using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Burst.Editor.Tests")] namespace Unity.Burst.Editor { internal class LongTextArea { internal const float naturalEnhancedPad = 20f; private const int kMaxFragment = 2048; internal struct Fragment { public int lineCount; public string text; } public enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down } internal struct Branch { public BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge Edge; public Rect StartHorizontal; public Rect VerticalLine; public Rect EndHorizontal; public Rect UpperLine; public Rect LowerLine; public float UpperAngle; public float LowerAngle; public Branch(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge edge, Rect startHorizontal, Rect verticalLine, Rect endHorizontal, Rect upperLine, Rect lowerLine, float angle1, float angle2) { Edge = edge; StartHorizontal = startHorizontal; VerticalLine = verticalLine; EndHorizontal = endHorizontal; UpperLine = upperLine; LowerLine = lowerLine; UpperAngle = angle1; LowerAngle = angle2; } } internal float fontHeight = 0.0f; internal float fontWidth = 0.0f; public string GetText => m_Text; private string m_Text = ""; private int _mTextLines = 0; private List m_Fragments = null; private bool invalidated = true; internal Vector2 finalAreaSize; private static readonly Texture2D backgroundTexture = Texture2D.whiteTexture; private static readonly GUIStyle textureStyle = new GUIStyle { normal = new GUIStyleState { background = backgroundTexture } }; internal float horizontalPad = 50.0f; internal int[] lineDepth = null; private bool[] _folded = null; internal int[] blockLine = null; private List[] _blocksFragments = null; private Fragment[] _blocksFragmentsStart = null; private Fragment GetFragmentStart(int blockIdx) { AddFoldedString(blockIdx); return _blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx]; } // Need two separate caches for start of blocks fragments, as we possibly differentiate between // rendered line and copied. private Fragment[] _blocksFragmentsStartPlain = null; private Fragment GetFragmentStartPlain(int blockIdx) { AddFoldedStringColorless(blockIdx); return _blocksFragmentsStartPlain[blockIdx]; } // Used for searching when text is colored: internal List[] blocksFragmentsPlain = null; internal List GetPlainFragments(int blockIdx) { blocksFragmentsPlain[blockIdx] ??= RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(blockIdx, false); return blocksFragmentsPlain[blockIdx]; } private BurstDisassembler _disassembler; private int _selectBlockStart = -1; private float _selectStartY = -1f; private int _selectBlockEnd = -1; private float _selectEndY = -1f; private float _renderStartY = 0.0f; private int _renderBlockStart = -1; private int _renderBlockEnd = -1; private int _initialLineCount = -1; private bool _mouseDown = false; private bool _mouseOutsideBounds = true; internal Vector2 selectPos =; internal Vector2 selectDragPos =; public bool HasSelection { get; private set; } private Color _selectionColor; private readonly Color _selectionColorDarkmode = new Color(0f, .6f, .9f, .5f); private readonly Color _selectionColorLightmode = new Color(0f, 0f, .9f, .2f); private Color _hoverBoxColor; private Color _hoverTextColor; private readonly Color _hoverBoxColorDarkMode = new Color(.33f, .33f, .33f); private readonly Color _hoverBoxColorLightMode = new Color(.88f, .88f, .88f); // Current active hit should just be selection color private readonly Color _searchHitColor = new Color(.5f, .2f, .2f, .5f); private SearchCriteria _prevCriteria; private int _activeSearchHitIdx = -1; internal readonly Dictionary> searchHits = new Dictionary>(); private int _nrSearchHits = 0; public int NrSearchHits => _nrSearchHits; public int ActiveSearchNr => _activeSearchHitIdx; private readonly Color[] _colourWheel = new Color[] {, Color.cyan,, Color.magenta,, Color.yellow, Color.white,}; internal (int idx, int length) textSelectionIdx = (0, 0); private bool _textSelectionIdxValid = true; internal (int blockIdx, int textIdx) enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (0, 0); internal (int blockIdx, int textIdx) enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (0, 0); internal bool CopyColorTags { get; private set; } = true; private bool _oldShowBranchMarkers = false; internal const int regLineThickness = 2; private const int highlightLineThickness = 3; private float _verticalPad = 0; internal Branch hoveredBranch; private BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge _prevHoveredEdge; private string _jobName; // Have this field, as NextHit needs the actual horizontal padding // in order to have correct horizontal scroll. private float _actualHorizontalPad = 0; internal int MaxLineDepth; /// /// (idx in regards to whole , where color tags are removed from this line, idx from this line with color tags removed) /// internal readonly Func GetEndIndexOfColoredLine = BurstStringSearch.GetEndIndexOfColoredLine; internal readonly Func GetEndIndexOfPlainLine = BurstStringSearch.GetEndIndexOfPlainLine; internal bool IsTextSet(string jobName) { return _jobName == jobName; } public void SetText(string jobName, string textToRender, bool isDarkMode, BurstDisassembler disassembler, bool useDisassembler) { selectDragPos =; StopSearching(); StopSelection(); _jobName = jobName; if (!useDisassembler) { m_Text = textToRender; _disassembler = null; m_Fragments = RecomputeFragments(m_Text); horizontalPad = 0.0f; } else { m_Fragments = null; SetDisassembler(disassembler); (_selectionColor, _hoverBoxColor, _hoverTextColor) = isDarkMode ? (_selectionColorDarkmode, _hoverBoxColorDarkMode, _hoverBoxColorLightMode) : (_selectionColorLightmode, _hoverBoxColorLightMode, _hoverBoxColorDarkMode); } invalidated = true; } public void ExpandAllBlocks() { StopSelection(); int blockIdx = 0; foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks) { var changed = _folded[blockIdx]; var blockLongEnoughForFold = block.Length > 1; _folded[blockIdx] = false; if (changed && blockLongEnoughForFold) { finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight; } blockIdx++; } } public void FocusCodeBlocks() { StopSelection(); var blockIdx = 0; foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks) { bool changed = false; switch (block.Kind) { case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data: if (!_folded[blockIdx]) { changed = true; } _folded[blockIdx] = true; break; case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code: if (_folded[blockIdx]) { changed = true; } _folded[blockIdx] = false; break; } if (changed) { if (_folded[blockIdx]) { finalAreaSize.y -= Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight; } else { finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight; } } blockIdx++; } } private void ComputeInitialLineCount() { var blockIdx = 0; _initialLineCount = 0; foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks) { switch (block.Kind) { case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data: _folded[blockIdx] = true; break; case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code: _folded[blockIdx] = false; break; } _initialLineCount += _folded[blockIdx] ? 1 : block.Length; blockIdx++; } } public void SetDisassembler(BurstDisassembler disassembler) { _disassembler = disassembler; if (disassembler == null) { return; } var numBlocks = _disassembler.Blocks.Count; var numLinesFromBlock = new int[numBlocks]; lineDepth = new int[numBlocks]; _folded = new bool[numBlocks]; blockLine = new int[numBlocks]; _blocksFragments = new List[numBlocks]; _blocksFragmentsStart = new Fragment[numBlocks]; _blocksFragmentsStartPlain = new Fragment[numBlocks]; blocksFragmentsPlain = new List[numBlocks]; ComputeInitialLineCount(); // Count edges var edgeCount = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { sb.Append(_disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(i, false)); var block = _disassembler.Blocks[i]; if (block.Edges != null) { foreach (var edge in block.Edges) { if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound) { edgeCount++; } } } } m_Text = sb.ToString(); var edgeArray = new BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge[edgeCount]; var edgeIndex = 0; foreach (var block in _disassembler.Blocks) { if (block.Edges != null) { foreach (var edge in block.Edges) { if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound) { edgeArray[edgeIndex++] = edge; } } } } Array.Sort(edgeArray, (a, b) => { var src1BlockIdx = a.OriginRef.BlockIndex; var src1Line = _disassembler.Blocks[src1BlockIdx].LineIndex; src1Line += a.OriginRef.LineIndex; var dst1BlockIdx = a.LineRef.BlockIndex; var dst1Line = _disassembler.Blocks[dst1BlockIdx].LineIndex; dst1Line += a.LineRef.LineIndex; var Len1 = Math.Abs(src1Line - dst1Line); var src2BlockIdx = b.OriginRef.BlockIndex; var src2Line = _disassembler.Blocks[src2BlockIdx].LineIndex; src2Line += b.OriginRef.LineIndex; var dst2BlockIdx = b.LineRef.BlockIndex; var dst2Line = _disassembler.Blocks[dst2BlockIdx].LineIndex; dst2Line += b.LineRef.LineIndex; var Len2 = Math.Abs(src2Line - dst2Line); return Len1 - Len2; }); // Iterate through the blocks to precompute the widths for branches var maxLine = 0; foreach (var edge in edgeArray) { if (edge.