
// The label itself will not have a right click and reset value. |
rect = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect, label); |
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(new Rect(rect) { width = rect.width * 0.5f }, label, minProperty); |
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(new Rect(rect) { xMin = rect.x + rect.width * 0.5f }, GUIContent.none, maxProperty); |
var minRect = new Rect(rect) { width = textFieldWidth }; |
var maxRect = new Rect(rect) { xMin = rect.xMax - textFieldWidth }; |
var sliderRect = new Rect(rect) { xMin = minRect.xMax + 4, xMax = maxRect.xMin - 4 }; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUI.DelayedFloatField(minRect, minProperty, GUIContent.none); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
if (minProperty.floatValue > maxProperty.floatValue) |
minProperty.floatValue = maxProperty.floatValue; |
else if (minProperty.floatValue < 0) |
minProperty.floatValue = 0; |
} |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(sliderRect, ref min, ref max, 0f, 360f); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
minProperty.floatValue = min; |
maxProperty.floatValue = max; |
} |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUI.DelayedFloatField(maxRect, m_PointOuterAngle, GUIContent.none); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
if (minProperty.floatValue > maxProperty.floatValue) |
maxProperty.floatValue = minProperty.floatValue; |
else if (maxProperty.floatValue > 360) |
maxProperty.floatValue = 360; |
} |
EditorGUI.EndProperty(); |
EditorGUI.EndProperty(); |
} |
void DrawGlobalLight(SerializedObject serializedObject) |
{ |
m_SortingLayerDropDown.OnTargetSortingLayers(serializedObject, targets, Styles.generalSortingLayerPrefixLabel, AnalyticsTrackChanges); |
DrawBlendingGroup(); |
} |
void DrawParametricDeprecated(SerializedObject serializedObject) |
{ |
GUIContent buttonText = targets.Length > 1 ? Styles.deprecatedParametricLightButtonMulti : Styles.deprecatedParametricLightButtonSingle; |
GUIContent helpText = targets.Length > 1 ? Styles.deprecatedParametricLightWarningMulti : Styles.deprecatedParametricLightWarningSingle; |
string dialogText = targets.Length > 1 ? Styles.deprecatedParametricLightDialogTextMulti : Styles.deprecatedParametricLightDialogTextSingle; |
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(helpText); |
EditorGUILayout.Space(); |
if (GUILayout.Button(buttonText)) |
{ |
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(Styles.deprecatedParametricLightDialogTitle, dialogText, Styles.deprecatedParametricLightDialogProceed, Styles.deprecatedParametricLightDialogCancel)) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) |
{ |
Light2D light = (Light2D)targets[i]; |
if (light.lightType == (Light2D.LightType)Light2D.DeprecatedLightType.Parametric) |
ParametricToFreeformLightUpgrader.UpgradeParametricLight(light); |
} |
} |
} |
EditorGUILayout.Space(); |
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.deprecatedParametricLightInstructions); |
} |
bool DrawLightCommon() |
{ |
var meshChanged = false; |
Rect lightTypeRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); |
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(lightTypeRect, GUIContent.none, m_LightType); |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
int newLightType = EditorGUI.Popup(lightTypeRect, Styles.generalLightType, m_LightType.intValue - 1, Styles.lightTypeOptions); // -1 is a bit hacky its to support compatibiltiy. We need something better. |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
m_LightType.intValue = newLightType + 1; // -1 is a bit hacky its to support compatibiltiy. We need something better. |
meshChanged = true; |
} |
EditorGUI.EndProperty(); |
// Color and intensity |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_LightColor, Styles.generalLightColor); |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_LightIntensity, Styles.generalLightIntensity); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