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound) continue; var s = edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex; var e = edge.LineRef.BlockIndex; if (e == s + 1) { continue; // don't render if its pointing to next line } var m = 0; var l = s; var le = e; if (e < s) { l = e; le = s; } for (; l <= le; l++) { numLinesFromBlock[l]++; if (m < numLinesFromBlock[l]) { m = numLinesFromBlock[l]; } if (maxLine < m) { maxLine = m; } } lineDepth[s] = m; } MaxLineDepth = maxLine; horizontalPad = naturalEnhancedPad + maxLine * 10; } // Changing the font size doesn't update the text field, so added this to force a recalculation public void Invalidate() { invalidated = true; } private struct HoverBox { public Rect box; public string info; /// /// Indicates start and end column of hovered token. /// public (int start, int end) columnRange; public int lineNumber; public bool valid; } private HoverBox hover; public void Interact(Rect workingArea) { if (_disassembler == null) { return; } var pos = GetMousePosForHover(); if (!workingArea.Contains(pos)) { // Mouse position outside of assembly view return; } // lineNumber (absolute) var lineNumber = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y / fontHeight); for (int idx = 0; idx < _disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++) { var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx]; if (lineNumber < block.LineIndex) { break; } if (_folded[idx]) { lineNumber += block.Length - 1; } } var column = Mathf.FloorToInt((pos.x - horizontalPad) / fontWidth); var sameToken = hover.lineNumber == lineNumber && BurstMath.WithinRange(hover.columnRange.start, hover.columnRange.end, column); if (hover.valid && (sameToken || { // Use the cached info text. return; } // Cached instruction info text is not valid. So try query new. hover.valid = false; if (column < 0 || lineNumber < 0 || lineNumber >= _disassembler.Lines.Count) { return; } int tokIdx; try { // block 0 is queried as the absolut line number is given to the function. // This will give us the correct assembly token, as the function queries // assembly line based on offset from block start => line lineNumber is queried. tokIdx = _disassembler.GetTokenIndexFromColumn(0, lineNumber, column, out _); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return; } if (tokIdx < 0) { return; } // Found match var token = _disassembler.GetToken(tokIdx); var tokenString = _disassembler.GetTokenAsText(token); if (token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.Instruction && token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.BranchInstruction && token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.CallInstruction && token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.FunctionBegin && token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.FunctionEnd && token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.JumpInstruction && token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.ReturnInstruction && token.Kind != BurstDisassembler.AsmTokenKind.InstructionSIMD) { return; } if (_disassembler.GetInstructionInformation(tokenString, out var info)) { hover.valid = true; // Don't know the actual size needed yet. = new Rect(pos,; = info; hover.lineNumber = lineNumber; // Find column range of instruction: var line = _disassembler.Lines[lineNumber]; var idx = line.ColumnIndex + (tokIdx - line.TokenIndex - 1); var colStart = _disassembler.ColumnIndices[idx]; var colEnd = colStart + token.Length - 1; hover.columnRange = (colStart, colEnd); } } // Not clipped, so use only if you know the line will be within the UI element private void DrawLine(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, int width) { var matrix = GUI.matrix; Vector2 distance = end - start; float angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan(distance.y / distance.x); if (distance.x < 0) { angle += 180; } int width2 = (int)Mathf.Ceil(width / 2); Rect pos = new Rect(start.x, start.y - width2, distance.magnitude, width); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, start); GUI.DrawTexture(pos, backgroundTexture); GUI.matrix = matrix; // restore initial matrix to avoid floating point inaccuracies with RotateAroundPivot(...) } private void DrawLine(Rect line, float angle) { var matrix = GUI.matrix; GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, new Vector2(line.x,; GUI.DrawTexture(line, backgroundTexture); GUI.matrix = matrix; // restore initial matrix to avoid floating point inaccuracies with RotateAroundPivot(...) } private void DrawHover(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea) { if (!hover.valid) { return; } if ( == { // Hover size has not been initialized yet. var sizex = ( + 1.5f) * fontWidth; var sizey = 2f * fontHeight; var posx = + 10; var posy =; if (posx + sizex > workingArea.width) { // Box exceeds rightmost bound so cramp it in var availableSpace = workingArea.xMax - posx; var possiblyCharacters = Mathf.FloorToInt(availableSpace / fontWidth); var neededLines = / possiblyCharacters + 2; // +2 to ensure enough lines for the label var availableSpacey = workingArea.yMax - posy; var possibleLines = Mathf.FloorToInt(availableSpacey / fontHeight); var tmp = neededLines - possibleLines; if (tmp > 0) { posy -= tmp * fontHeight; } sizey = neededLines * fontHeight + fontHeight; sizex = availableSpace; } = new Vector2(sizex, sizey); = new Vector2(posx, posy); } var col = GUI.color; GUI.color = _hoverBoxColor; var pos =; var size =; GUI.Box(, "", textureStyle); GUI.color = _hoverTextColor; var hoverStyle = style; hoverStyle.wordWrap = true; GUI.Label( new Rect(pos.x + fontWidth * 0.5f, pos.y + fontHeight * 0.5f, size.x - fontWidth/2f, size.y - fontHeight),, hoverStyle); GUI.color = col; } private void MakeBranchThin(ref Branch branch) { int lineThickness = regLineThickness; branch.StartHorizontal.height = lineThickness; branch.VerticalLine.width = lineThickness; branch.EndHorizontal.height = lineThickness; branch.UpperLine.height = lineThickness; branch.LowerLine.height = lineThickness; // Adjusting position for arrow tip for thicker lines. branch.UpperLine.y += (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); branch.UpperLine.position -= new Vector2(.5f, .5f); branch.LowerLine.position -= new Vector2(.5f, -.5f); // Make end part of arrow expand upwards. branch.EndHorizontal.y += (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); } /// /// Use this for hover, as there is a slight visual mis-balance /// between cursor position and visual cursor. /// private Vector2 GetMousePosForHover() { Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; mousePos.y -= 0.5f; mousePos.x += 0.5f; return mousePos; } /// /// Calculate the position and size of an edge, and return it as a branch. /// /// The edge to base branch on. /// Start x position of branch. /// Start y position of branch. /// End y position of branch. /// Depth of branch. private Branch CalculateBranch(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge edge, float x, float y1, float y2, int w) { bool isEdgeHovered = edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge); int lineThickness = isEdgeHovered ? highlightLineThickness : regLineThickness; // Calculate rectangles for branch arrows: var start = new Vector2(x, y1 + _verticalPad); var end = start + new Vector2(-(w * 10), 0); var branchStartPos = new Rect(end.x - lineThickness / 2, start.y - 1, start.x - end.x + lineThickness / 2, lineThickness); start = end; end = start + new Vector2(0, y2 - y1); var branchVerticalPartPos = end.y < start.y ? new Rect(start.x - 1, end.y, lineThickness, start.y - end.y) : new Rect(start.x - 1, start.y, lineThickness, end.y - start.y); start = end; end = start + new Vector2(w * 10, 0); var branchEndPos = new Rect(start.x - lineThickness / 2, start.y - 1, end.x - start.x, lineThickness); // Calculate rectangles for arrow tip. Vector2 lowerArrowTipStart = end; Vector2 upperArrowtipStart = end; // Moving the arrow tips closer together. upperArrowtipStart += new Vector2(0, 0.5f); lowerArrowTipStart -= new Vector2(0, 0.5f); // Upper arrow tip. var upperArrowTipEnd = upperArrowtipStart + new Vector2(-5, -5); var upperLine = new Rect(upperArrowtipStart.x, upperArrowtipStart.y - (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2), (upperArrowTipEnd - upperArrowtipStart).magnitude, lineThickness); // Lower arrow tip. var lowerArrowtipEnd = lowerArrowTipStart + new Vector2(-5, 5); var lowerLine = new Rect(lowerArrowTipStart.x, lowerArrowTipStart.y - (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2), (lowerArrowtipEnd - lowerArrowTipStart).magnitude, lineThickness); if (isEdgeHovered) { // Adjusting position for arrow tip for thicker lines. upperArrowtipStart.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); upperArrowTipEnd.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); upperLine.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); upperLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, .5f); lowerLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, -.5f); // Make end part of arrow expand upwards. branchEndPos.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); } var branch = new Branch(edge, branchStartPos, branchVerticalPartPos, branchEndPos, upperLine, lowerLine, BurstMath.CalculateAngle(upperArrowtipStart, upperArrowTipEnd), BurstMath.CalculateAngle(lowerArrowTipStart, lowerArrowtipEnd)); // Handling whether mouse is hovering over edge. Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosForHover(); // Rotate mousePos so it seems like lower arrow tip is not rotated. Vector2 lowerArrowTipPivot = lowerArrowTipStart; lowerArrowTipPivot.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); Vector2 angledMouseLower = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(lowerArrowTipPivot, lowerArrowtipEnd), mousePos, new Vector2(lowerLine.x,; angledMouseLower.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); Vector2 upperArrowTipPivot = upperArrowtipStart; upperArrowTipPivot.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); Vector2 angleMouseUpper = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(upperArrowTipPivot, upperArrowTipEnd) - 360, mousePos, new Vector2(upperLine.x,; angleMouseUpper.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); if (BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branchStartPos, mousePos) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branchVerticalPartPos, mousePos) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branchEndPos, mousePos) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(lowerLine, angledMouseLower) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(upperLine, angleMouseUpper)) { // Handling whether another branch was already made thick is done in DrawBranch(...). if (!hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(default(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge)) && hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge)) { return branch; } hoveredBranch = branch; } return branch; } /// /// Draws a branch as a jump-able set of boxes. /// /// The branch to draw. /// Depth of the branch. /// Array of possible colors for branches. /// Current view in inspector. private void DrawBranch(Branch branch, int w, Rect workingArea) { bool isBranchHovered = branch.Edge.Equals(hoveredBranch.Edge); Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position; int lineThickness = isBranchHovered ? highlightLineThickness : regLineThickness; GUI.color = _colourWheel[w % _colourWheel.Length]; // Check if hovered but not made thick yet: if (isBranchHovered && !branch.Edge.Equals(_prevHoveredEdge)) { // alter thickness as edge is hovered over. branch.StartHorizontal.height = highlightLineThickness; branch.VerticalLine.width = highlightLineThickness; branch.EndHorizontal.height = highlightLineThickness; branch.UpperLine.height = highlightLineThickness; branch.LowerLine.height = highlightLineThickness; // Adjusting position for arrow tip for thicker lines. branch.UpperLine.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); branch.UpperLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, .5f); branch.LowerLine.position += new Vector2(.5f, -.5f); // Make end part of arrow expand upwards. branch.EndHorizontal.y -= (highlightLineThickness - regLineThickness); } else if (branch.EndHorizontal.height == highlightLineThickness && !isBranchHovered) { // the branch was previously hovered, but is now hidden behind // another branch, that is the one being visually hovered. MakeBranchThin(ref branch); } // Render actual arrows: GUI.Box(branch.StartHorizontal, "", textureStyle); GUI.Box(branch.VerticalLine, "", textureStyle); float yy = branch.EndHorizontal.y - scrollPos.y; if (yy >= 0 && yy < workingArea.height) { GUI.Box(branch.EndHorizontal, "", textureStyle); DrawLine(branch.UpperLine, branch.UpperAngle); DrawLine(branch.LowerLine, branch.LowerAngle); } // Use below instead of buttons, to make the currently hovered edge the jump-able, // and not the edge rendered first i.e. when two edges overlap. if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && isBranchHovered) { Vector2 mousePos = GetMousePosForHover(); // Rotate mousePos so it seems like lower arrow tip is not rotated. Vector2 lowerLineEnd = branch.LowerLine.position; lowerLineEnd.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); lowerLineEnd += new Vector2(-5, 5); Vector2 angledMouseLower = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(branch.LowerLine.position, lowerLineEnd), mousePos, new Vector2(branch.LowerLine.x,; angledMouseLower.y -= (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); // Rotate mousePos so it seems like upper arrow tip isn't rotated. Vector2 upperArrowTipPivot = branch.UpperLine.position; upperArrowTipPivot.y += 2 * (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); Vector2 upperLineEnd = branch.UpperLine.position; upperLineEnd.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); upperLineEnd += new Vector2(-5, -5); Vector2 angleMouseUpper = BurstMath.AnglePoint(BurstMath.CalculateAngle(upperArrowTipPivot, upperLineEnd) - 360, Event.current.mousePosition, new Vector2(branch.UpperLine.x,; angleMouseUpper.y += (int)Mathf.Ceil(lineThickness / 2); // Se if a jump should be made and jump. if (BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.StartHorizontal, mousePos)) { // make end arrow be at mouse cursor. var target = branch.EndHorizontal; target.y += branch.StartHorizontal.y < branch.EndHorizontal.y ? (workingArea.yMax - mousePos.y) : (workingArea.yMin - mousePos.y + highlightLineThickness / 2f); GUI.ScrollTo(target); Event.current.Use(); } else if (BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.EndHorizontal, mousePos) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.LowerLine, angledMouseLower) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.UpperLine, angleMouseUpper) || BurstMath.AdjustedContains(branch.VerticalLine, mousePos)) { var target = branch.StartHorizontal; target.y += branch.StartHorizontal.y < branch.EndHorizontal.y ? workingArea.yMin - mousePos.y + highlightLineThickness / 2 : workingArea.yMax - mousePos.y; GUI.ScrollTo(target); Event.current.Use(); } } } private bool DrawFold(float x, float y, bool state, BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind kind) { var currentBg = GUI.backgroundColor; switch (kind) { case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.None: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Directive: case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Block: GUI.backgroundColor = Color.grey; break; case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Code: GUI.backgroundColor =; break; case BurstDisassembler.AsmBlockKind.Data: GUI.backgroundColor = Color.magenta; break; } var pressed = false; if (state) { pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(x - fontWidth, y, fontWidth, fontHeight), "+"); } else { pressed = GUI.Button(new Rect(x - fontWidth, y, fontWidth, fontHeight), "-"); } GUI.backgroundColor = currentBg; return pressed; } internal void Layout(GUIStyle style, float hPad) { var oldFontHeight = fontHeight; var oldFontWidth = fontWidth; #if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER var cacheWidth0 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("W")); var cacheWidth1 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("WW")); var cacheHeight0 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("\n")); var cacheHeight1 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("\n\n")); fontHeight = cacheHeight1.y - cacheHeight0.y; fontWidth = cacheWidth1.x - cacheWidth0.x; #else var cacheSize0 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("W\n")); var cacheSize1 = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent("WW\n\n")); fontHeight = cacheSize1.y - cacheSize0.y; fontWidth = cacheSize1.x - cacheSize0.x; #endif _verticalPad = fontHeight * 0.5f; // oldFontWidth == 0 means we picked the first target after opening inspector. var diffX = oldFontWidth != 0 ? fontWidth / oldFontWidth : 0.0f; if (HasSelection && (oldFontWidth != fontWidth || oldFontHeight != fontHeight)) { float diffY = fontHeight / oldFontHeight; // We only have to take padding into account for x-axis, as it's the only one with it. selectPos = new Vector2(((selectPos.x - hPad) * diffX) + hPad, diffY * selectPos.y); selectDragPos = new Vector2(((selectDragPos.x - hPad) * diffX) + hPad, diffY * selectDragPos.y); } invalidated = false; var oldFinalAreaSizeX = finalAreaSize.x; finalAreaSize = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); if (_disassembler == null) { LayoutPlain(style); } else { finalAreaSize.y = _initialLineCount * fontHeight; finalAreaSize.x = oldFinalAreaSizeX * diffX; } } /// /// Find accumulated fragment number the block start at. /// /// Block index to start search at. Should match . /// Accumulated fragment number that block start at. internal int GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(int blockIdx, int start, int acc, ref float positionY) { int fragNr = acc; for (int b = start; b < blockIdx; b++) { if (_folded[b]) { fragNr += GetPlainFragments(b).Count; positionY += fontHeight; } else { foreach (var frag in GetPlainFragments(b)) { fragNr++; positionY += frag.lineCount * fontHeight; } } } return fragNr; } internal bool SearchText(SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Regex regx, ref Rect workingArea, bool stopFirstMatch = false, bool focusTop = false) => _disassembler == null ? SearchTextPlain(searchCriteria, regx, ref workingArea, stopFirstMatch, focusTop) : SearchTextEnhanced(searchCriteria, regx, ref workingArea, stopFirstMatch, focusTop); /// /// Searches for every match, and saves each match in . /// /// Search options. /// Used if specifies a regex search. /// Inspector View. /// Whether search should stop at first match. /// Whether match focus should be at the top of view. private bool SearchTextEnhanced(SearchCriteria criteria, Regex regx, ref Rect workingArea, bool stopFirstMatch = false, bool focusTop = false) { var renderStartY = workingArea.y; var renderStartX = workingArea.x; _nrSearchHits = 0; searchHits.Clear(); _activeSearchHitIdx = -1; bool doRepaint = false; float positionY = 0f; int accFragNr = 0; int accBlockNr = 0; int accIdx; int idx = 0; int len; var run = true; while (run && idx < m_Text.Length && ((idx, len) = BurstStringSearch.FindMatch(m_Text, criteria, regx, idx)).idx != -1) { if (stopFirstMatch) run = false; if (len <= 0) { idx++; continue; } int idxEnd = idx + len; // Find block + fragment match starts in: var blockStartInfo = _disassembler.GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(idx, accBlockNr, blocksFragmentsPlain.Length-1); // search hit within a folded block => unfold block. if (_folded[blockStartInfo.idx]) FoldUnfoldBlock(blockStartInfo.idx); // Finds the accumulated fragment number of the first fragment in block accFragNr = GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(blockStartInfo.idx, accBlockNr, accFragNr, ref positionY); int fragNrStart; // Finds actual accumulated fragment we just reached and it's index (fragNrStart, accIdx) = GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdx(idx, blockStartInfo.idx, accFragNr, blockStartInfo.l, ref positionY); var frag1Text = GetPlainFragments(blockStartInfo.idx)[fragNrStart - accFragNr].text; // Make idx relative to fragment: int idxStartInFrag1 = idx - accIdx; int idxEndInFrag1 = Math.Min(idxStartInFrag1 + len, frag1Text.Length); // positionY should be stationed at top of fragment we have hit in. // Need to push it down to the specific line the hit is in. But keep this in a temporary variable so as to not fuck up the property of positionY!!! int exactLineNr = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(frag1Text, idxStartInFrag1); float exactPositionY = positionY + exactLineNr * fontHeight; // Find block + fragment match ends in: var blockEndInfo = _disassembler.GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(idxEnd, blockStartInfo.idx, blocksFragmentsPlain.Length-1); // Finds the accumulated fragment number of match's last fragment accFragNr = GetFragNrFromBlockIdx(blockEndInfo.idx, blockStartInfo.idx, accFragNr, ref positionY); int fragNrEnd; // Finds the actual accumulated fragment number of match last fragment (fragNrEnd, accIdx) = GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdx(idxEnd, blockEndInfo.idx, accFragNr, blockEndInfo.l, ref positionY); accBlockNr = blockEndInfo.idx; if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>()); searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((idxStartInFrag1, idxEndInFrag1, _nrSearchHits)); if (fragNrStart < fragNrEnd) { // match span multiple fragments fragNrStart++; // Already captured this fragment // For every fragment in-between first and last we capture the whole fragment for (; fragNrStart < fragNrEnd; fragNrStart++) { if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>()); searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((0, int.MaxValue, _nrSearchHits)); // Max value to indicate it's the entire fragment } int idxStartInFragN = accIdx; int idxEndInFragN = idxEnd - idxStartInFragN; if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>()); searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((0, idxEndInFragN, _nrSearchHits)); } if (_activeSearchHitIdx < 0 && exactPositionY >= renderStartY) { workingArea = SetScrollOnView(workingArea, frag1Text, exactLineNr, idxStartInFrag1, renderStartX, exactPositionY); doRepaint = true; } idx += len; _nrSearchHits++; } return doRepaint; } private Rect SetScrollOnView(Rect workingArea, string text, int lineNr, int matchIdx, float renderStartX, float goToPosY) { _activeSearchHitIdx = _nrSearchHits; // Make it scroll to this hit var startOfLine = lineNr > 0 ? GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineNr - 1).total + 1 : 0; float positionX = matchIdx - startOfLine; if (positionX * fontWidth > renderStartX) positionX += matchIdx + 3 * fontWidth; else positionX -= 3 * fontWidth; workingArea.x = positionX; workingArea.y = goToPosY + 5 * fontHeight; return workingArea; } /// Works on non-colored text. /// Index we want fragment number from. /// Block to start search in. /// Accumulated fragment number of . /// Start index of . /// (accumulated fragment number, total index for returning fragment number) internal (int fragNr, int idx) GetFragNrFromEnhancedTextIdx(int goal, int blockNrStart, int fragNrStart, int start, ref float positionY) { bool goThroughfrags(int goal, int blockIdx, ref int start, ref int f, ref float positionY) { var frags = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx); for (int i = 0; i < frags.Count; i++) { Fragment frag = frags[i]; int len = frag.text.Length; if (start + len >= goal) { return true; } start += len + 1; // +1 because of newline f++; positionY += frag.lineCount * fontHeight; } return false; } int f = fragNrStart; for (int b = blockNrStart; b < blocksFragmentsPlain.Length; b++) { if (goThroughfrags(goal, b, ref start, ref f, ref positionY)) break; } return (f, start); } /// (accumulated fragment number, total index for returning fragment number) private (int fragNr, int idx) GetFragNrFromPlainTextIdx(int goal, int fragNrStart, int start, ref float positionY) { int i = fragNrStart; for (; i < m_Fragments.Count; i++) { Fragment frag = m_Fragments[i]; int len = frag.text.Length; if (start + len >= goal) { break; } start += len + 1; // +1 because of newline positionY += frag.lineCount * fontHeight; } return (i, start); } private bool SearchTextPlain(SearchCriteria criteria, Regex regx, ref Rect workingArea, bool stopFirstMatch = false, bool focusTop = false) { var renderStartX = workingArea.x; var renderStartY = workingArea.y; _nrSearchHits = 0; searchHits.Clear(); _activeSearchHitIdx = -1; bool doRepaint = false; float positionY = 0f; int idx = 0; int len; int accFragNr = 0; int accFragIdx = 0; var run = true; while (run && idx < m_Text.Length && ((idx, len) = BurstStringSearch.FindMatch(m_Text, criteria, regx, idx)).idx != -1) { if (stopFirstMatch) run = false; if (len <= 0) { idx++; continue; } int idxEnd = idx + len; // Find fragment match start in: (accFragNr, accFragIdx) = GetFragNrFromPlainTextIdx(idx, accFragNr, accFragIdx, ref positionY); int fragNrStart = accFragNr; string frag1Text = m_Fragments[fragNrStart].text; // Get relative index in fragment: int idxStartInFrag1 = idx - accFragIdx; int idxEndInFrag1 = Math.Min(idxStartInFrag1 + len, frag1Text.Length); int exactLineNr = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(frag1Text, idxStartInFrag1); float exactPositionY = positionY + exactLineNr * fontHeight; // Find fragment match end in: (accFragNr, accFragIdx) = GetFragNrFromPlainTextIdx(idxEnd, accFragNr, accFragIdx, ref positionY); int fragNrEnd = accFragNr; if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNrStart)) searchHits.Add(fragNrStart, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>()); searchHits[fragNrStart].Add((idxStartInFrag1, idxEndInFrag1, _nrSearchHits)); if (fragNrStart < fragNrEnd) { // They must directly follow each other int fragNr = fragNrStart + 1; for (; fragNr < fragNrEnd; fragNr++) { if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNr)) searchHits.Add(fragNr, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>()); searchHits[fragNr].Add((0, m_Fragments[fragNr].text.Length, _nrSearchHits)); } int idxStartInFrag2 = idxEnd - accFragIdx; int idxEndInFrag2 = idxEnd - accFragIdx; if (!searchHits.ContainsKey(fragNr)) searchHits.Add(fragNr, new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx, int nr)>()); searchHits[fragNr].Add((idxStartInFrag2, idxEndInFrag2, _nrSearchHits)); } if (_activeSearchHitIdx < 0 && exactPositionY >= renderStartY) { workingArea = SetScrollOnView(workingArea, frag1Text, exactLineNr, idxStartInFrag1, renderStartX, exactPositionY); // ScrollToDuringRepaint(frag1Text, exactLineNr, idxStartInFrag1, len, renderStartX, exactPositionY, workingArea.height, focusTop); doRepaint = true; } idx += len; _nrSearchHits++; } return doRepaint; } private void LayoutPlain(GUIStyle style) { foreach (var frag in m_Fragments) { // Calculate the size as we have hidden control codes in the string var size = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(frag.text)); finalAreaSize.x = Math.Max(finalAreaSize.x, size.x); finalAreaSize.y += frag.lineCount * fontHeight; } } private void AddFoldedStringColorless(int blockIdx) { if (_blocksFragmentsStartPlain[blockIdx].lineCount != 0) return; string text = null; if (!_disassembler.IsColored) { _blocksFragments[blockIdx] ??= RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(blockIdx); text = _blocksFragments[blockIdx][0].text; } else { text = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx)[0].text; } var endOfFirstLineIdx = text.IndexOf('\n'); if (endOfFirstLineIdx == -1) endOfFirstLineIdx = text.Length; _blocksFragmentsStartPlain[blockIdx] = new Fragment() { lineCount = 1, text = text.Substring(0, endOfFirstLineIdx) + " ..." }; } private void AddFoldedString(int blockIdx) { if (_blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx].lineCount != 0) return; // precomputing every block to avoid having runtime check at every access later on _blocksFragments[blockIdx] ??= RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(blockIdx); // precompute string to present for folded block. var text = _blocksFragments[blockIdx][0].text; var endOfFirstLineIdx = text.IndexOf('\n'); if (endOfFirstLineIdx == -1) endOfFirstLineIdx = text.Length; _blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx] = new Fragment() { lineCount = 1, text = text.Substring(0, endOfFirstLineIdx) + " ..." }; } internal void LayoutEnhanced(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers) { Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position; if (showBranchMarkers != _oldShowBranchMarkers) { // need to alter selection according to padding on x-axis. if (showBranchMarkers) { selectPos.x += (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad); selectDragPos.x += (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad); } else { selectPos.x -= (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad); selectDragPos.x -= (horizontalPad - naturalEnhancedPad); } } _oldShowBranchMarkers = showBranchMarkers; // Also computes the first and last blocks to render this time and ensures float positionY = 0.0f; int lNum = 0; _renderBlockStart = -1; _renderBlockEnd = -1; _selectBlockStart = -1; _selectStartY = -1f; _selectBlockEnd = -1; _selectEndY = -1f; for (int idx = 0; idx<_disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++) { var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx]; var blockHeight = block.Length * fontHeight; var lHeight = block.Length; if (_folded[idx]) { blockHeight = fontHeight; lHeight = 1; } blockLine[idx] = lNum; if (_selectBlockStart == -1 && selectPos.y - blockHeight <= positionY) { _selectBlockStart = idx; _selectStartY = positionY; } if (_selectBlockEnd == -1 && (selectDragPos.y - blockHeight <= positionY || idx == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1)) { _selectBlockEnd = idx; _selectEndY = positionY; } // Whole block is above view, or block starts below view. // If at last block and _renderBlockStart == -1, we must have had all block above our scrollPos. // Happens when Scroll view is at bottom and fontSize is decreased. As this forces the scroll view upwards, // we simply set the last block as the one being rendered (avoids an indexOutOfBounds exception). if (((positionY - scrollPos.y + blockHeight) < 0 || (positionY - scrollPos.y) > workingArea.size.y) && !