m_LightIntensity.floatValue = Mathf.Max(m_LightIntensity.floatValue, 0); |
return meshChanged; |
} |
void DrawSpotLight(SerializedObject serializedObject) |
{ |
DrawRadiusProperties(Styles.pointLightRadius, m_PointInnerRadius, Styles.pointLightInner, m_PointOuterRadius, Styles.pointLightOuter); |
DrawInnerAndOuterSpotAngle(m_PointInnerAngle, m_PointOuterAngle, Styles.InnerOuterSpotAngle); |
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_FalloffIntensity, 0, 1, Styles.generalFalloffIntensity); |
if (m_DeprecatedPointLightSprite.objectReferenceValue != null) |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_DeprecatedPointLightSprite, Styles.pointLightSprite); |
m_SortingLayerDropDown.OnTargetSortingLayers(serializedObject, targets, Styles.generalSortingLayerPrefixLabel, AnalyticsTrackChanges); |
DrawFoldouts(); |
} |
void DrawSpriteLight(SerializedObject serializedObject) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_ShapeLightSprite, Styles.shapeLightSprite); |
m_SortingLayerDropDown.OnTargetSortingLayers(serializedObject, targets, Styles.generalSortingLayerPrefixLabel, AnalyticsTrackChanges); |
DrawFoldouts(); |
} |
void DrawShapeLight(SerializedObject serializedObject) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_ShapeLightFalloffSize, Styles.generalFalloffSize); |
if (m_ShapeLightFalloffSize.floatValue < 0) |
m_ShapeLightFalloffSize.floatValue = 0; |
EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_FalloffIntensity, 0, 1, Styles.generalFalloffIntensity); |
m_SortingLayerDropDown.OnTargetSortingLayers(serializedObject, targets, Styles.generalSortingLayerPrefixLabel, AnalyticsTrackChanges); |
if (m_LightType.intValue == (int)Light2D.LightType.Freeform) |
{ |
DoEditButton<FreeformShapeTool>(PathEditorToolContents.icon, "Edit Shape"); |
DoPathInspector<FreeformShapeTool>(); |
DoSnappingInspector<FreeformShapeTool>(); |
} |
DrawFoldouts(); |
} |
Vector3 DrawAngleSlider2D(Transform transform, Quaternion rotation, float radius, float offset, Handles.CapFunction capFunc, float capSize, bool leftAngle, bool drawLine, bool useCapOffset, ref float angle) |
{ |
float oldAngle = angle; |
float angleBy2 = (angle / 2) * (leftAngle ? -1.0f : 1.0f); |
Vector3 trcwPos = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleBy2, -transform.forward) * (transform.up); |
Vector3 cwPos = transform.position + trcwPos * (radius + offset); |
float direction = leftAngle ? 1 : -1; |
// Offset the handle |
float size = .25f * capSize; |
Vector3 handleOffset = useCapOffset ? rotation * new Vector3(direction * size, 0, 0) :; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
var id = GUIUtility.GetControlID("AngleSlider".GetHashCode(), FocusType.Passive); |
Vector3 cwHandle = Handles.Slider2D(id, cwPos, handleOffset, Vector3.forward, rotation * Vector3.up, rotation * Vector3.right, capSize, capFunc,; |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
Vector3 toCwHandle = (transform.position - cwHandle).normalized; |
angle = 360 - 2 * Quaternion.Angle(Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, toCwHandle), Quaternion.identity); |
angle = Mathf.Round(angle * 100) / 100f; |
float side = Vector3.Dot(direction * transform.right, toCwHandle); |
if (side < 0) |
{ |
if (oldAngle < 180) |
angle = 0; |
else |
angle = 360; |
} |
} |
if (drawLine) |
Handles.DrawLine(transform.position, cwHandle); |
return cwHandle; |
} |
private float DrawAngleHandle(Transform transform, float radius, float offset, Handles.CapFunction capLeft, Handles.CapFunction capRight, ref float angle) |
{ |
float old = angle; |
float handleOffset = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(transform.position) * offset; |
float handleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(transform.position) * k_AngleCapSize; |