(idx == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1 && _renderBlockStart == -1)) { positionY += blockHeight; lNum += lHeight; continue; } if (_renderBlockStart == -1) { _renderBlockStart = idx; _renderStartY = positionY; } _renderBlockEnd = idx; if (_blocksFragments[idx] == null) { AddFoldedString(idx); foreach (var fragment in _blocksFragments[idx]) { style.CalcMinMaxWidth(new GUIContent(fragment.text), out _, out var maxWidth); if (finalAreaSize.x < maxWidth) { finalAreaSize.x = maxWidth; } } } positionY += blockHeight; lNum += lHeight; } // selection is below last line of assembly. if (_selectBlockStart == -1) { _selectBlockStart = _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1; } } internal string GetStartingColorTag(int blockIdx, int textIdx) { if (!CopyColorTags || !(_disassembler?.IsColored ?? false)) return ""; const int colorTagLength = 15; var text = _folded[blockIdx] ? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text// _blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx].text : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx); var colorTagIdx = text.LastIndexOf("", colorTagIdx, textIdx - colorTagIdx) == -1 ? text.Substring(colorTagIdx, colorTagLength) : ""; } internal string GetEndingColorTag(int blockIdx, int textIdx) { if (!CopyColorTags || !(_disassembler?.IsColored ?? false)) return ""; var text = _folded[blockIdx] ? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text// _blocksFragmentsStart[blockIdx].text : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx); var endColorTagIdx = text.IndexOf("", textIdx); if (endColorTagIdx == -1) return ""; // Check that tag actually belongs for thid idx return text.IndexOf("" : ""; } internal void ChangeCopyMode() { CopyColorTags = !CopyColorTags; // Need to update text selection fields as it should now ignore/use color tags _textSelectionIdxValid = false; UpdateEnhancedSelectTextIdx(_oldShowBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad); } internal void DoSelectionCopy() { // textIdxE = -1 to indicate we want till the end of the block of text. string GetStringFromBlock(int blockIdx, int textIdxS, int textIdxE = -1) { string text; if (_folded[blockIdx]) { text = (CopyColorTags ? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text : GetFragmentStartPlain(blockIdx).text) + '\n'; return textIdxE == -1 ? text.Substring(textIdxS, text.Length - textIdxS) : text.Substring(textIdxS, textIdxE - textIdxS); } if (CopyColorTags) { text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx); if (textIdxE == -1) textIdxE = text.Length; } else { text = m_Text; // Transform textIdxS and textIdxE to absolute index into m_Text var (blockStart, blockEnd) = _disassembler.BlockIdxs[blockIdx]; textIdxS += blockStart; if (textIdxE == -1) textIdxE = blockEnd + 1; // +1 to take newline as well else textIdxE += blockStart; } return text.Substring(textIdxS, textIdxE - textIdxS); } if (!HasSelection) return; var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (_disassembler != null && enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart != enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd) { if (enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx < enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx) { // Multiple block selection var blockIdx = enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx; sb.Append( GetStartingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx) + GetStringFromBlock(blockIdx++, enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx)); for (; blockIdx < enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx; blockIdx++) { sb.Append(GetStringFromBlock(blockIdx, 0)); } sb.Append( GetStringFromBlock(blockIdx, 0, enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx) + GetEndingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx)); } else { // Single block selection sb.Append( GetStartingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx) + GetStringFromBlock( enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart.textIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx) + GetEndingColorTag(enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.blockIdx, enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd.textIdx)); } } else { sb.Append(m_Text.Substring(textSelectionIdx.idx, textSelectionIdx.length)); } EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = sb.ToString(); } internal void SelectAll() { HasSelection = true; selectPos =; selectDragPos = finalAreaSize; if (_disassembler != null) { enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (0, 0); var blockIdx = _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1; enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (blockIdx, !_folded[blockIdx] ? _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx).Length : GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text.Length); _selectBlockStart = 0; _selectBlockEnd = blockIdx; _selectEndY = finalAreaSize.y - (_folded[blockIdx] ? fontHeight : _disassembler.Blocks[blockIdx].Length * fontHeight); } else { textSelectionIdx = (0, m_Text.Length); } _textSelectionIdxValid = true; } private void ScrollDownToSelection(Rect workingArea) { if (!workingArea.Contains(selectDragPos + new Vector2(fontWidth, fontHeight / 2))) { GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(selectDragPos + new Vector2(fontWidth, fontHeight),; } _textSelectionIdxValid = false; } private void ScrollUpToSelection(Rect workingArea) { if (!workingArea.Contains(selectDragPos - new Vector2(0, fontHeight / 2))) { GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(selectDragPos - new Vector2(0, fontHeight),; } _textSelectionIdxValid = false; } internal void MoveSelectionLeft(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers) { HasSelection = true; if (_disassembler != null) { float hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad; string text; int prevLineIdx = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight) - 1; if (selectDragPos.x < hPad + fontWidth) { if (prevLineIdx < 0 && _selectBlockEnd == 0) { // we are at the beginning of the text. return; } if (prevLineIdx < 0 && _selectBlockEnd > 0) { // get text from previous block, and do calculations for that. _selectBlockEnd--; _selectEndY -= _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? fontHeight : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length * fontHeight; (text, prevLineIdx) = !_folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? (_disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd), _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length - 1) : (GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n', 0); } else { text = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n' : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd); } var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, prevLineIdx).relative; selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2; selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight; } else { // simply move selection left. text = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n' : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd); var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, prevLineIdx + 1).relative; if (selectDragPos.x > charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad) selectDragPos.x = hPad + charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2; selectDragPos.x -= fontWidth; } } else { int prevLineIdx = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight) - 1; if (selectDragPos.x < fontWidth) { if (prevLineIdx < 0) { // we are at beginning of the text return; } int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(m_Text, prevLineIdx).relative; selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2; selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight; } else { // simply move selection left. int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(m_Text, prevLineIdx+1).relative; if (selectDragPos.x > charsInLine * fontWidth) { selectDragPos.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + fontWidth / 2; } selectDragPos.x -= fontWidth; } } // check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true. ScrollUpToSelection(workingArea); } internal void MoveSelectionRight(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers) { HasSelection = true; if (_disassembler != null) { var hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad; var text = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? GetFragmentStart(_selectBlockEnd).text + '\n' : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(_selectBlockEnd); var thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight); var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, thisLine).relative; if (selectDragPos.x >= hPad + charsInLine * fontWidth) { // move down a line: thisLine++; int lineCount = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? 1 : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length; if (thisLine > lineCount && _selectBlockEnd == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1) { // We are at the end of the text return; } if (thisLine > lineCount) { // selected into next block. _selectBlockEnd++; _selectEndY += _folded[_selectBlockEnd - 1] ? fontHeight : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd - 1].Length * fontHeight; } selectDragPos.x = hPad + fontWidth/2; selectDragPos.y += fontHeight; } else { // simply move selection right. if (selectDragPos.x < hPad) { selectDragPos.x = hPad + fontWidth / 2; } selectDragPos.x += fontWidth; } } else { int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight); int charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(m_Text, thisLine).relative; if (selectDragPos.x >= charsInLine*fontWidth) { thisLine++; if (thisLine >= _mTextLines) { // we are at end of the text return; } selectDragPos.x = 0f; selectDragPos.y += fontHeight; } else { // simply move selection right. selectDragPos.x += fontWidth; } } // check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true. ScrollDownToSelection(workingArea); } internal void MoveSelectionUp(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers) { HasSelection = true; if (_disassembler != null) { int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight); // At the first line if (thisLine == 0 && _selectBlockEnd == 0) return; if (thisLine == 0) { // We are moving on to a block above _selectBlockEnd--; _selectEndY -= _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? fontHeight : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length * fontHeight; } } else { int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y) / fontHeight) - 1; if (thisLine < 0) return; } selectDragPos.y -= fontHeight; // check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true. ScrollUpToSelection(workingArea); } internal void MoveSelectionDown(Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers) { HasSelection = true; if (_disassembler != null) { int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt((selectDragPos.y - _selectEndY) / fontHeight) + 1; int lineCount = _folded[_selectBlockEnd] ? 0 : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd].Length - 1; if (thisLine > lineCount) { // At the last line if (_selectBlockEnd == _disassembler.Blocks.Count - 1) { return; } // Moved into next block _selectBlockEnd++; _selectEndY += _folded[_selectBlockEnd - 1] ? fontHeight : _disassembler.Blocks[_selectBlockEnd - 1].Length * fontHeight; } } else { int thisLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(selectDragPos.y / fontHeight) + 1; if (thisLine > _mTextLines) return; } selectDragPos.y += fontHeight; // check if we moved outside of view and scroll if true. ScrollDownToSelection(workingArea); } internal bool MouseOutsideView(Rect workingArea, Vector2 mousePos, int controlID) { if (_mouseDown && !workingArea.Contains(mousePos)) { // Mouse was dragged outside of the view. if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID && Event.current.rawType == EventType.MouseUp) { _mouseDown = false; } _mouseOutsideBounds = true; return true; } _mouseOutsideBounds = false; return false; } private Vector2 MouseClickAndClamp(bool showBranchMarkers, Vector2 mousePos) { HasSelection = true; if (_disassembler != null) { float hPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad; // Make sure we cannot set cursor in the horizontal padding: if (mousePos.x < hPad) mousePos.x = hPad; } return mousePos; } internal void MouseClicked(bool showBranchMarkers, bool withShift, Vector2 mousePos, int controlID) { if (_mouseOutsideBounds || mousePos.y > finalAreaSize.y) { return; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; // FocusControl is to take keyboard focus away from the TreeView. GUI.FocusControl("long text"); if (withShift) { mousePos = MouseClickAndClamp(showBranchMarkers, mousePos); selectDragPos = mousePos; _textSelectionIdxValid = false; } else { selectDragPos = mousePos; StopSelection(); } _mouseDown = true; } internal void DragMouse(Vector2 mousePos, bool showBranchMarkers) { if (!_mouseDown || mousePos.y > finalAreaSize.y) { return; } mousePos = MouseClickAndClamp(showBranchMarkers, mousePos); selectDragPos = mousePos; _textSelectionIdxValid = false; } internal void MouseReleased() { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; _mouseDown = false; } internal void DoScroll(Rect workingArea, float mouseRelMoveY) { if (!_mouseDown) { return; } var movingDown = mouseRelMoveY > 0; var room = Mathf.Max(0, movingDown ? finalAreaSize.y - workingArea.yMax : workingArea.yMin); // naturalEnhancedPad magic number taken from unity engine (GUI.cs under EndScrollView). var dist = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(mouseRelMoveY * naturalEnhancedPad), room); selectDragPos.y += movingDown ? dist : -dist; _textSelectionIdxValid = false; } public void MoveView(Direction dir, Rect workingArea) { switch (dir) { case Direction.Left: GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.xMin - 2*fontWidth, workingArea.y, 0, 0)); break; case Direction.Right: GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.xMax + 2*fontWidth, workingArea.y, 0, 0)); break; case Direction.Up: GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.x, workingArea.yMin - 2*fontWidth, 0, 0)); break; case Direction.Down: GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(workingArea.x, workingArea.yMax + 2*fontWidth, 0, 0)); break; } } public void StopSelection() { selectPos = selectDragPos; textSelectionIdx = (0, 0); _textSelectionIdxValid = true; HasSelection = false; } /// /// Renders a blue box relative to text at (positionX, positionY) from start idx to end idx. /// private void RenderLineSelection(float positionX, float positionY, int start, int end, bool IsSelection = true) { const int alignmentPad = 2; var oldColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = IsSelection ? _selectionColor : _searchHitColor; GUI.Box(new Rect(positionX + alignmentPad + start*fontWidth, positionY, (end - start)*fontWidth, fontHeight), "", textureStyle); GUI.color = oldColor; } internal struct FragmentSelectionInfo { public float startY; public float lastY; public float botY; public int startLineEndIdxRel; public int startLine; public int lastLine; public int charsIn; public int charsInDrag; } internal FragmentSelectionInfo PrepareInfoForSelection(float positionX, float positionY, float fragHeight, Fragment frag, Func GetEndIndexOfLine) { const float distanceFromBorder = 0.001f; var text = frag.text; var top = selectPos; var bot = selectDragPos; if (selectPos.y > selectDragPos.y) { top = selectDragPos; bot = selectPos; } // fixing so we only look at things within this current fragment. var start = top.y < positionY ? new Vector2(positionX, positionY) : top; // `y = ... - adjustBottomSlightly` so it is within current fragments outer "border". var last = bot.y < positionY + fragHeight ? bot : new Vector2(finalAreaSize.x, positionY + fragHeight - distanceFromBorder); // Make sure this cannot go beyond number of lines in fragment (zero indexed). var startLine = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.y - positionY) / fontHeight), frag.lineCount-1); var lastLine = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.y - positionY) / fontHeight), frag.lineCount-1); if (startLine == lastLine && start.x > last.x) (start, last) = (last, start); // Used for making sure charsIn and charsInDrag does not exceed line length. var (_, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, startLine); var (_, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, lastLine); // Each fragment does not end on a newline, so we need to add one to idx. if (startLine == frag.lineCount - 1) startLineEndIdxRel++; if (lastLine == frag.lineCount - 1) lastLineEndIdxRel++; var charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - positionX) / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel); var charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.x - positionX) / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel); charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn; charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag; return new FragmentSelectionInfo() {startY = start.y, lastY = last.y, botY = bot.y, startLineEndIdxRel = startLineEndIdxRel, startLine = startLine, lastLine = lastLine, charsIn = charsIn, charsInDrag = charsInDrag}; } private void SelectText(float positionX, float positionY, float fragHeight, Fragment frag, Func GetEndIndexOfLine) { if (!HasSelection || !(BurstMath.WithinRange(selectPos.y, selectDragPos.y, positionY) || BurstMath.WithinRange(selectPos.y, selectDragPos.y, positionY + fragHeight) || BurstMath.WithinRange(positionY, positionY + fragHeight, selectPos.y))) { return; } var inf = PrepareInfoForSelection(positionX, positionY, fragHeight, frag, GetEndIndexOfLine); var text = frag.text; if (BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(inf.lastY, fontHeight) > BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(inf.startY, fontHeight)) { // Multi line selection in this text. int lineEndIdx = inf.startLineEndIdxRel; if (inf.startY != positionY) { // Selection started in this fragment. RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), inf.charsIn, lineEndIdx + 1); inf.startLine++; } for (; inf.startLine < inf.lastLine; inf.startLine++) { lineEndIdx = GetEndIndexOfLine(text, inf.startLine).relative; RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), 0, lineEndIdx + 1); } if (positionY + fragHeight < inf.botY) { // select going into next fragment inf.charsInDrag++; } RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), 0, inf.charsInDrag); } else { // Single line selection in this text segment. int startIdx = inf.charsIn; int endIdx = inf.charsInDrag; if (inf.startY == positionY) { // Selection started in text segment above. startIdx = 0; } if (positionY + fragHeight < inf.botY) { // Selection going into next text segment. endIdx = inf.startLineEndIdxRel + 1; } RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY + (inf.startLine * fontHeight), startIdx, endIdx); } } /// /// Updates _textSelectionIdx based on the position of _selectPos and _selectDragPos. /// /// either GetEndIndexOfPlainLine or GetEndIndexOfColoredLine private void UpdateSelectTextIdx(Func GetEndIndexOfLine) { if (!