Quaternion rotLt = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-angle / 2, -transform.forward) * transform.rotation; |
DrawAngleSlider2D(transform, rotLt, radius, handleOffset, capLeft, handleSize, true, true, true, ref angle); |
Quaternion rotRt = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle / 2, -transform.forward) * transform.rotation; |
DrawAngleSlider2D(transform, rotRt, radius, handleOffset, capRight, handleSize, false, true, true, ref angle); |
return angle - old; |
} |
private void DrawRadiusArc(Transform transform, float radius, float angle, int steps, Handles.CapFunction capFunc, float capSize, bool even) |
{ |
Handles.DrawWireArc(transform.position, transform.forward, Quaternion.AngleAxis(180 - angle / 2, transform.forward) * -transform.up, angle, radius); |
} |
Handles.CapFunction GetCapFunc(Texture texture, bool isAngleHandle) |
{ |
return (controlID, position, rotation, size, eventType) => Light2DEditorUtility.GUITextureCap(controlID, texture, position, rotation, size, eventType, isAngleHandle); |
} |
private void DrawAngleHandles(Light2D light) |
{ |
var oldColor = Handles.color; |
Handles.color = Color.yellow; |
float outerAngle = light.pointLightOuterAngle; |
float diff = DrawAngleHandle(light.transform, light.pointLightOuterRadius, k_AngleCapOffset, GetCapFunc(Styles.lightCapTopRight, true), GetCapFunc(Styles.lightCapBottomRight, true), ref outerAngle); |
light.pointLightOuterAngle = outerAngle; |
if (diff != 0.0f) |
light.pointLightInnerAngle = Mathf.Max(0.0f, light.pointLightInnerAngle + diff); |
float innerAngle = light.pointLightInnerAngle; |
diff = DrawAngleHandle(light.transform, light.pointLightOuterRadius, -k_AngleCapOffset, GetCapFunc(Styles.lightCapTopLeft, true), GetCapFunc(Styles.lightCapBottomLeft, true), ref innerAngle); |
light.pointLightInnerAngle = innerAngle; |
if (diff != 0.0f) |
light.pointLightInnerAngle = light.pointLightInnerAngle < light.pointLightOuterAngle ? light.pointLightInnerAngle : light.pointLightOuterAngle; |
light.pointLightInnerAngle = Mathf.Min(light.pointLightInnerAngle, light.pointLightOuterAngle); |
Handles.color = oldColor; |
} |
private void DrawRangeHandles(Light2D light) |
{ |
var dummy = 0.0f; |
bool radiusChanged = false; |
Vector3 handlePos =; |
Quaternion rotLeft = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, -light.transform.forward) * light.transform.rotation; |
float handleOffset = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(light.transform.position) * k_AngleCapOffsetSecondary; |
float handleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(light.transform.position) * k_AngleCapSize; |
var oldColor = Handles.color; |
Handles.color = Color.yellow; |
float outerRadius = light.pointLightOuterRadius; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
Vector3 returnPos = DrawAngleSlider2D(light.transform, rotLeft, outerRadius, -handleOffset, GetCapFunc(Styles.lightCapUp, false), handleSize, false, false, false, ref dummy); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
var vec = (returnPos - light.transform.position).normalized; |
light.transform.up = new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, 0); |
outerRadius = (returnPos - light.transform.position).magnitude; |
outerRadius = outerRadius + handleOffset; |
radiusChanged = true; |
} |
DrawRadiusArc(light.transform, light.pointLightOuterRadius, light.pointLightOuterAngle, 0, Handles.DotHandleCap, k_RangeCapSize, false); |
Handles.color = Color.gray; |
float innerRadius = light.pointLightInnerRadius; |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
returnPos = DrawAngleSlider2D(light.transform, rotLeft, innerRadius, handleOffset, GetCapFunc(Styles.lightCapDown, false), handleSize, true, false, false, ref dummy); |
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) |
{ |
innerRadius = (returnPos - light.transform.position).magnitude; |
innerRadius = innerRadius - handleOffset; |