_textSelectionIdxValid && HasSelection) { var start = selectPos; var last = selectDragPos; if (last.y < start.y) { start = selectDragPos; last = selectPos; } int startLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(start.y / fontHeight); int lastLine = Mathf.FloorToInt(last.y / fontHeight); if (startLine == lastLine && start.x > last.x) { (start, last) = (last, start); } var (startLineEndIdxTotal, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(m_Text, startLine); var (lastLineEndIdxTotal, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfLine(m_Text, lastLine); int charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(start.x / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel); int charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(last.x / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel); charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn; charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag; int selectStartIdx = startLineEndIdxTotal - (startLineEndIdxRel - charsIn); textSelectionIdx = (selectStartIdx, lastLineEndIdxTotal - (lastLineEndIdxRel - charsInDrag) - selectStartIdx); _textSelectionIdxValid = true; } } public void NextSearchHit(bool shift, Rect workingArea) { if (_nrSearchHits <= 0) return; // If shift is held down: Go backwards through active search _activeSearchHitIdx = shift ? (Math.Max(_activeSearchHitIdx, 0) - 1 + _nrSearchHits) % _nrSearchHits : (_activeSearchHitIdx + 1) % _nrSearchHits; // Find fragment number of _activeSearchHit var fragIdx = 0; int prevFragLastHitNr = -1; var activeSearchIdx = _activeSearchHitIdx; foreach (var key in searchHits.Keys) { var hits = searchHits[key]; var nrHits = hits.Count; var hitsLastNr = hits.Last().nr; // If last hit continues into this fragment we subtracted too much if (hits.First().nr == prevFragLastHitNr) activeSearchIdx++; if (hitsLastNr >= _activeSearchHitIdx) { fragIdx = key; break; } activeSearchIdx -= nrHits; prevFragLastHitNr = hitsLastNr; } var hit = searchHits[fragIdx][activeSearchIdx]; // Find y position of _activeSearchHit. int exactLineNumber; string text; var positionY = 0f; if (_disassembler == null) { int i = 0; for (; i < fragIdx; i++) { positionY += m_Fragments[i].lineCount * fontHeight; } text = m_Fragments[i].text; exactLineNumber = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, hit.startIdx); positionY += exactLineNumber * fontHeight; } else { int blockIdx = 0; int innerFragIdx = 0; int tmpFragIdx = 0; for (; tmpFragIdx < fragIdx; blockIdx++) { var frags = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx); if (_folded[blockIdx]) { positionY += fontHeight; tmpFragIdx += frags.Count; } else { for (innerFragIdx = 0; ; innerFragIdx++, tmpFragIdx++) { if (innerFragIdx >= frags.Count) { innerFragIdx = 0; break; } if (tmpFragIdx >= fragIdx) break; positionY += frags[innerFragIdx].lineCount * fontHeight; } } if (innerFragIdx != 0) break; } text = GetPlainFragments(blockIdx)[innerFragIdx].text; exactLineNumber = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, hit.startIdx); positionY += exactLineNumber * fontHeight; } int startOfLine = exactLineNumber > 0 ? GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, exactLineNumber-1).total + 1 : 0; int hitLength = hit.endIdx - hit.startIdx; float positionX = hit.startIdx - startOfLine; if (positionX * fontWidth > workingArea.x) positionX += hitLength + 3 * fontWidth; else positionX -= 3 * fontWidth; GUI.ScrollTo(new Rect(positionX * fontWidth + _actualHorizontalPad, positionY < workingArea.yMin ? positionY - 5 * fontHeight : positionY + 5 * fontHeight, 0, 0)); } public void StopSearching() { _nrSearchHits = 0; searchHits.Clear(); _activeSearchHitIdx = -1; _prevCriteria.filter = String.Empty; } private void RenderMultipleLinesSelection(string text, float positionX, float positionY, int startIdx, int endIdx, bool IsSelection = true) { int lineStart = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, startIdx); int lineEnd = BurstStringSearch.FindLineNr(text, endIdx); // Make idx relative to line int startOfLine = lineStart == 0 ? 0 : GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineStart-1).total + 1; startIdx = startIdx - startOfLine; startOfLine = lineEnd == 0 ? 0 : GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineEnd-1).total + 1; endIdx = endIdx - startOfLine; positionY += (lineStart * fontHeight); if (lineStart == lineEnd) { RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, startIdx, endIdx, IsSelection); } else { int endOfLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineStart).relative; RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, startIdx, endOfLine, IsSelection); lineStart++; positionY += fontHeight; for (; lineStart < lineEnd; lineStart++) { endOfLine = GetEndIndexOfPlainLine(text, lineStart).relative; RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, 0, endOfLine, IsSelection); positionY += fontHeight; } RenderLineSelection(positionX, positionY, 0, endIdx, IsSelection); } } private void RenderPlainOldFragments(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool doSearch) { Vector2 scrollPos = workingArea.position; float positionY = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < m_Fragments.Count; i++) { // if fragment is below view if ((positionY - scrollPos.y) > workingArea.size.y) break; var fragment = m_Fragments[i]; float fragHeight = fragment.lineCount * fontHeight; // if whole fragment is above view if ((positionY - scrollPos.y + fragHeight) < 0) { positionY += fragHeight; continue; } if (doSearch && searchHits.TryGetValue(i, out var lst)) { foreach (var (startI, endI, nr) in lst) { bool isActive = nr == _activeSearchHitIdx; RenderMultipleLinesSelection(fragment.text, horizontalPad, positionY, startI, endI, isActive); } } // we append \n here, as we want it for the selection but not the rendering. SelectText(horizontalPad, positionY, fragHeight, fragment, GetEndIndexOfPlainLine); GUI.Label(new Rect(horizontalPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fragHeight), fragment.text, style); positionY += fragHeight; } UpdateSelectTextIdx(GetEndIndexOfPlainLine); } /// Whether the GUI should be forced to repaint during this frame. public bool Render(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers, bool doSearch, SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Regex regx) { _actualHorizontalPad = showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : naturalEnhancedPad; style.richText = true; if (invalidated) { Layout(style, _actualHorizontalPad); } if (_disassembler != null) { // We always need to call this as its sets up the correct horizontal bar and block rendering LayoutEnhanced(style, workingArea, showBranchMarkers); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { // working area will be valid only during repaint, for the layout event we don't draw the labels // Add correct size Rect to GUILayoutUtillity.topLevel for retrieval with next GetRect(.) call. GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(finalAreaSize.x + (showBranchMarkers ? horizontalPad : 20.0f), finalAreaSize.y); return false; } var newSearch = doSearch && (searchCriteria.filter != "" && !searchCriteria.Equals(_prevCriteria)); _prevCriteria = searchCriteria; var doRepaint = false; if (newSearch) { doRepaint = SearchText(searchCriteria, regx, ref workingArea); if (doRepaint) { // Search found at least one match, so move to the first GUI.ScrollTo(workingArea); } } if (_disassembler == null) { RenderPlainOldFragments(style, workingArea, doSearch); } else { RenderEnhanced(style, workingArea, showBranchMarkers, _actualHorizontalPad, doSearch); } DrawHover(style, workingArea); return doRepaint; } private void TestSelUnderscore(GUIStyle style, Vector2 scrollPos, Rect workingArea) { var current = GUI.color; // Selection GUI.color =; GUI.Box( new Rect(horizontalPad + style.padding.left + fontWidth * 8, + fontHeight * 19, 3 * fontWidth, 1 * fontHeight), "", textureStyle); // Underscored Vector2 start = new Vector2(horizontalPad + style.padding.left + fontWidth * 8, + fontHeight * 20 - 2); Vector2 end = start + new Vector2((3 + 22) * fontWidth, 0 * fontHeight); GUI.color =; DrawLine(start, end, 2); GUI.color = current; } internal void RenderBranches(Rect workingArea) { var color = GUI.color; List branches = new List(); hoveredBranch = default; for (int idx = 0;idx<_disassembler.Blocks.Count; idx++) { var block = _disassembler.Blocks[idx]; if (block.Edges != null) { foreach (var edge in block.Edges) { if (edge.Kind == BurstDisassembler.AsmEdgeKind.OutBound) { var srcLine = blockLine[idx]; if (!_folded[idx]) { srcLine += edge.OriginRef.LineIndex; } var dstBlockIdx = edge.LineRef.BlockIndex; var dstLine = blockLine[dstBlockIdx]; if (!_folded[dstBlockIdx]) { dstLine += edge.LineRef.LineIndex; } int arrowMinY = srcLine; int arrowMaxY = dstLine; if (srcLine > dstLine) { (arrowMinY, arrowMaxY) = (dstLine, srcLine); } if ((dstBlockIdx == idx + 1 && edge.LineRef.LineIndex == 0) // pointing to next line || !