radiusChanged = true; |
} |
DrawRadiusArc(light.transform, light.pointLightInnerRadius, light.pointLightOuterAngle, 0, Handles.SphereHandleCap, k_InnerRangeCapSize, false); |
Handles.color = oldColor; |
if (radiusChanged) |
{ |
light.pointLightInnerRadius = (outerRadius < innerRadius) ? outerRadius : innerRadius; |
light.pointLightOuterRadius = (innerRadius > outerRadius) ? innerRadius : outerRadius; |
} |
} |
void OnSceneGUI() |
{ |
var light = target as Light2D; |
if (light == null) |
return; |
Transform t = light.transform; |
switch (light.lightType) |
{ |
case Light2D.LightType.Point: |
{ |
Undo.RecordObject(light.transform, "Edit Point Light Transform"); |
Undo.RecordObject(light, "Edit Point Light"); |
DrawRangeHandles(light); |
DrawAngleHandles(light); |
if (GUI.changed) |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(light); |
} |
break; |
case Light2D.LightType.Sprite: |
{ |
var cookieSprite = light.lightCookieSprite; |
if (cookieSprite != null) |
{ |
Vector3 min = cookieSprite.bounds.min; |
Vector3 max = cookieSprite.bounds.max; |
Vector3 v0 = t.TransformPoint(new Vector3(min.x, min.y)); |
Vector3 v1 = t.TransformPoint(new Vector3(max.x, min.y)); |
Vector3 v2 = t.TransformPoint(new Vector3(max.x, max.y)); |
Vector3 v3 = t.TransformPoint(new Vector3(min.x, max.y)); |
Handles.DrawLine(v0, v1); |
Handles.DrawLine(v1, v2); |
Handles.DrawLine(v2, v3); |
Handles.DrawLine(v3, v0); |
} |
} |
break; |
case Light2D.LightType.Freeform: |
{ |
// Draw the falloff shape's outline |
List<Vector2> falloffShape = light.GetFalloffShape(); |
Handles.color = Color.white; |
for (int i = 0; i < falloffShape.Count - 1; ++i) |
{ |
Handles.DrawLine(t.TransformPoint(falloffShape[i]), t.TransformPoint(falloffShape[i + 1])); |
} |
if (falloffShape.Count > 0) |
Handles.DrawLine(t.TransformPoint(falloffShape[falloffShape.Count - 1]), t.TransformPoint(falloffShape[0])); |
for (int i = 0; i < light.shapePath.Length - 1; ++i) |
{ |
Handles.DrawLine(t.TransformPoint(light.shapePath[i]), |
t.TransformPoint(light.shapePath[i + 1])); |
} |
if (light.shapePath.Length > 0) |
Handles.DrawLine(t.TransformPoint(light.shapePath[light.shapePath.Length - 1]), t.TransformPoint(light.shapePath[0])); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
public override void OnInspectorGUI() |
{ |
var meshChanged = false; |
serializedObject.Update(); |
UniversalRenderPipelineAsset asset = UniversalRenderPipeline.asset; |
if (asset != null) |
{ |
if (!Light2DEditorUtility.IsUsing2DRenderer()) |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.asset2DUnassignedWarning); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (m_LightType.intValue != (int)Light2D.DeprecatedLightType.Parametric) |
meshChanged = DrawLightCommon(); |
switch (m_LightType.intValue) |
{ |
case (int)Light2D.LightType.Point: |
{ |
DrawSpotLight(serializedObject); |
} |
break; |
case (int)Light2D.LightType.Freeform: |
{ |
DrawShapeLight(serializedObject); |
} |
break; |
case (int)Light2D.LightType.Sprite: |
{ |
DrawSpriteLight(serializedObject); |
} |
break; |
case (int)Light2D.LightType.Global: |
{ |
DrawGlobalLight(serializedObject); |
} |
break; |
case (int)Light2D.DeprecatedLightType.Parametric: |
{ |
DrawParametricDeprecated(serializedObject); |
} |
break; |
} |
AnalyticsTrackChanges(serializedObject); |
if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties()) |
{ |
if (meshChanged) |
lightObject.UpdateMesh(); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.renderPipelineUnassignedWarning); |
if (meshChanged) |
lightObject.UpdateMesh(); |
} |
} |
} |
internal class Light2DPostProcess : AssetPostprocessor |
{ |
void OnPostprocessSprites(Texture2D texture, Sprite[] sprites) |
{ |
var lights = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<Light2D>().Where(x => x.lightType == Light2D.LightType.Sprite && x.lightCookieSprite == null); |
foreach (var light in lights) |
light.MarkForUpdate(); |
} |
} |