(workingArea.yMin <= arrowMaxY * fontHeight && // Arrow not inside view. workingArea.yMax >= arrowMinY * fontHeight)) { continue; } branches.Add(CalculateBranch(edge, horizontalPad - (4 + fontWidth), srcLine * fontHeight, dstLine * fontHeight, lineDepth[idx])); } } } } // Drawing branches while making sure the hovered is rendered at top. foreach (var branch in branches) { if (!branch.Edge.Equals(hoveredBranch.Edge)) { DrawBranch(branch, lineDepth[branch.Edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex], workingArea); } } if (!hoveredBranch.Edge.Equals(default(BurstDisassembler.AsmEdge))) { DrawBranch(hoveredBranch, lineDepth[hoveredBranch.Edge.OriginRef.BlockIndex], workingArea); } _prevHoveredEdge = hoveredBranch.Edge; GUI.color = color; } internal int BumpSelectionXByColorTag(string text, int lineIdxTotal, int charsIn) { bool lastWasStart = true; int colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("', colorTagStart + 1); // +1 as the index calculation is zero based. charsIn += colorTagEnd - colorTagStart + 1; if (lastWasStart) { colorTagStart = text.IndexOf("", colorTagEnd + 1); lastWasStart = false; } else { colorTagStart = text.IndexOf(" last.x) { // _selectDragPos was above and behind _selectPos on same line. (start, last) = (last, start); } var text = _folded[blockIdxStart] ? CopyColorTags ? GetFragmentStart(blockIdxStart).text + '\n' : GetFragmentStartPlain(blockIdxStart).text + '\n' : CopyColorTags ? _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdxStart) : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(blockIdxStart, false); var (startLineEndIdxTotal, startLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, blockStartline); int startOfLineIdx = startLineEndIdxTotal - startLineEndIdxRel; int charsIn = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - hPad) / fontWidth), startLineEndIdxRel); charsIn = charsIn < 0 ? 0 : charsIn; // Adjust charsIn so it takes color tags into considerations. charsIn = BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, startOfLineIdx, charsIn + 1) - 1; // +1 -1 to not bump charsIn when selecting char just after color tag. enhancedTextSelectionIdxStart = (blockIdxStart, startOfLineIdx + charsIn); if (blockIdxStart < blockIdxEnd) { text = _folded[blockIdxEnd] ? CopyColorTags ? GetFragmentStart(blockIdxEnd).text + '\n' : GetFragmentStartPlain(blockIdxEnd).text + '\n' : CopyColorTags ? _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdxEnd) : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(blockIdxEnd, false); } var (lastLineEndIdxTotal, lastLineEndIdxRel) = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine(text, blockEndLine); startOfLineIdx = lastLineEndIdxTotal - lastLineEndIdxRel; int charsInDrag = Math.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt((last.x - hPad) / fontWidth), lastLineEndIdxRel); charsInDrag = charsInDrag < 0 ? 0 : charsInDrag; // Adjust charsInDrag so it takes color tags into considerations. charsInDrag = BumpSelectionXByColorTag(text, startOfLineIdx, charsInDrag); enhancedTextSelectionIdxEnd = (blockIdxEnd, startOfLineIdx + charsInDrag); _textSelectionIdxValid = true; } /// /// Updates selection based on whether was folded or unfolded. /// /// horizontal padding. /// Block idx of folded/unfolded block. /// folded/unfolded block. /// Blocks y-position in textarea. private void UpdateSelectionByFolding(float hPad, int blockIdx, BurstDisassembler.AsmBlock block, float positionY) { // cursor start and end position of selection var start = selectPos; var end = selectDragPos; // selection block start and end var blockStart = _selectBlockStart; var blockEnd = _selectBlockEnd; // top y-coordinate of selections end block var blockEndY = _selectEndY; var rightWaySelect = true; if (start.y > end.y) { (start, end) = (end, start); (blockStart, blockEnd) = (blockEnd, blockStart); blockEndY = _selectStartY; rightWaySelect = false; } if (BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(end.y, fontHeight) - BurstMath.RoundDownToNearest(start.y, fontHeight) < fontHeight && end.x < start.x) { (start, end) = (end, start); rightWaySelect = !rightWaySelect; } var changeY = _folded[blockIdx] ? -Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight : Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight; var charsInLine = GetEndIndexOfColoredLine( _folded[blockIdx] ? GetFragmentStart(blockIdx).text + '\n' : _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx), 0).relative; var thisLineSelect = Mathf.FloorToInt((start.y - positionY) / fontHeight); var thisLineDrag = Mathf.FloorToInt((end.y - positionY) / fontHeight); var selectPosCharsIn = Mathf.FloorToInt((start.x - hPad) / fontWidth); var selectDragPosCharsIn = Mathf.FloorToInt((end.x - hPad) / fontWidth); if (blockStart < blockIdx) { if (blockEnd == blockIdx) { if (thisLineDrag > 0 || (end.x - hPad) / fontWidth > charsInLine) { /* selection starts above touched block but ends in the middle of it. * * b-1 _xxx b-1 _xxx * b xxx_ => b xxx * b+1 ____ b+1 ____ */ // Move selectDragPos onto end of this line. end.y -= thisLineDrag * fontHeight; end.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2; } } else if (blockEnd > blockIdx) { /* selection starts above touched block and ends below it. * * b-1 _xxx * b xxxx * b+1 xx__ */ end.y += changeY; blockEndY += changeY; } } else if (blockStart == blockIdx) { if (blockEnd == blockIdx) { if (thisLineSelect > 0 || selectPosCharsIn > charsInLine) { /* selection starts and ends in the middle of the touched block * * b-1 ____ b-1 ____ * b _xx_ => b _ * b+1 ____ b+1 ____ */ // Make cursor go to the end of line end.y -= thisLineDrag * fontHeight; end.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2; StopSelection(); } else if (thisLineDrag > 0 || selectDragPosCharsIn > charsInLine) { /* selection starts at first line and ends within * * b-1 ____ b-1 ____ * b _xx_ => b x * xxx_ * b+1 ____ b+1 ____ */ // Move selectDragPos onto end of this line. end.y -= thisLineDrag * fontHeight; end.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2; } } else if (blockEnd > blockIdx) { // selection starts either in first line or middle of touched block and ends below it end.y += changeY; if (thisLineSelect > 0 || selectPosCharsIn > charsInLine) { /* selection starts in middle of touched block and ends below it * * b-1 ____ b-1 ____ * b ____ => b ___x * x___ * b+1 xx__ b+1 xx__ */ // Move selectPos onto end of this line. start.y -= thisLineSelect * fontHeight; start.x = charsInLine * fontWidth + hPad + fontWidth / 2; } } } else { start.y += changeY; end.y += changeY; } // Write back changes made during folding/unfolding if (rightWaySelect) { selectPos = start; selectDragPos = end; _selectEndY = blockEndY; } else { selectPos = end; selectDragPos = start; _selectStartY = blockEndY; } if (!HasSelection) selectPos = selectDragPos; else _textSelectionIdxValid = false; } private void FoldUnfoldBlock(int blockIdx) { var block = _disassembler.Blocks[blockIdx]; _folded[blockIdx] = !_folded[blockIdx]; if (_folded[blockIdx]) { finalAreaSize.y -= Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight; AddFoldedString(blockIdx); } else { finalAreaSize.y += Math.Max(block.Length - 1, 1) * fontHeight; } } private void RenderEnhanced(GUIStyle style, Rect workingArea, bool showBranchMarkers, float hPad, bool doSearch) { //TestSelUnderscore(); if (showBranchMarkers) { RenderBranches(workingArea); } var positionY = _renderStartY; var fragNr = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= _renderBlockEnd; i++) { if (i < _renderBlockStart) { if (doSearch) { foreach (var frag in GetPlainFragments(i)) { fragNr++; } } continue; } var block = _disassembler.Blocks[i]; var blockLongEnoughForFold = block.Length > 1; if (blockLongEnoughForFold) { var pressed = DrawFold(hPad - 2, positionY, _folded[i], block.Kind); if (pressed) { FoldUnfoldBlock(i); // Make sure cursor and selection is updated according to the changed folding. UpdateSelectionByFolding(hPad, i, block, positionY); } } if (doSearch) { var tmpPositionY = positionY; for (var tmp = 0; tmp < GetPlainFragments(i).Count; fragNr++, tmp++) { if (searchHits.TryGetValue(fragNr, out var hits)) { if (_folded[i]) FoldUnfoldBlock(i); foreach (var (startIdx, endIdx, nr) in hits) { var isActive = nr == _activeSearchHitIdx; var realEndIdx = endIdx; if (endIdx == int.MaxValue) { var text = GetPlainFragments(i)[tmp].text; realEndIdx = text.Length; RenderMultipleLinesSelection(text, horizontalPad, tmpPositionY, startIdx, realEndIdx, isActive); } else { RenderMultipleLinesSelection( GetPlainFragments(i)[tmp].text, horizontalPad, tmpPositionY, startIdx, realEndIdx, isActive); } } } tmpPositionY += GetPlainFragments(i)[tmp].lineCount * fontHeight; } } if (!_folded[i] || !blockLongEnoughForFold) { for (var j = 0; j < _blocksFragments[i].Count; j++) { var fragment = _blocksFragments[i][j]; var fragLineCount = fragment.lineCount; var fragHeight = fragLineCount * fontHeight; SelectText(hPad, positionY, fragHeight, fragment, _disassembler.IsColored ? GetEndIndexOfColoredLine : GetEndIndexOfPlainLine); GUI.Label(new Rect(hPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fragHeight), fragment.text, style); positionY += fragHeight; } } else { var frag = GetFragmentStart(i); SelectText(hPad, positionY, fontHeight, frag, _disassembler.IsColored ? GetEndIndexOfColoredLine : GetEndIndexOfPlainLine); GUI.Label(new Rect(hPad, positionY, finalAreaSize.x, fontHeight), frag.text, style); positionY += fontHeight; } } UpdateEnhancedSelectTextIdx(hPad); } private List RecomputeFragments(string text) { List result = new List(); string[] pieces = text.Split('\n'); _mTextLines = pieces.Length; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int lineCount = 0; for (int a = 0; a < pieces.Length; a++) { if (b.Length >= kMaxFragment) { b.Remove(b.Length - 1, 1); AddFragment(b, lineCount, result); lineCount = 0; } b.Append(pieces[a]); b.Append('\n'); lineCount++; } if (b.Length > 0) { b.Remove(b.Length - 1, 1); AddFragment(b, lineCount, result); } return result; } private List RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(int blockIdx, bool colored) { var text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(blockIdx, colored).TrimEnd('\n'); return RecomputeFragments(text); } internal List RecomputeFragmentsFromBlock(int blockIdx) { var text = _disassembler.GetOrRenderBlockToText(blockIdx).TrimEnd('\n'); return RecomputeFragments(text); } private static void AddFragment(StringBuilder b, int lineCount, List result) { result.Add(new Fragment() { text = b.ToString(), lineCount = lineCount }); b.Length = 0; } } }